Were the leftists right?

They said Trump was a conman over and over but everyone called it fake news. Now look what's happened...
The left was right on this one, what do you think?

Attached: trump con man bigger.jpg (1001x724, 172K)

That you'll be banging this drum for 6 more years with nothing to show for it.

Fuck off, shareblue.

Attached: Slide thread.jpg (1024x1024, 261K)

>calling anything critical of drumph a 'slide thread'

trump is a con man.
that's what presidents do.

Yes but he was supposed to be different. Remember he 'isn't a politician, he's a businessman'?

Remember Moore's speech?

>he thinks a business executive in the executive branch of a business is a bad thing

It's not a bad idea in concept.
It's bad when the person doing it is a total scammer though.

>right has majority of political control over the last few decades
>we need change because the political system is corrupt and our country is falling behind
Gee I wonder.

It was her turn

Cuckservatives and neocons get the rope too.

Attached: day_of_the_rope.jpg (687x900, 97K)

>corporation own the government
>our politicians are bought by big money
>our government doesn't work for the people
>vote in a "billionaire reality tv personality and admitted lobbyist
It was only obvious as fuck.

Attached: 5eb.jpg (480x600, 22K)

cringe and tranny pilled

Attached: jew_votes_donors.jpg (1664x1350, 591K)

The question is, why would anyone who voted for him in 2016 vote in 2020?

Party loyalty.
Decreased neuroplasticity due to age.
Consuming biased right wing journalism exclusively.
Being an edgelord.
Being in the top 0.1%
Being a fascist, authoritarian, or "nationalist"
Being a reactionary
Being a right wing SJW
Focusing on overreacting liberals which sways you to take the contrarian stance

Don't be retarded

Well theres no wall :^)

It's a metaphorical wall son, infact Trump never said he wanted a wall, I can't believe you're repeating fake news. Probably heard them twisting his words on CNN........!

The left also believes in global warming! Sooo.

Because its a clown world honk honk!

>imagine thinking shareblue exists
99.9% of pro-trump posts are jewish rats
the other .1% are delusional boomers

Don't care if he's a con man, says stupid shit, or cheats on his taxes -- that's what the leftist don't get.

I'm voting for him again unless they nominate Bernie.

>Don't care if he's a con man, says stupid shit, or cheats on his taxes

yeah they were right about the Iraq War and were about Trump. Jow Forums is only seeing what they said 3 years in as opposed to then.

Trump realized (((who))) is running things once he got in, and that there is only so much he coudl do. that's not exactly a con man. but whatever makes you sleep better at night.

Leftists are never right, and you are one OP.

Kill yourself.

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