Im a black American. Can you prove to me that the president isn't a racist piece of shit?

Im a black American. Can you prove to me that the president isn't a racist piece of shit?

>Inb4 nigger
Yes, i know.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Can you prove you're not a racist piece of shit?

I wish he was...

>Yes, i know.

Yes. I don't hate white people nor do i think I'm "naturally" superior to white people.


Black man walks alone into a white neighborhood. People might lock their doors or call the cops.

White man walks alone into a black neighborhood, he'll be lucking to get out alive...cause niggers will flood out of houses to gang up on them, harass them, assault them and possibly even kill them.

Who's really racist here?

Then why does BLM care about 0.01% of blacks deaths instead of the other 99.9%?

who cares if he is or not
racism is the most overblown issue in the US and it's not even close to anything else

What a worthless nigger you are. If he hated darkies so much would it even matter? Your kind is doing better today than it ever did under king coon. Why is every sambo desperate for white approval? Protip: you will always be hated.

>inb4 nigger

Gay nigger.

fuck off nigger

Trump is philosemitic.

And I am not making this shit up. I experienced this personally in Newport News, Virginia by simply making mistake of cutting through a neighborhood while trying to walk from one place to another and had an entire street of fucking niggers come out of the woodwork and try to curbstomp my ass for simply walking down the street. I ended up with a broken fibula and a lot of head trauma, cause I walked down a street.
Don't tell me about white racism, its no where near as violent as black racism.

He was talking about the regular people there protesting the removal of the statue. He called out the white supremacist and Nazis specifically and said they should be condemned.

You are retarded of you think it was just Nazis protesting.

You are regarded if you think the lefts antagonistic behavior for months leading up to this has no impact.

Kneeler are sons of bitches. They disrespect the flag that was flown when hundreds of thousands died to freed them from slavery, all for a nonsense issue that anyone who thinks mows it is due to where blacks live, and the increased crime committed by blacks.

Why would a black ever think theyre superior to white men? Sage this shitty blogpost, go back to pleddit you fucking spook


This is now a nigger hate thread

>nor do i think I'm "naturally" superior to white people
Good for you, neither do I think I'm superior to niggers. That's all besides the point though.

Almost notice the fresh-from-the-factory folds on the flags they have. It's almost like they never owned one and bought one JUST for this occasion. Wouldn't REAL Nazis already have a flag?

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Me too

I'm not a member of BLM. To assume that i am is prejudice.
But regardless, what makes you think BLM doesn't care about black on black crime? The difference is that black criminals are sent to jail so there's nothing to protest. Black citizens pay the police with tax dollars and then abuse that authority. It's not just about murder, it's about state approved violence.

And yet you use the term "nigger" to refer to me. You know how i know you're full of shit?

White Anglo Saxon here: You are making a false leap of logic. He didn't say he was BLM, a basically racist organization. He said he doesn't hate white people. Just like I'm not racist -- I hate some black people, but certainly not all of them. There are quite a few good ones. People who lump them all together and stereotype are race-baiting kikes. (Also, I don't hate all Jews -- some are pretty cool and don;t like race-baiting or ethnicity baiting either)

>nigger using internet for anything other than porn
heh, riiiiiiight pal

everyone in the top picture is better than the niggers on bottom

this needs an upgrade

How long did it take for you to determine that Trump was a "racist piece of shit" and based on what?

If you saw a rich, blonde-haired white man take the presidency and got angry about it to the point of ascribing false narratives to him to justify your hate to yourself, you might the racist.

Can you prove you didn’t rob a liquor store and shoot the clerk who was black as well?

Trump picked Bobby Lashley to represent him in the battle of the billionaires.

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If you are middle class or below he has done and every day does more for you than king Obama ever did.

Hey do you have one of those funny African American names? Lol

>Black citizens pay the police with tax dollars
The kind of "black citizens" that have to worry about the police (and purely because the police worry about them) aren't paying any taxes, they're using up other peoples' taxes.

This here.

>improve my opinion of Trump

literally no one cares. This isn't twitter.

Never forget your people have settled into parasitism. Only the NOI types want separation. Pathetic.


>And yet you use the term "nigger" to refer to me. You know how i know you're full of shit?
Why are you offended by the word nigger? That has nothing to do with it. You don't get to tell me I can't use that word to describe you, unless you think you're superior to me.

Why do you always play the victim, yet you never act like it?

>Kneeing is disrespecting the country even though soldier have died specifically do that citizens are free to protest the government without consequence

>Flying a treasonous flag (i.e. the Confederate Flag) of a movement that sought to destroy the USA is perfectly fine.

Kys you disingenuous faggot

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White criminals who kill nigger's like you also get sent to jail, so why are you bitching, Tyrone?

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Funny he doesn’t mention the age of person he assaults. I am guessing it was a nine year old

>inb4 nigger
see thats the problem, most people will assume you are a nigger because you are black, and you will act like a nigger because you assume thats how you are perceived. stop acting like niggers and people will stop calling you niggers. the rest of your post is retarded much like you and doesnt deserve a response.

fuck off nigger

>hello fellow white people

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Can you prove to me that niggers since their interactions with White Culture and Freedom granted to them by Whites haven't begged for us to place your black asses on pedestals? While asking to appropriate White Culture?

pro tip : you can't

just relax nigger, because none of you are righteous nor full of Ire

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Did i say you couldn't say it? Did i say i was offered?
It's a free country so you can do what you want. You using that word to describe me shows that you don't respect me or Black people in general. So you're racist.

>prove a negative
This is what sub 85 IQ looks like

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>"Very Fine People"
He said there were good and bad people on both sides. This talking point is so stupid, if anything he threw the left a bone

Kek, what a retarded image. Shouldn't leftist faggots like you actually want them to stay there to remind everyone about slavery?

can you prove that youre not a faggot?

Does Obama live in a white or black neighborhood now? Asking for a friend.

Obey the law.

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>Blacks pay taxes


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Sambo's getting salty. Sorry nigger, the lowest confederate was, is, and always will be 100X better than the greatest of niggerball payers.

Post timestamped hand or you're a champagne socialist white person LARPing as black.

Trump gave that sack of shit 3rd string QB all of his publicity. everyone would have forgotten about his lame protest if Trump hadn't suggested that the NFL should fire any participants. he's a fool who runs his mouth but he's not a racist. why is someone automatically not a fine person just for believing in national socialism? what if it was national socialism for Somalia? would that be racist?

the creases in that plastic flag are 100% proof of glow nig

real ones are handed down via family.

True, but you know niggers would never believe that.

Go back to Africa. You won't because all of the infrastructure and day to day responsibilities are entirely handled and controlled by niggers with no input from anyone else. And it shows.

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Black is what you call yourself. That doesn't mean I have to call you that.

And yeah I'm racist. It's called 'race' for a reason, and not 'casual walk' you fucking nigger.

Because that's what it is: A race to the next genetic bottleneck.

Do black people really hate other blacks that don't hate white people?

>cherry-picking speech then using cherry-picked photographs to support it
are you good for anything but picking crops?

niggers hate everything

...even the actual Nazis didn't tolerate sex crimes among their own. That kneeling prick has done nothing for the girls raped at his university or anywhere. He's a hypocrite.

So if you're actually black I ahve some shit to say. I talked with a black dude yesterday who was over 60+ and lived in the south during jim crow days. He explained to me that racism is institutional and if one person doesn't like another race they are prejudice. Racism is a whole system set on separation but not really equal. So yea man he's not 'racist' or prejudice because he gives a shit about black problems. If he was really prejudice then he wouldn't even give black people the time of day and yet he's so fucking concerned with your people and how most of you have put yourselves in jail. You just prove how stupid and ignorant you are by not even considering the other side. This is why we call you nigger.

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nice eye user truly autistic and appreciated

Republicans couldn't give a shit. White conservatives on the other hand have no problem with leaving up monuments to the largest resistance to the federal tyranny that ever took place. Shills like you suck the tyrant's dick.

neck yourself immediately

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Fucking facts.

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Let's start here.

Jack Johnson was a black man whose literal only "crime" was having a white girlfriend and going on a trip with her. A racist wouldn't have pardoned him.

The first monument commissioned under his presidency is a monument to black soldiers of the civil war. Do you think a confederate flag waving, nigger hating racist would ever celebrate black people fighting for their independence?

And before you say that he's only concerned about his image, let me ask you this.

If you have a performer who's more concerned with their image than their performances, what would you say about that performer?
If you have a politician who's more concerned with their image than their politics, what would you say about that politician?
If you have a racist who's more concerned with their image than their racism, what would you say about that racist?

You should probably know better that in the same speech that Trump mentioned "very fine people" he disavowed Nazis and white supremacists.

Which shows that you enjoy being ignorant and stupid. At least it proves you're black.

Is this from a news article or what? There's no link and there's no source of who's saying it. Anybody could have made that shit up. Pointless post.

Based Trump

If you too fucking stupid to see the truth than you low iq minority doesn’t deserve it. Keep watch your 65” tv and internet mainstream media news. You are brainwashed and if you don’t want to help yourself, then just get the fuck out!

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>m a black American. Can you prove to me that the president isn't a racist piece of shit?

Why would I want to interact with a nigger?

You are the one making the accusation so the burden of proof is you.

>racist piece of shit
Define this first.

Thats not How burden of proof Works.

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Newport News was bad back way before 1995. I lived in Va Bch in 97-8. So nothing has changed in nogtown.

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>If you have a racist who's more concerned with their image than their racism, what would you say about that racist?
I'd say that's a racist who's trying to not appear racist, in order to get approval from others.

black and communist op detected!

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I fucking wish


if only

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Ive got a better question, nigger.

Why should we give a fuck what you think? Fuck you, you entitled monkey. Go back to africa and fuck a hole in the mud.

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Ding ding ding ding!!

yeah but you forgot dumb.
dumb nigger.
not mention no one cares what you think of the president.

He most certainly is racist. All people are. What, you think 300,000 years of human evolution as a tribal species means nothing?

>tautologies are tautologies
Okay, now what would you say about a performer who's more concerned with their image than their performances?
Would you say that person is a good performer?

>black football players
>literally rapists and partner / child abusers
>men that don't want their people to go extinct in their own homeland
Listen nigger that picture is ACCURATE.

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Took his bike and sneakers. Nigger detected 100%!