
Do you think Fascism could ever arise again or will it belong permanently as a failed experiment of the 20th century?

Before we start, let's define Fascism in concrete terms. Fascism can only be studied by the regimes that championed its ideals. Keep in mind Fascist movements and regimes differed greatly in both professed beliefs and public policies once they assumed leadership. Ergo, we should exclude Fascist movements that never reached power such as Mosley's British Union of Fascists or Codreanu's Iron Guard. Likewise, reactionary or monarchistic regimes like Francoist Spain or Imperial Japan do not count as Fascist regimes because Fascism is inherently modernist and thus opposed to monarchs (hello, Primo de Rivera).

Both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany had these points in common that distinguished them from other Nationalist movements:
- Demoskepticism or opposition to democracy. Both regimes saw democracy as corrupt, weak and morally degenerate. Unlike other regimes who pay lip service to the concept of democratic elections (ie: DPRK), Fascists openly oppose democracy as a concepts. Of course, Fascist parties exist in democratic states but both Hitler and Mussolini planned to severely curtail, if not outright abolish, democracy.
- Spiritually rooted theories on racial purity couched in atavistic myths. Both regimes saw their ancestors as the Aryan and Roman supermen of a mythological past. They believed actively purifying their respective bloodlines would lead to their naturally dominant roles, establishing global superiority.

Attached: fascists.png (978x1152, 2.11M)

Other urls found in this thread:


- Violence as Virtue. Both rego,es believed war shaped and built a man's character. Violence was the not merely a means to an end: it was AN end in and of itself. For Fascists, perpetual state of war strengthens and purifies man's soul and the body politic.

- Collectivist Statism. National Socialism rejects the conventional notions of wealth redistribution and instead has much more in common with Oswald Spengler's idea of Prussian socialism. The "Socialism" in NS dictates that the state and its people are one single entity. All people, not just the armed forces, but workers, women, children, are all part of the dominant and pure machine of the people-state. Individual identity is supplanted with the State identity. Everyone is the state, the state is everyone, the people move with one purpose.

- Economic subservience to the military. Both regimes' respective economies were in constant states of flux. By and large, the existing large engineering companies that existed in those countries became arms of the state. When those arrangements failed to produce enough armaments, they used slave labor, to the point that towards the end of the war the German economy in particular was almost dependent on it. Both Mussolini and Hitler dropped their much-trumpeted welfare programs when they started diverting too much money from the military.

- Imperialism and Expansionism. Whilst it's contested if Hitler had globalist intentions, he certainly wanted "Lebensraum" for the German people. Mussolini's Pre-WWII military adventures in Ethiopia and Libya were motivated less by an economic need than by a belief that Italy should have an empire because they were a superior race. Whilst many other regimes, Left and Right, have been imperialist and expansionist, this is worth noting because many contemporary extreme-right movements are very isolationist in wanting to expel foreigners but not expand their borders.

For those wondering who's who in the chart. Counterclockwise:
Adolf Hitler
José Antonio Primo de Rivera
Léon Degrelle
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Sir Oswald Mosley
Benito Mussolini
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Gabriele D’Annunzio
Pierluigi Concutelli
Italo Balbo
Povl H. Riis-Knudsen
Commander George Lincoln Rockwell
Joseph Charles Tommasi
Anders Behring Breivik
Robert Jay Mathews
Dr. William Luther Pierce, III
James Nolan Mason
Ernst Jünger
Francis Parker Yockey
Miguel Serrano
David Lane
Savitri Devi
Julius Evola


Fascism can rise again if it desguises itself as left-wing nationalism, as with Peronism in Argentina and Bolivarianism in Venezuela.

You inverted D'Annunzio and Marinetti
Picture is dumb anyway, D'Annunzio and Balbo hated Hitler and all the krauts, and those american LARPers at the bottom are just cringe

Meh. This was the trail I followed.

Attached: thetrailifollowed.png (978x1152, 2.15M)

The other thing that baffles me about the image is the inclusion of Ernst Jünger who was peripherally connected to an assassination plot against Hitler. That should've gone over with the IronMarch crowd like a lead balloon, but no, In Stahlgewittern is too good a text for them to divorce him from the movement.

>let's define Fascism in concrete terms
You already fucked up.

Fascists are subhumans. Life unworthy of life. Insecure little faggots who should be stomped out. They don’t deserve a scrap of liberty.

MODS wtf? This looks like a thread for political ideaology and yet you let it stand.
I post a thread about the history of russia and the Vatnik phenomenoa and you fucking ban me for a day.
wtf, man?

Attached: 1526877074468.jpg (618x597, 144K)

>lets define Fascism
im gonna need you to stop right there

He does it for free

>including Ernst Junger in this autistic picture
I wish he could come back to life so he could strangle every retard associated with modern fascism, just like he was involved in trying to kill that autistic retard Hitler

Fascism is dead and it cannot rise again because of how globalized the world already is. Populations from different cultures and races are already tightly integrated into states (see the West). Its modern version is left-wing populism, like Chavismo.

Fascism is, wrongly or rightly, associated with genocide now.

This is a discussion about Fascism as it exists historically and how it could emerge again. Very relevant to this board because it's well within the purview of the humanities.

Call it something else, a simple name change and less LARPing as past movements would help. About time that it gets a second look since the other ideologies still get to be discussed regardless of their potitical and social shortcomings. That and it seems pretty refreshing that an ideology doesnt try and weasel its way around the violence question, though its not necessarily a good or bad point in itself.

Your original board is shit. Eat dick faggots

>Ernst Jünger

Attached: annanoy.jpg (250x241, 7K)

/his/ mods have something against discussing Fascism.

/his/ is black and lgbt history exclusively.


Not true, but yes, they're a little too lenient on blatant leftfaggotry

It’ll be concealed within a liberal democracy in the form of ultranationalism, militarism, protectionism and populism. It would spring into action when needed if whites weren’t already doomed.

>Do you think Fascism could ever arise again
No because the makings of it are gone:
>no more organized working class
>men are now heterosocial. No other men who'd want to even be your friend much less start a fasci or squadristi with you
>no war from which to draw a trenchocracy

"Fascism" without the above is no longer fascism.

>Ergo, we should exclude Fascist movements that never reached power such as Mosley's British Union of Fascists or Codreanu's Iron Guard.

Codreanu's Iron Guard did take power after his death though

All hail Basedwanger!
>An officer of the Waffen SS, the elite military arm of the National Socialists.
>He kills untermenschen and doesn't afraid of anything.
>Earned a Knight's Cross, the highest military award of the National Socialists.
>Came up with dozens of creative ways to kill Jews, each one enough to bring a tear of admiration to the face of Zyklon Ben.
>His brigade is estimated to have killed 170,000 partisans.
>His symbol, the crossed grenades is still used by National Socialist remnants.
>Was given a concentration camp to run. Went above and beyond by exterminating the undesirables placed in it.

Attached: Basedwanger.jpg (430x604, 45K)

>Here's the truth about Basedwanger. A man constantly slandered by (((historians))) as a child molester and criminal when in reality he is a true aryan ubermensch as Himmler and Gottlob Berger described him.
His first acts in combat were in WW1, receiving an Iron Cross 2nd and 1st class and finishing the war as a Lieutenant.
Between WW1 and WW2 he fought as a paramilitary in anti-commie actions, such as fighting and being wounded in the town Sangerhausen, being celebrated as the liberator from the Red terrorists, being made an honorary citizen. He also gained a doctorate in political science in 1922. For a time, he worked in a textile factory run by a Kike, but regularly donated from the SA, repatriating some of the wealth that the Kike stole from honest Germans. Due to Kike manipulation, he was blacklisted from employment and had his doctorate revoked. Lastly, he fought in the Spanish Foreign Legion during the Spanish Civil War, which is where Gottlob Berger recognized him as the impressive man that he is and even helped remove his blacklisting and restore his doctorate.
During WW2 he was the leader of the 36th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, that would later be nicknamed the "Dirlewanger Brigade" in his honor, formed from reformed poachers. His main activity was anti-partisan and commanding a labour camp. The judge (((Georg Konrad Morgen))) tried to end Dirlewanger but failed and was rightfully demoted and sent to the Eastern Front. He and his unit were later assigned to anti-bandit operation in Belarus where his achievements were recognized with a German Cross in Gold. He was reported as having slain 14,000 bandits. He then fought in the Warsaw uprising of 1944 and where he was promoted to the rank of SS-Oberfuhrer and earned his Knight's Cross. He then fought in the Slovak National Uprising.
He was killed by the (((Allies))) who after imprisoning him, had him brutally beaten to death without trial.

Attached: Basedwanger Symbol.jpg (126x120, 3K)

Lets look at the military awards that Basedwanger won during his time in the German Army:
>1915 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse
>1915 Goldene Württembergische Tapferkeitsmedaille
>1918 Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz
>1918 Eisernes Kreuz I. Klasse
>1939 Spanienkreuz in Silber
>1942 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuz II. Klasse
>1942 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuz I. Klasse
>1942 Tapferkeitsauszeichnung für Ostvölker II. Klasse in Silber mit Schwertern
>1942 Tapferkeitsauszeichnung für Ostvölker I. Klasse in Silber mit Schwertern
>1943 Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen
>1943 Verwundetenabzeichen in Gold
>1943 Deutsches Kreuz in Gold
>1944 Nahkampfspange 1. Stufe in Bronze
>1944 Ritterkreuz
>Winkel für alte Kämpfer
>Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
>He was wounded 12 times in combat as well.

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Does the Ustaše count? I never see anyone talk about them.


Attached: woodieguthrie.jpg (1800x1391, 486K)

Fuck Fascism then.
Also, fuck any movement that requires absolute loyalty to the state, and not the nation.

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