Uhhh... G-guys
What the fuck is going on? First Sunspot ,New Mexico, then CIA declass global cataclysm books start showing up, the Navy reporting UFOs, then a Fucking Astroid NASA drill in the coming weeks. And now FUCKING THIS!?
I'm scared you should be too
Give it to me straight Anons...... Is everything about to come to an end?
Uhhh... G-guys
Other urls found in this thread:
What kinds of aliens are we talking about? The bug kind like in that one manga?
Aliens have been doing it for centuries. I'm a Space Elve-Human Hybrid.
old news, they've been buttfucking people for centuries.
yee I have seen this, in the past newscasters used to take all the ufo news as a joke and laughed while talking about them.
Nowadays the military and nasa are opening up more to it. I don't know what's gonna happen.
cold war secret communication between the cabal, deep state.
read this book, OP. it really goes into the alien plot through abductee's experiences
this is basic red pill shit, go read montalk .net 's whole site and come back. faggot.
Yes, the end is nigh.
Humans are made in God's image. We have the potential to tap into other dimensions and to manipulate reality simply by witnessing it.
Of course their are beings who want to take this power for themselves before we figure it out.
There was a great cataclysm about 12000 years ago which wiped out all civilisation.
Back then the sea levels were something like 100ft lower and as you'd expect most towns & cities were on the coasts so that's why we have so little evidence left outside of megaliths.
This ancient civilisation was created by blond haired blue eyed people and there are myths around the world of such people giving their ancestors technology, presumably to restart civilisation after their own people had been almost made extinct.
This is why they're demonising us ethno nationalists!!!!!!!!!FUCK
All right so where the fuck is my qt xeno gf?
This would actually explain the progressive left.
Liberals and conservatives have different approaches to the same goals:
>We want a safer country. Ban guns / add more guns
>We want cheaper food. Regulate prices / deregulate competition
>We want oxygen to breath. Green new deal / free market solutions
>We want clean water. Tax everyone / let private enterprise do it
>We want happy children. Sex change / teach religion
However the progressive left have NO goals in common with liberals or conservatives. They want open borders, no sovereignty as a nation, massive immigration, increased crime, lower education, mass hysteria and confusion, gender dysphoria, identity politics, tribalism,...
None of that makes sense unless you're trying to undermine the human race and bring our entire species to an end. Which is exactly what an alien predator would want.
My wife believes pic related......so?
When I wasn't married and younger, I'd have done an aliyum, fuck yea!
Some sauce on this would be great
The way to understand something, is to first acknowledge it even exists.
>a great cataclysm about 12000 years ago
Seems to be a cycle every 12k or 12.5k years.
It's about that time again too.
alright user, if you're ready and want to take the greenpill, here you go.
an alien predator would also want to place the human species into a position where we would be willing to accept "saviours" from another species who promise to fix everything for us.
spoopy it’s like they’re describing the brown takeover
Eh, humanity had a good run. That's all can say for us.
So who are the hybrids?
>CIA declass global cataclysm books
The Adam and Eve Story by Chan Thomas was not declassified. The CIA declassified the copy of the book they had in their archives. It was available to the public ever since it was published.
The book is cited here, in 1980, on page 9 or 10.
>aliens from another star system are somehow able to produce viable offspring
Gee, it's convenient that they evolved to be compatible with our genetic makeup when reproduction between two different species on earth is nearly impossible
it's soft disclosure
they are preparing the ground for the normies
(that would explain my lizardgirls fetish too)
fuck forgot pic
chinks are an insect-human hybrid
no surprise there
fuck off space mexicans, we're full
Von Braun warned they would try to create globalism with threat of asteroids, and if that didn't work they'd try aliens.
Oh never mind, this article is just an ad to persuade you into buying his piece of shit of a book.
It's called disinformation. When plebs get too close to the truth, glowniggers start flooding out bullshit about aliens, upcoming catastrophes, UFOs, etc.
>The thing aliens made by splicing themselves with chimps and breeding with it after is gonna die out by continuing to breed with it's creators.
I guess not all Asians are smart.
The truth? What truth?
Who are these glowniggers? Why would they do that?
It's that asteroid stream that flies through our solar system.
There's undeniable proof that the earth was hit by MANY large asteroids about 12,500 years ago.
Yes, we know Jews exist
Rh negative blood master race report in
If they can breed with humans, they're not alien -- they're us.
There were a few LARPs about an imminent invasion yesterday.
Where's the porn of it?
Wtf is that?
I thought roids would come back to haunt me, I just thought it would be the anabolic kind.
I think my dad had a brain aneurysm after I told him about this
Your dad is a boomer isn't he?
>The bug kind like in that one manga?
I'm slightly curious and aroused. What kind of bug are we talking about?
Are you saying we are like Orks from 40k and or psychic gestalt bends reality to conform to our majority belief system?
Jews are extradimensional entities.so yes.
This is just another peice to the global govt puzzle. The only way to unite people of different cultures and ethnicity’s is to give them a common enemy.
>alien false flag
Pic related - this one identifies as a girl but is disguised as a 48 year old fat Mexican. It will be worth it when her mission ends and the disguise will be unnecessary.
Perhaps we were genetically engineered using their DNA which makes it possible. Modern biology claims our ancestors lost 60% of their bone density (resulting in less muscle mass and brain formation) in the scope of less than 100 thousand years which is a ludicrous claim to say the least. It’s convenient because this has been planned since we were literal cage creatures.
If you think the POTUS or even the shadow banker families are the most powerful entities on this world you’re foolish.
We had fun.
Going to go down with a bottle of Jack Daniels in my hand.
Probably a Sami.
>neckbreaking speeds
Serious question....are Aliens /ourguys/? Can they help us overthrow the globohomo world order?
Also wanted to throw some shit out there. So there is a theory that the dogshit movie Independence day2 was showing the future; of a greater alien war. Now we have a Space force endorsed by the scientific community, Russians making their "Satan" Rocket, rocket companies interested in terminal velocity interception(uhh more than usual?), military going through mass ammo upgrades, airforce desperate for pilots, sunspot lab locked down allegedly for pedo stuff, and now lots of larper informants showing up...
The speech in the article comes from 2012. Why are they just reporting on it now?
The best thing to do is not tell anyone, three card monte the public. As for going underground, it's like no one saw 'Threads'.
>using their DNA which makes it possible.
Right, if they're capable of bending a genome that is literally alien to them just to fuck us why not just grow precision made humans in vats and use them instead?
Ok dick head, stop it right now.
You are upsetting me.
It's weird he watches Ancient Aliens so I thought I would mention this to him and he acted so strange
standing by
those aliens....
are the jews.
it's terrible.
>why not just grow precision made humans in vats and use them instead?
I guess there is nothing like catching and fucking a feral human.
Nigga they are the GWO
Titlet btfo
Can you elaborate? Why would such intelligent beings be on the side of degeneracy?
They will be eating us alive and making torture farms to break our minds.
The only one I can find that could be reasoned with are the ant aliens, they helped us during the flood but are very violent when it comes to their money and territory.
I'll also throw in the fact world leaders have been fucking around in Antarctica. Soon as anyone mentions Antarctica flatties derail threads. Also does anyone remember that ship the Russians sent to Antarctica under military escort?
Because they don’t want perfect humans. They want a race of slaves that’s foolish, self destructive, and easy to control. “Breeding” don’t mean they’re fucking us. Humans “breed” cows don’t they?
Would they just hurry the fuck up already? They're all acting like this is going to be some big fucking reveal;
Guess what you dumb fucks, this is going to be as big of a surprise to the public as two parents who constantly have apocalyptic meltdown fights getting a divorce.
That looks close enough to
That I'm out.
Good luck figuring that one out anons, it's fucking difficult.
>imagine being such a pleb you can't know about activities of the powerful and also observe the latest alien/meteor/antarctica theories
>article says "breeding with"
Either way it's pointless when you're that advanced. If they're far enough ahead of us to bend space then they're advanced enough to sequence our genome, run simulations on it, then factory print humans to their needed specifications.
ayy lmao
quit making fun of the Finns!
Big Black Buff Roaches who hate women
Aliens are demons.
Ayy lmao
If ayys were benevolent they would make their presence known and give us space secrets to uplift us.
Instead they hover mysteriously in our skies looking all cryptic and mighty.
Nah, they are malevolent.
Competition predation its biology. Bigger powerful things eat smaller things.
No fucking shit. These "Aliens" have been doing this for years now
Jow Forums isn't ready for Jacobs. They'll refuse the greypill like an SJW refuses the redpill. It's too far outside of their box.
He kind of lost me when he went all in on 2012 and nothing happened, great read though, still would recommend it.
nah man, mushroom aliens are superior
Anyone who does this cuts their offspring off from humanity, they will be destroyed root and stem.
Genesis chapter 6
Matthew chapter 13
The Watchers are who they always were, enemies of God and man.
I once explained here what's going on with aliens and their interest on us, it's pretty simple really.
A report on civilizations from our distant past that was written in 1963 and classified by the CIA until 2016 (page 35 cia.gov
>Greece - land of the Hellenes - was home of a tall, blue-eyed, blonde race with standards of science and law unmatched to this day.
Giant scientist Aryans 15,000 years ago? What does it all mean?