>Girls get more flirtier with you when they find out you got a gf
Why they do this?
>Girls get more flirtier with you when they find out you got a gf
Why they do this?
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Women are sluts. Surprised?
It's alot like having a reference for a job, some other girl thinks you are worthwhile, so you must be.
But I'd also imagine it also comes with a feeling of safety. "I can harmlessly flirt with this guy because he's in a relationship, so nothing is going to happen". Then sooner or later one party ends up liking the harmless flirting and attention a bit too much.
Women are are already in relationships are also more flirty, because as I said, flirting is just harmless fun if you're already in a relationship and you think "nothing's gonna come of this".
Change filename and you'll be good
>Why they do this?
It is more efficient to go for someone who has been pre-screened, rather than evaluating your worth from scratch.
Cause it makes them subconsciously think you are desirable.
Works the same as marketing, people want the same thing, that they think other people want.
Have sex
Kind of an evolutionary assessment for a good partner.
If a man has a woman it takes out the guess work on whether or not he's a good partner because the other woman has already done the assessing.
>Harmless fun
Except it's not because we're human and retarded, and it starts with harmless fun until sexual tension and desire builds and it starts fucking with your head about your relationship and your feelings and before long you feel like you *have* to experience someone.
Literally how lmao?
Let me reiterate: Have sex.
I did this morning actually and doing it again tonight lol
Keep dreaming lmao
>I am a whore with an incel mindset
Weird flex...
Psychfag here.
This actually is how it works.. Women assess potential mates. There are a lot of variables to assess. It takes a lot of energy. Brains are lazy.
Another woman is fucking him = good enough.
I've noticed this too and it makes sense, I think some of the anons here are right. But why don't guys do the same? Maybe we do subconsciously? Or maybe it's just me who doesn't? Pretty curious, it feels like with guys the opposite happens, they give a girl less importance once they learn they're engaged
Women can have one baby a year.
Men can have as many as they can splooge.
Women are more selective.
Men'll fuck about anything. We don't have the same assessment processes as women do. We want the best we can get in the moment.
The desire to find a mate is fulfilled when a man successfully initiates and establishes a relationship with a woman. His "purpose" is complete.
A woman's desire to find suitable partners remains until there is a baby brewing in them for 9 months. Otherwise she goes by typical criteria to judge attractiveness like physical, financial, or social among others and part of the social aspect of it is a man's ability to find a mate on his own. If another woman deemed that man worthy, his partnership MUST be of some value.
Psychfag again.
Counterintuitively there is no instinct to have babies. Not for men, not for women. The instinct is we're driven to sex. The baby is the result. That's how evolution designed that little system.
Think about it. If the instinct was to have babies pregnancy would always be a euphoric experience that feels even better than sex. But it isn't for many. It's fear and anxiety inducing unless it was consciously planned and desired. That's because we're using our brains at that point. Nothing is triggering us to feel good about it.
Please point out the incel mindset.
Give me the actual quote.
Having sex =/= a whore.
Get it over with and have sex.
Everyone can do it, literally everyone around you is constantly doing it.
Do you want to be the only one being left out?
No because his life is terrible and no one likes him and refusing to have sex and taking the moral high ground is all he has left to feel like he's worth more than others.
Source? Would love to read literature on this topic.
getting a guy who is single is too easy. getting a guy to cheat/leave for you means you must be fairly desirable. simple ego, that's it. don't overthink it. people's motivations usually aren't that complicated.
You know how a little kid would be playing with his Transformer toy and completely ignore his Power Ranger toy, but then his brother would come grab the Power Ranger and play with it so now he wants to play Power Rangers instead of Transformers and tries to take his toy back? It’s like that but with dicks
Here's a decent article for you to read for interest. Bear with me, I'm trying to find academic sources too but the conversation is a pretty good source and follows some good guidelines.
You'll be interested to know too that with child care the woman is responding to gestational hormones that come after the fact, and then oxytocin post birth.
It's all a one thing leads to another process because as I said in another post about another thing, brains are lazy and kind of shoddy lol. There is no long term plan that isn't consciously and logically thought out.
So women are like children? Pretty much
He said, while anonymously shitposting on an Anime forum for 6 hours straight.
>Girls get more flirtier with you when they find out you got a gf
it's a shit test, they know you won't chase it since you committed, it's their way of being midget asshole, they like the look on your face when you interested even though they don't want to know you, attention whoredome
the same reason men do it, everyone is a little sociopathic
That's not what a shit test is.
A shit test is to see if you are confident enough to take some shit and if you pass you earn a bit of attraction.
>you are confident enough to take some pussy b8 and if you take the pussy b8 she'll reject you anyway
>if you don't take the b8 she'll feel offended
either way you won't get any cause they know you committed and that's not ok, unless she's a slut
Female psychology is heavily influenced by supply and demand.
If you can't supply, they demand
You need to read up on what a shit test is.
I'm telling you how it went, fuck your test you hyperbolic legendary cunt.
They may but its because they know you are taken and therefore safe to play with.
One thing I have noticed as well is a girl in a relationship gets more flirty with lots of sexual innuendo.
Have sex.
Jerk it in the corner, cuck.
I was not even a part of this exchange in the end.
You still need to look up what shit test means, cause it means something else than what you think.
Respond to flirting with " bla bla bla yes my gf bla bla bla, I'm not sure how I'm gonna propose yet have any ideas? " This makes them go primal
People are children
Make me, cumbrain
they feel secure in harmless flirting since u have a gf. kind of like how gay guys can attend sleepovers at a girls house or some shit
just jerk off you hormonal autist. self-control is part of the human condition. also u sound pretty entitled
The majority of women are on an ego trip. Other women are only competitors. And that is something I say as a female myself. It is disgusting that they actively seek to destroy relationships to make themselves feel better. Its always about them- what they like, what they want but somebody else has. They will flirt in front of you with your boyfriend, not because they are all now suddently interested in him- they are only interested in making you feel like shit. Sometimes I think thats their main purpose: making other people feel bad under the disguise of being super friendly.
women are less evolved than men so there is still some residual primate behavior
You niggers want to experience some real trippy shit? Wear a ring.
Whores for days.
This is the most correct answer, the phenomena can be referred to as 'social proof'.
Just fuck prostitutes man. don't get caught up in their relationship games designed to trap you into slavery forever.
They don’t thats probably the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard and if you told me that irl I would still call you retarded you retard
So when you say 'have sex', you talking about making intimacy and love with someone, or just some fucking? You can have sex with women for money, but not every one will be sharing some love with you. And same shit for woman - she can fuck some guys for free, but that's just instincts and no love. So you eather suggesting to fuck prostitutes or get involved into love and relationship that we all desire and can't get.
At that note, I can genuinely say, go sex yourself
Literally how? Evolution happens in the genes. The only genes men have and women lack are in the Y chromosome which is a stunted tiny chromosome whith very little genes inside compared to other chromosomes. What the fuck is „more evolved“ even supposed to mean? Evolution doesn‘t have a direction or a goal. God you people are so stupid it makes me sick.
I second this, the ring has a magical effect that ratchets you up a few notches, its like seeing that shiny little chunk of gold sums up all of their romantic urges.
In some ways it seems women are just trying to see if you’re a serial killer or not.
because they want what they cant have. simple math.
>>cant ride 2 horses with only one ass boy.
Ass-boy can’t ride.
Evolution is a creative technique in time and space and the direction it takes is survival of the fittest. In the end only the worthwhile will become 2.0
Because a man getting access to vagina is seen as a challenge, but a woman giving vagina is not, thus her being in a relationship proves nothing of value to us.
>tits or gtfo
That's called rape, hun.
Because if you are already dating another girl, you probably bathe, brush your teeth and know how to use your dick
Meaning she doesn't have to teach you that
That's why girls flirt with taken men
But fit doesn‘t mean what you think it means. Sometimes becoming more basal again is the fittest developement. Look at slime eels. They descended from fish with a backbone and lost that backbone because the circumstances demanded it. Intelligence and „complexity“ can be fitness, but by no means under all circumstances.