Breaking News

Danish folk hero, anti Islamist, lawyer, and political leader of the party "Hard Line" Rasmus Paludan now got enough votes to run for parliament in Denmark before the coming Danish election which is held latest the 17 of June 2019.

I have dreamed of this day, and for it to happen so fast, and right before the election is amazing.

Still quite skeptical/pessimistic about the state trying to sabotage this at all cost.

Attached: RP.jpg (598x378, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Forgot Danish link about the votes

bluepilled faggot
go burn the talmud instead

Attached: pim.jpg (480x120, 16K)

I know about the jews. But good luck redpilling your country about international jewry before you redpill them about the obvious local muslims murdering them on a daily basis.

They would throw him in prison then, and I think he's already been there.

based. godspeed danebro



Finally something exciting in danish politics

He has my vote just because he says what he means and isn't two faced like every other politician.

Based fuck Islam and fuck their pedophile prophet

this guy honestly seems like he's purposely trying to discredit anti-immigrant sentiment by being hyperbolic and looking like an inbred tard t b h

>anti islamist
seems kinda jewish to me famalam

Attached: gpduficcilq21.jpg (640x640, 56K)

And you seem like a retard to me, but what can I do?

Well the further right Paludan takes the coversation, the further right policies we can except out of DF.
i'm getting so comfy right now

Based Danes. Elect this man. He seems redpilled.

that would unironically not even be a bad thing. It would prove 100% everything he says

He won't even do 1%, it's like AfS, pure larping

I have no idea how many votes he will get this time. But I am sure the worse it gets with the years, the more support he will get. People will become and more desperate. Just like in Germany before world war 2.

You look discusting Rasmus and basing your entire compaign on burning books is the dumbest shit you can do
Call the jews and western imperialism, then you'll have some respect, you're not doing anything right now fat bluepilled retard

Attached: danish faggots.jpg (560x373, 120K)


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Kill yourself Ali

He is not jewish.

A lot of people have asked him.

Basé et pillule rougé
Remember folks : it's always Americans who are shilling for "Muh white Islam" because they don't leave around them and just love the "Muh Islam is based because it hates jews"
Yeah you can be anti-Judaism and anti-Islam at the same time.
Fuck Islam

Attached: 220d50b8d00bf57d1b7b1bc9c66a4fcac0d51a3c.jpg (487x498, 78K)

Baseret og rodpillet.
Based Frenchman. Thank you for saying it exactly like it is. Amerilards have no idea how it's like living next to these animals.
Fuck mudslimes
Fuck jews
Hail victory


Please don't vote for these fringe parties. Vote for the largest right-wing parrty. At least in Finlands political system a vote for a fringe party is a wasted vote, and in fact, a vote for the regressive left.

Anyone advocating voting for fringe is, dare I accuse, a controlled opposition.

Vote for the party you believe in, not just the party with the biggest chance of winning.

Vote for Paludan and enter the oven tides.

how's this dude still alive?

Attached: 1554813530889.png (713x611, 26K)

I fucked your momma in the ass, Ahmed.

here is a picture for you.

Attached: 1555434826255.png (1080x720, 451K)

lmao this thread will be invaded by fucking muslim shills who would say this shit over and over again

>bluepilled faggot
>go burn the talmud instead

you ALL semitic subhumans deserve to be put in the same gasenwagen

Attached: 5vC048r.jpg (530x530, 22K)

That pic is fucking hot not lying.

>Unironically supporting this Jewish shill

Attached: paludan.jpg (1102x370, 113K)

Attached: paludan.jpg (732x345, 86K)

What a fucking ugly loser

t. Ahmed Goatfucker Abdullah

this is always the narrative against any white man that shows any agency, pathetic.


How are they polling?

Based and redpilled dane! Now that's a rarity

>muslims are murdering us but jews are the problem
damn kys schizos brainlets

Does he even look Danish?

No fat man has my respect.

Doesn’t matter what shade they come on black white or Asian. Islam is a terrorists manual and an ideology that condones violence and terror against humanity. The Americans saying otherwise on here are probably Muslims lurking as non Muslims.


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