Are women natural born liars?

Are women natural born liars?

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Blanket statements don't help anybody, none the less you.

That's like saying all men are cheating scumbags. ALL men? No. That's a very stupid thought to say out loud, right? Just like your question.

Can confirm they are.

We all are. But no one realises because the first person we lie to is ourselves.


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Sort of, it's not that they're lying on purpose. They are able to gaslight themselves, if that makes sense, and actually believe what they are saying is what actually happened. Read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger, he explains it better

There's some philosopher who said it more eloquently but

What men got in terms of physical strength, women got in terms of being manipulators.

50% of everything everyone knows is a fake memory. Some people call it the Mandela effect, modern psychiatry calls it being human. If you think men can be rational unlike women then you're 100 years behind Freud. No human ever was or ever could be rational.

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No more than men are.

>Mandela effect
This is not an issue for those with personal internal honesty.
You are not near as smart and "woke" as you think you are.

Female deception is evolutionarily engrained.
Anyone who denies it is being dishonest.

Is it not worthy of a woman to be deceptive by nature? We are certainly not as strong and brutal as men, so we rely on words and games

no there just less mature because society gives them breaks we dont get since half the pop wants to fuck them, and honesty takes maturity

>Imagine being so weak that you are proud of being a liar.

No, they are demons.
Sometimes it's bizarre to me that I came out of one of them

Women are physically vulnerable. If men have a really big disagreement, they can settle it with a fistfight (or at least that's what our brains tell us), but a woman who tries that will get her shit kicked in. They need to rely on deception to compete.
While both men and women can be assholes, their methods will differ. A 'prick with a dick' can just get jacked and intimidate you, but a woman who wants you out of the way doesn't have that option.

It's not 'pride', it's just an acknowledgement of fact. That women will rely on deception in a conflict doesn't mean they consciously or instinctually want to harm others with it, no more than men go around curb stomping people who look at them the wrong way.

>Mandela effect
You have to be 18+ to post on Jow Forums.

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>it's a coin toss as to whether I will remember something correctly

While nice of you to be so upfront with your experiences of early onset dementia, of doesn't mean we all have it.

people are natural born liars and morality is relegated to thought. literally everyone lies and no one is perfectly moral in anything other than thought

doesnt mean you should stive to be moral or ethical, rather, that you should always know what youre dealing with

I hope this was written by a woman, the sheer irony of it all

Greatness in this context would come from denying our own innate strengths to develop others. A woman is better served by learning how to be honest. A man is better served by learning how to achieve things without violence.

Everyone lies. You are just so desperate that you will believe every word a woman says whereas with a man you will attempt to detect the bullshit they tell you. In turn you get hurt by the women's lies and not the men's.

I need to sit down.


Not natural born to lie.

But superior language and communication makes them better liars, just like how superior upperbody strength and bone density makes men better fighters.

Pls bear in mind both advantages may be abused.
