Owning a gun disqualifies Democrat

They're starting to eat each other apart already.

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Imagine being this much of a faggot every single day. Fuck.

Peter has a point. She needs to disavow firearms and apologize.

>an armed politician wants to disarm the public

It's all so tiresome.

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>in my book

They've been doing it for years.

lol. purity tests are real for dems.

sanders wrote a rape story
biden touches women
kamala owns a gun
warren is white
buttigieg is a man
tulsi was in the american imperialist forces
yang talked to a nazi (shapiro)

who else is left?

I think joe biden also has guns

> Peter Funt

Phyzzz check never lies

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I agree with this logic tho
if you advocate for gun control, give your guns away first. Anybody who votes democrat should have their guns taken away
and lets face it, if democrats disarmed their own voting base first, the murder rate would drop significantly (see niggers and spics)


Peter Funt seems like a real cunt.

This bullshit should be encouraged. They finally see their hypocrisy.

Bet she also has a fence around her house.

Looks like the puritanical rage switched to the other side.
What a world we live in!

There needs to be a pledge by the Democrat candidates to revoke their 2nd amendment rights in order to win the Democrat nomination.

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>ben is a nazi
>sounds of 6 million noses snuffin
>12 million hands rubbin

kek. so does my favorite jew cunt.

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>opinion contributor
Its really infuriating these people get paid to spew their stupid bullshit. Sounds like this faggot needs a nice crowbar across the face

That would be amazing consistency from a party with absolutely none. If you're demanding gun control, live what you preach.

no one disarms their own shock troops.
witness maduro in venezuela.

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>buttigieg is a man
That's a white man, you fucking nazi bigot.

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I think she actually gave up all her guns. She just has armed security wherever she goes. She doesn't OWN a gun so she can claim that being unarmed is just fine. What she doesn't say is how much money it's costing for her armed escorts that are most likely coming out of tax payer funds.

She also married a white, she's a high yellow nigger.

Pile on. I want to see thousands of anime avatars on twitter supporting this brave OPED

Kamala Harris is married to a Jewish laywer Douglas Emhoff

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This, it's only right

Firearms are a tool of white supremacy

>raise your child as their genetic gender
>believe its wrong to rape children
>believe rapists and pedos shouldn't vote behind bars
>wear red panties

I hear she's not a faggot, either.
She needs to lick rug and apologize.

Does /pol have original content anymore? All I ever see are reposts from the_donald. It’s sad.

I like the graphics in the new fallout game. Are they advertising via imageboards now?

>progressive Democrats

Is there a more self-congratulatory description of oneself than 'progressive'?

The Dems don't have a fucking chance next year because of stupid shit like this. The left is too divided and disjointed and that basically makes it easier for a Republican sweep.

> failed to let Anne frank into our country

Yes I remember the part where she was able to sneak out of nazi Germany, fled into Mexico and tried to cross the border where she was turned away and had to go back into Germany and hide behind the wall.


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We're talking about modern progressive standards for 'Nazi'. Shapiro might as well be a neo-nazi in their new paradigm.

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lol if Latin America had a Hitler it wouldn't be such a fucking impoverished and crime ridden shit hole.


Only one rat will remain uneaten.

That’s why it works. They’re demanding logical consistency from an ideological framework that’s fundamentally contradictory. It’ll break them. Look how angry they got at the mere suggestion of the sanctuary city dump.

Wish a range accident would have happened


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can hillary add her to her kill count

If she becomes President she's going to be protected by the most cutting edge firearms in the world.

O'Rourke pretends his nickname is from his Hispanic friends.

Which one of you wrote that article?
It's too retarded to be real.

>for 2020 democrat

Why do they always use the date to justify their ideology? Shouldn't ideas speak for themselves? Why would an idea be better because of the year?

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Robert Francis O'Rourke is a cis white male who's appropriating hispanic culture.

he also speaks like he's second generation hispanic, which he is clearly not

beto wrote stories about killing kids

handguns are fine...assault rifles are not.

The Obama years were the best ever for gun industry sales. If Kamala gets elected it will be even better.

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I've been wondering how long it can go before they fully self-cannibalize. But it turns out they're just going to draw and quarter themselves instead. Just as good.
The smart move would be to pose as a 'Crat and agree with this sentiment in the extreme.
Then take the most ridiculous statements in agreement with your intentionally over-the-top sentiment, and meme them.
I'm too lazy. Kek.

that is a selling point to democrats. he is white male who is rich that is his failure in the eyes of the dems.

Double check, yeah it's starting to look like the Democrats aren't trying hard this race. 2024 expect them to go all out.

Isn't it sexist for a man to say women shouldn't have the means to defend themselves?

>It's not all about GDP retard: the post

just let them do whatever they want
democrats are a gift in that they take care of themselves

>Google article
>It's real
Guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm still struggling to wrap my head around the idea that roughly half the US is begging their elected leaders to restrict their rights more,

Checked and this!


double check

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this is great

Holy shit, it's real.
Honk honk.

She also fucked and blew a lot of men in the California government in order to become state AG. We probably shouldn't have a president who could give head to the world's leaders at some future international summit. Putin and Xi would be laughing at her and constantly demanding she blow them.

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Kamala Harris is the poor man's Tulsi Gabbard, but this is still refreshing to hear.