Why don’t millennials want to work hard? Why are they always looking for free stuff and sympathy? Back in my day I was lugging bails of hay and bags of manure up a 200ft mountain for barely a shekel. How can Trump fix this?
Why don’t millennials want to work hard? Why are they always looking for free stuff and sympathy...
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The solution is beatings, many of them.
Pro Tip: they would be more incentivized to give a shit about your shitty tasks if you properly compensated them. That means making it worth the time. Like it was for their fathers who worked and could stake out a comfortable living.
If you're going to insult human's intelligence and dignity with cleaning up lazy people's popcorn they dumbed on the floor from watching the Emoji movie, at least pay them a wage that is worth the fucking effort.
Otherwise, ask yourself, what's the point?
unionizing the work force
back in your day you could afford a mortgage on a home lugging bails of have and bags of manure -- today, you'd be homeless or at best living in a room in a strangers house.
Don't need to work hard when things are free.
Having to clean up the popcorn retards spill on the floor whilst watching the emoji movie is below human dignity. Cleaning toilets is less demeaning
Yet nobody is holding a gun to their head and they still have the gall to bitch and complain. They could quit and find a new job at any time.
They deserve beatings
Work is largely a waste of time for the majority of people.
How important is your job? Would society fall into collapse if nobody did it?
Answer this honestly.
Because the Jew why work hard if ur race is going to die?
True, I was just referring to the work itself. People who readily accept miserable conditions as if they're unchangable fates handed to them, and then complain are like mussels
Competence or superiority seldom get rewarded nowadays. Work hard achieve shit and that gets dismissed as "privledge". Weakness and victimhood on the other hand are rewarded.
>quit and find a new job anytime
This level of delusion...if they could quit and just find another job anytime, why would they not? You think cleaning up popcorn is something humans do to fulfill themselves?
Do you actually regurgitate this shit thinking it sounds clever and convincing? Or are you just edgy?
because people are getting smarter and realizing they can do less work for survival, as it should be. people should understand how to farm and obtain food, along with being useful to society.
>Working in a movie theater isn't useful
>neither is working at mcfuckingdongalds
>neither is most of the dumb gay shit thats completely fucking pointless and utterly unimportant until we all feel like we have a fucking gay ol faggy place in the fucking world you stupid discord trannys
Hello flyover faggot. Enjoy working in the Shart Mart for me.
Because they are pussies
Companies are begging for workers right now, it's an employees market you stupid fucking retard
Handout generation
>recreational facilities aren't useful to society
not it's not. Last several jobs I applied for each had hundreds of other applicants for ONE opening.
Stop repeating bullshit you think / wish was true.
Look that fucking pussy broken and crying, that would take no more than five minutes to clean. If you don't want a shit job get some useful skills.
They have no concept of suffering, even if they hit rock bottom they will just be min-wage cucks or welfare dipshits. When a society makes survival a certainty, they make life unvaluable.
If you can't get a job in this economy you are worthless
Find me a good job as an example RIGHT NOW.
Why would anyone want to work hard?
>a job
What? digging ditches?
below me
>work for minimum wage picking up popcorn
>work for minimum wage flipping burgers
The job growth numbers aren't significantly different than they were under Obama. Almost everyone on this board agreed those stats didn't give a full picture of what was going on.
Real wages have stagnated but cost of living has not. Just because "companies are begging for workers" doesn't mean you can go from making less than a living wage picking up popcorn to making a living wage doing something interesting.
Your arguments are simplistic as is your thinking. This thread asks why people don't work hard but productivity is actually correlated with compensation as my prescription points out.
Also the OP's premise is made up cynical bullshit. Americans are productive:
Protip: negativity, cynicism, and misanthropy isn't the same thing as realism. A lot of people make this mistake.
>they have no concept of suffering
Coming from boomers that inherited a REAL booming post war economy while the rest of the world was being rebuilt. Could get a good paying job right out of high school without an education. House, car, etc.
Yawn, yes boomers had it soooo rough.
Most millennials are just spoiled little brats. All they do is whine and blame some other generation. It’s sad and pathetic.
Trump can’t save them. Nobody can save them, but themselves.
What do I get from working hard?
The entire point of human advancement is, and always has been so we don't have to do as much work.
Its the whole point of civilization.
Working long hours for shit pay and no benefits is something the investment class wants normal people to do, not normal people.
Is there really anything more pathetic than working class Americans arguing against themselves on behalf of corporations?
>you guys it's really OUR fault
>we don't work hard enough even though we work longer hours that most of the 1st world
>we are too entitled though we've been more productive for less compensation
>we aren't worth it
Fuck off zogslave.
>blame some other generation
Well we didn't vote for the policy that has gotten us where we are now did we?
You think you're worth something by sitting on your ass jerking off and posting on Jow Forums all day? You are a waste of air, you lazy sack of shit. Kill yourself.
>Raises the cost of living
>Opens the floodgates for uncontrolled immigration
>Takes loans and gives the money away free to Israel
>Lowers taxes on wealthy multinationals and displaces the tax burden onto everyone else
>Takes a hands off approach to parenting and gives rise to undisciplined retards
>Stop being so entitled
don't need to be worth anything when im living rent free
im coming to crash down your whole system
do not interfere with a God
lest you be on the end of such Fury
I rage quit my min wage retail job recently. I got a BA and graduated with honors nearly 10 years ago, and it has pretty much gotten me nowhere. I've been cycling in and out of retail jobs and dead end temp jobs since I graduated.
My most recent job was going OK, but I just cracked last week. I could handle the customers better, but they were getting to me more, even though they were becoming less of a problem when it came to doing my job. Also, instead of a raise (I make minimum wage), or even allowing me to take a day or two off when I asked, my manager just gave me more hours and kept asking me to cover more shifts. So that meant I was just dealing with people I don't like even more and moving bigger piles of plastic crap from China, and of course my mood didn't improve at all. It was also the sort of place where unrealistic deadlines for things were always being set, and basically the people that work there constantly feel on the edge of failure even though we do a pretty good job.
On my last day, I drank a 6 pack before work, and flipped out on a customer and an idiot colleague two hours into my shift. The assistant manager told me to go cool off, so I went to the grocery next door and downed a small bottle of whiskey and drank a tall boy of beer. When I got back to work 45 min later, I could barely stand up, and got paid to spend an hour in the employee restroom throwing up. I also smashed some things in the break room, but nobody will probably notice, because I'm the only one that cleans up the break room. MY boss also hired some nigger bitch with a bunch of obnoxious piercings, so the place was bound to get worse anyway. I'm glad I'm leaving.
It was obvious when DFW was out of gas. My leaked threads caused people to show up to get gassed.
I rage quit my min wage retail job recently. I got a BA and graduated with honors nearly 10 years ago, and it has pretty much gotten me nowhere. I've been cycling in and out of retail jobs and dead end temp jobs since I graduated.
My most recent job was going OK, but I just cracked last week. I could handle the customers better, but they were getting to me more, even though they were becoming less of a problem when it came to doing my job. Also, instead of a raise (I make minimum wage), or even allowing me to take a day or two off when I asked, my manager just gave me more hours and kept asking me to cover more shifts. So that meant I was just dealing with people I don't like even more and moving bigger piles of plastic crap from China, and of course my mood didn't improve at all. It was also the sort of place where unrealistic deadlines for things were always being set, and basically the people that work there constantly feel on the edge of failure even though they do a pretty good job.
On my last day, I drank a 6 pack before work. It was my 7th day in a row, and I had worked 12 hours the previous day. I flipped out on a customer and an idiot colleague two hours into my shift. The assistant manager told me to go cool off, so I went to the grocery store next door and downed a small bottle of whiskey and drank a tall boy of beer. When I got back to work 45 min later, I could barely stand up, and got paid to spend an hour in the employee restroom throwing up. I also smashed some things in the break room, but nobody will probably notice, because I'm the only one that cleans up the break room. MY boss also hired some nigger bitch with a bunch of obnoxious piercings, so the place was bound to get worse anyway. I'm glad I'm leaving.
I started a factory job four months ago, pressing buttons like a good fucking monkey. I've been promoted to foreman last week because I'm the only one that actually works. I don't think most people actually want to work anymore, because the pay is shit, and doing nothing and getting gibs is not that much worse than wageslavery.
working hard doesn't pay off
Not all of us were born into peasantry you hick retard.
>bails of hay up a mountain
What are Millennials working for exactly? Boomers had a future waiting them but us? We only have inflation and a browning America.
>Companies are begging for workers right now, it's an employees market you stupid fucking retard
It literally is.
2013 making $7.35 at kroger, quit:
2014 making $9.50 at walmart, quit:
2015 making $10.50 at best buy, quit:
2016 making $13.50 at a factory, quit:
2017 making $16.11 at another factory, quit:
2018 making $16.75 + Incentive ($20-24 an hour after bonus) at a warehouse, quit:
I saved up $15k and am taking time off to get my drivers liscense and get my shit together because I have been working graveyard shift 50-70 hour shifts for the last 3 years.
I am about to apply for:
Carpentry - Millwrights Union Apprenticeship
If that foesn't work:
Local construction for the my city and neighboring cities ($22-26 and they train you for a cdl so you can operate heavy equipment)
...and if that doesn't work:
The pepsi distribution center right across the street from is hiring for that same shit I was doing at my last warehouse job for $18.80 (day) - $19.50 (night).
A factory called Siemens is hiring for $15.50 an hour to work in a unionized, air conditioned, 8 hour a day factory drilling manufacturing electrical boxes.
Like 10 other warehouses are hiring for the same wage I made at my last job.
The more my pay has gone up the more white people I see working at the company (I live in texas), and they are always understaffed and have a high turnover rate because people are too lazy to work. My last job actually gave me an extra $250 on my last paycheck because I had quit and they wanted me "tempt me to comeback in a couple of months".
THat's a funny way to say boomer.
Yeah really. I could work to get myself a house, but then what? It's such a large threshold to cross, and it requires a lot of debt.
The currency doesnt have the purchasing power. Its not worth my time. Pay me the same IN PURCHASING POWER that my dad got and that'll be fine
The ethnostate.
>lugging bails of hay and bags of manure up a 200ft mountain for barely a shekel
>barely a shekel
What year was this?
And how much did you get paid per hour or per day?
as if
because millenials have to feed 5000000000 boomers with pensions
no, you didnt "earn" your pension, its going out of our taxes
To set the record straight i do work. But i work on my hobbies and other self interests not for a paycheck. Thats how i pay homage not slaving for federal dollars in some repetitive job.
and all while that boomers control the entire political and economical arena, and they aint letting anyone except other boomers (and women) in
boomers are parasites who, despite being inferior to their host, own and control everything, including their host
>How important is your job? Would society fall into collapse if nobody did it?
Mine isn't important at all. I manufacture something only richfags or irresponsible people drowning in debt can afford. It's a leisure item that is absolutely not necessary at all and just exists for fun.
But because of this, the profit margins are fucking huge and allow me to be paid more than people who manufacture "essentials." I get paid more hourly than agriculture laborers, anyone in the clothing industry, and every other factory in a 100 mile radius.
What do you make, I used to make goldfish cracker packages.
Audio equipment?
The loss of hope is the death of a people. Trust me. I see it every day.
Good for you. I would suggest some form of gardening. It's enjoyable and you learn an important skill, which is growing your own food.
>The loss of hope is the death of a people
You've got that right.
>How can Trump fix this?
He already tries. He signed an executive order on apprenticeship programs in 2017 with companies pledging to create apprenteship programs for 4 million young people.
I dont get why the US does not have an extensive apprenticeship already. It worked in Germany for 700! years. This is a very important step for young people. Not everybody can or should go to college.
This will make America an absolute powerhouse and wages will rise steeply because people will be actual experts at their job, not just being trained for a couple of weeks.
>every girl is a thott
>real estate prices through the roof
>cost of living vannot be sustained by current wages unless you do 2 hour commutes each way
>jobs meant for high schoolers are given to spics
>jobs meant for stem are given to foreign pajeets
>hurr durr just do this...
Trade is the only safe bet, and it isn't that safe. NY construction is down for a couple of months right now, i've noticed less and less traffic every morning.
There just isn't an incrntive to be motivated when everything is stack against us Millenials and Gen Z.
We will end up working 2x as much as boomers and still have nothing to show for it.
Meanwhile my dad worked as a waiter for a month and got a brand new car at the age of 16.
All this because of shit like nafta, shitskin countries brought up, for what to destroy the american industry and create this shithole of a future for us.
Boomers put us fown, media puts us down, our own parents put us fown.
Taxes, wages, social status, merits dont mean shit anymore.
No wonder we are slowly becoming doomers. There is no light at the end of this tunnel. It's just an endless spiral of sorry, and the only flashes of light that we have are the few things we can grasp with some leftover cash we scrounged up because we can't even afford to have a social life.
I can't wait until Gen X and boomers die out, laziest given everything fucking generations in the world. You are in power, you sold your countries in europe, your states, you ripped our church life away, you raised brats that tun around in restaurants, yet you call us lazy when you cannot even control your children?
>Inb4 hurr durr just move states lazy retard
And you know the unemployment statistic is bullshit because joos dont hire people who have filed for unemployment or bankruptcy.
That's a hill, faggot
>I bought £700 worth of clothes for my crack whore friend so I would have to end my 2 month weekend sex/drugs binge.
>kept me in 3 days at the bank holiday (2 weeks after I’d done the spending) I went to the house of a stripper I’m seeing on Sunday.
>had to pay credit card, have the cash, phoned to do it yesterday.
>don’t have to pay until June (£1,100). Paid £270 I owed from my last statement. No interest.
>so I have £1,050 extra to spend this weekend.
That’s why you work. You’re acting like you’re doing someone else a favour. That’s just an excuse. You are leftypol sounding.
Generally, people work harder if they either have personal ambition or have people that depend on them.
Boomers reprimand younger generations for being lazy, but what exactly can the boomer point to that inspired them to work?
Their house?
Their shitty souvenirs from all the tourist traps they visited?
Their marriage that ended in divorce?
Their children that don't even talk to them anymore because of political differences?
Boomers work to forget their own pain, many are workaholics.
They don't want to think of the "why" so they work and work, but the younger generations watch them and don't see that as a path forward and it frustrates them.
People don't want to work since the future is bleak. People need a purpose in life but are too brainwashed to start a family and take some responsibility. Thats just the reality of this post modern society we are living in.
I didn’t know how much it was and oversaved a little.
Your life is very narrow minded based around impulses that will eventually force you into a mid life crisis.
I don't know about USA, but in Sweden young peolpe actually work hard, or well, the swedes do anyway.
I had my first job when I was 13, am 24 now.
The gist of boomers is this.
They worked to start a family and are ignorant to how how bad the economy is for their children. The ones who made bad life choices continue to work away and live their meager lives. The ones who are well off think they are self made. Rich or poor Boomers just work thinking life is fine when its not.
>I Don't Understand Millenial Liberal Leftist SJWS. BACK IN MY DAY WE BROKE OUR BACKS FOR MR SHEKELBERG FOR MUCH LESS !!!!! Pick up a lawnmower ya damn millenials!
fucking boomers and their protestant cuck ethic
A grand in £ is $1,250.
That’s working for a couple of weeks, I don’t cook and all my bills are paid.
That’s why you work. I’m going fucking ape shit tonight. If my latest playmate is off work I’m getting her in a hotel, if she’s working then as I might stay with a bunch of horny coked up strippers at the club (sleep there - but not sleep), depends what shifts she’s working. I have had three chicks from that club in 7 weeks, two as sort of GF’s (I don’t spoon them, much, just sex).
That’s why you work.
This isn’t he same chick, I broke up with Nicky. I only saw the new one 1 night outside the club so far. Last Sunday for a couple of hours. I need more time to defile her properly.
Work harder millenisqueals.
This post, I think, really encapsulates just how fucking low Jow Forums has fallen. We now have boomers from reddit unironically posting shit was so cash-tier rants. No one gives a shit about the slags you're going to be bedding, boomer.
America is a multi racial, multi national open aired market capitalist shithole. When you talk universal apprenticeship you are advocating free advancing schooling for Mexico and China. You think American tax payers want to pay for schooling of the assholes taking over our country under protection of the constitution?
>How important is your job?
Pretty essential in this age.
Would society fall into collapse if nobody did it?
I believe it would. At least, as you know it. Do you have a horse? You're gonna need to get a horse...
What the fuck are we working for?
I feel like this entire generation is either an npc or having an existential crisis
You could limit it to American citizens.
Most jobs are glorified slavery which no matter how hard you work, will never be able to pay the bills. America is a failed state for the former middle class and down.
You are lucky that your job gives you meaning, millions of people lack this and are stuck in jobs they hate or view as ultimately pointless.
American citizens don't exist anymore. Sometime around 1970 protections for citizens vanished as society marked us all like consumers in a global market.
Why should I work hard if I get paid just as much? Go suck a dick corporate fag
Well, people like myself tend to fund really hot girls who stream on Twitch. It's something I know I can't afford at times, but it's too darn hard to resist. Of course, they get to live an easier life from my donations so it is what it is.
Actual wage growth has been occurring under Trump.
I'm a 30 year old boomer fag but I started working at 14 and have held a job ever since. As a kid, I worked fast food, cut grass, bagged groceries, and other nigger-tier occupations.
I was born a poor fag but am solid upper-middle class now. Had to work a lot harder to get here than the boomtards.
bc they fap too much and they don't have jizz rage to work with, they are castrated pigs, they want what their kike handlers want.
Well, if we are being defeatist, just curl up in a corner and wait to die.
People who work jobs that matter get paid less.
Politicians 77k.
Street sweepers 15k
Which of those serves a purpose and a societal use?
Too much inflation and cost of living is too much for what it’s supposed to be.
I sympathize with the theater cleaner kid here. Fucking animals leaving a mess like that. This says more about the people watching the movie (besides the fact they are watching the 647829199th Avengers film) than the worker.
I think a lot of people my age just don't know what to do. We had zero guidance growing up and now that we're adults we are just lost.
Believe me I wish I had the direction and drive to know what I want to do, but I just don't and it sucks.
I still have time on my side with the objective of sabotaging the system awaiting the mass boomer death throws. The conservative multi polar world will be realized once again.
by making the shekels actually worth the labor
okay, have fun.
You made it to Boomertown congrats.
This is how I feel desu like what to do, why it's all just one big clown world anyways, why enslave yourself for shit pay that will just suck the little spark of life you have left in you
>your job gives you meaning
Thanks. It feels like shit most of the time. Dan Bongino gave me a good pep talk earlier this week. Really needed it.
Skip to 5:30
>Why are they always looking for free stuff?
Aside from niggers and feminists, who are always looking for free stuff? Give me an example.
This. I didn’t think dropping out of school or doing drugs and drinking friends would fuck me this hard at 21 years old. My mom didnt give a fuck what I did and so I did what I had fun doing. Ive always understood actions have consequences but I didnt think neglecting my education and not having a license would fuck me this hard. I figured if you showed up on time and were able to do the job correctly you were fine. I was so wrong
It will be spiritual fulling to have worth as a human again instead of society treating humans as nameless,faceless consumers with no heritage or ideology.
Expand your mind and you will notice you have many choices apart from corporate wage slavery.