Do girls really dump their boyfriends because of small penis size or inaptitude in bed? Isn’t it really shallow and minute in the grand
scheme of things? Maybe I’m just
not interested in sex that much.
Pic unrelated
Do girls really dump their boyfriends because of small penis size or inaptitude in bed...
I've never heard of such a thing happening but probably because it's not something people would openly admit (women because it makes them seem shallow and men because it makes them seem inadequate).
I doubt it would happen often.
No. Most people keep having sub par sex so they don't feel shallow.
I personally had terrible sex for 7 years before I broke up with my ex boyfriend, never had one orgasm (o n e).
Females are garbage as soon as you meet one you will learn
Haha now you are used and no one wants you. Gj slut
I'm married and have a child.
Thanks tho?
t. virgin
Frozen eggs are not children slut
Yes. Sex is the bedrock of any meaningful relationship. The higher the pleasure the better the quality of the relationship. Sorry tiny dick freak
I'm aware. I have a child, like, a one year old human being that I popped out of my vagina.
Yes, if your girlfriend was terrible at sex would you stick around?
That's your womb which fell out from shame
I'm pretty sure my child is a kid and not an organ.
I'm not ashamed of having had sex with a guy I dated for over 7 years and the guy I married. Neither is my womb, it is doing pretty fine.
>supposedly is female
>supposedly has a kid
>posts on Jow Forums
You're a great "mum"
Communication is the bedrock, good sex is just part of a great relationship.
Yes. Shitposting doesn't impair my parenting abilities.
Incel lmao
I dumped a guy for bad sex, that wasn't the only reason, but it was the main one. We were together for about a year and a half and he wouldn't do anything to get better in bed or spice things up. I don't really care if it makes me seen shallow, being sexually compatible is important in a LTR.
Whatever makes you feel better about being alone
It's probably good practice for dealing with petulant children like yourself
>Do girls really
It doesnt matter what the rest of this sentence is. The answer is: some of them. Women are not a monolith of robots programmed the exact same way. Different women have different priorities in a relationship. You may or may not get dumped for poor sexual performance.
In my experience (5.5"), women who need something bigger are satisfied with me using a larger toy on them.
>Isn't it shallow?
Yes. So is this thread.
>ineptitude in bed
They will cheat but if they don't want that type of relationship they'll quit.
Also frigid girls or unhealthy ones won't mind.
>needs toys
The rest of your post was cope but this... this is COPE lmao
What does unhealthy even mean?
Me being born with a 4.5” was not my fault, it wasn’t my decision. I can’t do anything about it. I swear I’m not a bad person, I always try to not make bad decisions in my life but why do I not deserve a healthy relationship with a healthy person?
I fucking hate it, it makes me sick in the stomach.
I don’t deserve this punishment.
A healthy person wants sex they like, not their fault you can't provide that. Their right to seek someone else.
Shouldn’t a healthy person also communicate what they like and try to get the other person to work on it together? Like, do they even LOVE their partner?
If you're not interested in sex that much, you are never going to complain ever when your gf never wants to have sex with you and you stay a virgin forever. Right OP?
What's there to communicate? You can't get a bigger penis.
Not OP, but as long as they don’t seek sex from someone else, as long as they’re not turned on by other guys, I’m fine with that. I don’t need sex, I don’t need orgasm, I just to be validated by women. I need to be good enough for women, I wouldn’t care if they suck at everything.
That is so shallow. A healthy person can’t be shallow. So I wouldn’t mind them going, cus they’re not healthy.
Also, idk, I might try using extender, I hope they work.
Yes you can. These incel excuses are getting really bland
Look it up. Not doing your homework for you bud.
I’ve done my homework. None of them works, I’ve read reviews etc. They’re quite dangerous also.
Keep making excuses. You people really are pathetic.
WHERE ARE THE WOMEN? I need women’s opinions here. I don’t need insights from men. I don’t trust you, you’re all my competition and none of you truly cares about my wellbeing.
Any woman, please share your thoughts on this please. If you’re a guy don’t even try to advice us on anything. Anything that comes out of your mouth is part of a grand scheme to take us out of the competition.
Tell me what methods that might work. I know all the famous methods but they’re pretty dangerous and ineffective.
Once again; not doing the hard work for you. This is exactly why you are a pathetic incel to begin with. Always so apt to shift responsibility onto other people so you never have to do anything. Grow up or fuck off
I am NOT lazy. I have a job so I CANNOT be lazy. I’m just not a risk taker. If my dick stop working, who’s gonna be responsible for that, huh?
God, I really have to punch something right now.
The G spot in only 3 inches in.
Go on you angry little man. This is exactly why people (women) won't love you. Get your temper and indolence in order. In other words; grow up.
Straight women who are OK with being virgins forever are either nuns or hardcore feminists. Neither is particularly fond of the company of men.
The question is, if I grow up, would women love me even though I’m below average? And would they NOT be turned on by other men who are above average? If the answer is no, then I don’t have any reason to grow up.
For some people (like me) sex is inextricable for emotional intimacy with a partner, if the sex life is bad some people can never feel truly connected to the other person. I dated a guy for 7 months and we only had attempts at having sex because he could barely keep it up for longer than 30 seconds and had almost no sex drive. I once laid naked in his bed when he came back and he just ignored me and went back to what he was doing. This caused a huge distancing in our relationship which quickly crumbled.
Okay then I’ll just go for the normal ones. It’s just that I have a small penis. Will they cheat on me? Will they leave me?
Idk, I think I need to get into drinking. I’m not alcoholic but I might try.
See? Running away from responsibility again. You can get a bigger penis but you refuse to. You can become attractive and you refuse to. You can do all of this and more and. You. Refuse.
Ok stop the bullshit and tell me your thoughts about size.
If they love you, they won't. But nobody loves someone not worthy of their love.
I can only tell you from listening to stories and vents from my (girl) friends. Never heard size complaints, but about performance there were plenty. Most of the time not enough romantic gestures during foreplay and during sex itself. Apparently kissing, cuddling and caressing will go a longer way than your penis (heh)
He had a big dick and I still couldn’t stay with him so there’s that. There’s also such thing as too big. I’m happy with my average bf, I’ve never measured but maybe 6 inches? 6.5?
Small dick is like loose pussy I guess, it’s sad but you can’t really do anything about it except maybe find a really small frame girl or a girl with vaginismus.
Imagine being this much of a slut holy shit lmao
I want a bigger penis, only if I can see the effectiveness of it. I don’t gamble, cus I’m not stupid. If it’s proven to be consistently effective, then I’ll go for it. But no methods are actually effective and safe. Don’t believe me? Look it up.
I’m attractive. But my anger is the rational results to my genetic deformity, which is my small penis.
What should a man have, in order to be worthy of love?
Okay well I don’t care then. All of those things are easily manipulated/trained. Easy fixable things.
The primal purpose of all humans is sex and is essential for pair bonding. The lack of that in a long term relationship is just being friends who sleep in the same bed.
>I want something but won't do anything to get it
Sure thing bud. Living with the cognitive dissonance of an incel must be torture
Imagine being this much of a low intelligent idiot to keep failing on getting my point. I’m done with you, monkey.
>and that's a bad thing
It's good I have no friends because if I heard someone say this shit in real life I'd probably do nothing but feel hopeless inside
My bf supports me, is on my side, listens to me, helps me, offes me comfort... that kinda thing makes a man worthy of love.
Go away incel. It's obvious you're not capable of handling adulthood
Well ok that’s easily fixable and I can always fake it if I have to. I can’t fake size though.
short answer: yes/sorry
long answer: it depends on the women, their sex drive, and how much sex means to them in a relationship.
I guess you forgot that this is not your thread, monkey. Fucking dumb mindless city dwelling idiot.
Sing little incel, sing! This is gold
What about the size? Please talk about the size.
Are you sure you aren’t just asexual or sex repulsed?
The instinctual NEED of any biological adult female with working endocrine and reproductive systems is to be penetrated by the male they are bonded to. Getting in the way of nature just never works out.
Stop being so insecure about your dick
No, I've got a high sex drive (although I'm a virgin). I understand wanting sex. it's just funny hearing that women are actually like this when so many try and say they aren't. It also lends credibility to the idea that women are promiscuous and such but I don't care about that since I'm an incel and will die a virgin
This. Just become secure, op.
If I stop being small maybe I can stop being insecure about it.
pfft some guys are growers idk specific numbers but I don't expect guys to have a porn sized turbo dicks. If you're average or slightly below that's fine.
Fuck off incel
What part of sex=intimacy don’t you understand? Sex isn’t necessarily a dirty thing but a beautiful union of two souls when there’s love and affection and bonding. It’s not promiscuous to want to be one with the person you love. It’s just being human. People don’t really acknowledge it publicly because who wants to talk about their sexual desires with random people irl that’s just weird.
I do. Many women just like to be intimate with many men, that's all. I'm sure you genuinely deluded yourself into liking whatever chap you latched onto
As long as you have a functional dick (not micropenis, not horribly disfigured, not have ED) you're good for me.
>fucks a bigger guy on the side
But are above average dicks a nicer surprise to you? I’m not talking monster, I’m talking 6.5”-7”. Would it make the relationship even spicier and more exciting if the guy has that dick?
Not really? I had pretty decent sex with a guy who was 4.5". He was very attentive, ate me out well, made me come with his dick too. Nothing to complain.
Yes, of course. Bigger is a nice surprise and makes the relationship last longer.
Are you still the same woman who replied to me, or are you a guy? Don’t joke around please, be serious. Someone could commit suicide or get into bad habits like alcoholism.
I hear girls say things like they wouldn't be with their boyfriends if he didn't have a big dick. Shallow as fuck.
The same girl.
In 2019 it’s considered normal and acceptable. Makes me want to rob a bank, there’s no point in being a good likable person anymore. I’d pull off a really good and dramatic bank robbery.
But what about marriage? Can marriage last long if the guy is below average? I mean, can the marriage last without the woman secretly wishing to try other guys on the side?
The marriage can last once we get it out of our systems. That's why the marriage age is so late now. We fuck while we can until it's time to settle down. Once our sex drive goes down, the need for intimacy does too. If the guy wants kids, well, you don't have to fuck every day for that to happen. Marriages can last long with small dicked men. Usually the woman will dream about bigger dicks but she can suck it up if he provides her with a good life. If it's really bad she might sneak in some other guys here and there but that doesn't hurt anyone
God, this thread is so tense, it’s giving me a headache. I think I need to smoke. Also, I need to get into a hobby, just to steer myself away from thinking about women. It’s hopeless, I’m hopeless. I’m only 4.5”, I can’t trust anyone.
God, that is so depressing. I wouldn’t want a woman who doesn’t expect a good sex from me. This is really sad and depressing, I can’t.
Had sex with a guy as big as you, and he was pretty awesome.
Honestly as long as you try to get me off, you will most likely manage.
become a trap user
god I'd love to fuck a small cute ladyboy like you
that being said, 4.5" is 11cm
it's not great but not horrible either
I'm 16cm length and 15cm girth, I feel inadequate in my girth because it's average/slightly below average
atleast one partner told me she had bigger, but she didn't think it was small
the worst thing about small dicks is their sense of absolute inferiority becauae of their small dicks
it's kinda funny because if they didn't act like that, nobody would be able to see that theyre small dicks
>pretends to be pleased so he keeps buying her meals
Sad. Simply sad.
Lol reminds me of the threads on /gif/
>guys getting cucked by a girls hand bc he can't fuck her to orgasm thread
I guess if I really have to be married someday, I’ll be extra cautious about her sneaking in other guys. Every day every second I’ll pay attention to everything closely.
Doesn’t seem like a comfortable life but I was born with a small dick, which means I was not destined for a good, relaxed, comfortable life.
That's just the way it is. It's called "settling" for a reason. We can't all have big dick models and that's something we have to live with
He dumped me 6 years ago.
He was objectively pretty good in bed, no complaints. Better than a guy 2 inches bigger than him.
Also he was much poorer than me and I paid most of our dates.
You don't have to marry, but honestly, you stepping up to the plate when a woman Is ready to start a family is a really strong thing to do. You'll make her happy and that alone should make you feel good. Anyhow, her finding occasional pleasure elsewhere isn't going to kill you. Trust me
This story gets more believable with every post you make, roast
Well I guess I just shouldn’t date anyone then. Some girls in my workplace are showing their interests in me but they don’t know what I’m packing. My future marriage life WILL suck, it will be filled with the woman cheating on me, so I just don’t want to do anything with these women. The urge is gone.
Shut up bitch I just read all your previous posts you can't backtrack on it now and expect me to believe you.
That's a sad outlook but the internet does that to people. There's nothing wrong with being a woman's chosen one. She might not be exceptionally happy about it, but the stability you provide her is more important at that stage in life than sexual pleasure.
honestly user (I too doubt you're a woman.)
if an r9k robot thinks that women are w
garbage who'll dump him for his small dick, eventually he'll make it so some girl dumps him over his small dick, just to be right in his own mind.
>worse in bed than 4.5"
yeah that's kinda unbelievable and why I think you're a male trolling.
even if it's a deepfake, the post is not wrong, some girls are capable of being satisfied by a slightly smaller dick
not alot, most are size whores obviously, but someone might love a 4.5" dick and the guy attached to it. Maybe a 13 year old girl with down syndrome and autism.
What? These are my posts:
I'm not backtracking, I said the same thing twice.