I want to publicly post and expose this girl for cheating on her current boyfriend and lying about him abusing her behind his back. She's done this with at least two other guys (that I know of) in the past and has claimed false rape and abuse afterward but proving it is difficult. This time we have a lot of proof of a still ongoing relationship, including video, where she's cheating and manipulating so we want to post it.
Where should I post this?
why do you care?
just show this to the boyfriend and be done with it.
E-thots will be e-thots, she thrives on the validation and attention given. Exposing her will do nothing.
>Anime picture
>Moon runes for name
It's poetry, really.
expose her to us OP
just send it to her bf, let him deal with it. If you still wanna expose her, at least allow him to react first
Don’t. Let me introduce you to the ancient proverb “let he who lives in glass house throw the first stone”. Or a newer proverb of “not my fucking problem”.
Get a life and get out of hers. However big of a loser you think she is, double it. That’s you.
non-confrontational men like you are fucking gay, why do the right thing "it's not my problem", fucking loser
Checked, also if you really cared about her bf you would've "exposed" her to him already. The fact that you're coming here to gather approval from strangers shows that you're doing this to feed some fake sense of morality and superiority.
Stop lying here’s the truth.
>this is OPs ex
>OP got dumped
>OP is so bitter booty about it
>She never cheated
>She never claimed false rape
>OP is so angry about her, it’s obvious OP is emotionally hurt
>OP is full of shit
>OP just cant accept rejection
>OP wants to ruin this poor girls life
>OP is scum
Seriously, you’re not the first faggot to try to turn Jow Forums into your personal army, and I’m seriously thinking about doxing you for this horseshit.
I really don't care about her current boyfriend to be honest. I feel bad for the two guys she lied about in the past and I think destroying her public image is the best way to hurt the girl. I was almost another victim and after some of the shit I saw happened from this girl I feel bad. One guy almost got assaulted in a public place cause she accused him of beating her.
give me her discord and i'll help you out.
print out a bunch of pics and post them all over school
>I want to publicly post and expose this girl
>posts censored photo on a public forum
You shouldn’t post it anywhere. You sound like you’ve known this for a while now and haven’t done anything yet, so you’re going to look like an ass that’s trying to cause trouble, not one that cares about who she’s supposedly hurting. They’ll figure it out if they don’t already know, and they can handle it. It’s their problem, and they’ll figure it out like grown ass men.
For real. Exposing this girl no matter what shes done is just awful. Its better to suffer injustice than to commit injustice.
that sort of thing is illegal
When I say expose I mean reveal her to be cheating, lying, and falsely accusing others. I will not uncensor nudes or anything like that.
this girl looks like she could be under 16 so unless you want cp charges then no
Right here, right now. Stop being a pussy and give us the pussy.
>itt: yo bro don't do that it doesn't matter if she ruins men's lives on a whim be the bigger person and ignore it!
I bet you havent heard another proverb. "Who corrects not, abets."
Unless you are a hypergamous woman yourself, why are you riled?
>not my fucking problem”
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Not saying I agree with OP because OP is retarded. But it is a mind set like yours that has allowed all of our freedoms to be slowly whittled down in the name of "our safety and protection" because nothing is your "fucking problem".
Spineless fucking all of you. Anyone willing to stand idly by while others suffer.
On your issue don't be a moron. She her bf, that is all that need be done. It is not your job to humiliate people. This will achieve nothing good or useful.
Im going to assume shes over 18. First, find out which social media sites she uses often. Then post all the screenshots on that site and tag her in them. Straight up @ her to expose her
She will start going crazy and most likely delete all her accounts
>Evil spirited racism?
>Trash in the nature reserve
Bad things happen because people let small things slide, and shitty people keep pushing to see how much they can get away with.
>Exposing a cheater
>Is injustice
Stop trying to sound nice and enlightened. You are neither. And stop shitting in Jow Forums.
Two wrongs, one right and all that.
Wouldn't have happened if Murica didn't support regimes around the world and bomb everyone who disagreed.
>Evil spirited racism?
Wouldn't happen if people focused on themselves.
>Trash in the nature reserve
Only somewhat alright example. Still on the average, more shit happens because people just can't mind their own fucking business.
Two wrongs = one right is the entire basis of Law.
The Law has limited success, but I'll take that over zero success.
>The Law has limited success
Not if you're talking about Judge Dredd
just dump it on /b/
Okay, lets use your example
>Neighbor city got misbombed by bigbad USA
>Pple can't mind their own fucking business
Suppose my business is to exploit or depredate my fellow man? Say, steal Amazon and FedEx packages? How about social security scamming? How about any organized crime upwards of protectioneering?
Are you seriously telling my victims to just let me?
Lol Judge Dredd has too much success.
Looks pretty underage desu senpai
Seems like a good way to have a few knocks on the door and a dead dog
post the pics we'll do the rest
As a guy who did get cheated on, fuck you.
No seriously, FUCK YOU.
I wasted love, time and money. FUCK YOU.
She took me for a chump and i was saving up for a nice rock for her ring. FUCK YOU.
Her besties knew, one of mine knew, and they let it go on. FUCK YOU.
I passed up chances to get with other girls because i was a fuckig chump. FUCK YOU.
She was halfexpecting the breakup anytime, so she had all the initiative to arrange everything. Held my shit hostage, got her whiteknights (and at least one fuckbuddy) to defend her IRL.
I WISHED someone just bro'd up and gave me a tipoff so i can start noticig bullshit.
What the hell do you know about being betrayed as a cuck and still having to go wagie b/c no fucking choice? Crying at the desk for 4 hours trying to get shit done.
Man, fuck you. FUCK YOU.
The entire basis of law is prevention of specific behaviour, according to already established rules. Shit that doesn't apply to the situation.
>Neighbor city got misbombed by bigbad USA
Unless you have the power to start a worldwide boycott, any other action will only case more harm either way in this scenario. Responding to US terror with 9/11 didn't do much good for the victims.
>Are you seriously telling my victims to just let me?
In the proposed scenarios it'd be the victims business and the law would be on their side. Cheating in relationshits isn't illegal and only the business of the parties in a relationship.
>Basis of Law is prevention.
Incorrect. Criminal law especially. Law is PUNITIVE. It DETERS undesirable behavior. If the punishment isnt enforced regularly enough, or if the prize is big enough, anything goes.
>Cheating in relationshits isnt illegal.
Alright, so it isn't. Neither was opium 200 years ago. Neither was slavery. Or "honor killings". Or MLM scams (Ponzi made a fat pile).
The law can only judge things it has the tools to judge. This is its limitation. Depending on the nature of the crime, the Law is anywhere between 3 years (tax developments) and 10 (IT, social media) behind times. It doesnt mean that the things it cannot describe are morally neutral, or ethical; it just means that the Law is slow as fuck in catching up.
what discord servers do you find hoes like this? asking for research purposes
>It DETERS undesirable behavior.
Sure, which is the key point, the punitive aspect is to support that but the intent is to provide a rule book basically. Most people don't go around committing crimes even if there is no effective mechanism of punishment and when they commit others, no punishment is enough to deter them.
But to go back on topic, there is no law against cheating nor any punishment for it. It's completely personal business to even tell what cheating is. When it comes to harassment and doxxing, there are laws in most places on the other hand.
Hey, this would explain the whole thing actually.
>It doesnt mean that the things it cannot describe are morally neutral, or ethical; it just means that the Law is slow as fuck in catching up.
Or maybe for a change it isn't and it's actually not an issue requiring the law? Cheating is basically lying, if lying was illegal outside of very specific cases, basically everyone deserves to be publicly harassed or die in jail.
>Maybe cheating doesnt require the Law to intervene.
Then neither should anonymous titty doxing someone on /b/. So long as the doxer user is not in the same country as the doxee, eg Vietnam and USA, and never visits Freedomville, American Law cannot act. Therefore, by your reasoning, the vietnamese doxer has done nothing wrong.
So in effect, all that OP has to do for his public doxing to be "not illegal" is to send me the nudes, and let me start a fappening from here, using a seam reap IP. I'm too small and troublesom for american Law to punish, so that must mean i'm cool like (You).
Another point.
Lying *IS* illegal if there is a ratified contract. So is misrepresentations, such as "i said i was your girlfriend; i didnt say i wasnt going to keep sexing other people." And "lying is not illegal outside of specific cases", when it actually is a fat chunk of Contract Law. People make careers specializing in such "specific cases"; it's fast business.
Sure, cheating isnt illegal. And maybe the Law is perfectly just for this one instance. I highly, highly doubt it. Would not bet one dong.
>all these people defending some whore that made false rape claims and soiled men's reputations
what the fuck
>Most people dont do crime
My fellow anonrican, we (nearly) all do crime that cannot be traced. Intellectual property violation, eg. Torrent, limewire, buying counterfeit brands - Casio especially.
Ditto The Happy Birthday Song and the FIIIIVE Go-old RAANGs line in 12 days of Christmas. These are copywrited properties before they were public domain, and anyone singing them for private purposes until they were public domain technically owes royalty.
All of it is illegal; very little can be practically enforced.
OP, answer.
If this is true, just let the thread die.
I know youre hurting, but theres no need to be a cunt.
Do not punish the guiltless. That makes you a cunt.
any evidence of this?
>I'm too small and troublesom for american Law to punish, so that must mean i'm cool like
You'd still abide OP in doing something illegal and it'd be against the rules of /b/ for you to post the shit anyway. We're not discussing how easy it is to get away with some crimes but how some shit is a crime (pretty much anywhere in the civilised world, and likely in OP's legislature), while other actions aren't.
>Lying *IS* illegal if there is a ratified contract.
Hence it very likely doesn't apply here. Shit, the chick doesn't look old enough to sign shit in the first place.
>made false rape claims and soiled men's reputations
Now that'd be something worth discussing, if there was any proof.
>Nadeko avatar
Oh the ironing.
None of your business, you orbiter. Let it be
not that much poetry in it with you retards
It's literally in the OP, which is all we have to go off.
So basically an accusation with zero proof about the other person accusing someone? Legit shit.
That's gonna be a yikes from me sweetie.
so what grounds do you have to believe that OP is lying other than the fact that it suits your agenda?
What grounds would you have to believe he's going to be honest about a person he clearly doesn't like with the intent to "expose" in a public forum instead of simply sending the whatever stuff he has on her to the bf? The entire thread is basically a "fuck this person" public shaming without providing any decent proof for any of his claims.
If you're only here to say "lol OP u lying" I don't really see the point in posting at all, unless you have a horse in this race
>"lol OP u lying"
More of "cool story, now prove it".
>im just saying
>That some actions are crime
>But others arent
I get that. And i am replying that just because it isnt punishable or punished, doeant mean it should not/never be.
I do not agree with doxing unless there has been material loss (big gifts, payment on behalf ec) by OP; i should also like to know, if so, how much was the material loss. Major cucking (repeated ONS / reg fuckbuddy) will be a factor.
As is, i would have OP just submit info to her current BF. It is BF's call.
Simple: if he just wanted to be a shit heel he would not need to come to Jow Forums for moral approval. Just be a demon and do it.
No need for burden of proof.
OP laid out perimeter, we give Jow Forums accordingly. If any particular of the case is not given, then OP has punished himself with warped or incomplete Jow Forums.
OP, do not show her nudes. That is low, and you willneed to justify it. Already some anons here are against it on principle.
Do: post screen caps and snaps as proof of cheat.
You'll be outing yourself as a cuck, but hey: how innocent are You, and how much do you want this?
Isn't that the same trap that keeps posting threads about being too ugly to get a guy?
If not, she's ugly as fuck and OP should do us a favor by not sharing her nudes.
Lol so he wants to make an Jow Forums backstory, then post on /b/ to let people hatefap tribute on his nude leaks?
Ghat dayum, thats some dedication.
Or DO share her noodz and get graded -6/10, bulemia enabler.
Well this illegal and you r trash. Everyone would go to the police and you try to destroy her? Well here's some news for you, you r at least as shitty as her tard
Is op and van still here, or are you fags just trying to make the other admit they’re wrong?
This thread is so beyond advice when every other comment actually is just anons justifying their point of view. If op isn’t here, you guys need to take a freaking chill pill.
I'm not morally correct either, hell I was going to go through with fucking her and everything else until I realized she might accuse me of rape or something too, so I screencapped up and got advice from the other people I mentioned.
Also her boyfriend has been notified, but he's too chickenshit to do anything I guess even after seeing her record a video for me and asking me to fuck her instead of him (this video is in the link) so I decided to just post revealing her bullshit because she keeps on creating victims.
As for the proof on her making false claims in the past, only one of them has some screenshots that prove her to be lying about some things here and there but ultimately they have nothing to disprove the claims she makes of physical abuse and rape, so the best we can do is show her actions she is lying about now and how she is cheating on her current boyfriend.
Anyway, I'll just post it on /b/
OP here. I only came to ask advice on the appropriate place to post a full story of the situation by describing the base form of it with one of the screencaps I had, because describing and detailing the whole thing with every screencap seems dumb when I'm just looking for the right place to post the whole thing. Not looking for moral or emotional support, I just don't know where is best to post a situation like this because most of Reddit's cheaters subreddits are porn and I don't know much about Jow Forums.
Sorry I messed up my last two posts LOL the bottom one is first. I was trying to share a link and the thing kept messing up
It won't let me share the link, will an image of it work tho???
As OP I know I'm dumb AF but the link I provided is what I posted a few days ago about the situation on facebook.
What app is that?
Am .
OP you are a cunt. Are you aware that for American law, if within a marriage one partner knows another partner is sexing outside, but still engages in sex with cheating partner, that particular adultary is not cause for divorce?
The BF is weak, he's allowing bs to carry on. It is no longer your business.
You have a grudge and are determined to carry it out. You are in Jow Forums to get rationalisation.
discord ,,, gorefeinxx#4090
Does not work
On Facebook go to "stuff that makes you cringe" with 46k likes, go to their community tab and it should be second from the top.
Post uncensored pls
Bro I am not manually typing that. At least provide a copy paste of the last half
This is so cringe. Litterely why the fuck do you care? If she wants to be slut let her be
>that profile pic
This bitch probably thinks she’s Nadeko IRL. Little does she know, Nadeko is worst girl.
That's everything after the facebook/ part
Holy fuck, those unchecked quints
it is illegal if you're a marine committing adultery
OP just wants clout, if he cared about the morality of things he would have simply told the BF about this and moved on. But a lot people like OP still haven’t mentally moved on past high school and still seek validation for childish and dramatic behavior. Even worse, they’re facebook page admins.
Also nadeko a slut
Isin is a hack and there are no good girls in that show.
We are still nedd thot patrol
If your friend doesn't want to change any shit you don't allow to go with your own minds and aims.
Any actions towards that thot can make an effect to your friend and not sure from the right side.
Concequntly the best decion is just notife your friend and take any actions only if he'll request it.
Really! News to me. So a marine committing adultery, or committing adultery against a marine? Just to be clear.
The juice on this.
If you are a Marine. You know how many have women that cheat on them. Is sad really.