@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

WH Public Pool/Schedule:

>Pres Trump meets w/bff Japan PM Abe 4/26/19
>Pres Trump welcomes bff Japan PM Abe 4/26/19
>Pres Trump/VP Pence @NRA-ILA Leadership Forum 4/26/19
>Pres Trump arrives in Indianapolis IN 4/26/19
>Pres Trump departs DC 4/26/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 4/26/19
>SoS Pompeo @StateDept on 1 Team 1 Mission Ethos 4/26/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/Kazakhstani NSCChair Masimov 4/26/19
>FBIDir Wray @CFR on Global Threats 4/26/19
>NECDir Kudlow on Newsmax 4/26/19
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 4/26/19
>CEAChair Hassett on CNBC 4/26/19
>USBPOpsChief Hastings on FoxNews 4/26/19
>Bannon/Bass on CNBC 4/26/19
>This Week@State 4/26/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Drug Abuse Summit 4/26/19
>WHVideo: PressSec Sarah @Take Your Kids to Work Day 4/26/19
>WHVideo: 2019 WH Take Your Kids to Work Day 4/26/19
>Pres Trump on Hannity 4/25/19

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:





Hold me lads
Love you good anons.

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More McDonald's for Donald then.

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Giant corporations could not compete with local business if the USA did not protect all the shipping routes in the world and keep the price of shipping long distance artificially low. Boomers subsidize international trade at the expense of Zoomers.

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This nigger really trying to take credit for Al Franken?

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Trump is the man with the master plan. Have some faith. He is doing great. MAGA

>This was the moment I jumped on the Trump train to MAGA
>Best Trump Speech
>The Lion

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Is Brett thee best anchor in news?
Brett acts way a news man should fair balanced and unafraid.

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GDP is shit measurement for how well the country is doing.

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The problem is that when you go back to context and connotation instead of autistic literalism and Scofield, you end up with "upon this rock (St. Peter) I shall build my church", "extra ecclesiam nulla salus", and condemning all Protestants to hellfire, including all Evangelicals. Forcing 80 million people to admit that the past 500 years of their ancestors are burning in hell because of 16th century theological disputes would be an incredibly hard sell.

This is why I consider Martin Luther to be the biggest traitor against the white race in all of history. Without a unified, worldly chain of authority and apostolic descent, Christianity fell completely the fuck apart in less than 400 years.

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Trump may attend sumo match during visit to Japan

The president is scheduled to travel to Tokyo next month when he will be the first foreign leader to meet Japan’s new emperor. Crown Prince Naruhito will succeed his father, Akihito, who is abdicating on Wednesday.

Trump said he was not sure if he would make the installation of a new emperor but decided to attend the “big event” when Abe told him it was 100 times bigger than the Super Bowl.

I hear Trump was stumping at the NRA today .. how was the speech ?

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baboon brain takes credit for everything

still no actual figure posted on the governments website. updates take 30 seconds



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thats a lot of f's

They're really neat spectacles in person

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So tariffs really aren't de facto economy killers

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>Trump said he was not sure if he would make the installation of a new emperor but decided to attend the “big event” when Abe told him it was 100 times bigger than the Super Bowl.
Kek, Abe knows how to talk to Trump.

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Thank the Lord we're not signing onto that (((UN arms treaty))).


great, you should watch it

The New York Jewish communities are the major source of the measles outbreak but the goddamn spamming shills keep spamming Jow Forums. I know you goddamn Zionist cock suckers of /ptg/ suck kike cock as hard as you goddamn can but you better push back against these goddamn spammers.

"My Fellow Hasidic Jews Are Making a Terrible Mistake About Vaccinations "

"Many of those cases can be traced to ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities in New York."

"Religious Objections to the Measles Vaccine? Get the Shots, Faith Leaders Say "

"Between Anti-vaxxers and anti-Semitism: N.Y.C.’s Orthodox Jews' War Against Measles"

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Nobody here disputes that shit, though. It's because the vaccines contain pork products, right? The shalom sandniggers are crying about their kosher rules being violated.

Tariffs are bad when Trump issues them

Is she allowed in America?

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If the Trump presidency has taught us anything, it's that sandnigger refugee economists either a, don't know a fucking thing, or b, are actively trying to destroy America's economy.

Jeez, so it just looks like all christian churches need to be completely gutted and reformed. Because any expression of christianity now is so "good goyim" social control. Catholics and protestants can fling shit at each other all day, but one is kissing nigger feet, the other one is taking down crosses outside to not offend muslims, one says that unrepentant fags can go to heaven, the other is planning a missionary trip to Liberia when their own nation is racked with poverty.

the only thing I really care about though, is for people to have a divinely inspired courage and sense of truth and righteousness when it comes to defending their race. There is no hope for humanity without white people. It all devolves back into, at best, human meatgrinder chink barbarism. Only whites are the breed of humans with the Faustian spirit of learning for the sake of learning, pushing the boundaries of human achievement just to see if they can. Just the right blend of smart and crazy to get us to the heights we as a species enjoy the fruits of.

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It was great. You can always count on Trump to stand up for the 2nd amendment and not fold while the pressure is on him to do so, and then pretend that it never happened later on. Pic related.

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Have a lovely weekend, all.

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Where's option C: both?

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All the people saying that fags can go to heaven and taking down crosses are mainline Protestants, Episcopalians etc

I just want to live in a defined nation instead of having genetically inferior people complain about their nonproblems and shit up the place, honestly. And that certainly means less Mexicans.

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You, too

>the only thing I really care about though, is for people to have a divinely inspired courage and sense of truth and righteousness when it comes to defending their race.
At this point I think we're closer to unironic Hitler worship or some fragment of the Jow Forums pantheon going mainstream providing that than Christianity, because Christianity has been so kiked up for so long.

Anything happening soon, besides the rally tomorrow?

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I think theres some spiritual/ religious aspects to sumo .. dont quote me tho

>rig the census
you wat mate?

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Do these idiots not realize how many other documents have this "Are you a citizen" question?
This is why we need voter ID laws. Leftist have gotten away with this bullshit for too long.


im sorry at a glance was and is still down but the front page is up. the government spent more money and rich people invested more but none of this is real

the government is still racking up debt. obama didnt understand this either. debt isnt counted towards gdp growth

but if trump wants to lie he should know he isnt going to get far and his children will die... painfully. i can say any damn thing i want they wont serve me with a any charges

Francis once said Hell isn't real. How he wasn't removed for that I have no idea.

Hi Peter

Imagine being a tall nigga "going to school" to play niggerhoop for a few years in hopes you can go pro, then one day your coach says you were all invited to the White House but he turned it down for you because Trump is an evil rayciss.
Imagine not giving a shit about anything but playing niggerhoop, going to parties, fucking random girls at the parties, and enjoying the spotlight, since that's all your little brain comprehend, then you hear a chance to meet the President (whoever it is, you don't think it's Obama anymore but you can't remember) and the coach took this opportunity to go get more camera time and bragging rights that you met the President as a way to get more girls at the parties only to hear your coach said he didn't want to go so none of you can go.

and it says estimate

>the government is still racking up debt.
Our debt-to-gdp ratio is declining, and that's the real magic number. So long as GDP grows faster than the debt we can keep this game going indefinitely.

Trump's policy tends to yield more power to white citizens, so oppose them. That's the general game plan.

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The Cosmic Awoo represents the iron will of the universe.
The always confident, "matter of course" force behind causality.
The Cosmic Awoo rewards those who walk the proper path and crushes those that defy natural law.
That is what is meant by the "Awoovement" and that is why the Trump Curse is getting stronger.

Thanking the Cosmic Awoo will strengthen her Divine Retribution.


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I can hear the hand rubbing through my screen


environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics.

The only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination, that is to say genocide, which the Germans were too nice to do. Those genes are too harmful to everyone else.

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To this day I find people using the upside down cross without knowing its origin to be hilarious.
>The origin of the symbol comes from the Catholic tradition that Simon Peter was crucified upside down,[1] as told by Origen of Alexandria. The tradition first appears in the "Martyrdom of Peter", a fragmented text found in, but possibly predating, the apocryphal Acts of Peter, which was written no later than 200 A.D. It is believed that Peter requested this form of crucifixion as he felt he was unworthy to be crucified in the same manner that Jesus died. As such, some Catholics use this cross as a symbol of humility and unworthiness in comparison to Jesus.

>According to Roman Catholicism, the pope is Peter's successor as Bishop of Rome. Therefore, the Papacy is often represented by symbols that are also used to represent Peter, one example being the Keys of Heaven and another the Petrine Cross.

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>Now This

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Abrakadabra mother fucker.

Is there anything he doesn't take credit for?

Too many retards as it is. She looks special like them. So no.

yea but they are just counting how do you rig a count?

The new phrase is "international travelers"
They're terrified of people realizing it's the caravans (just like Trump said) because a lot of zoomer liberals have been edgy athiest "science is le based" far longer than they have been communist and the programming is only so powerful
Trump should demand the dems in the house let him build more detention centers so all those kids can get their shots in a safe place and not endanger our communities

Hopefully they die

There's no c, they can choose to be discredited and shut the fuck up or insist they know what they're doing and get sent to Guantanamo for crimes against the US.

There's only one trump-approved pirate

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Too harsh AnCap

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This. It's not about racial absolutes or purity spiraling. Just a comfy place for high IQ frens to live in peace.

that's why I really dislike the Protestant/Catholic shit flinging.
It's all been co-opted and subverted.
It will take too long to revert it back to anything useful, it would take generations and if whites don't wake up soon then they'll go extinct.

Just between a rock and a hard place real bad

See ya Pirate

Rigging the census? You mean like having non-citizens being counted?

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will this win the spergfront vote?

Roberts is such a snake, I won't hold my breath desu


wat is she ?

This is why no one believes or trusts journalists anymore

Because the policy of the count was designed to benefit foreigners and obscure political powers, changing it to help make political powers more aligned to white citizens hurts the political powers that benefit from the US being the new USSR. Horrible subhumans value money and temporary power over humanity and life.

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If your just read what it say, it doesn't make a good case against the questions
>it asks if one should be a citizen!
normie: that sounds okay to me
>this determines what monies the Feds give to states
normie: well, it would be nice to give less to govt and not have them waste my hard earned money
>it determines districts lines for representation
normies: well, our politicians should accurately represent its citizens
>undocumented immigrants won't fill it out and will be afraid of being deported by ICE
normies: uh, why are they still here illegally and interfering with out census!?!?

Good morning, /ptg/. Gib news.

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Is tuccer in tonight?
Serious question

>To this day I find people using the upside down cross without knowing its origin to be hilarious.
True but also, the upside down has another history
>thors hammer
>icelandic thors hammer
>anything that wasn't christian = satan worship
>upside down cross = thor = satan
>upside down cross = satan worship

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i get why its good to ask that question and why dems are shitting bricks over it. but it seems retarded to me to call it rigging to gather data

>they can choose to be discredited and shut the fuck up
Their arrogance won't let that happen.
>the economic crash was real in my mind
>insist they know what they're doing and get sent to Guantanamo for crimes against the US.
More preferably than them babbling their mouths off on twitter and tv.

It’s an official estimate, it will be revised up or down over the next three months

See, the COSMIC AWOO works for /ptg/ because we (mostly) understand the history, the hermetic allegories, and so on. That kind of stuff just makes normies scream about witches or zone out. Christianity is about at the upper complexity limit of what the dumb spiritlets can understand as an entry into higher life.

Is that supposed to be a wolf head on top?

I would MAX-I-can her if u know what I mean

high euro blood, I still would recommend to pro create with what you are, if youre german then marry a german

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Then no, she is not allowed. I know when spic girls hit the wall, and what happens.

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>hasn't asked this question since
you mean before you kikes went from
>pretty good hold on American politics
>complete and total death grip on American politics

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I don’t know if you can say it’s declining based on one year of decline after al this increase: