How many sexual partners is too many?

How many sexual partners would a 22 year old woman have had to be considered a "slut"


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It’s not the past, as much as it is the present and future. Is she done, and willing to be faithful to you...

1, and don't @ me you incels and used up whores

based pretending his virginity is a choice poster

Well for starters she wont tell me but I suspect its above 20

>Is she done
at 22 years old, no way

slutiness is not really a thing its more just a state of mind. I knew a girl that was on top of another guy every month, another girl that slept with 6 guys in 7 nights in college (we called her God after that), that sort of mindset in a woman where her vagina is just a car wash for dicks passing through is SLUTTY. Now. If you met a bunch of random guys in your life, gave each one the time of day, developed a relationship and then after some time slept together...even if this was a few guys, that wouldnt be slutty. The thing is at 22 enough time hasnt really passed for you to have had 10 meaningful relationships where you gave them thought and tried to improve yourself or learn something after they failed so a high quality woman (one who actually tries to improve herself and learn from failed relationships) is going to have had fewer relationships by necessity. At 22 I'd say 1-4 is normal. This doesnt apply to men because we're the pollinators of the species buzzing from flower to flower.

lol she's 22. She's got six or seven years of poundings left in her

Found the incel.

sad but true, OP is just the next one

LMAO at the thought of these sluts at 27 and no one wants their putrid snatch but a repulsive incel

Depends on other people's insecurities, if we're going to call a spade a fuck'n spade about it. Any number you find will be arbitrary.

We can sit here and argue about our individual sensitivities, but that's not going to change anyone's mind.

30 by 30, my man, is the norm. I personally would consider that slutty, and you're looking at 30 partners in 12 years (generously assuming she starts at 18), which means 2.5 dicks per year (on average). At 22, you've got 4 x 2.5 which is 10... 10 partners at 22. That's definitely slut material right there
I think having more than 2 partners before marriage is the max so most women are in fact sluts

Depends on the context. If she's 30 and had 5 relationships so far, then it's ok. If she's 18 and already had 5 relationship, it tells me the girl might have commitment issues and I'd be wary to enter a relationship with her.

I also don't trust those that enjoy one night stands. If you had 1-2 and decided you're not into them that's ok, but if all you did were ONS and now you tell me you want a "serious" long term relationship I'd pass from the start. I'm not gonna judge you or tell you it's wrong, but personally I want nothing to do with a woman like that.

You're kind of right. 1 can be too many for some and some will try to justify 20 because they love them.

I believe it folly to expect any teen or early 20 something to be sexually faithful no matter the number.

Come on. Every woman has gone through at least one "phase" where she fucked just about anything with a dick. It could be triggered by a break up or a brush with death or depression or a new flattering hair style that causes a lot of men to pay her attention. They flatter her she fucks them. She parties she fucks them. She's sad and wants to fuck the sad out.

These can run for a couple months or a few years or start, stop and start again but most women won't include many of these tryst individually. Example, I had two bf's but there was a time I was really out of it for a couple months because my dog died and I went out almost every night. Or, I dated this one guy for awhile who was a model and found out he did porn and he introduced me to many unusual people, it was fun though but nothing serious and so not really me.

The number doesn't matter, it's the mentality.
You could have had one partner and be promiscuous and slutty if it was a ONS in a club bathroom with a guy you just met. You could have had 3 or 4 and not be a slut.

I mean, I don't believe "every woman" went through that phase because I met many who haven't. My reasons for not dating a woman like that are because it usually means
>she jas daddy issues/low self esteem and wants male validation
>she's a thrill seeker
>she has commitment issues

Neither which are good for LTRs

As a woman, it's you. You're a slut, and it's fine, but a lot of us aren't.

>I met many who haven't
Yet. They all do but it might just be one totally out of character fuck binge before they marry or after a divorce or spring break. Most aren't proud of it but it happened and they tell very few.

Its not about a number. To some 100 would not make them sluts. It is all about the mindset of the people in these relationships and the context and reasons behind them. For the average person in their early 20's about 4 serious relationships seems right in my experience. If you are into less serious relationships it is not slutty if it is honest. Sex is fun. Nothing wrong with that. Just own it. Same for any virgins. Nothing wrong with it, if you own it. Never be with someone you do not respect or who does not respect you. And do not judge people who are not like you.

I'm not an extremist like some here but any female over 25 without kids should be sent to Africa or somewhere remote to be disposed of since they only function of the female is reproduction

You do realise that women can reproduce till they're 45 and there are no major complications to having kids, neither for you or for the children, in your late 20s or early 30s? Actually, having children earlier than that is not heatlhy because:
>women who have children outside of marriage raise worse children
>women who marry early divorce a lot more
>single mothers raise worse children

By age 25 they have had ten years to figure it out and the slut is infertile, has twenty STDs etc we don't need more babies with AIDS and syphilis and Downs just so you can take another 1000 cocks

Lets cut the bullshit. Every slut I have known knew they were a slut. Some were ashamed of what they did but did it anyway and some didn't give a shit and were ok with rubbing it into everyones face.

I had one in a moment of weakness cry and say she believed she was born with a slut soul. She was sweet and do anything for anybody but her panties would drop for just about any guy that told her she was pretty.

Yeah, because a teen dude would never dump a girl to try for more. It's totally the girl only who might have had commitment issues (if anything, too trusting might be the issue here).

That's not the reality by any extent.
Down syndrome becomes a 1% chance in people over 40, before that there's a pretty low chance.
Most women don't have STDs, especially ones that can be passed down to children like AIDS.
Women become infertile past 45 normally.

Your best chance to have decent children is having them between 25 and 35.

when you're having kids at 35+ you're asking for some kind of deformity. Of course it doesn't always happen but it way increases the chances. That's my theory for why so many kids have autism nowadays. The average mothers age is 24 compared to 18 in the 80's. And college educated its 30.

Just freeze your eggs roastie

When you can't respond to any points brought up so you just desperately lash out.

There are definitely more issues with children born by older women, but it isn't nearly as prevalent as people think. It's something like a 1% chance in people over 40 for Down syndrome which is one of the most prevalent.

Autism has been linked with age of the father, more than age of the mother.
It's also linked with having more than one kid (especially more than one boy). There are also genetic components.

Average age of first born was never that low. It was 24 to 25 in the 80s, and it is 27 now. There is definitely an increase, but not a super dramatic one.
And it's good that we have children later because having children early is linked with a lot of awful shit: most women who have children early are poorer, less educated, end up divorcing, are unemployed, are on welfare, raise their kids without father figures, are in abusive relationships, have alchol and drug problems, etc. Having children a little later, when you have a stable relationship and a good education, is the best thing you can do for your kids.

You write nonsense and pretend to be retard

I'm not that user, I'm just pointing out your obvious triggering

Why are you triggered by the truth?

Honestly user, you're just pathetic.
If what you believe is the truth, reply to any of the points I made instead of lashing out like a literal child.

Please point out where I've appeared upset. I'll wait.

You can't handle Chad (who won't commit to you) keeping it real can you slut?

I'm married to a guy who is good looking and made half a million dollar over the last 6 months. Not really suffering when it comes to dating.
What have you been up to lately?

Lmao you are bragging about being a bad wife while practically begging me to fuck your diseased ass

Maybe not a slut but if the girl is not a virgin then I am honestly not interested in putting a ring on her. Would def. fuck her though.

I have also accepted that I might not get married ever and thats ok

I literally would rather sew my cunt than ever have sex with you. I don't know how you could ever possibly get such an impression.


Probably more than 6 is disqualifying - if she's been through 4 years of college at that point keeping it under 5 that's about as good as it gets these days.

Your are rubbing your cunt right now aren't you my little slut. Is that girl goo leaking or Tyrone jizz?

I'm gay.

>girl goo
Ntayrt, I'd tell you not to reproduce but it's clear that you've no choice in the matter

Kek. You're so pathetic it is a little endearing.
Have a good day user.

I have grandchildren you barren roastie you have a collection of condoms Chad left behind

Of course you do, kek. I'm not even a female.

Really depends on the situations in which she had sex.
She could have fucked only 2 guys, but both were drunk flings in a dirty bathroom in some club with a stranger, Id call such a girl a slut. But she could have been with 14 dudes at the age of 22 and all were multiple-month relationships, I don't know what I would feel about her. Not good, but I dont know if I could call her a slut.

At the end of the day it shouldn't matter what other people think, but if her sexual history bothers you, leave. If you dont know her past, you can ask. She will most likely lie, but you'll get an answer.

What if as a teen I lost my virginity to an older guy and I ran away to be with him but he turned out to be a horrible person and made me have sex with 4 guys in 3 days so I went back home. No bf or even let a guy touch me since. 24 now.

That depends on how hung up you are on sex

You are used and have no value or negative value. Why did you throw away your only asset?

If she breathes, she's a thot

You are too sane for this thread.

>How many sexual partners is too many?
I don't know, 10k? Sounds hard to fuck so many people and do something with your life.

>How many sexual partners would a 22 year old woman have had to be considered a "slut"
She's always going to be considered a slut by incels who care about this shit, even if she had none. Normal people might go "wow, that's a lot" and go back talking about something relevant.

I was used and don't believe I have any value at all but worse I'm repulsed and mistrustful of all men. I didn't throw any thing away it was taken from me. You pretty much confirm my opinion of men is not wrong. Thanks I guess but I had to hear it again. There's been a guy that is very nice and I started to like him but I need to withdraw.

Everyone has their own opinions and to me it's not whether she's a slut or not. I'd never date a slut, but I wouldn't date a lot of non-sluts either. I'd only date a girl who has had 3 or fewer partners and that's a personal preference.

not a slut but I probably wouldn't have a relationship with you either. Too many issues sorry.

Please do , you ruined yourself no need to ruin a man

> don't believe I have any value at all
You're a human. Humans have unknown potential. Your value comes from that, faggot. You're basically a mystery box, there might be something amazing inside. Might be a dud, but it's impossible to tell for sure before you kick the bucket.

Her only value was reproduction and that is gone from acting like a slut


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>It was 24 to 25 in 80's
Not according to NY times

Like a guy said earlier 1-4 is acceptable for a 22 year old and imo those 4 would not count if you were forced into it. A slut would want it

No even if the only fucker of the slut is her rapist she is still only fit for the trash heap. Whores who were raped in the old days would kts out of shame and a sense of responsibility

It's not really mentioned in the article at any point tho.
In the study they mention it shows it's 22.5 to 24, so I was off by a year going off memory.

Definitely not 18, it was never 18.

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If you fuck anyone but me, then I’m sorry but you’re a whore

That's a bit harsh, I'm more of a if you had sex with a guy you have no value to me guy

Is a caterpillar a butterfly?
No it’s a caterpillar.
Then a major event happens and it changes into a goddam fucking whore