The CIA have posted this.
>"We are the nation's first line of defence,"
>"I spy with my little eye…"
>The challenge, it would seem, is to identify the objects in the picture.
>How many can you spot?
I'll give some of the answers as we go along
The CIA have posted this.
>"We are the nation's first line of defence,"
>"I spy with my little eye…"
>The challenge, it would seem, is to identify the objects in the picture.
>How many can you spot?
I'll give some of the answers as we go along
Other urls found in this thread:
invert the colors of the picture, brainlet.
there is your answer.
what did I win?
what are the maps?
Why does that clock have 4 hands? Is it a bomb?
>owl figurine
if the CIA posted it why did they use the standard dialect of British English in spelling "defence"? Posting from this flag will yield a spelling error in any browser with automatic spellcheck unless I write "defense".
Is that what was actually posted by the "official CIA"? If so, it's not the CIA.
the map is of China, one of Americas main rivals in Asia. I'll give you that one as you can't really make it out in the picture
Here is a by-no-means exhaustive list:
1) A plant, included as a wry reference to the CIA's foreign intelligence "plants".
2) A clock whose hands are set to 8:46, the time a plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center during the 9/11 terror attacks in 2001.
3) A map of China, one of America's main rivals in Asia.
4) A golden owl said to represent Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom. It was offered by the CIA's Chief Operating Officer, Andy Makridis.
5) What appears to be an amulet that resembles an evil eye - perhaps to represent the dangers CIA agents face?
6) An artwork depicting Tony Mendez, a CIA officer who posed as a filmmaker to rescue six US hostages in Iran in 1980.
7) A pair of cuff-links, reportedly used by CIA agents to identify each other.
8) A grey wig, presumably worn by undercover CIA agents.
9) An ID containing a mugshot of Ms Haspel
10) A top-secret pulp bag, used by agents to destroy evidence.