Hey Jow Forums, redpill me on ideology you believe in. Try your best

Hey Jow Forums, redpill me on ideology you believe in. Try your best.

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Other urls found in this thread:

mises.org/sites/default/files/Progress and Poverty_3.pdf

I believe in civic nationalism and classical liberalism because I'm neither a cuck nor a bootlicker

Gas chambers don't have wooden doors.

That nothing really matters and everything is a joke

I believe in data collection

I don't believe faceberg did anything wrong


Do what thou wilt

I'm essentially a beamer boy.

Jews did 9/11

Race realism is the only sensible conclusion in light of multiculturalism. You could argue that a white ethnostate could have a limited number of minorities say, under 5% to a man, but you cannot argue that all of these races are perfectly equal in the same that not all whites are equal in terms of ability. We need to take care of our own and assure a white future for our white children before accepting millions of non-white immigrants when we already cannot solve unemployment and fulfillment amongst the native white population.

Libertarianism was cool till the corporations and war machine ran off the rails...i am somewhere between white nationalism libertarianism or national socialist workers party

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>subversion intensifies

Theocratic caste system,
humans are foolish shallow animals drag forward by a few outstanding individuals into civilization success

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Jew = bad

Ideologies are the way the desires of individuals are rationalized in the social sphere so as to make them more effective as a means for people to achieve their goals. Ideology is the way to hide the "I want" from the discourse so that the person talking appear disinterested and that what he wants has universal validity binding on others instead of just being his own personal will.

women are not capable of love

dragged* forward

Also female subjugation and ethnic/racial segregation

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Just overall rational thinking. Learn & don't assume.

America is becoming a plutocracy.
Teddy Roosevelt saved it but now there’s no one willing to break up all the monopolies and the rent seekers.

me on the right


Based kike.

Nearly everyone believes that about themselves. I bet you're also a "centrist".

That pic is fuct...i kno he is troling but the responses from the souless women

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OP here, to be honest that's why I started this thread. I did some political compasses through various points of my life and always was really close to center. I don't feel like that's completely right. So I want to explore some other political/ideological beliefs to know more.

Alright let's try civic nationalism since mentioned it. From an American perspective.
It's simple enough.

1. Civic nationalism is one of the main reasons the US has become a dominant force on the planet. Civic nationalism defeated the strongest examples of ethnic nationalism in WW2, twice (Japan and Germany). If you want to rule by force, defend yourself against any threat, and/or win wars, it makes sense to choose a proven winner.

2. Civic nationalism allows you to collect the best and brightest of each ethnicity, enabling economic, industrial, and scientific growth that will put any single ethnostate to shame. Innovation is concentrated in the USA because of this.

3. It is morally just in cases such as the United States (and most of the New World). Despite the land originally being conquered and settled by force, people of many ethnicities were later invited freely to join the new civic state and build a better life for themselves. it would be immoral to decide that one ethnicity is now the only one allowed in, and confiscate the contributions of the others and destroy their lives by deporting them to places they have never seen or pledged fealty to.

4. Pic related. If you have a cause or an enemy you want to defeat, why limit your recruitment to one color? Why allow your enemy to recruit those people to work against you? Your cause is shared, why not share the fight? More to the point: if you believe there is a rising global elite that is striving to crush the sovereignty of nations for their personal benefit, what do you think scares them most?

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Like much of Jow Forums I don’t have an ideology.

Nationalism is good. The more culturally and ethnically homogeneous a country is the better. Religion, ethnic background, citizenship and language should all be regarded in the immigrantion system of a given nation. As well as skills and knowledge.

This brand of nationalism must not be imperialist or globalist. We must oppose wars that do not benefit us and we must implement economic protections that protect our interests.

Freedoms of speech is good and should be a written right but property rights are just as important.

We should all be pro-life. Normalising the murder of unborn children will lead us all down a dark path. We should also take a closer look at the current transsexual agenda. They are targeting our children and must be stopped.

Also, the death penalty is bad, cannabis should be legal and fuck the Jews.

races shouldn't mix. Civic nationalism is not a problem until you infringe on people's freedom of association.

i basically believe in and practice an ancient, esoteric form cosmic gnosticism called sixxology.

i can post some of the central tenets of it if you're interested.

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Parlamentarian Monarchies in small countries that have strict laws against monopolism.

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Here you go.

I'm an authoritarian christian theocrat and I frankly dont care to convince you

I agree so much

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Anarchy by whatever means, NOT chaos and no order, anarchy means no rulers not no rules

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You have beliefs, but they don't conform to the traditional ideologies.
Keep going and you will find out what they are.

You cunt

I believe China is going to replace the United States as primary super power sometime in the relatively near future; granted, diversity was always destined to end in conflict/failure based on the reality you can never truly appease everyone (especially radically different people who all consider themselves morally decent).
I legitimately envy them.. if the Chinese were to have a crises of birth rates, the gov would incentives the population to have kids. In the west, telling whites to have kids is racist, you are only allowed to give your money away to people in 3rd world countries so that they may have kids.
Trump is legitimately the last glimmer of good times white people will ever have in the US. Europe is even more fucked because they are just a boat ride away from Africa and are already disarmed...

What does all this mean?
Well, might as well laugh at it all right?

1. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason.

2. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.

3. One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone.

4. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo your own.

5. Beliefs should conform to our best scientific understanding of the world. We should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit our beliefs.

6. People are fallible. If we make a mistake, we should do our best to rectify it and resolve any harm that may have been caused.

7. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word

I'm a Fiscal Pragmatist. Basically you do whatever is the most fiscally pragmatic, regardless of ideology. Sort of a taxpayers first thing.

Read the Green Book by Ghaddafi

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Taoism. What goes around comes around, etc.

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This is good.

>tfw you animated it but nobody noticed
It's fine, it was only five frames anyway.

why do u want to live or ur woman next to a muslism i mean u should know better by now

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>civic nationalism
>not a cuck
user, I


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>Don’t believe in yourself! Believe in the Me who believes in (you)
>Believe in the ball and throw yourself

>tfw when somebody does a good job but sucks flag dick

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All lefties are scum and mentally ill. Their believes are incorrect and morally wrong, very stupid subhumans way of thinking.

>Legalize all comsuntion of drugs because it will stop the illegal traffic and other bullshit
>More and more stupid people and kids now do drugs
>Drugs are addictive, the kids needs more money for drugs
>they go to steal and commit crime, do even more illegal stuffs than before
>cannot justify the income because it's not your money, so it all has to be bought in black markets with stolen moneys and goods
>Conclusion: Legalize drugs = Higher crime rates and more illegal traffic of drugs

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I believe all decisions should be made according to one's own self interest. People should not base ideology on the benefits of others. By this majority or representative rule, the most benefit will be afforded to the most people who desire it.

Fuck off, Chang. You people are way too stupid to ever take over.

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so nihilism?

i mean arent u cucks had enough with this bearded mongoloids? hasnt we had enough of this shootings for no reason?

Basically mix Atlas Shrugged and Starship Troopers, and you got what I want. Add net taxpayer as an alternative qualification to be able to vote and that's probably the only tweak I'd make.

I'm a market cuck through and through. The idea that prices are signals in markets and how efficient of a messaging system it is, is amazing to me. I'm not super into Democracy necessarily, but I do think it is possible to align incentives for better outcomes. I think if only net taxpayers could vote we would be much better off. I think incentives would align more appropriately if only people who actually paid taxes were also the only ones whose opinions mattered. I see it as a kind of principled trade off for the existence of government. Tax is theft, but I'm gaining a special status out of it.

It would also be self-correcting in a way. With welfare programs for instance, if it is taken away, there's a whole new voting block that was opened up because now (ostensibly) they're paying net taxes. These people could go and vote for politicians that address their problems. Make it match the federalist system, only can vote in whatever level of government you contribute to.

There's the conclusions of my manifesto.

ideological buzzwords
get a philosophy you act on, faggooot


It is fascism but better.

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I believe the new world order is in effect, run by Jewish kabbalahist. They are trying to get humanity to become transhuman and slave away for the dark lord of time and bring about the end and the beginning.

The lefties are scum

Why does your speculation here not apply to alcohol?

That seems like a lot of effort to cause something that happens daily on its own



you should get redpilled on meaning rather than ideology.
Find out the true meaning of words and you will see the massive entanglement we live in.

Megalomania is one hell of a drug.

Alligning to a political ideology is for simpletons who would rather play political baseball than discuss ideas



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Georgist here to shill you on Land Value Taxation as a replacement for taxing labor and capital.

>Georgeism reconciles common land rights with private tenure, free markets and modern capitalism.

>Those who got the upper hand by securing land tenures would support public services, so wages and commerce and capital formation could go untaxed.

>To pay the taxes, landowners would have to use the land by hiring workers (or selling to owner-operators and owner-residents). This would raise demand for labor; labor, through consumption, would raise demand for final products.

>To pay the workers, landowners would have to produce and sell goods, hereby raising supply and precluding inflation. Needed capital would come to their aid by virtue of its being untaxed. Thus, George would cut the Gordian knot of modern dilemma-bound economics by raising demand, raising supply, raising incentives, improving equity, freeing up the market, supporting government, fostering capital formation, and paying public debts, all in one simple stroke.
>Georgeism reconciles common land rights with private tenure, free markets and modern capitalism.

>Those who got the upper hand by securing land tenures would support public services, so wages and commerce and capital formation could go untaxed.

>To pay the taxes, landowners would have to use the land by hiring workers (or selling to owner-operators and owner-residents). This would raise demand for labor; labor, through consumption, would raise demand for final products.

>To pay the workers, landowners would have to produce and sell goods, hereby raising supply and precluding inflation. Needed capital would come to their aid by virtue of its being untaxed. Thus, George would cut the Gordian knot of modern dilemma-bound economics by raising demand, raising supply, raising incentives, improving equity, freeing up the market, supporting government, fostering capital formation, and paying public debts, all in one simple stroke.

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>George's proposal enables us to lower taxes on labor without raising taxes on capital. Indeed, it lets us lower taxes on both labor and capital at once, and without reducing public revenues.

> Georgist tax policy reconciles equity and efficiency. Taxing land is progressive because the ownership of land is so highly concentrated among the most wealthy,'8 and because the tax may not be shifted. It is efficient because it is neutral among rival land-use options: the tax is fixed, regardless of land use. This is one favourable point on which many modern economists actually agree, although they keep struggling against it
> Georgist tax policy contains urban sprawl, and its heavy associated costs, without overriding market decisions or consumer preferences, simply by making the market work better. land values are the product of demand for location; they are marked by continuity in space. That shows quite simply that people demand compact settlement and centrality. A well-oiled land market will give it to them.

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> Georgist tax policy creates jobs without inflation, and without deficits. "Fiscal stimulus," in the shallow modern usage, is a euphemism for running deficits, often with funny money. George's proposed land tax might be called, rather, "true fiscal stimulus". It stimulates demand for labor by promoting employment; it precludes inflation as the labor produces goods to match the new demand. It precludes deficits because it raises revenue. That is its peculiar reconciliatory genius: it stimulates private work and investment in the very process of raising revenue. It is the only tax of any serious revenue potential that does not bear down on and suppress production and exchange. As I have noted, George's fiscal policy takes two problems and composes them into one solution.

> George's land tax lets a polity attract people and capital en masse, without diluting its resource base. This is by virtue of synergy, the ultimate rationale for Chamber-of-Commerce boosterism. Urban economists like William Alonso have illustrated the power of such synergy by showing that bigger cities have more land value per head than smaller ones. (Land value is the resource base of a city.) Urbanists like Jane Jacobs and Holly Whyte have written on the intimate details of how this works on the streets. Julian Simon (The Ultimate Resource) philosophizes on the power of creative thought generated when people associate freely and closely in large numbers. Henry George made the same points in 1879

>Georgist policies encourage the conservation of ecology and environment while also making jobs, by abating sprawl. It is a matter of focusing human activity on the good lands, thus meeting demands there and relieving the pressure to invade lands that are now wild and marginal for human needs. Sprawl in the urban environment is the kind most publicized, but there is analogous sprawl in agriculture, forestry, mining, recreation and other land uses and industries.

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>Georgist policies strengthen public revenues while in the same process promoting economy in government. Anti-governmentalists often identify any tax policy with public extravagance. Georgist tax policy, on the contrary, saves public funds in many ways. By facilitating the creation of jobs it lowers welfare costs, unemployment compensation, doles, aid to families with dependent children and all that. It lowers jail and police costs, and all the enormous private expenditures, precautions, and deprivations now taken to guard against theft and other crime. Idle hands are not just wasted, they steal and destroy

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Me likey!!!

Europoor here, don't want to get gestapo'd (no, I'm not German either).

I noticed you, kohai.

Go read Progress and Poverty by Henry George. George is often forgotten but is without a doubt one of the greatest American philosophers.

mises.org/sites/default/files/Progress and Poverty_3.pdf

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>ideology you believe in.
i make every decision in life based on what option is funnier

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>he did it for the lulz
You are a God among Men.

thanks. and ya, ive been to jail

t. stay at home dad

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I got v& and didn't have to go to jail. They just told me to watch it because I made fun of them until they loled.

>didn't have to go to jail. They just told me to watch it
oh well ive been in the back of a cruiser many times before and after that.

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Cruisers are interesting. You get to look at their equipment and listen to how they talk. I just feel bad for people born after the Crown VIc era.

>Nazis didn't hate blacks
What kind of retard are you? Go check your history when France collapsed in 1940 some German executed Senegalese soldiers, mosty because they regarded them as degenerate subhuman apes.

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beyond that. the honkpill

Okay, so I'm a British Fascist. Personally, I think the Jewish people which run both Capitalism and Communism are abusing the people of all Nations. I believe in a Syndicalist economy, where the Capital/Means of Production are owned not by a business owner nor a centralized (((Government))) but rather the People who work them, minimizing chances of abuse of the workers. The products should go to the people and the state, strengthening them both more.

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I don't feel bad for Otto Warmbier and I don't think it's any American's responsibility for what happened to him. Hell I don't even think North Korea is at fault for that. He knew how shit was over there and how fucked up everything was when he got caught. No one forced him to go to North Korea and I don't blame the president at all for not saying shit about it.

Why the fuck would the president risk relations with North Korea over one stupid fuck when many more lives could be affected by it?

if you believe this you'r just as retarded as normies....the nazis even considered the Russians untermensch, but boy, were they wrong, and they ate shit.

> liberalism
> not a cuck

Harsh truth, but true. Truth is true, no matter how uncomfortablet.

None, because reality doesn't conform to any one ideology. The only decent course of action is to form conclusions from data, instead of adopting an ideology and trying to prove it right after the fact. It seems backwards and prone to error to me, because more often than not people won't even do the proving part. They just believe this or that because it fits into their system of beliefs. They might have some factual backing behind a few things they believe but not the whole of it.

Please join this really good meme/nsfw server so I can become an admin! I'm sorry for posting on these threads! There's straight lewds, and gay lewds for all of you trap lovers!


I believe in niggerism

You're probably both
CivNats are the worst


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> (((Civicuckism)))
fuck off back to t_D nigger

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