I'm tired of living in this shithole, I'm looking for a place that will welcome me warmly
Would i pass as a local in your country?
If that's you, what I highly doubt btw, you prolly could pass in eastern Europe
Yes, where I live in Northern BC most people here are European descent (western, eastern, northern, and southern), and there is a large amount of aboriginals as well. Those are considered the locals, while brown's asians and niggers are considered foreign.
You would probably be perceived as either southern/eastern European, possibly slight mix of aboriginal.
Here we have Metis, which are northern/western European british/french mixed with Canadian aboriginal. Latinos are southern European mixed with central American aboriginals. Metis and Latinos are fairly similar genetically, just culturally different. Most metis here are raised like every other white person.
No, you’re not black enough.
You look gorgeous. If that's you of course. I also think you could pass as a local in russia or ukraine cuz you have a slavic looking face.
No, maybe in the balkans.
Damn you're a babe. You can come live with me if you want.
lol you would be one of the whitest people here
anyone passes here, but there are no warm welcomes
If that's you. You will, you're just ugly af
anywhere in the southern or eastern region you can go.
But if you live in amsterdam you could look like a black hole and still pass as a local
you pass well
how long you been taking hormones?
>I'm tired of living in this shithole, I'm looking for a place that will welcome me warmly
They waiting for you.
You can come live with me if you want to be my gf.
Yes, I love south american women so please come
Sweden will welcome you
Sorry my government only takes in low IQ immigrants with a criminal background from shithole countries now.
Catfishing thirsty motherfuckers
You look mixed, probably Slavic. You wouldn't pass as a Norwegian, that's for sure.
would wife/10
Yes as a local nigger
Yeah faggots.
You're a cute looking boy. Also yes.
Thats a boy
Considering that's not you no.
Unlucky you came twice kek
Northern Ireland/Ireland here
Certainly not
>would i pass
"I" ?
Timestamp with Jow Forums please.
Probably not if you opened your mouth, but visually eh, close enough.
Yes, we also have otakus who dye their hair purple in here
Nope sorry, but you can still come anyway
No one would give you a second look in Virginia
Lots of naval bases here. People from all around the world.
>would i pass
no, that's gay
stop trying to make me gay
you probably would desu
but post tits or gtfo
is that a tranny
but we are all same