Civil War 2.0 is coming

When a centrist says it you know it's real. It's time to shoot some niggers.

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I have been waiting since 1990

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You forgot to enable your VNC Chaim. Sloppy job.

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ooops, forgot to change flag, kike fag.

Oh I'm sure you're excited shlomo. I bet the thought of goyim fighting amongst themselves is the only thing other than fresh pressed shekels that'll get your gnarled little dick hard.

>if we liberals make it look like the kikes want a civil war then that will stop the right from eradicating our asses of the planet for all of the shit we have done
>of course if they go after the kikes they won't bother us!
You pissed everyone off, now deal with it.

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Interesting user


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Anybody with two brain cells to rub together would have noticed America is on the fast track towards another civil war. Only deceivers and boomers would openly think otherwise. My guess is that we have until the 2020 election before anything widespread starts because it's the last straw for many people. The left thought they had 2016 in the bag and when that failed they tried to throw Trump out of the White House with the muh Russia investigation but now we're too close to 2020 for the left to violently chimp out all over. Then we also have Trump cucking out on promises which is pissing off the right because Trump was really the last shot we had at turning this boat around legally. Morrakiu mentioned in his Andrew yang video that it's too late to save this country which is why he wants this country to crash and burn.

We still have some time to prepare but keep in mind that the economy is on the brink of a crash. The inverted yield curve happened recently and after those happen we crash because Keynesian economics are Jewish garbage. 17 months sounds like a long time from now but they will fly by faster than we know it

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HAY im a nazi from the north chill out

>Forgot meme flag

Civil war won't happen, unless extremists get into power..and by extremists I mean when one group starts to persecute another which is what the liberals are going to do. Reparations and stripping people's rights. Then you are going to see shit hit the fan.

No. We must unite under Omar. That's the only way we can all be free from our common oppressor.

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Right now we're in a cold civil war and I don't know what if anything would spark a shooting war. Maybe war was bred out of us, as the saying goes 'America is not at war, America is at the Mall. The American Military is at war'

I'm sure you and I don't advocate civil war but it's clear what the agenda being pushed is..the elitist class and their minions are trying to provoke one.

fuckin kek, yeah right, people are too fat and happy. the iphones are charged, the food is still being trucked, and the water still flows. user above said, we're on the brink of a financial crisis.

>won't happen unless extremists get in to oppress people
>which is what democrats plan to do
So... It's happening?

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>LARPing as a Rhodesian
>using MARPAT garbage and the SCA(M)R

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Noone cares about incels wanting a civil war.

People are happy, the phase the right is in is the phase that happens every few decades, they go extreme, too extreme, and then they reorganize the party, democrats fix the economy, progress happpens, we move on. This is the progressive, conservative cycle since the dawn of time

>Right now we're in a cold civil war

Well it needs to become a hot war so we can exterminate these nigger-loving Marxists and Northerners once and for all.

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what lower are you using?

It's time to break the cycle. With each one, the Jew rots our society from the inside more and more. The ONLY Solution is the FINAL Solution.

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So politicians are stupid (Surprise!).. most of them are just following orders from the elitist donor class..Soros as an example. He wants a balkanized America, that is his goal. The media are obviously in on this plan and so are the ABC agencies. As user above said, the global economy is operating on borrowed time. The only way it's being kept afloat is by massive Govt. spending (which we can't afford) artificially low interest rates (which allows Government to spend money we can't afford) and QE (money conjured out of thin air to inject into wallstreet and the banks). To be frank, the elites are robbing us blind while they prepare us for massive chaos so they can escape the blame. So this is where the braindead politicians entire, pit us against each other so their donors can erect a Government they want (which is looking like socialism/communism) modeled after China. So we see some commonalities like Operation Garden Plot and the Cloward-Piven strategy coming into play now.

i seriously doubt it but trust me my friend, i pray for it

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Xproducts with a Giselle super scar trigger.

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According to Strauss-Howe we're in the 4th Turning at the moment. That's a crisis period, not necessarily a Civil War. There wasn't a civil war when the market crashed in the 20s.

I sure hope there is one, though. No more dual citizens will have their heads

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Imagine being a white man expecting to "unite under (((a shitskin woman))).
How fucking cucked are you? Jesus Christ, she might let you wash her husband/brothers feet.

Yankees are nigger-lovers and Marxists. They aren't white, but subhuman. Every last nigger, every last Northerner, and every last Unionist deserves to exterminated to the last man, woman, and faggot pronoun. Without exception.

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First off I just want to say hello to Mossad and thank you for all of your hard work.

I think people are missing the bigger point. Civil war isn't just coming in the U.S. Civil war is coming in all western nations. World War 3 is the goal. This time the countries will destroy themselves instead of each other. It is much more efficient that way. Good luck faggots.

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We can't end our suffering ourselves. It has been proven for decades. We must unite behind the only person who understands our suffering.

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Looks like we've reached a new level of shilling. Gotta even get the whites against each other.

Put it this way, the problems of 2008 were never actually "fixed". It was through debt spending and private central banks manipulating the bond/stock markets that got us to today.

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>People are happy
I doubt this.


Trump is a fucking cuck, and that's a bigger problem than anything the left is doing

>not even a FAL

For shame

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have sex

I just got 3 AR's for the same price so I can share with my friends when the shtf.

Skinny fat.


pfft. When SHTF you need a firearm that shoots a real MAN'S round with STOPPING POWER. Something like 7.62 N A T O

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>imports niggers in the USA
>never solves the jew problem
>nigs eventually go wild
Its Clown country boy


Whites will just roll over and take it

None of my AR's are .223 and for longer ranges I got with the .338 Lapua magnum. Putting together a team so we can ethnically cleanse Vancouver Island of its Chink infestation when the time comes.

*go with

>democrats fix the economy, progress happpens
...said any historian "never"

even normies feel it in the air.

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Nuh uhhhh!! Kikes are first.

Honestly this. The left has proven how Insane and blood thirsty they are. Before Donald cuck became president they tried to kill him for simply running. We can call them soibois all we want but they have the guts and stupidity to take action

Nice rifle!
I still prefer the AR but that’s damned fine sir.

whats interesting is how much the yield has dropped. no way to lower interest rates than go negative.

>this post proudly brought to you by ZeroHedge

let's hope that man is right

>Jew flag
Of course mossad would say such things

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Chill dude. "The north" doesnt even exist anymore. Its all city vs. rural now.


>Constant attacks on free speech
>Constant attacks on gun rights
>Child drag shows
>Flood of illegals coming in
>Economy is on verge of collapse
>Homeless problem beyond control

Yeah people are happy

Why would there be a civil war when the side that's perfectly fine with the way the country is is the side with all the guns?

good. fuck democrats.

You forgot to change your flag to ancap or something gay and retarded lol

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I wish there was a guide how to prepare. I want to buy a farm house but I wont be able to buy it in cash.

There are many such resources available. Head over to /out/ sometime