>inb4 jew shill
Look, we’re going sinking into the shit, we’re eventually going to hit the bottom. I don’t advocate for civil war, but I wouldn’t deny that we’re heading into civil conflict.
After watching this video I realized all the memetry about the Boogaloo is bullshit.
I feel like we will lose in the event of ACW 2.0 simply because it will be an insurgency tenfold with nightmarish fighting conditions that we will not want to fight in.
Everyone in here thinks it will be like the CSA and the Union, uniforms, relative rules of war and conduct. Or maybe that the left won’t be capable of dealing damage.
I’m honestly scared, not for myself, but for my family, the women in my family, I don’t want them to become victims or rape, sex slavery or genocide while I’m away fighting said civil war. Are there any ways we can avoid this from happening? I think most of Jow Forums can agree that we should use violence as a last resort.
Civil War 2.0
You will have to bring them with you I suppose.
I will make sure to rake every single last leaf I find during the boogaloo
>complete freedom of movement
because nobody would notice a Walking trash bag with legs.
I mean honestly if cw2.0 pops off I’ll most likely stick with my immediate family and protect them, everything else be damned
>implying the targets being fired upon will look around to notice trash bags during a moment of adrenaline and tunnel vision
>rip out trash bag
wow wasn't so hard was it?
if the bag starts walking somebody will notice.
he is right the war will not be quick the right wing will not destroy the left instantaneously and the left won't be well equipped enough or in the right territory to destroy the right in 4 years
it will be at least a decades long conflict
embrace it boys rwds squads cleansing towns leftists doing the same the war is going to be rahowa on scale that will make all you siegers blush
unless you’re firing stationary from an urban shithole in which there’s trash and shit everywhere
>new york city
>los ángeles
besides the trash bag set up is geared towards an ambush scenario
>enemy movements in inner city >ambush enemy foot patrol or convoy in trash bags
>rip out and continue said ambush
unless you’re firing stationary from an urban shithole in which there’s trash and shit everywhere
>new york city
>los ángeles
besides the trash bag set up is geared towards an ambush scenario
>enemy movements in inner city >ambush enemy foot patrol or convoy in trash bags
>rip out and continue said ambush
>I think most of Jow Forums can agree that we should use violence as a last resort.
We should get rid of the spics by any means necessary as soon as possible.
>Are there any ways we can avoid this from happening?
You make sure your loved ones are somewhere safe before going off to war or you fight the conflict alongside them.
I just think the idea that many on here as much as they larp about dotr or rahowa, will go from shit posting to burning entire neighborhoods and committing crimes against humanity whether the victims are our racial or political enemies, is fucking laughable, but then again stranger things have happened in history
>tfw i’m a spic from texas
>half white half mexican with mostly spaniard blood and recent heritage, and some indio in me
>agree with most whitenat views
>hate commies, lefties and zogbot politicians
>just wanted to live comfy in my Texas ranch
But I agree, the illegals have to be stopped, and the latinos that have treasonous views or have fifth columnist tendencies should be viewed as foreign troops.
Also, I’ll probably forcibly relocate my family to Mexico while I do some genocide shit
>Also, I’ll probably forcibly relocate my family to Mexico
That's good. You guys don't belong here, but those who go back to where they should be to rule as the master race in their homelands are good guys in my book.
Good luck, Paco.
nigger what do you think all that shitposting is
we are dehumanizing ourselves and our enemies on a scale that would make the japs blush you are gonna see fat ass Jow Forumsocks banzai charging
it may not be effective I agree it's probably detrimental but still it's a dehumanizing effort that will make genocide not only possible but CERTAIN and the left is doing the same shit
There is nothing in Mexico for me, just a plot of land that’s been passed down through my family since the 1800’s, considering my family has been here in Texas since before the war of 1845 I consider myself a Texan first and an American second, but I’m still willing to fight for my land and my state even if whitey wants me out
that’s true, i’ve come to realize that there’s a good percentage of people on Jow Forums who only want a civil war not as a means of resolving an internal political and racial problem but as an excuse to be a bunch of degenerate war criminals
Well my ancestors literally created America as Revolutionary patriots by marching to Concord as minutemen, and have fought in every conflict until WW2. You aren't my countryman and never will be, so you should definitely leave while you're welcome to leave.
Person in plastic bag would die from the heat.
it starts as resolving problems and turns into the want to commit war crimes
it is not gonna be clean
but Im not sure if I want it to be
and by the time it starts you might be in the same position
welcome to Jow Forums you're here forever
remember lads, suscribe to pewdiepie
Those limes/lemons look mouth watering. How do they taste?
While we're on the topic.
what’s the point of fighting if we’re just going to devolve into nigger tier warfare against the left, considering that’s what we’re trying to prevent the left from doing to us as soon as whites become a racial and political minority? could you kill men women and children in the name of the white race and then after years of ethnic cleansing, warfare and shit, go back to your family and look them in the eye? I’m just trying to understand how the psychological outcome/impact of such conflict will affect the motivation to meet the end goals of the said civil war
So you're just gonna kill the enemy militia? Shoot antifa bastards?
what about after they raped and tortured a small white town in the country side? not gonna get pissed and get some revenge?
not after 4 years? 5 years? 8?
even if you don't go low you will make excuses for your allies who do willingly and often
I'm not here to advocate i'm trying to prepare you guys for what awaits syria aint got shit on what the 2nd civil war is going to be like
>could you kill men women and children in the name of the white race and then after years of ethnic cleansing, warfare and shit, go back to your family and look them in the eye?
Of course. We'd be cleansing America for their future. The viciousness that the hispanic invader has waged upon America — how they have taken our lands and our prosperity by their simple presence — is deserving of the worst punishment possible.
I'd rather see them peacefully deported, though.
Everybody gangsta till the refuse stsrt walkin.
True, I don’t think I would be able to shoot unarmed people wantonly, even in a scenario of revenge, but I also don’t know if my conscience could handle being around a squad/team or platoon of fighters that don’t give a fuck and just do rahowa shit to whoever they see fit
Not if he's wearing a cooling vest/suit.
The gun needs bit of trash stuck to it though.
There's no nobility in warfare. You may be fighting for a noble cause but that shit goes out the window when you have to start killing.
Embrace the chaos. Win at all costs. Otherwise roll over and die like a faggot.
See this is what I’m talking about, you’re ready to say this, of course, you’re on Jow Forums you can say such things, but are you ready to walk the walk? Everyone wants to be an operator till it’s time to do operate shit
yeah that’s true, i guess no matter how much i try to convince myself that i will never commit war crimes, i’ll probably find myself doing crazy shit to traitors and etc in a couple of years
I never meant a close ally just a different militia group that is technically on the same side would you be willing to hold a front line with them?
>, but are you ready to walk the walk? Everyone wants to be an operator till it’s time to do operate shit
Have a read about fourth generational warfare. You won't have a choice. You will have to join a side or die anyway.
Sorry, but hispanic people are an invasive species who've destroyed the great nation my ancestors created. What's happened to my homeland of California is quickly happening across the nation and our government, even under a man who promised to fix the problem, will do nothing about it.
All spics must be removed ASAP.
Meant to reply to
violence purifies the spirit, just because its dirty work doesnt mean its not noble
it would depend, if they’re out there doing the dirty business because it needs to be done, I don’t care, out of sight out of mind for me, but let’s say we’re two different militias that operate in different ways but for the same cause/side and there are suspected enemy elements in our AO I would be glad to help friendly forces to launch search and destroy ops.
similar to the SAA army and pro assad militias in Syria if that’s what you mean.
Nobody ever said war is easy. Civil war posters on Jow Forums usually know that. Back during WW1 there were people that unironically believed the war would be over before Christmas. Mussolini thought that world war 2 would only take a year. If you think anything that's going to happen will be pleasant or easy all I can say is that you will learn eventually or you will HONK 6 feet under.
That's what a lot of people are going to do and it will bite them in the ass. Yes you should protect your family but you cant ignore what's going on outside. Factions will inevitably form and steam roll all those that oppose them. Unless you want to go alone wolf gurellia its wise that you build a network through mouth. Dont try to recruit anybody online the glowies will be all over you. The only people you can trust are your friends and family that share your same views. You'll have to brutally initiate any outsiders claiming to be your friend because they could just as well be an anti American backstabber looking to torch everything you own. There will be no mercy for anybody. When the Soviets invaded Europe they raped and murdered to their hearts content. German girls had their tits cut off and metal poles shoved up their vaginas. These commie pukes are lower than dirt and if you hesitate to think that there's a soul inside their bodies you'll be lunch meat in two seconds. You think the rhetoric is bad now? Wait until the green light happens where the commies know for a fact that they are free to butcher everything you care about. Brenton Tarrant didn't hesitate to shoot a muslim girl laying on the ground crying for help because he knew what was going on.
What a retard.
i saw this thing the other day where not only they had those guns that allow you to shoot from around a corner, but the part around the corner had a stuffed animal kitten. So not only is the shooter safe, but the enemy is distracted.
I’m not responsible for California and you can’t and won’t hold me accountable for what jews, complacent whites, and central americans did to California
t. Child
the Zundel prophecy will come true. if you create Wiemar conditions you will have predictable solutions.
You're the retard. America was created to be an ethno-state for white European people. We conquered it from sea to shining sea, and now it's being overrun by the people we took it from fairly. They should get the fuck out. A prosperous civilization is about much more than economic success, and I'd be more than willing to pay more for everything if it meant cheap beaner labor was universally deported.
Fuck hispanic people.
Now you all just calm down here. There isn't going to be a war. Omar is going to name the Jew and the normies will demand action. Relax.
urban ghillie suits, great lol
why would I leave Texas? just because it was won from Mexico during the war? you think I’m any less American because I’m slightly brown? Lol at dumb faggots like you, every generation of men in my family has fought this country’s wars since world war one, and i’m currently an infantryman for the U.S Army lol
there will never be a race or civil war. everyone is fat and lazy stuck in their own fantasies. grow the fuck up
>but I wouldn’t deny that we’re heading into civil conflict.
Don't be a retard. Do you really think a bunch of rednecks can fight the US army or something?
>Wiemar conditions
Weimar Germany was suffering a terrible economic crisis, people were starving. The US will never come to that unless something super extraordinary happens.
pretty much what I mean but make no mistake the military will not be on the right wings side by the start of the war (though most of the war vets will)
Sorry, but you'll never be a true American. My ancestors didn't create this county for you, and it'll be destroyed if we continue down this disgusting civic nationalist path.
Go back to where you fucking belong.
I feel exactly the same. my ancestors came to Virginia in 1753. I've had relatives fight in virtually every war. I find it hilarious that someone just coming here has more rights than I do when it was my ancestors that made this county.
they completely deny us our heritage and tell us our history isn't important. yet I'm supposed to praise the culture of these shitskins as if it were some holy and scared.
bullshit, your family came here in the 90s at best like most spics.
Eh, what's noble or not is relative. The point was that when you choose to take up arms the lines will then be blurred. There is no right or wrong, only survival.
I don’t want to take shit from you, nor impede white people’s right to exist, and neither do millions of other people, why should they pay for your complacent behavior? I don’t hate white people but I don’t worship them, but why the fuck should I pay the price of white foolishness the last 70 years? It’s not my fault moishe tricked your boomer grandparents into letting in millions of illegals and low IQ mexicans and etc
You get it. It's fucking disgusting. My people came here in the 1600s. The fact that some fucking beaner piece of trash thinks this is his country and I should view him as my equal makes my stomach turn and makes EVERY Revolutionary patriot spin in their graves.
It's ok to be hateful. Know when to recognize it and know when to act on it.
yeah bro some retard on Jow Forums is going to tell me my own family history, kys
>I don’t hate white people but I don’t worship them
You're not supposed to worship us. You're supposed to know your fucking place. And you haven't. All people like you do is run around asserting yourself by pointing to the equality enshrined in our laws, when that equality was only meant to ever exist for white Europeans.
You're just as bad as the globalists you blame this for, and are literally on their side. You will never be American.
what this country has degenerated into is disgusting. I'm disgusted by it daily.
simple logic Pedro, not very many spics in the US before the 1960s. operation Wetback took care of the ones that were. I know every Mexican in Texas claims he was descended from the Tejanos but that's bullshit.
next you'll tell me you're some kind of castizo and your grandpa had blue eyes. it's the tired and true bullshit every goblino tells.
I don’t give a fuck about equality lol, equality is a false god only whites and their pets worship, I just don’t see why I should move from a ranch that’s been passed down from generation to generation in Texas of all places just because whitey got mad and realized the globalist jews tricked him many years ago to destroy his own country through complacency, LMAO nigger you’re just seething
russia and china will rebuild the county. the moment civil war breaks out im moving to cuba or bejing lol
If you are slightly brown you're not supposed to be here. Fuck off, we're full.
no, the majority of my family from Mexico came from catalonia and aragon, mixed with some indios, sought land in West Texas, mixed with some whites in the 50’s, mixed with some indios in the 70’s , etc, wow it’s 2019 and I’m here who would have thought
>le rednecks are fighting the military
I know you're a hue monkey but it's not just rednecks fighting the military. The military itself is also fighting itself. Police vs police. Neighbor vs neighbor. You act like 5 million or so combined police and military magically stick together and fight off tens of millions of gun owners that are fighting just like the vietcong on American soil. Our government simply does not have the power to forcibly hold down everybody all at once. What they can do however is pick off the few people here and there during peace time while the system is still intact. The peace time is coming to an end however. There's no way all of America comes together and holds hands while singing kumbaya after all the shit that's happened. The only people that will be at peace in the coming few years are going to be the shitposters that are so dead inside that everything going on is just a big joke. Normies will be like playdoh and that they'll fall over at the first sign of trouble until the tough ones rise from the masses.
Lmfao you're literally a Jewish golem who doesn't realize he's the footsoldier for the globalist agenda.
p sure the air quality there will kill you faster
Bump We need more threads like this. Will post random tips
the problem is that anyone coming to america can beat his chest and call himself american and the majority will decide what direction the country will go in. so in 20 years when european people in america are a minority america will turn into mexico. the problem is that even when you dont let any illegal migrants in as of tomorrow you still have enough legal immigrants to outbreed you in a few decades. white america is lost
All you can do is say I'm seething in all caps. Sounds like you're projecting, beaner.
This thread is glowing hard.
so the WW1 shit was basically bullshit. one coal burner in a sea of shit doesn't mean anything.
but I’m not, I’m comfy sitting in my bed, are you, fren?
Why the fuck cant you make Mexico great? Why do you feel the need to stay inside a country where the main populace is getting increasingly annoyed by your presence? I would never go to Mexico and except you guys to speak English. If you faggots traveled to the moon I would applaud you. This whole forced melting pot of non whites just doesn't work out. White Americans come from many different parts of Europe but we're all white so there's not much to fight about. When you start adding in incredibly different tribes it just gets all fucky. If whitey doesn't get pissed off then uncle chang is going to steam roll the world because uncle chang has an insect brain which means zero empathy. Chinese dont even fucking give a shit when other Chinese die. You think they'll give two shits about sending their zerg army across the world? They're already colonizing Africa plundering the natural resources. In the age of nigger worship the rice farmers are the only ones with no fucks to give
Somebody broke OP. It's ok, he was a faggot anyway
Yes, but a lot is true.
Civil war is really really ugly.
People think a state such as California would be a "liberal stronghold", but they were about 200k shy of the number that voted for Trump in Texas, and armed. California will be a non stop blood bath.
Trump is all but sure to win re-election. The sun is entering is low phase which brings recession. These two events will converge in two years and things will break, quickly.
I'm sure some in this thread are FEDs but even their FED posting is providing insight to the state of mind many will have, predictively programed or not, when it all goes wrong.
I'll be in Argentina while everyone figures things out.
So you're predicting that 2022 is when SHTF?
>I'll be in Argentina while everyone figures things out
And this is why America is dying. Nobody gives a fuck about it anymore
in America our (((government))) uses something called the ethnoracial pentagon (or hexagon) to determine a persons race. of the racial groups they recognize one isn't afforded any protections whatsoever. now it isn't hard to figure out which one that is.
when the country was 87-90% white, you know protecting the 13-10% against the rest isn't an unreasonable idea. however with every white under 30 they are the minority. so a system that was meant to protect the 13% against the 87% is no a system where the 51% uses it against the 49%.
so in effect for whites under 30 their nation is gone, they are nothing more than a slave class, no different than the whites in South Africa.
yet God forbid they get upset about this. the left pushes white genocide and laughs about it but the right is no different. they push white genocide too
>race doesn't matter (only if your white), only ideology
>we want more legal poos who want to be Americans
civic nationalism is white genocide without the gloating.
and when the boomers die off and white become a minority this bullshit will come to a head and it will be violent. we're all on borrowed time
I'll be past peak fighting age.
I am projecting mid 2021, 2022 might be it if the FED has enough gas but rates are low and QE is ugly.
The other option we have projected is a limited nuclear exchange and draft of Americans vs Russia and Iran. This saves the US from a Civil conflict by focusing outwards.
A mix of both might happen, which is why I'm not sticking around.
>No liver punch
What the fuck is this bullshit?
>so in effect for whites under 30 their nation is gone, they are nothing more than a slave class, no different than the whites in South Africa.
I'm a 20 year old zoomer. I know my life was over before it really ever began. I knew it was going to be shit when I started hearing about white privilege despite the fact that whites are treated like shit in America. I knew it was going to be shit when every girl I ever met turned out to be a rotten whore. I knew it was going to be shit when I saw the internet I so dearly loved die out from censorship. I'm a ghost you know. All I can do is haunt those that killed me
>This saves the US from a Civil conflict by focusing outwards.
Lol no it wont. Just because we send some boys off to go die in a desert doesn't mean the country stops getting more tense. You think the Vietnam draft was bad? Just wait until people are protesting about the fact that they're fighting for a country they cant call home. You'll see military recruiters getting dragged into forests getting their throats slit by little timmy's brothers for trying to send poor little timmy to go die so his sister can fuck a nigger freely. No no no. Nothing can stop what's coming soon. Nothing at all.
lol stop LARPing as if a civil war 2.0 isn't going to be fought miles away using drones.
I'm ten years older than you, but hey I agree with everything you said. I remember vividly '08, thinking it was all over then. You could smell fear and panic everywhere, watching people become homeless because they were sold and bought into a lifestyle that they couldn't afford. A lifestyle that didn't even exist anymore. All the govt has done since '08 was put the crash in super slow motion while hiding the facts about how fucked we are. Whatever you want to call it, Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo is going to be ugly. I don't think anyone, no matter how prepared, willing or ready to fight they think they are has any idea the horror that's around the next curve.
our whole future is fucked
>if its not 100% comparable its not comparable at all
nice fallacy
Teach your women and children how to shoot, retreat, and use the topography to their advantage...few leftist will have the training to deal with this...period. They are dependent on the system, My family is self sufficient and will go off the grid when the time comes...faggot.
Anyone else here Jow Forums? Any ideas on how to best profit off American instability while still retaining a solid exit strategy?
>Dual citizenship
>Caribbean permanent residencies
>labor already outsourced
Any solids moves besides just minimizing direct investment into domestic industries or holding capital offshore and wait until the shit blows over and invest?