Why are white people so ignorant on race?
Why are white people so ignorant on race?
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What advice are you seeking?
advice on how to deal with these fucks
Can you make a fist?
Make it right so your knuckles go white
Now jam it into your shit hole you racist faget
How are they ignorant about race? What do other races know what they dont?
I went to wash my car yesterday at the car wash (self serv) and this fucking goblin looking thing got out of his beater Nissan with his buddy and good lord I couldn't make out what fucking race he was. He had a face like he had some sort of disease. But I don't think he was handicap or anything he was just a mix of 10 different races.
I can't imagine my life not being white. Being born some amalgamation. A low iq, frizzy haired, ugly faced genetic freak. I thank God for my white parents.
i am not racist????
It's true, a lot of white people wrongly believe that race doesn't exist except as a social construct.
Sheltered life and media pandering. So, basically white privilege.
Because we are led to believe through media and education propaganda that races don't exist and that we should really not look into it because that's very unhealthy and racist.
Of course, all of this is wrong, but that's what (((they))) want us to think.
I thought all races where supposed to be equal.
>why are rich people so ignorant about pulling your bootstraps up
>why are healthy people so ignorant about suffering
>why are first-worlders so ignorant about violence
This. No theory of mind, no empathy for situations they haven't themselves experienced.
I'm not ignorant on it, I just fucking hate niggers.
Grew up around a lot of them, fucking loud and rude and fucking dumb as fucking rocks dude.
I was never priveleged and grew up not having enough to even eat, these niggers just love to make excuses for their low iqs .
why is it every time i report these threads the mods don't do fucking shit?
why did this thread get more then 5 replies
remember to sage
...are you serious? Cause actual empirical data proves that its white people putting blacks in environment where they fail.
and I bet you believe, "the great replacement" dont you?
Link to these scientific studies please.
he's not serious retard
Well, don't know about that, all i know is that most of them were too fucking interested in some dumb bullshit, didn't pay attention in class and blamed everyone else for everything, like i said they were loud, rude and fucking nasty, all of them, they were all the same, everything bad about a person morally that's what the niggers are.
wait you never read up on these articles before?
And you know, how?
I grew up in the same poverty as these niggers if not worse , and never acted like they did or did what they did.
It's just low genetic iq
genetic IQ isnt a thing. If you're white, have you been oppressed as much black people have?
I was literally in an environment where the principal was black and most of the teachers were too, you could literally get the shit beat out you for being white, so I'd assume yes.
I try to take my impressions of people with a grain of salt. However, if someone dresses and acts like someone that reminds me of dangerous or uncomfortable situations that happened in the past, I'm going to avoid them and presume they're like the ones that have hurt me. I don't judge based on skin color, but people that act like a stereotype make me think they are that stereotype. I can't avoid it, it's a survival mechanism.
but factually white people, at least in America, have not been through as much as bad things as black people have had to endured. Also, not trying to demean what happened to you, but your a very special outlier.
>actual empirical data
lol ok. Personally I think a lot of progress was made during the civil rights era through the 80s in terms of getting black people access to education and resources etc. But the new generation that came of age afterwards took all that progress for granted and black culture nosedived in many areas of the cpuntry. Homes,streets, and classrooms filled with chaos violence and unprotected sex does not lead to prosperity. Culture that devalues education, family, parentig is incompatible with "middle class" quality of life no matter how many gibs are thrown at it. Now that white popluation ratio is dwindling govt and business increasingly rely on racial politics to manipulate and control voters, consumers etc.
I think that's more cultural than genetic. There are so many factors in ones development that it can be hard to separate what is environmental and what is genetic. In fact, the environment can affect genetic expression and genetic predispositions can cause one to tend towards certain environments.
meant for
Because when your race has historically been the majority, historically been the most "well-off", their perspective on things is completely different.
I'm not even knocking them just know they the world looks a little different to them.
How do the new generation take it for granted? Im familiar with black culture. Im Latino, but grew up in a black culture. They dont promote unprotected sex, do they promote sex overall? Yea a fuck ton of it, but its safe and consensual sex, whats wrong with that? Black culture doesnt devalue any of the things you said. I would say idiotic parents do that, but that comes from all races. Both sides use identity politics, but the right does it in a more annoying/aggro way. But I really dont want this to turn into a Jow Forums thread so lets please stay with politics.
I would say that white generation coming up these days mosty are exposed to hostile rhetoric from media and high places
This shit thread again?
I think over all white people who are in power are being criticized. I never seen a serious intellectual say something like, "ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE EViL". Maybe twitter tards, but no one serious. I wont lie though when I hear white people talk about how "reverse racism" is worse than real racism or that the white genocide is real, I'm just like stfu you should not have a following or sometype of power.
Not even that user, but pretending that there's no cultural problem that causes a lot of the issues black people have is a little disingenuous.
Black people are raised by single mothers nearly 3 times as often as white people, for example. They're born out of the wedlock much more, or by young mothers. All of this is deeply associated with poverty.
While kids of first generation immigrants often are really good in school and put a lot of effort, especially african americans who have been in the states for a while don't care about education as much.
There's a problem with black culture. And no one can fix it but you.
Not saying racism doesn't exist, not saying black people aren't in a worse place to begin with than white people. But you can't blame everything on "society" when you make poor decisions.
Even on muh sjw sites like marysue full of mediocre writers and click bait headlines, I don't ever recall shit that was specifically aimed at whites for being white. Tons of the jokes tend to be very specific "give me the confidence of a mediocre white male" just isn't the same as "all white men are mediocre and have overinflated egos"
On twitter, I somehow stumbled to some niche black supremacist going on about devils, and even from these only a tiny minority had some genocidal fantasies that are common for non whites ... and it was more amusing than anything. How am I supposed to feel threatened by a tiny minority of powerless people?
From the top ... there is literally nothing. A large majority of media is still the same story of some white guy, who might have a few non white sidekicks for diversity points.
You make really good points, I'll give you that much. Its hard for black fathers to stick with their children when 1/5 black people WILL be incarcerated at some point in their lives. This is more philosophical and using sociology, but personal responsibility is almost impossible in a society. Its kinda hard to tell someone at rock bottom who has never ever seen the light of day, to just make better decisions. (Obviously im being a little poetic right there, but you get the point.)
mods pls
Also black people go to the worst schools in America that never teach their students any type of sexual education. Should blame their mother who had to work 2 jobs a day and who is exhausted to teach their children at midnight?
>genetics, the very matter you're made of, which dictates everything from your eye colour to the size of your muscles.. literally every organ in your body, has absolutely ZERO impact on how you think and behave.
Maybe some members of the current generation are more "woke" about education and certain things, but my point is a lot of the problems in certain neighborhoods and communties can be traced back to the behavior inside and not to white oppression. Affirmative action, grants, welfare and other assistamce programs have been in place for decades, but if people dont use opportunities they are given their complaints shouldnt be taken so seriously. Youre right, many white communities also suffer same problems of drugs, apathy, single motherhood. So perhaps race-blind economic factors are more to blame for americas blighted communities, and not white racism (anymore at least)
>Black people are raised by single mothers nearly 3 times as often as white people
Too bad someone put the daddy in jail.
>especially african americans who have been in the states for a while don't care about education as much
It's given they are going to get frustrated seeing that trying hard rarely works. (Just read up on the history how bad black business owners got fucked when they actually did well) Even if they finish their shitty underfunded school well, they are going to struggle to get a decent job, treated like shit and paid less. If they manage not to get harassed by the cops on the way there.
Now obviously defeatism isn't the way, but it seems just given that when you push people down for so long, they will get tired of standing up.
A poor white immigrant doing well in school, has a much better chance to escape his class.
That said, obviously culture is a factor too but it's very hard to disconnect black culture from the constant disadvantages they have to deal with.
That's partly due blacks being the most religious group.
65% of them abandon their kids, tho. Even taking away those who are incarcerated, that's still twice as much as white parents.
And I disagree with the rhetoric that personal responsibility doesn't exist. We have to hold ourselves accountable at least to some extent for where we are in life. While it helps to keep in mind where you started from, you can't say that you're forced to stay there because you had no better options.
>Should blame their mother who had to work 2 jobs a day and who is exhausted to teach their children at midnight?
Yes. Especially because a lot of them end up having to work 2 jobs because they made fucking stupid sexed decisions in the first place, they should be the ones telling their children to not be idiots.
I also doubt that 16 years old are unaware of condoms or birth control dude. I knew about it when I was 6.
So wait a women should be punished for life over one mistake? Im guessing you dont know very much about sociology or philosophy, (no flame), but these things do prove that personal responsibility is almost nonexistent.
>We have to hold ourselves accountable at >least to some extent for where we are in life.
I would love to agree with this, but since as soon as people leave their house and roll the dice are life a lot of them are fucked unfairly. I thought America was suppose to be the free land where if you work hard you can get w.e you want, but theres empirical data that proves that minorities just have it harder than whites.
>That's partly due blacks being the most religious group.
Did black people do the crusades?
White conservatives Christians are the worst bro.
Very few people are in jail without having committed a crime.
Keep telling black people they can't get ahead in the world and of course they are going to give up.
Why are you doing that?
They are not being held back anymore, so focus on that.
>They are not being held back anymore, so focus on that.
Then why are black people so fucked rn? Why are black people more likely to be in povererty? Why do black people get locked up more ofc becaues theyre commiting crimes, but you gotta think a little more deeper than that. Like why are black people doing more crimes than white people? Why do black people are less likely to get a call back from jobs than white people?
>they can't get ahead in the world and of course they are going to give up.
They dont give up! they fight back! which is what were seeing rn! They cant get ahead because of racism.
>White conservatives Christians are the worst bro.
Sure but these are mostly dying out. Blacks add fresh numbers to the conservative Christians on the other hand, which in turn leads to promotion of tons of unhealthy attitudes.
>Very few people are in jail without having committed a crime.
And most of these are black. Besides the whole increased chance to get caught, harsher punishments for same crimes, and so on.
>Keep telling black people they can't get ahead in the world
No one is doing that. Acknowledgement the extra barriers they have isn't the same as accepting the shit.
>So wait a women should be punished for life over one mistake?
Taking care of your children and making sure they grow into responsible adults is your role as a parent, it's not a punishment.
>as soon as people leave their house and roll the dice are life a lot of them are fucked unfairly
I never understood why people expect to be treated "fairly" to begin with. It's not the reality of life, and it has never been and it will never be.
And yes, minorities have it harder. I'm an immigrant, I'm disabled, I didn't have a peachy life myself. But I still think that I'm responsible for many things I've got in my life, both in terms of positive results I obtained and negative ones.
>Too bad someone put the daddy in jail.
Are you trying to push the rhetoric that black people are in jail for being black? I think that it's their choice to do shit that puts them in jail.
Or that black people only abandon their children because they're in jail? Because as I said, even without counting the 20% of black men who end up in jail at some point of their life AT ALL, the rate at which black dads abandon their kids is twice as high as white people.
>A poor white immigrant doing well in school, has a much better chance to escape his class.
Yet one of the immigrant groups that is most successful in the USA is Nigerians. Because they put value on education.
Groundbreaking, right?
Didn't grow up in a society that tells them they are shit because they are black, which tends to make you more confident and optimistic, which makes dealing with racism easier. Aren't Nigerans incidentally one of the most happy nations, while blacks and latinos are the most depressed group in Burgerland?
Yeah, Nigerian Americans who grow up in the states are the only group of black people who don't experience racism.
Society tries to be racist against them, but they show their nigerian card and they're like "OH WOW, DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE NIGERIAN, I'LL GIVE YOU EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES RIGHT NOW".
>Nigerian Americans who grow up in the states
What even makes them immigrants then?
Wasn't the study you referencing to specifically about college grads and foreign students?
Yea my bad bro. If we cant agree that personal responsibility is nonexistent then we'll never agree on this issue. But I did enjoy our convo. You got a good head on you and seem like you want everything to be good. Just please look into more existential philosophy and sociology. I wish you luck.
>Taking care of your children and making sure they grow into responsible adults is your role as a parent, it's not a punishment.
It is a punishment when Americans hold them down to their children they cant take care of because of socioeconomic reasons.
I use the word immigrant referring to first and second generation immigrants. Maybe I used it too losely.
>Wasn't the study you referencing to specifically about college grads and foreign students?
There are many studies that talk about Nigerian Americans.
They have one of the higher incomes across all ethnic groups, higher than national average, for example.
It's a cultural thing. If you live in a group that highly values education and has strong family values, such as Nigerians, you're more likely to be successful in life.
>personal responsibility is almost nonexistent
Even if personal responsibility cant truly exist in deterministic sociological analysis, the RHETORIC of responsibility can still cause people to make better decisions. Right now alot of propaganda is put out there lulling many people into a tribalistic hypersensitive victimhood mindset, which is not healthy. Instead the people with good intentions should be spreading the message that individuals can control their destinies and create prosperity and strong communities by engaging in productive actions. Young people get inundated with propganda about skkn color and lgbt acceptance, but not enough emphasis is put on pro social values like diligence, civility, generosity, temperance. In fact those words would probably sound cringy to a lot of people because of how hedonistic and cynical the climate is currently
The top earning race in america is asians not whites.. The american economic system is clearly not white supremacist.
I studied it in college. I think that society puts limitations and heavier burdens on you in many cases, but living your life telling yourself that you have no saying in your existence is fucking idiotic.
We can't do everything, for some people it is harder, but we can do a lot.
I agree that as a black person you might have to work harder to achieve certain things, but it's your choice to not work harder.
>It is a punishment when Americans hold them down to their children they cant take care of because of socioeconomic reasons.
It's not. It's your role as a parent to parent your children, if you can't take care of them then you're not fit as a parent.
>In fact those words would probably sound cringy to a lot of people because of how hedonistic and cynical the climate is currently
Or maybe because just like muh personal responsibility they were abused by a certain group. But sure, overall you're right but probably barking at the wrong tree, the same groups who acknowledge the disadvantages tend also to focus on overcoming the shit. It definitely could get more spotlight but guess it's given that the media rather focuses on headlines.
>The american economic system is clearly not white supremacist.
A few exceptions don't change it. Income inequality among Asians is the highest too.
>Then why are black people so fucked rn?
You have to look at the individual and see.
>Why are black people more likely to be in povererty?
No college degree makes it more likely to be unemployed and harder to assess your options.
>Why do black people get locked up more ofc becaues theyre commiting crimes, but you gotta think a little more deeper than that. Like why are black people doing more crimes than white people?
What answer do you want here? When people think the system is rigged against them, they don't want to play using the rules set by the system. Jews and Asians don't have this problem, I think it is largely to do with the black community talking about slavery and racism in this century as if it still exist in the western world.
>Why do black people are less likely to get a call back from jobs than white people?
Call back from jobs are a long shot in most situations. It is always easier to get a job when you find a way to be a person instead of a piece of paper. Talk to the person who hires and get to know them, network with the one who will give a recommendation etc.
Writing a good CV is only a small part of the process. If black people don't do this, why aren't they? It is not a new concept that you need to know someone.
>racism doesn't exist in this century
Come the fuck on.
As for call backs, the user probably meant: pnas.org
>>Very few people are in jail without having committed a crime.
>And most of these are black.
Because most people in jail are black. I don't think it has anything to do with discrimination.
>Besides the whole increased chance to get caught, harsher punishments for same crimes, and so on.
Every case is different. Most criminal cases does not go to trial, they are pleaded out. If white people are offered a light sentence and black people are offered a harsh sentence consistently, then this is a problem. But I don't think lawyers break the law regularly to satisfy some evil agenda. If there is proof, then punish the guilty.
As for easier getting caught, what are you arguing here? Every criminal should be caught in an ideal society. The race shouldn't factor in at all.
Slavery doesn't exist, racism isn't tolerated.
Very few people are racist these days.
Since you love oppression history so much, go back and find racist and see how they would fare today.
Democrats doesn't kill off Republicans because they were black anymore.
Black civilians aren't attacked for using the wrong sink or sitting the wrong place.
And if this should happen, nobody would defend that shit.
why are black people so hung up on racism?
why do young black people insist on calling each other nigger?
>>ive never heard two white guys call each other honky...
racism will die out when people stop making a issue out of it.
>then this is a problem
>But I don't think lawyers break the law regularly to satisfy some evil agenda.
That's generally a big misunderstanding about racism and white supremacy. Majority of people aren't running around with tiki torches or thinking about how to fuck up the day for another black guy. The prejudice is internalised and works much more subtle. Same mechanism works when people perceive black kids older than they are and less innocent.
>If there is proof, then punish the guilty.
And then some orange man pardoned the person. Besides as you said, it's a case by case basis, and you have to blatantly abuse your power to even have a chance to get punished. Besides, it's costly as fuck.
>The race shouldn't factor in at all.
And yet it is when certain neighbourhoods get policed far more often and people looking too dark get stopped more often.
>Slavery doesn't exist
Muricans prison system is pretty close to it.
>Very few people are racist these days.
I guess you also consider the guy who said that some nazis are fine people not a racist?
>Black civilians aren't attacked for using the wrong sink or sitting the wrong place.
Yeah, the get shot for wearing hoodies or sleeping in the wrong places. Or going to Starbucks. Though at least the latter is justified.
>And if this should happen, nobody would defend that shit.
Very generous and hopeful, even assuming we ignore dogwhistles.
"Racism" in the sense of racial identity will never go away. "Racism" in the sense of hatred only exists in the first place because of forced proximity. Blame whichever group you want for 'starting' it, but it's a fact that the American whites with the least biased attitudes towards blacks are those which live in overwhelmingly white states.
>orange man bad
I wish he was a tenth the man leftists portray him as.
life is suffering but we must be kind to one another. #alllivesmatter
>acknowledge the disadvantages
I guess my thesis is that the primary disadvantages no longer stem from race-based oppression, and fixation on that is counterproductive.