How do I get comfortable with not being in shape anymore, and regain some confidence?

How do I get comfortable with not being in shape anymore, and regain some confidence?

Back in my time I was really in-shape, one of those guys who stood outside of Abercrombie, and now I'm a semi-chubby guy. I had an invite to the pool (club-type pool) with some girl and I had to back out because I have no confidence with a shirt off.

How do I accept what I am now? I've gone from the right to the left, instead of the other way around.

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You want to accept mediocrity? Go to the fucking gym, faggot.

>You want to accept mediocrity
Yes. The gym hurts, and spending my time there means I have no time at home after work to do anything I enjoy. I can't just work/gym/sleep/eat five days a week, it kills my mental health.

Bro consistently going to the gym just 30-45 minutes every other day for a year is going to get you in shape as long as you take it seriously, life heavy, and eat right. 2 hours a fucking week isn’t gonna ruin your schedule.

I don't take it seriously, I don't lift heavy, I don't eat right.

I'm an alcoholic with a life-sapping career. But plenty of people are in that mess and have confidence in themselves. That's the problem I'm here to fix.

lol 30 minutes a day at home while watching whatever you're watching is much better than accepting that your body is turning into a pile of rotting shit

I mean you sound like a bitch. Like the easy solution here is to buck up and just improve your body. But here you are looking for a way to go on a mind journey of self acceptable and inner confidence. Most people just stop caring and settle with whatever as they get older, real men work to improve and maintain.

Again, alcoholic. This sounds like a fantastic "solution," but getting out of this rut alone is gonna be first priority before the gym. I totally understand that "just fix it" and "just go to gym" is a thing, but I don't know how to work out, and I'm getting older where I won't see much out of it unless I completely change my lifestyle. Just trying to feel alright about what I got.

This girl wasn't even my dream girl or something, just some random broad, and I couldn't fathom myself going to the pool. I'm totally fine with not caring and settling for whatever, but I can't get over the mental block.

Here's a compromise: Make a little home gym for yourself. For $150 or so, you can get all you need.

>set of dumbells (10 lbs, 15 lbs, 25 lbs)
>barbell (up to 150 lbs)
>a workout bench
>a jump rope
>medicine ball

And you are set. The vast majority of the best workout are using free weights anyway. You don't need a gym membership, trust me. 20 minutes a day of working out and you're golden. Just do push/pull/legs working out 3 times a week. That's an hour a week commitment. That's not so bad, is it?

Get in shape

Attached: gitgud.jpg (480x360, 35K)

No they aren't they just don't talk about it to everyone.

>Tell me how to fix myself without actually changing or fixing anything about me.

I'm not going to do it. I appreciate your effort into putting that together. I've been a lazy shit my entire life, and it's not gonna change. Every time I try, it lasts a couple of weeks and fails.

Why do I know a bunch of jolly chubby-ish dudes then? Is it all fake? Like, Chris Pratt is a great example, plenty of women liked him and his dadbod. I have a good job, friends, and an active life, I just need to step back and get over my own personal mental hurdles, it feels like.

No one is in shape forever, so it has to happen at some point. Or does everyone just completely end up miserable?

I mean do you think that there's a mantra you can repeat and instantly become 100% ok with your physical image? You'll be reminded of it every time you move. Solving that problem is much harder than solving the real issue imo.

> I don't know how to work out
the fuck do you mean dude, it's not some complicated shit. You're most likely overweight just get a bike or start running. You don't have to know much to get in shape. Stop eating shit, start moving more

Attached: goals.png (748x892, 583K)

>Chris Pratt is a great example
dude are you fucking serous, they like him because he's Chris Pratt, no matter what body he has

You don't need a gym, do push ups stop asking for mahjic feelings. You want to feel good when you know your doing wrong. You are not an alcoholic they would never admit it. Try some Tai Chi, just GET OFF YOUR ASS! Nobody cares about fat, you don't want to be called out for being a lazy fuckface. Have you ever vomited from not drinking? No, so not an alcoholic. You want to run from your problems so bad how about you run around the block. MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!

I'm not fat. I'm 6'0, and I waver between 170-190 depending on the time of year and my level of activity, and it's been that way for a while. I'm not totally sedentary.

But I'm not suddenly gonna hit the gym at this point in my life and be ripped. I bike occasionally, walk, try to eat a relatively normal diet and be semi-thoughtful about it, even though I probably have too many cheeseburgers or whatever.

I'm not at the point where anyone is gonna point and laugh when I take my shirt off, I probably look like the majority of the people at the pool. But I'm not comfortable because I used to be really skinny.

Working out has never stuck for me, and I need to just get used to it and feel alright about that. It doesn't mean I'm gonna run off the rails and start getting McDonalds 3 meals a day.

Prove you are not fat

Then how do I be Chris Pratt?

See below your post. Getting into real shape requires a ton more than just going for runs. You need to count calories, lift, make a huge lifestyle change. I'm not a total fat mess, I just need to be comfortable with not being perfect.

I could post any picture of anyone, so not worth the effort. My weight is my weight. I'm self-conscious about it enough to be uncomfortable. I'm just never going to get back to where I was in my early 20s.

How old are you? 27? Lmao.


If you start working out every single day you actually can get results really fast from lifting

20 ppl gave you the answer, to me it seems like you're looking for company rather than the solution

I get it, "lifting is the magical answer to everything."

I'm not lifting. I'm not going to start insanely working out. I have tried it, I have failed at it every time, it is the most miserable, unpleasant thing I've ever done. I did it in college for the pussy and I hated every fucking second of it. I'm not lifting.

Without lifting, is there ANY advice? It's not like I posted this on Jow Forums.

I think you should lift bro.

Attached: 9D295C69-6200-480A-AB71-EB29F8E71894.jpg (568x521, 74K)

Which makes you more miserable: lifting or being fat?

Lifting. I fucking hate it. I hate the time it takes, I hate the pain, I never feel any better, only worse.

First post ITT.
Eat less.
Bodyweight exercises, ie, push-ups.
I've barely read any of the thread, but from what I have, you seem like a whiny little bitch and you've unironically been given solid advice already.

I just try and eat less

Dude, I hate working out. My body is going to fall apart no matter what I do. I'm being given advice I'm not asking for. Working out isn't going to fix my problems when I've proven time and time again I will not stick to it.

Again not fixing my problem.

This isn't a "how do I lose weight" thread. It's a "how do I cope with my body in a slightly uncomfortable spot" thread.

>Being overweight and unhappy with your body
>Getting into shape and being happy with your body
Pick one

You can't tell me that the only people who are comfortable with their bodies are ripped down to their core. But this is obviously getting nowhere, which sucks. I guess everyone on Jow Forums is in perfect shape and never struggles with any kind of confidence ever.

The key isn’t looking good the key is feeling good. You’re not going to feel good/confident if you’re treating your body like shit. Cut back on alcohol. Do some pushups in the morning. Meditate. Take a daily walk. These good habits will lead to other good habits.

>I guess everyone on Jow Forums is in perfect shape.
No, we're just not whiny little bitches.

>I'm being given advice I'm not asking for.
You asked for help getting confidence back. You gave the reason why you don't have confidence any more, and what it would take to get it back. We are connecting the dots.
I'm a fatbody loser that keeps dropping workout routines because yeah, it sucks ass. But you're insecure about being an uggo lardass because no amount of Tumblr body positivity horseshit will change the stark reality that being fat is unattractive. You can't magically flip a switch and just suddenly be happy being fat, so if the advice you're looking for is how to find that switch, >>>/tumblr/, I guess.
Last response, though I see you have enough of a pity-and-sadism party already so that I'll probably see this in the catalog for the next week.

Fat guy here I hate my body, I just love pussy so I take off my shirt and the go for the nips. Stop asking and do it.

This does not cost 150

Nah, I just want to adjust to the reality of the situation. I'm cool with accepting that I'm not going to be in shape again. I have tried, and failed, so many times that it's not worth another go at it. That's me being weak-willed, or not caring enough. One or the other.

But I'd like to have enough confidence to go spend time with friends, or someone asking me to hang out on Bumble, even though I don't look perfect. Most of these people are in good shape, and I feel like I'm going to get laughed at behind my back, even though they're my friends and I know that's not true.

Again, I'm not *fat*, I'm just not in great shape.

Screw it, here's a recent picture, I'm in the blue on the left.

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