Steak crash course

Hey Jow Forums, i need some super quick tips

>be me, vacation with qt gf and her family for the first time
>worked in a super ritzy restaurant for a few years as a line chef
>mention this at dinner
>her dad grabbed 8 steaks and suggested i grill all of them tomorrow

I have them marinating in sealable bags with a mixture of

A little Kiwi
A little red wine
Onions sauce
Black Pepper
Lemon juice
Diced onion
Olive oil
Minced ginger

Theyre gonna sit in the marinade about 12 to 15 hours. We're doing shit early so i cant cook em till later. Are these steaks gonna be crazy, or will they probably suck? If this is a recipe for disaster, how can i damage control, or is it too late?

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You already failed


>grilled steak

only needs salt senpai, you could've just made a dip instead with the other ingridients

wait, what?

what the fuck do you know? You didn't even ask OP what cuts they were, let alone his line chef experience. A marinated cut can be delicious.

Italian dressing is a great marinade because the acids in vinegar help to trnderize the meat, you might get some of that effect with the lemon juice depending on how much you used. You can use wood smoke to add extra flavor when you grill, but don't over char the meat or it will get too tough.

There are some thicker cuts, about 1.5 to 2 in porterhouse, NYS, and ribeye. I worked sautee and then up to pan one (which being an italian place, was seafood and pasta containing it mostly) and i was right next to the grill, which was manned by pan 2. I know the basics of a grilled steak (oiled surface, high even heat, crossmarks, flip once, etc) but i can never really nail it right each time and i didnt bring my thermometer. Im just highly nervous. Its kinda a big deal

You're either lying or your kitchen was shit.
>marinating ribeye, porterhouse, ny

name one steak house that serves a marinated steak. sizzler doesn't even do this.

>I have them marinating

Its not supposed to be like a steakhouse, he specifically requested that it was "something different"

>what the fuck do you know

That's usually because prepping something like that is harder to do in large volumes, dumbass

Where the fuck does it say he wants to do something different? Fucking retard

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still waiting for you to name one, retard

>claims to have worked in a pro kitchen
>marinating choice cuts
yea this is larp


Restaurants won't marinate steaks because it takes longer, that's some stupid ass logic dude. They can plan forward for things like that. Chicken you fucking marinate. Not a god damned steak

>Marinating porterhouse, NYS, and ribeye
You're good bro. Just make sure you cook them well done with a side of ketchup

>if I keep repeating my retarded logic maybe they'll believe me

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should be ok unless you're dealing with really tender cuts of meat which will get mushy if left to marinate that long.

you should downplay your restaurant experience before you start grilling, maybe mention that you used different equipment so it's your first time grilling outdoors etc etc. you have eight of these so do the first one on its own to make sure you've got a good temperature and see if you can improve on it, try topping it with the marinade on the grill for more flavor if it seems iffy

to look like you're improving on the spot is always more impressive than simply showing off

Pretty sure everyone is retarded. Marinated steak is fucking good. Pretty sure few if any in this thread have any experience cooking for anyone other than themselves if that.

Name one steak house that serves a marinated steak, samefag