Take the racepill.
Chinks/Indians/Pakis/other shitskins including niggers are ugly, inferior and will always be less desirable than Whites.

The chinks have it the worst though and are getting cuck'd big time:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck, wrong video. Correct one:

Another one:

Bump fuck chinks

sorry the chick that works at the chinese buffet turned you down


>Implying ricewhores can resist the charm of a White man
Nah, I just don't want abominations for kids and I genuinely don't love non-Whites.

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white girls are for breeding and marriage
any other females are for subjugation of the white master race

That pic looks like Jacinda Ardern

stop saying blacks are inferior you dumb fucking jew golem. they are the only ones who are anywhere near the capability of the white man.
stop creating discord between the only good ones.

yet you still an incel

Asians make pretty good traps.

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even /b/ would sage this crap

Asians are your only “true” allies in the sense of the word. Radical Muslims are destroying the West, Radical Hindus are subverting the West, Jews too, blacks are cucking the West. Asians are that one minority that still has respect and admiration for whites.

All the others? They’re busy destroying the West from inside as you mock Asians.

Racism against blacks? NO!
Racism against browns? NO!
Racism against Muslims? NO!
Racism against Asians? Haha totally ok. That’s funny bro. Ching ching lmao

Just look at all the ethnicities that rape white women as you bitch on Jow Forums, Arabs, Pakistanis, Indians, Blacks.

Meanwhile you only target Asians because you know the moment you target any of those ethnicities there’s sudden retribution.

Whites are betas, only second to Asians. This has to with IQ.

>Ching ching lmao

Chinks are the ones destroying the west. Just look at all the hacks and theft and trade illegalities.

Chinks are the ones subverting the west. Who do you think funds all the regimes that are against west? Chinkies

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Fuck off. I don't care about any non-Whites whether Asian, Indian, Paki or nigger. We never needed them and we will never need them. Whites are beautiful and self sufficient. It's you leeches who need us.

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>Dixie flag
>calling non-whites ugly
I bet your ancestors were the result of some horny & sadistic whipper raping them Shaniquas n shiet.

>Low IQ shitskin doesn't know what averages are
>Low IQ shitskin doesn't know what household income implies

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Haha exactly !
I want to see op picture, don’t think that will be some alpha male

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Non-Whites are ugly

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you're a bloody Indian that shits on the streets and munches on curry that masks the taste of rotten meat you cheap bastards. All Indians do is deceive and cold call people on phone scamming the elderly. Indians are shitskins. Stingy bastards. In Australia , Chinese are generous and spend money.Indians are cheap and drive taxis,

Even 4/10 Whites are more attractive than 8-9/10 Non-Whites

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Chinks are hideous

Ever seen a Whites look at a shitskins like that?
No. Because "racism" or "beauty standards" aren't taught. White is naturally more beautiful.

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>you have to have blue or green eyes
Hahahahha brown eyes on suicide watch!

Man, if that's real I agree that it's kinda harsh.
Kids are cruel enough without the teachers having to teach that a certain look is objectively ugly.

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It's bullshit. Whites didn't write that book. An Indian wrote it. White is just naturally more attractive and it's undeniable by all races.

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Chinese are buying up things to form greater China. Your govt (if you are white) knows about this. So they are militarily cooperating with Indian Navy to check Chinese expansionism. They are not military cooperating with Chinkies. That should tell you.

This is a nice picture user

Even if you take out the racial aspect I think think it's gnarly to teach kids, presumably very young ones, that some people are ugly and some people are pretty. It's something I'd expect them to figure out just fine for themselves.
Same as being fat, really. You don't need to teach a class of ten-year-olds that one of them is a fattie fat fat. They'll manage that just fine without you.

I agree. We can't control what third worlders teach their kids though.

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Also true.
There's a reason these people eat dried tiger penises instead of viagra etc.

But you're a -(5)/10 obese incel

White girls don't care about white guys
They like non-white guys now

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white girls nowadays hate white guys . You don't need a tweet as proof for that. You live in this world every day

Fuck.. just short of the requirements

He's a paki, that's creating bait threads for Indian posters and you're taking the bait.

Want to know how? Tell him to off his memeflag. He wouldn't. He'll deflect the blame calling you a shitskin.

He's already been exposed here,

Now, go to the real archive thread which is up right now,

>The Brits really had it under control
>Posts a picture of LITERAL punjabis (modern day Pakistanis) getting humiliated by English

It's really disturbing he might be a cuck
Remember to not bump, and you know the divine four letters, in all fields.

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>That currycel cope
White men are the most attractive. So are White women. Whites are also the most loyal and least likely to go interracial. Non-White women especially Asian and Indian/Paki women prefer White men over their own Asian/Indian men. Statistics and data don't lie.

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And just if the humiliation wasn't more complete enough, in the OP this paki shill writes "Chinks btfo'd" as bait when the truth is that his own women are being taken by rice Chads from China and being bred, sold into prostitution and then cut open for their organs

So yeah "chinks" are cucking your pathetic kind OP
LMAO at this paki cuck

Issues with this video:
-It is very possible many clips were taken out of context

-For the handful of clips that weren’t, the probability of the women changing their mind is quite high.

-They probably only want them not because of appearance, but because of wealth.

This video is silly.

I personally endorse this thread. God with you OP

Based Chinese bulls. If China resolves border disputes with us, I would unironically support a division of Pakistan between it's four crowned masters - India, Afghanistan, Iran and China.

China can take Gilgit Baltistan, India can take Punjab, Sindh, and Azad Kashmir, Afghanistan takes KPK, and Iran takes Baluchistan.

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>Coping this hard
Just admit it, shitskins. By being born as a dirty poop colored non-White ethnicel, you're doomed and will always be outcompeted by White men in all fields no matter what.

Take the racepill and educate yourselves:

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>absolute state of paki cucks
Just turn off the memeflag for once.

>Pakis will stoop this low just so that they can shill against the Indians
Lmao, black guy here. Paki women love the bbc.

>Implying pakis aren't the same ugly turdskinned race as you

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All shitskins including niggers are in the same boat. White men are naturally the most aesthetic, the strongest and the most intelligent and all you poop-colored non-humans can do is cope.

All non-White women desire White cock. That includes Paki women.

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Into self-humiliation much?
>I'm not a paki reeee
Just like you said here

>that includes paki women
The part that made me cringe the most is you're a paki typing this.

No you’re wrong.
This isn’t true.
Indian men are kind, and many people enjoy dating them. Reddit is not a reliable source to study from or cite statistics from.

This is stupid.

alan ivanov
bet he is jewish

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Women are hypergamic by nature and want the best genes for their offspring. Whites have the best genes, and so non-White women desperately desire White sperm. They even go as far as taking White sperm from sperm banks. This includes all non-White women especially Paki/Indian women. Why are you coping so hard? Just accept your place in the world. No one wants more dirty brown people of your kind in the world. The world will be better with more beautiful White people. Everyone knows this. Many just find it hard to admit it.

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Too bad that's now how the real world works. Show me one statistic or study showing Indian men or any non-White men are considered more attractive. Random photos/anecdotes don't count.

There are women begging for White sperm from sperm banks. You ever heard of women asking for Indian/Paki/Nigger sperm?

This republican knows.

arent indians and pakis basically same race but different religion? why would he humiliate himself?

Chinks BTFO.

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Just because no information has been published yet doesn’t mean I’m wrong. I’m positive if someone does a study focused on the success of Indian men in dating there would be notable positive results. Besides, women who want Indian/Chinese sperm can simply marry one (which they often do) which is why there’s no demand in the sperm bank.

He just did. Did you see the image attached to that post?

The idea here is that he's specifically targeting Indians but only disses Pakis when called on it, and resumes back to anti-Indian shilling. It's an effective tactic.

Here's a reminder to you Paki, I'm a Dalit, and we've been used to bitches calling themselves "superior" until we strike, and we strike hard. Be it a pale skinned cracker or a little Paki bitch like you.

Yeah, Pakis are basically Indians that bought into the Mohammedan cult for double subhuman points.
You'd almost think that they as a people hundreds of years ago were thinking "how can we become even more detestable?".

every one of these "boys" are better looking than my wife

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>Schizo thinks everyone's a Paki
Take your meds, poopjeet.

In a perfect world all boys would be born white and all girls Asian.

Off your memeflag Paki :)
Seriously, what's wrong? You're white. You live in a white country, right?


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whoever he is, he does not like who he is

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Insectoids/Dung beetles/Mudslimes/Niggers

They don't serve to be referred to by anything else.

Don't for get Spics/Favela Monkeys/slavshits/Camel fucker

cringe, why is every white nationalist like this

Paki or not, he's actually right you coping streetshitters. What is the point of living as a smellt filthy Indian?

omg need cute asian girl to be wife and to be preg :) and have romantic times, im so strung guys


you forget to add bongoloid, crooked teeth scum

feels bad man

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imagine believing this. not even that weeb faggot hitler extended his hand in alliance/friendship/admiration to the entire race of asians. half of his administration didn't even agree with the obligatory japanese aryan shit done for the sake of the alliance, and nazi germany was bluepilled compared to other countries who had civilian and military segregation and racemixing being banned.

no race has true allies. this necessarily follows from the fact that races are different. that means different interests, it means tribalism, it means competition, and incompatibility. just because they're not as rapey and prone to terrorism as the other races doesn't mean their presence is fucking good for white people.

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Think about it. We would solve all birth rate problems forever in a never-ending loop of fetishism if all embryos were born either white or Asian. Both genders would get what they want in perfect harmony.

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presence of whites are not fucking good for whites .... because most of you are race traitors .. more so than us

For my boomer`s old-fashioned taste this... a LITTLE bit cruelly and amoral for azn qt.

What about "girl" girlfriend?

tfw living in a country with zero asian waifus

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Racism is good

Thats so fucking degenerate mate
thats even more degenerate than the trannies and the gays protesting on the streets about their gay pride

Don't you like Nigerian waifus Sven?

i doubt your asian girlfriend would accept this kind of degeneracy

You can find an insane Chinese woman that wants to have a white baby...
But they're not really wife material.

styx looks a bit ill

why not get a sandfu? white/middle eastern mixes are top tier

>But they're not really wife metrial
i thought you wanted to date azn quties because they are wife material
anyways having egg donors of any kind is disgusting and degenerate, even if you have a white wife or an asian wife

But Swedish girls are quite attractive, if they do not have a horseface. Why should he marry a chink or a terrorist?

Swedish women won't have him.

Would wreck their tiny assholes /10

I want my woman to have a nose bridge. Asian pepe looking bitches can fuck off.

While we have a lot of immigration, the vast majority is male and / or muslim.
Don't want a hook nosed kid + see above.

Based srpski brat