GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

Beware the larpers edition.

Come say what's on your mind!

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Yes, even you JX with that weird infatuation you have with that chick you can't let go of. LET GO ALREADY! Don't make me drown you out with a loop from that song from Frozen.

I want to fuck an alien

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We all, do. We all do...

I just wanted one last date.
You promised you would try.
You didnt.
I dont want to hate you.
I still love you
even if you hurt me
I just want 1 last date, i want you to show me you care

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Stop larping as me. Leave for one second just to lurk the Area 51 raid thread on /x/ and this is what happens.

Anyways, I want to fuck an alien.

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I am so fucking sick of living at my parents house. I need to save money and get the fuck out. I know Jow Forums hates this word, but my mother is fucking toxic in every sense of the word. She is a nasty, nasty cunt who has zero self-awareness and can talk down to me and say things like" I should have aborted you". My dad is a delusional piece of fucking shit, who thinks I keep taking his phenobarbital, and sincerely believes this completely made up story of how he caught me with them.

Big argument today. Big wack in the face if the other day I was accused wasn't.I feellike mysituation isjust FUCKED because I am a no one still trying to figure out what to do with his life. I also have a complicated situation with my GF (Online) so not sure what to do exactly about that.

After a lot of thinking, I decided to ask my only friend around if he would room with me. I didn't want to go down this path, but my stay at my parents is very bad for my mental state, growth, and I don't want to feel like a child anymore. My piece of shit car my father misguided me into buying whole other story, but it broke down the other day. What the fuck man. I literally can't do fucking shit in this community for being so fucking far away from everything. So I have to go to my dad (he steps in regardless) to fix my car. It's just mind wrenching to go to him after these pill accusations.

I hate my situation. I hate it. The only thing keeping me going is my online girlfriend, which I am planning to see during the end of summer (hopefuly, lives 2 hrs away) and officially meet so the relationship continues to grow. I don't really come to Jow Forums but I'm feeling bad.

Want to know how I'm actually doing? Ask the purple hair chick. She tried to help me calm down multiple times. She tried to be next to me when I'm letting out the anger/animalistic age so i would calm down.

I'll be fine eventually. But the anger I have inside is kind of torturing me. You wouldn't understand
You've never been tested in life as I have. I was tortured and destroyed for who I was and now I have to pick up the pieces.
I'm not weak because i have anger. You have never been in my shoes. What you saw was a completely destroyed man. I'm different now.

why is there a heart, anony?

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Any luck on that raid? Score some hot alien chicks yet? If so send us ayylamo nudes!

To break. Something's gotta give, after all.

>animalistic rage

Because so many people are feeling all the feels.

I went through a brief gay period (m) and I used to entertain (online) a lot of guys online but now I'm not even sure if I like dudes and I have no idea how to break them off. They're somewhat serious.

>one last date


you left him hanging on the last one

It's online. You can always change your name and ghost. You can always admit it was a bi-curious phase. Do what feels best.

Break up with them. If they're serious, say you are too. Cut all ties, and blame it on you needing to take a step back. Remember to thank them for the good times you had, and wish then all the best.

I am officially drunk off of my ass. Prepare to deal with me all night, for I have plenty to get off my chest.

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It's set for the date September 20th this year at 3PM. Most people on /x/ don't seem to want to go since there's the risk of arrest or death, off Jow Forums(nel) though people are plotting to raid it, though I think most people just rather watch from the sidelines since raiding a top secret government facility is highly illegal. I'm close enough that I could probably get there in about an hour but I don't think I want to risk it. If I do, I would definitely like to take me some ayy lmao selfies while roleplaying as a Furon in disguise. Or maybe I'll dress up as that one Vulcan from the Star Trek movie during first contact. Yeah... that'd be cool...

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Go ahead. It's what we're all here for. Getting drunk optional.

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Love is an action. Not emotion.

t.closeted homo

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Wunderbar. You folks are the closest thing I have to friends.

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It's amazing to get close to someone, and slowly notice the cracks in their guard. Bunny is probably noticing mine too. But damn, she never seemed this damaged when we were just acquaintances.

I want Bunny to be happy. I want to laugh with her and explore a joy she has been denied for so many years. I want to visit her island, watch her stars, bathe in her sea and breathe in her room. I want to meet her family, who has supposedly never cooked a decent meal ever since her father died. I want to see the garden that her dad left behind. Is it too much to expect, that we will be the best of friends? I'm already happy to give her the long hugs she's brave enough to ask for. Just like that I've taken her into my life and given her a place to stay. I want to be Bunny's friend.

Yet I wince and I hesitate. My guard has a blind spot which I can't take my eyes off. I love him, more than anything, and I fear her presence disturbing that love. Already, when she sleeps in the guest room, we're unable to have sex. Rightfully he has confessed that his crush on her in high school has latent residues in his heart. I trust him to stay with me, and I'm willing to work for it.

But my guard is imperfect. I fear a stab in the back, by a knife held by two people. If they betray me and run off together I think I'll bleed out in my actual best friend's arms on the other side of the country. But I guess I'm the one running off in that case.

Living in Mexico is shit, honestly every day that passes i get more sick and tired of this horrid place. Now that my Mom and a shitty Uncle got into a fight we can finally go back and live a peaceful life. But, even if this country is a shithole, i made some good friends and i'll honestly miss them.

I want to harm them

Threesome with the pet

They're ONLINE dude step away from the screen.
Do they know where you live?

I want to cut off their limbs

I am going to go gay.
I. Afraid of women completely user. I'm so finished now.

Do it. I bet they're too weak to stop you. The strength required to resist a determined and prepared aggressor is much greater than that required to determindly and preparedly aggress. Then rape them for sport. Either sex. Just to really drill it in that you're the captain now.
This is not legal advice. I am not a lawyer.

No. I'm the only one who has been with him. No chance in hell that I'm giving that monopoly up. If she's cuter than me I'm done for.

What'd they do to you user?

She left me earlier this week.
I'm getting close to 30
I have issues killing my feelings for her even though we were only seeing each other for the past couple month
I'm scared of loneliness. And I hate the feeling I have when I know our mutual friends are talking to her

Fuck this

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Shut up you annoying gook.


I want you to be a corpse

I'll always want to harm them

I know you want me dead. Just stop and tell me why.

I'm already on a watchlist for shitposting with some Jow Forumsanuck who got arrested for conspiracy to commit terrorism (later acquitted). It's all good.

I want to tell you how much I want to harm you

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Just tell em man
Go up to them one day tie the up to a pole and gag them so they don't scream and just tell them everything you've wanted to
Then let them go no ones going to believe then

Im eating a lemon right now.

It's like I'm riding a motorcycle up a wall and I have no idea if this is the wall of a building or just a wall and I'm going to crash on my face. I know everything has been cool so far but things never stay cool. Holy shit, if they do stay cool, though, this will be incredible for everyone. Like a brand new happy chapter in history. I want to be able to do all good things and I need to get past doing the bad things so I can do the good things. Because... good things! And now I'm rambling incoherently because I need to get this shit off my mind because if I don't I'm likely to do something stupid in this metaphorical motorcycle ride and crash off the wall entirely. Holy fuckballs.

Wish me luck, bros. This is uncharted waters and insanity.

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I want to push you off a bridge.

Does anyone play Drakengard 3 here?

I didn't know I meant so little to you.

You're my entire world ffs.
How can you NOT see that?

Pic related.

Also, don't think you are a special snowflake who is the only one who knows a bullshit life full of ragepain and other negative emotions. Lots of us here have. It's why we're here instead of in the pleb bin.

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I don't, but the game looks cool. I wish my PS3 wasn't broken.

I truly, fully believe that my girlfriend is the sexiest being to ever exist and everyone thinks I'm weird for it and that I'm just trying to seem like a good boyfriend or whatever but I seriously just think she is. I have for a long time, before we even dated.

Other people even call her ugly and I just don't understand.

Post gf face we'll r8/10

I want someone I can open up to without fearing they will run away.

You're part of the system aren't you
They fucked me and so did you. With your love shit.

I can't be sure if this is your fault. But this gym all the signs and symbols
All of this shit is known by everyone here. They knew i was going to fall like this

Love brings me down? All the symbolism here. I have to start over now because of this?

There is to much symbolism here. You knew what you were doing. I spent years training in a powerlifting gym on my own. I focused only my career and didn't go out.

Wtf. Did you do to me? Is this what i missed from my youth? First actual love?

>You're part of the system aren't you
>They fucked me and so did you. With your love shit.
Tfw the Jews send you a gf to fuck you up mentally

I want to open up to only her. But not here
I would tell her everything about myself!

I miss you. Not the you that left me. The version of you that I fell in love with. Before you moved twice. Before you got into that art school. I miss the version of you that actually loved me and didn't see me as a commodity. That had this immense spark of love in her eyes when she saw me.
I see you everywhere I go these days but you're not here. It's killing me. If I had a dime for every time I thought about you in the last three months, I'd still spend it all to build a bridge to back when we were happy together.

Wherever you are and whatever you do, I hope that at least you're okay. And that maybe, you write me someday.

Art school bitches are all dumb thots that take bbc she's done user you shouldn't have let her go to art school

You misunderstood my joke!

I've always been a bit afraid of the opposite sex. And because of so.ething that's happened today.. my life is over.
I'm terrified of girls user. Getting touched by a female relative made me begin to shake uncontrollably and sweat. I was afraid and uncomfortable.

Well. I must be very important than. They knew my weakness and sent her right in. Like a secret agent on a mission.

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I don't care. Shut the fuck up, okay? Stupid asperging retard.

So on Friday i had the uncommon chance to both hang out with a girl and go to a party to dance and I think I had an epiphany on what I really want

Don’t get me wrong, I love going out to dance, dancing with girls, dancing in general but I dunno, that night and the last time I was out, yes I was dancing with more people than I could’ve imagined years ago but something about it feels empty? I dunno, maybe it was because I just started drinking there or maybe it’s how the girls dance at the particular club I’ve been going to, they’re kinda rough compared to another club I go though where the girls there move with rhythm

All I know now is that while yes I’d love to go out to a club again, I want to go out and date someone even more. Like the girl I hung out with while I feel like I may fumbled a bit, it was really enjoyable and it felt nice. I just want to do it more.

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Have you ever had yuzu? That weeaboo shit helped me learn to love the sour. Hitachino Yuzu Ale. Goddamn so good. Shamless shill. I give an overpriced can to every one of my mates sooner or later.

I once met an art school girl who loved God and drank and did pot just to deal with a world that didn't. I wanted to fuck her but she said she was saving herself until marriage. She kissed me and said I was an honest guy, If I could do it all over I would marry her right then and there. God damn it I hope she's happy. She deserves it. What an angel.

I got this problem recently that involves me deleting almost all contacts on my list and talking to no one whenever I feel like shit/angry
I can't open up with anyone and I deleted my friends and this girl I was flirting to. She likes me back, so I don't think I should give up on her

>Is this what i missed from my youth? First actual love?

Pretty much. And first breakups are worst breakups. Also chill with the paranoia. There is no symbolism. You are wrapped up in memories and emotions you are painting in. Things that might not even have been there at all.

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No I haven't and i've quit alcohol so i'll pass.
Is it sourer than lemon? it looks very sweet ngl

Sorry I'm not tryna have incels jerk off to my lady :// plus I don't have her permission so

I deserve to cut off their limbs

If you delete her whenever you hate yourself or are angry nothing can go wrong. If you you let your issues out on her you will regret it forever. Tread carefully. Her feelings are more important than hers. Not to you, of course, but in the eyes of Eris.

I hope they die

Answer my question.

You should pass. The drink is bad. Good for you. Be strong.
It's not sweeter or sourer than lemon, just different. Umami. If you don't know what that feels like you have to try it. European cuisine has failed us in this category. I recommend a roasted yuzu chicken if you are off of liquor (as you should be, deus vult).
t. unironic weeaboo

I could have probably banged and at least hung out with a girl who I knew was into me last week but I chickened out and didn't hit her up. I'm not a virgin, but I haven't had intimate contact with women beyond mostly platonic hugs in years. I've become so repressed externally and afraid of sex especially with unfamiliar/random people, but I know it's only an issue because of my relative inexperience and self esteem. Sex isn't the most important thing in the world to me but I feel like opportunities are there that I'm not taking/can't achieve for bad reasons. Feels ineffectual man

Jeidicifisjzy udjabzucudh dhduxicbhdjd dhdudjdjjs dhdueibschrvyv ybybybyowmshf fndmvpsiwywydm

That’s how I feel rn



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I'm never gonna stop being a dumbass dammit

Unblock me.

I want to throw myself from a tall building or bridge.

Goddamnit please dont

I'm a coward. Confrontation of any kind terrifies me. I'm practically incapable of initiating social interactions without prompting. I've become a recluse. I leave my home maybe 3 or 4 times a month, to get groceries, to see my therapist, etc. I feel numb. Emotions are rare, fleeting and dull. Most commonly frustration and annoyance, with brief bouts of melancholy. As the years move by faster it becomes more difficult to empathize. I just don't care anymore. At first i thought it was mild autism (aspergers?) since i have a few of the symptoms. Like faces. Peoples body language and expressions are a subtext I can't seem to figure out. Dealing with people is exhausting. My therapist is more concerned with my diagnosis of schizophrenia. Seems convinced that if i don't medicate i will eventually spiral into hallucinations and delusions. I don't think i can survive another hospitalization. Those places are hell. While i might come out the other end technically alive, i don't think my will, my psyche, can take it.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not suicidal. Too much of a coward to commit. Just... patient enough. I guess. I'm content to wait. With my failing healthy and how much i smoke it shouldn't be too long. A decade or two at most. I hope there isn't an after life. Non-existence sounds... peaceful. Quiet. I'm so tired.

Some fundamental part of me is broken and its too much effort to try and put the pieces back together. I'm not even sure it can be done.

Static in my head
I don't know how else to say
Fuck you user. Peace.



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I know a guy that told his gf years ago if she broke up with him he would khs. And she ended up marrying him. They have two kids

The guy said he'll kill himself if she left him as she was about to leave him. Is that what i have to do. That's such a beta move though

Or is that what most "chads" do to keep the girl?

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It's been so long since I've made any real progress that I'm starting to think I've got serious mental issues.

You're not melancholy, just gloomy. If you're sad for a reason you aren't depressed. Talk to people who don't make you hurt with their mere presence. Love them. Those are YOUR people. The ones you were meant to be with. I don't believe in God but I believe a god has a plan for you. Those people are worth it. They are YOUR purpose. YOU. I love you.

This better not be about Monday. I told you to be there

You chickened out. If you're still interested
I'll be there on Monday. Monday night

>Tfw J.X. is Schizo-chan 2.0

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My ex tried that so I called the suicide hotline and they took him away. His parents were furious and he was so angry with me afterwards because it was on his records. He was fine, just manipulative.

Call the bluff.


From my perspective. It's a bullshit move. You're going to kill yourself because of a girl? That's a total beta move imho

Will it work though, i haven't tried something like that yet.

I can't stop this. Not yet
I have a few months left. I have to leave. I don't want to. But i have to. (Not really. If you told me to stay i would)

There are too many coincidences for it to be coincidence. There are gods and one smiles upon me. With silent words She decrees death and life.