Late Night Mega BlackPill

I will start off this black pill by introducing you to the hidden epidemic of dysgenics ( )- which freaked me the fuck out when I first read Richard Lynn's book on this topic back in middle school.

Overall genetic health and human intelligence was steadily increasing, especially in Northwestern Europe ( ), until major technological advancements in the Industrial Revolution (e.g., water sanitation and modern medicine) were allowing people with bad genes to survive and reproduce (i.e., dysgenics) for the first time in all of human history.

And this problem got way worse with the invention of the welfare state and contraception. The welfare state is allowing people with the absolute worst genes imaginable to reproduce like crazy ( ). And the fertility rates of the intellectual and financial elite have plummeted due to widespread use of contraception.

And then modern feminism made this problem even worse because now the smartest women are more focused on pursuing higher education and advancing their careers than settling down and having children.

And it gets even worse still because we now live in an era of anti-racism, diversity worship, open borders, and mass transportation. And so the low-IQ 3rd world hordes are flooding into the White Western world by the millions ( ) and polluting our gene pools ( )

And to give you a better idea of how terrifying this mass immigration + miscegenation problem is, according to a left-wing Jewish professor that specializes in understanding demographics and ethnicity, about 75% of the British population will be mixed race by 2150.

[ Continued below ]

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Other urls found in this thread:

The vast majority of global human population growth in the 21st century is going to occur in black sub-Saharan African countries where the average IQ is about 70. Black sub-Saharan Africans are estimated to comprise about 40% of the global human population by the end of this century.

And obviously these 70-IQ black Africans are going to be doing everything possible to escape their own 3rd world cesspits and flood into our countries because we have much higher standards of living and are plagued with pathological liberal ideology which worships diversity - which is going to have a massive dysgenic effect on the White gene pool and the gene pool of our entire species as a whole.

We're heading towards a black planet, a global Africa - which I don't even think most black people are happy about because they secretly know how hellish it will be...

And to dump yet another truckload of black pills onto you, there's pretty much zero understanding or will among modern world leaders to even recognize this growing dysgenics crisis ( ), let alone actually do something about it.

Scientists, academics, politicians, and intellectuals in general used to all be ardent scientific racists, social Darwinists, and eugenicists in the early 20th century because Darwin's theories combined with Mendelian genetics and Galton's, Binet's, and Terman's intelligence tests naturally caused all rational and intelligent people to conclude that some people are inherently genetically superior to others and that improving the human gene pool was extremely important.

But then the Nazis implemented extreme versions of these scientific findings at the societal level. And so now we're all stuck with having to endure an absolutely massive leftist/egalitarian backlash that doesn't even concede the biological existence of race and gender, let alone innate class and racial hierarchies.

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Jews and White libcucks now control all of our institutions with an iron fist. And they're never going to allow hereditarians and eugenicists like us to freely express these ugly scientific truths to the public without harsh and immediate censorship, let alone allow us to implement our views at the policy level.

So, as retarded as humans are now, they're only going to get more and more retarded every single year. And much like how blacks lacked the IQ to maintain the advanced infrastructure that White colonialists left them, we're heading towards a world where even Whites and Asians will no longer have the necessary IQ to maintain the advanced infrastructure that we currently take for granted...

But I'll conclude my comment with a pretty big white pill because I don't want people to get too depressed and hopeless.

We might actually be able to fix most of these problems thanks to the genomics revolution and based Asian Americans and closeted eugenicists like Stephen Hsu. We're on the verge of being able to create accurate DNA-based predictors for thousands of highly polygenic phenotypic traits like IQ, academic performance ( ), SES ( ), criminal behavior, height, BMI, schizophrenia, depression, et cetera.

So, pretty soon you're going to able to walk into a fertility clinic with your wife, have dozens of her embryos frozen and genetically sequenced, and then you'll be able to select the embryo with the most desirable traits for implantation. And then shit will really get wild when we can utilize precision gene editing in order to churn out Aryan designer babies with Mensa-level IQs, pro-athlete bodies, and perfect health while simultaneously avoiding harmful pleiotropic effects.

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That technological breakthrough will hopefully allow us to combat the low-IQ/dysgenics crisis and avoid devolving back into the stone age.

But there is one last purple pill here because this technology will pretty much have to become mandatory by law in order to make a difference - which only totalitarian governments will have the ability to do. Western liberal democracies are still suffering from liberal hangups over scientific racism, social Darwinism, eugenics, and Nazism. And so we White Westerners might still descend into dysgenic ruin if we can't figure out how to successfully overthrow the left.

But all hope shouldn't be lost here either because we might be able to sneak in eugenics via genomics by selling it as "gene therapy" to the masses. Nobody wants their child to suffer from absolutely terrible diseases. And so maybe we can convince the masses to push the leftist egalitarians aside by offering them healthier children. And once the public is willing to accept DNA-based predictors and genetic engineering for health problems, then maybe we can sell them IQ boosts as well by telling them that their academic performance and income will increase dramatically.

And I think that the rise of East Asia in the 21st century will pretty much force the West to get over their liberal hangups with eugenics. I mean, if China is suddenly churning out millions of 6'8" Mensa members, then we're going to have to follow suit if we don't want to get completely steamrolled by them.

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And that will conclude my black pill with red pills mixed in with an ending white pill

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good thread, OP

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Thank you. You have no idea how much I wish I could write a large paper on all of this for my Masters degree in World History next semester.

Unfortunately we all know what would happen.

Good Thread OP
(The whole earth will become a helhole in the upcoming Years, Cant Imagine the chaos we will have to go trough)

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Why the fuck did you mutts ever decide to help stupid people who drag you down. Why the hell does Europe keep giving aid to Africa when it's obvious that it will only harm them. Why the hell did you allow the Jews to brainwash women and tell them something that they aren't. The only fight that matters is the culture war now. Besides what's stopping a bunch of niggers from invading those Gene clinics when "dats racist", since niggers are stupid and will obviously get mad that there children will be just as stupid.

OP copy your shit into pastebins and distribute those whenever these topics come up on pol

late night is cocaine night

which is pretty much for at least a week now

if you make the money

you can have the funny

no money, no funny

everyone here should already have access to the tools needed to become super-humans

I guess not everyone has the energy or the drugs to be that super-human

It's so sad that Academia has devloved into the basest form of intellectual bankruptcy possible, identity politics.

bro you do know that they believe we're inferior as well right?

You are asking the wrong guy. I have studied so much history since it is my major after all. And yet I still cant piece together how Americans just went along with all of this bullshit.

Good idea. However I do make write ups quite often so if I were to lose this post, it wouldnt be the end of the world.

I have depression but I could never end it by my own hands.. I have a burning desire to see how this world turns out. It feels like the early days before WW2 all over again.

If you have never read what Ted Kaczynski has to say on the subject of modern academia. Boy oh boy your in for a treat. He nails everything perfectly on whats wrong with it.
Academia prides itself on "Diverse thought where no ideas get thrown out instantly". Yet if I were to write a paper on any of this stuff I would be expelled and black book marked for the rest of my life.

>Academia prides itself on "Diverse thought where no ideas get thrown out instantly". Yet if I were to write a paper on any of this stuff I would be expelled and black book marked for the rest of my life.
Same with "creating an inclusive environment" in which I never felt included

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>It feels like the early days before WW2 all over again
Better get Ready Then

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You Answer Your own Questions There lad

Pretty comfy, thanks op!

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based af leaf

Good thread OP

damn your autistic eugenics is bad you can't understand that because your in an echo chamber


when you lay it all out like that it makes you think that Nick Land is probably onto something with his whole "China is the future, the West is dead" thing

>eugenics is bad because they would kill me and I'm more important than the advancement and prosperity of the human race

It's always funny to see maladjusted faggots that spend their nights at Jow Forums(like you) think they wouldn't be killed in a country supporting eugenics.

Who else just here for the ride? Honk honk

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yes, and?

Why would I be killed? 5 years in college, had experience in software development for the first 3 years of college, dirty blonde with blue eyes, 6'1 and a decent frame.

I am sure there are a lot of people that support eugenics who would be targeted under eugenics policy. But that certainly wouldn't be me.
Regardless you are thinking like the average Jordan Peterson individualist brainlet. Sacrifices absolutely MUST happen to have a functional society.

pretty clear by now this is a CIA/MOSSAD forced meme

getting really tired of this stupid fucking bullshit. Is anyone else getting really awake? I mean is anyone else wide awake, really alert and receptive critical lines of information? Wow it sure is bright and attentive in here.

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this thread is gay and thats why you only have 27 replies

>t. Negro

The social collapse and dark age is coming long before any of that technobabble becomes a reality.

>I will start off this black pill by introducing you to the hidden epidemic of dysgenics
It was never hidden to your fellow academics.

>according to a left-wing Jewish professor that specializes in understanding demographics and ethnicity, about 75% of the British population will be mixed race by 2150.
The models extrapolate into the future based on the current rate of change, which is almost never sustainable

>The vast majority of global human population growth in the 21st century is going to occur in black sub-Saharan African countries where the average IQ is about 70
By the above point, this is simply false. Blacks literally cannot sustain themselves at their current population level and rely very heavily on outside influence.

Actually, I don't feel like typing out the rest of this post. But essentially, natural selection still favors increased intelligence, so that is ultimately the path humans will take. Yes, it looks bad in the short term, but the peace that exists now was never meant to last. The next happening will occur on a global scale, as will all future happenings, and the fallout will be equally as large, creating huge selective pressures and instantly wiping out all the unfit welfare spawn. At least that's the opinion of your fellow intellectual.

Don't estimate how much disposable wealth the elite have to throw around. They are all very well aware what happens when the bread and circuses stop for more than a day.


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These views are unironically valid and deserved to be talked about instead of shunned and hidden away, you make very valid boints and this is completely important to the human race. This knowledge should be available to everyone and not cast away behind bars. I don't want to be in an unhappy world. Why do we all make the world next to impossible to feel safe in?

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You are correct but since its impossible to tell the future, usually current models are the most accurate than any other prediction.

And while I want to agree with your last part... Like most people agree that history often repeats itself so logically you should expect the past to happen all over again. The problem is that modern technology is unlike anything humanity has ever experienced in the past. The sheer amount of escapism material that people can indulge in makes rebelling even more less appealing.
If this was the 40s and you had to go outside and interact with foreign invaders all day, there is a good chance you would eventually snap and go full 1488.
The difference now is that people can just become neets and put on a virtual reality headset to delay the oncoming epidemic. And that applies to almost all areas of modern life.
Escapism is changing the "battlefield" up a bit.

I don't care because i'll never be White and death is probably the end, my world is dark and hopeless.

I mean, what do i care? and why does it even matter anyway, nothing means anything. Creating a perfect Aryan utopia filled with a bunch of narcissistic morons will be it's own kind of dystopia.

But really i'm just mad that i won't be allowed in, i would be on board if i was at least White. But i'm not. It's all just dark and hopeless anyway you try to put it.

There is no God.

Yes, it's a valid argument because what is "the advancement of the human race" and why does it matter?

The vast majority of people won't go along with this because it doesn't include them, this world really is doomed. Don't get your hopes up.

The modern bread and circus simply lowers the bar for the abuses that the average man will tolerate, but it changes little, because the average man's life gets worse and worse over time regardless, up until the point where they can't even afford basic necessities (which is where are basically are now, hence Trump). Meanwhile, their ability to receive unfiltered, unpropagandized information has increased (the internet).

Also, I'm not referring explicitly to rebellion, but the system itself may collapse. Look at the national debt--it's growing at an absurd rate, but why? Our country is not experiencing any major war or even economic crisis. The wizard behind the curtains pulling all the levers will eventually fuck up with his jewish keynesian economic absurdities and cause a global depression. The economy, as good as it looks, exhibits all kinds of dreadful prospects. What happened to all the money created in quantitative easing? The money supply more than doubled yet inflation has not matched. This is because most of that money went to the top and to foreign banks. What if China usurps the United States' petrodollar? What then? The average man's quality of life will plummet as all those dollars sitting in foreign banks come home to roost and inflation skyrockets.

Basically "everyone gets to be top tier White or no one does" seems to be the general consensus among most non-Whites and defective Whites, i wish it was some sort of something divine something like we're evil or something. But nah, it just is for whatever reason. It means nothing.

Life is unfair for no rational reason whatsoever and then we die.

>And then modern feminism made this problem even worse because now the smartest women are more focused on pursuing higher education and advancing their careers than settling down and having children.
What's the point of high IQ if you don't use it? Having children is the lowest common denominator for all women. The dumbest of the dumb can do it as long as they're healthy. Getting married and having kids at 18 is, for a high IQ person like living a poor person's lifestyle for a rich person. What's the point of all your money if you live like you're poor?
I'm not attacking you, I'm just saying that you'll have a very hard time coming up with a valid reason for smart women to live like they're stupid women.
Also when I remember high school, only the really dumb classmates (both male and female) got married immediately after graduation.

Youre posts are giving me the gay cancer

The older i get the less of a sense of humor i have.

why dont you just go live amongst your own kind

The real blackpill is that there probably is no God and it's all dark no matter what you do.

You already know the answer, don't annoy me with retarded questions.

I do not

It's not like there's any innocence to anything, so i don't see you as some sort of innocent victims. This whole fucking thing fucking sucks.

You don't know about non-Whites being ugly dumb and violent? gee, you're such a fucking innocent dwarf like the ones from The Shire in The Lord Of The Rings or whateverthefuck.

can you explain what you're talking about

Death is probably the end even though The Supernatural is apparently real.

Regardless of whatever others' opinion is about non-whites, you would probably still be happier living amongst your own kind.

Holy shit what a fucking moron, you're not fucking in control of anything kid. Fuck off, i know what you're doing. I would split your faggot skull in a second.

LMFAO, that's such utter horseshit. I don't want to live among non-Whites, no one does.

LMFAO. can you tell me what im doing i dont understand. pls dont split my skull strong guy

It's all bullshit meaningless unfair competition nonsense, fuck everything and everyone. There is no God, wtf are you talking about?

Go away retard.

No one wants to admit this, but intelligence is dysgenic.

It is, reality is fundamentally flawed/meaningless/uncompelling and once smart-enough-fucks like yours truly realize this it's game over, fuck having kids.

no 8^)

See, if you were actually being cute/friendly i would be like "yeah okay" but death is probably the end nothing matters and you're a malicious predator deep down inside like everyone else trying to mindfuck me and psychologically abuse me, that or just a moron. So i'm not amused or engaged.


I guess i'll give what i think is God a chance, not like i have an option. At least it makes me think that there's some sort of something going on safe feeling.

It's prolly just something Nature something collective consciousness something or the other though, i'm not getting my hopes up.

>until major technological advancements in the Industrial Revolution (e.g., water sanitation and modern medicine) were allowing people with bad genes to survive and reproduce (i.e., dysgenics) for the first time in all of human history.

mfw i always thought of it as a good thing now i realize that fucking up with natural selection will inevitably lead the our destruction

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Hi Juden.

Sometimes i just wish a big rock would fall out of the sky and reset the world.

well, I'm white, so I was actually planning on giving you some uplifting words, but you made it clear that you want to talk to yourself in this thread and bitch at anyone trying to engage w/ you which is extremely pathetic and shows taht you still value your feelings despite larping about how boo hoo muh world is shit. yes most humans are shit but you have to be some kind of simpleton to allow their shittiness to take away the joy from your one life that you will ever receive in the entire past and future of the universe

Fucks the point? the logical conclusion of all human civilization is the development of the Singularity and then we're well and truly fucked (extinction or our souls get enslaved forever if we have them). The chances of that shit being a positive are nil, cause why would anything nice ever happen.

You're a moron like everyone else born White, you don't know what it's like. I'm well aware that there's nothing going on and it's all just a big meaningless nothing, tough shit i guess cause i was born an average sandnigger with maybe some Indio mixed in to make my existence just a tad bit shittier. Fuck me i guess, given that there is no God and it's all just a power exchange and it's all about ego.

You can go fuck yourself if you're not one of the special people, that's what's actually going on here. And no one has a future, not even you. What "future"? it all dies in the end probably. You're not gonna stop the ehat death of the Universe and guess what? it's not enoguh for me to win, i want you to fail.

It's not like i'm evil, that's laughable. It's just pure resentment and well established on fact and reality too. I don't feel bad about it, matter of fact i feel justified and everything points to my resentment towards Whites being justified.

>black planet

There is no uplifting anything, stop being such a retarded faggot. Go tell an Abo "i'm sorry you're a fucking Abo" if you want, but we can tell you're just being a condescending virtue signalling White liberal piece of shit.

Yeah life is actually just unfair period. It's ugly. Everything is just ugly.

>You can go fuck yourself if you're not one of the special people, that's what's actually going on here. And no one has a future, not even you.
Then why do you keep whining about who is white and who isn't? Jesus you're pathetic and need to get off pol immediately. Your ancestors never bitched and moaned about not being white and I'm sure they enjoyed life just fine. Wow, the universe is going to die. You're totally the only person to have figured that out. I guess that means we should all be miserable and kill ourselves then huh? Stop trying to act all dramatic it's sickening. At the end of the day no one gives a fuck so stop larping.

>singularity worshipping cuck
What a shocker, go fellate your RAM diskdrive.

You dumbass emo pseudo intellectual spewing platitudes as if you've come to some kind of profound conclusion.

The Singularity is a fact, it's going to happen. worship or any other sort of religious feeling doesn't come into it.

"Pathetic" means nothing, you're a fucking pleb. No one cares about your opinion, and guess what? i don't give a shit about anyone's opinion either. Opinions don't matter and neither do people, we're just dumb animals. The soul shit is just patterns, i'm not impressed.

>Your ancestors never bitched and moaned about not being white and I'm sure they enjoyed life just fine.

That's horseshit, i know for a fact they al lhated themselves.

>Wow, the universe is going to die. You're totally the only person to have figured that out. I guess that means we should all be miserable and kill ourselves then huh? Stop trying to act all dramatic it's sickening. At the end of the day no one gives a fuck so stop larping.

This is the part where you fucking die because shit is real and it's not a game. You see.

Here i am silly me hoping this is all just a "lesson" and that eventually i get to reincarnate into a less shitty body, yeah i'm sure. I'm sure it's not just death awaiting me in the end.

Yeah, it's all a big nothing. Now what? because i'm not White and there's no positive spin to this shit in my case, my life just sucks and then i fucking die.

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There's no upside to this shit, there is no God either. White people are going to fucking go extinct LMFAO, it's all dark. We're all doomed.

"Stop being resentful because it goes against my biological interests"

Well no shit Chad, i'll get right on that.

There's no "depth" to balance this shit out, the soul isn't real.

Finally a high quality thread.
Can we repost?

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>That's horseshit, i know for a fact they al lhated themselves.

are you Hellenistic

very nice screen cap, thank you OP for the info

What exactly is so fucking funny?

I'm Uruguayan.

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>I'm a brown subhuman monkey
Explains a lot

I got to go. My words of advice to you are as follows: You don't need to live among the smartest, nor the most beautiful, nor the kindest race you've arbitrarily chosen as the best in those regards to be happy. Go live amongst your own kind and stop comparing yourself to anyone else.

>when you're out picking rice and Credence Clearwater Revival starts playing

This guy gets it


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You have no solution.

That's feel-good nonsense, everyone wants to be Nordic Germanic White. I get it though, you're a dumb White liberal who doesn't understand how the real world works.

I don't find any of this shit fucking funny.

I like you bro, I'll bleach your sister if you like