All Girls like the bad boys... right? NO!!!!

>be me
>meet QT who is little ms perfect
>I go out with friends and drink pick up chicks
>I've been in lower social class, and seen shit, done shit as a result
>Try to put all of my vices behind me
>meanwhile nerdy little fucker comes from middle class family
>Straight A kid, absolute fucking geek.
>most he does is lift weights, but isn't even that big
>I am same height, same weight (Im more toned muscle, he lifts heavy), same intellect (B student, however I am in two clubs at uni while geekguy here just sits around mastubating or some shit)
>I make all kinds of edgy jokes, fuck around, and make QT laugh
>She still takes nerd boy over me.
>Asked her out first, she says she likes other kid and rejects me
>literally waits an eon for this pussy mother fucker to ask her to join him with friends, not even the two of them
>after what seems like forever he starts going out with her just the two of them, she is patiently waiting for him the whole time
>call him out in front of her, and ask why she took this dork. He doesn't even defend himself, just says "cmon man thats not nice"
>Basically tells me I am too confident and outgoing for her.

What the actual fuck. I have gotten some baddies before. this girl is average, and I just want a respectable woman. She instead takes the pussiest of guys over me. Girls don't fucking like badboys, tough guys, whatever the fuck.

Im white btw, other kid is like Asian mix with white or something. Girl is white

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>the virgin Chad

not a virgin, I have like 100+ fucks under my belt across 8 women
a lot of Bjs from other women like 3 additional to the 8

It's not my looks. I'm also one of the best players on my unis club soccer team and one of top 5 in club swimming

I stopped drinking weekends, I don't cuss as much, I got my recent grades up to As and A-s though my GPA is still a 3.3

I really tried for this girl, I wanted to finally start a long term relationship

I wasn't even worried about this other nerdy fuck, and out of fucking nowhere she takes him. It's not like it was even fast. She waited a month after I asked her out, and the kid was always shaking nervous around her too, super shy

Wtf am I supposed to do at this point, shes fucking retarded for taking him. Not like im gonna wait around for her to leave him in a year after she finds out the bastard can't even get it up

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Get off your inceltheory bubble, faggot. You got "baddies" because they're most likely fucking cumwhores who fit the stereotype of getting fucked and dumped. People have different tastes and some girls like geeks and shit same as there are girls being into bronies even if it's rarer than the average.

Sometimes you're just not their type.

Get over it ffs. You're a retard. You can't have everything in life. You sound like a fucking faggot man. Stick to your dumb cumdumpsters or change your attitude next time you met someone of her sort.

Also success, popularity and looks =/= personality

nobody mentioned incel. Do you even know what incel means dipshit?

Yeah, tell me about it. If it's because she thinks this guy is going to make a lot of money then that's a fucking shame because we're both Cheg major and so is she, and his better grades will probably net him an additional 10K/yr, if that. We're both gonna make it out of uni making 70K, maybe its cause the kid is already middle class and momma and dadda pay for everything idfk

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You come across as really insecure and petty, I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with you either to be honest. All you've done is list off a series of accomplishments defining your worth, and seem to want this girl to be your next conquest. Well guess what, she's her own person with her own needs and desires, she doesn't exist to fulfill your narcissistic fantasy.

Get over her and find someone else

Lol dude ur a fag like 4 real

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I mean if instagram is any measure of personality I am approaching 2k followers 1k following.

not trying to brag, but it's a pretty good way to measure social success I'd say. Girl hit me up pretty often. And like I said, I have this girl in tears laughing at all my witty joke, and digs at other guys, including this fucking faggot shes dating. Yes she even laughed when I used to make fun of him

Nerd man over here is chillin with his 160 followers

Girl's just nuts honestly

Did i say you're an incel, faggot? I said you should stop believing that theories these fucktards are cumming all over the place here.

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oh fuck off, what am I not supposed to be proud of my accomplishments.

You're the same type of person to say shit to a virgin about how he should have more hobbies, or build up a better social status.

You're in denial if you think status and accomplishments have nothing to do with it

She's not my next conquest, I actually like her, and I put in the effort to get her. Meanwhile this pathetic virgin bum comes along and does nothing and shes all over his shit for no reason

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It's more than just Jow Forums that believes this stuff but okay buddy boi

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Get over yourself you insufferable faggot. Then get over her. She likes him because you're a self-indulgent cunt. Once you accept that and perhaps redeem yourself before God, you may begin to deserve even a fragment of what you believe yourself to be entitled to.

>ITT: The softcore version of Elliot Rodger if he ever scored

You sound like an assblasted, arrogant narcissist man

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>confidence = self-indulgent cunt

no wonder 90% of you queers are virgins

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How do you figure that?

Elliot Rodger was a crazed school shooter, somehow that's me because I think I deserve a smart girl for once

Did you know? Coinfidence is good but too much of it and you become an assoholic bitch on an anime image board ranting about one single chick he couldn't get and her boy who's "just a geek" whilst pretending to not be assoholic and mad.

When she's smart she can smell that ur a fuckboy and you'd have most likely ditched her anyways after some fucks. Jokes are good but smart people want smart people and carefully choose their partners.

And no: your grades do not indicate intelligence and you're still an assblasted poc.

Move on with your life.

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So girls don't like fuck boys

I see smart shy girls like her with guys like me all the time.

When did being a shy smart girl mean you like shy smart guys, hes not even smart, hes socially awkward, just book smart.
>"just a geek"

I know this kids roommate we used to hang out, I'd come in to chill and this dude is just sitting in at his desk watching star wars with headphones on

So yeah, he's just a geek

I'm not an asshole, just confused as fuck what makes a girl attracted to that. So far nobodies given me any advice as to how I break up this obvious disaster waiting to happen

this kid should be watching porn by himself, not spending time with the girl I've spent a month cozying up to

Yall say be confident and go get the girl, then it doesn't work and
>oh you're too confident, you're being an ass

You're just another idiot that thinks girls like assholes, like yourself.

"cmon man thats not nice"

= You're a fucking arrogant asshole.

Marry him or marry me
I'm the one that loves you baby can't you see?
I ain't got no future or a family tree
But I know what a prince and lover ought to be
I know what a prince and lover ought to be

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yeah this has happen to me before aswell, im not even that confident either i just pretend like i am infront of girls. Girls just have really specific types, its weird.

she defo just has a type, some girls are just weird in that they actually go for guys that are nerdier. But only if their attractive, think Andrew garfield spiderman type.

>spent a month cozying up to
>be confident
Choose one lel, a confident guy would have made his intentions clear in like 2 weeks max. This is on you for not knowing this girl had a type and wasting your time.

Most people here are just antagonistic and like shitting on others.
This dude is right. It happened to me, too. When people say that girls like rough, macho fuys, they mean a "particular" type of girl likes rough, macho guys. The internet and media, films, magazines, certainly don't help. Modern society is mendacious, man. We've been told so many lies growing up. I fell for a nerdy girl. I'm tall and fit. Get complimented on face and fashion and people say I'm really nice and funny. But none of that matters. We fall for whom we fall. We can't control it. The guy she chose is short, hobo fashion, anti-social, below avg face. Sites like this just compound the nonsense of le alpha guy always winning.

Op is either trolling or is a jealous fag who can’t get over getting cucked by another alpha

>Girls aren't all the exact same

Was about time you found out...

Sounds like he's a genuinely sweet guy that makes her and others feel special just by being themselves, while you're an insecure faggot that has to tear others down in order to feel bigger.

Have fun gettin dabbed on by Mr.Rogers ya dumb cunt.

Geek guy sounds funny. You sound super not funny. That's probably what this all boils down to in the end.
>I am same height
No you're not, he's taller. And I can tell cause you have angry little man syndrome. Little guys are obsessed with how many chicks they've fucked, but you take it a step further with saying you have 100+ INDIVIDUAL FUCKS like lmao kid stop embarrassing yourself on the internet and just shut the fuck up. If you want a stable relationship you're gonna have to change.

>I make all kinds of edgy jokes
Are you 13? You sound like a faggot just from this.

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By the sheer amount of seething it seems you're not confident and rather hurt by taking such a supposed loss. Not just that but it seems you had yourself some severe oneitis and you now cope by lashing out instead of trying to change yourself.

You must be baiting no ones backhole could be this blasted

Remember to sage

dude you sound so insecure. You got dubbed by a girl and your ego got so hurt you made a ass out of yourself trying harass a, "nerd" and embarrass the girl and yoursefl. You aint no "alpha" you a straight up bitch. Then your ego is so hurt you come here to tell us about it? KYS

>Nobody mentioned incel
>No wonder 90% of you queers are virgins

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>bad boy
>I am in two clubs at uni
Sounds like both of you are awkward, sheltered kids; the geeky fuck probably appears less obnoxious though.

>I'd come in to chill and this dude is just sitting in at his desk watching star wars with headphones on
Now that's actual confidence and a chance for you to learn: The guy wanted to watch his dumb fucking movie and he does it, not giving a fuck about some faggot coming to his place. You're whining about him on a Mongolian Yak exchange forum.

>be me
Didn't read the rest, but you're probably some dumb, autistic retard. Though luck about whatever happened to you!

Ugh, no matter how much you lift your personality is disgusting. You put a hat on a turd, it’s still shit. Get it? No? Okay.

Stfu virgin chad lol kys

lol look at this fag bragging about his bot followers
You are the definition of pathetic

You start off by downgrading this girl and saying she's not even that pretty, but here you are throwing a fit because she didn't choose you. You're retarded and I hope you never convince anyone of value that you have any worth.

How the hell do I get that social media thing going? Also, your height and facially are you really handsome? If I just signed up to insta could I get a following based on looks and decent photos alone, even if all selfies?

Dude she wanted a real relationship not a one night stand with some man whore who thinks he owns the world. It's no wonder she choose him. He's probably more nice and more trustworthy, you probably give off the impression you'll dump her in a few months. Nice girls don't want asshole bad boys, only sluts do. The real truth is that if you want a good trustworthy smart girl you in turn have to be trustworthy and geniuan not some larping bad boy idiot. Next time take her on a date and be yourself, try to know her, tell her you like her, make her feel comfortable, etc.....retard.

you stated it you moron. he/his family has higher ACTUAL status than you. your jestermaxxing is merely SUPERFICIAL status.

simple as.

Considering your ego shatters so fucking easily, I'm not surprised she left you for the other dude. Women can sense this sort of weakness in men. Plus from what I read you were chasing like a beta ass faggot while he was creating scarcity. Clueless dumbass.

Was about to say the same thing, you however said it better.

if a girl is judging you merely over social media shes not worth it anyway, also social media is kind of cancer and smart people dont use it (much)

becky please

I bet that nerd dude could fuck you up bitch boy

OP is a faggot and mentalcel
God can u finally fuck off, tranny?

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You're the equivalent of a "roastie" for this girl, if that makes sense

Salty fucking virgins, how about some real advice you whiny bitches.

I turned down other chicks for this cunt.

Yall are acting like this other kid is some legend, the only thing he did right was lift, and hes still not toned or anything, just not fat either.

Hes picked on by literally everyone, he doesn't stick up for himself, and for some reason this girl thinks hes going to be able to take care of both of them. bitch please lmfao

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Could do without the random insults lol, but thanks I guess. I honestly do act myself around her though, and I don't say everything I say on here to the other kid obviously, but I do flex on him here and there and then this shit happens, it's a little aggravating desu. I wasn't gonna pump and dump her, like I said I've changed, plus girls like guys with experience ya'know.

Yeah sign up for insta and follow all the people you know, then just be semi active on it. Get peoples insta at parties and stuff. Only follow people you know, but accept everyone that isn't a bot.

Honestly followers come in exponentially, like after I hit 1k new girls were following me/ hitting me up like every other day. it was only like 5 months ago.

make sure you have some shirtless pics stuff like that, all of your activities and friends. Girls love that.

never said 100 individual, I said 100+ over the 8 girls I've been with. I only said it cause some faggot called me virgin or something, but okay you illiterate fuck

You keep talking about the body like some girls aren't attracted to the face first and foremost, how is his game there?

Yeah, in like middle school I was pretty shy around my first girl friend, then as bad as this sounds I got laid early in Highschool and I never felt a lack of confidence. You just have to get over yourself, and you realize the more girls you talk to that they all kinda just wanna fuck. Some do but want to act like they don't. Look at it that way and it gets easier
Damn, Yeah this is how I feel. I've felt pretty confident, cause like any girl I chose to flirt with would be all over me, but then when I choose a girl I think no other good looking guy would be into, she chooses this kid I always thought was gay.

I'm blonde hair dark blue eyes, so pretty much aryan hahaha

but my jawline is pretty sharp, I think my problem is I don't grow much facial hair, just scruff. But most girls find me attractive, so I'm thinking I need a different approach than looks with this girl.

Also somehow have to cuck this other kid now

>she chooses this kid I always thought was gay
There you have it folks. He's cute as fuck isn't he. No amount of lifting or being a strong chad can be as profound as a beautiful guy.

This is the best bait I've seen in a really long time. Bravo OP, bravo. You really took the chad-persona and ran with it. Because surely no one could be THIS fucking retarded.

You guys said chad, I never did.

Chad would be the guy who rapes girls at the frat house, I'm just a regular dude.

Kinda puts the retards on here into perspective when they think that fucking 8 chicks is Chad tier, especially since I'm in college and have friends who have legit 20-30 hoes.

Also chad wouldn't be into the smart kind of girl, but mkay

I would go for the beta bitch boy over you, too to be completly honest with you.

>I-I'm not chad I swear!
Get fucked. You lost. Go find some more whores or get in a bar fight. You're very obviously not wanted here.

I dunno Anons, I'm with OP. If he was quite possible the perfect being he claims to be with matching accomplishments, then naturally he's pissed that some sad excuse of a man got the girl of his dreams. Why do I say "girl of his dreams?" Cause he wouldn't be this emotional over this. Best *I* can say is look for a hotter girl and see if she appreciates perfection. Laughing at the eventual break-up of this girl and his apparent nemesis is optional.

TL;DR I feel ya OP, but find someone hotter.

> If he was quite possible the perfect being he claims to be with matching accomplishments
So he's had everything he could have ever wished for in his entire life up until this point, and he finally doesn't get his way (something we experience on a daily basis) and he has to feel sad for a few days. Instead, he comes here and bitches at us because we don't want to help this "perfect being" because he's experiencing something for the first time that we experience on a very regular basis? Nah he can fuck off.
>Best *I* can say is look for a hotter girl
Exactly what we've been telling this chad. Hopefully he doesn't throw another tantrum if she doesn't like what she sees.

The other kid is a legend compared to you, lol. You suck so many dicks.
Why don’t you go lift some more you dumb brute

>Something we experience on a daily basis

lol what? If *you* can't get your way often this seems like something beyond this post. I'm glad we agree with the final message tho lol

Try being nice like giving her your jacket when it's cold, helping her with school, repairing stuff for her, stuff like that. Invite her our, if she doesn't want to go just with you then invite her in a group. Also try to talk to her face to face and telling her how you feel. Make her feel special and that you're serious.

>Yeah sign up for insta and follow all the people you know, then just be semi active on it. Get peoples insta at parties and stuff. Only follow people you know, but accept everyone that isn't a bot.
>Honestly followers come in exponentially, like after I hit 1k new girls were following me/ hitting me up like every other day. it was only like 5 months ago.
>make sure you have some shirtless pics stuff like that, all of your activities and friends. Girls love that.
I will keep this is mind when uni year starts. Any advice about uni networking? One dilemma I have is that I enjoy the social scenes with sports like hockey or lacrosse and shit but really am not passionate about the sports themselves. The one I would like is boxing, but that's a mixed sex thing and the social scene doesn't seem as good. I have enjoyed rowing but the demands it puts with the early training and shit and distances to the boathouse put me off. Any solid plan for networking as far as social stuff is concerned during my second uni year?

As far as insta is concerned, photos of parties/pregaming that I don't necessarily have to be in and just some decent selfies of me would be enough right?

sounds like she dodge a fucking bullet

OP if you have shirtless photos on social that could be part of your problem. It sends a fuckboy image to girls. Think about it. Would you want a relationship with a girl who shows her tits all over insta or just sex? The image you project is important.

Said, if you want to call me baby
Just go ahead, now
And if you like to tell me maybe
Just go ahead, now
And if you wanna buy me flowers
Just go ahead, now
And if you like to talk for hours
Just go ahead, now

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uplifting and wholesome

she has a picture of her in a bathing suit on her instagram for her 250 followers lmao

its a onsie, but still like you can see her ass which isn't even that round.

Honestly this girl only has her cute face brown hair brown eyes going for her, her body is just avg fit, but not like THAT fit

To me that says I wasn't even into her for her body or to make her my "cumdumpster" as some of you have said

Face is 90% of attraction bub


For chicks, I've seen some fucked up faces get fucked by some of my D1 buddies. Girls all go for those guys and they still fuck girls with nice bodies over nice faces all the time.

This girl can go fuck herself desu, her and her nerdy ass bf

you say this now but I think this will greatly bother you for a while

You're a paper tiger. A careful appearance you've built up, but it fell apart easily.

yeah, I mean ill just go drink and get laid by some other bitch. She can have that loser

k thanks wise owl, now go spew your stupid bullshit somewhere else

I hope thos isnt bait but i know it is

Wise up and grow up. It’l take a few more stings to bring you back down from where u are now. And that’s good. There are a number of great women out there, so stop sobbing, lick ur wounds and move on

your personality seems super cocky and obnoxious i wouldnt want a ltr with you either

badboys are for fucking. good boys are for marrying

>Im white btw, other kid is like Asian mix with white or something. Girl is white

N-NANI?! Why she is not already married to you? GASP, she's even talking to a "LIKE ASIAN MIX WITH WHITE OR SOMETHING"?

That must really be terrible :(

>Mentioning instagram followers
>Comparing that to "nerd"

You know user, girls do usually pick a guy like you over a guy like him physically speaking, IF YOU HAVE A FUCKING PERSONALITY.

literally my first thought
Elliot "the supreme gentleman" Rodger was definitely a narcy fag like you who thought he 'deserved' a woman. You don't deserve anything, firstly. Secondly, almost all human interaction is voluntary. You don't deserve friends, women, anything. Those people, (For whatever fucking reason cuz you sound like a majorly insecure fag who can't have fun and didn't go through shit) chose to associate with you against their better nature.

Get the fuck over it and keep moving.

op is a dumb nigger lol


having instagram followes isn't very manly
neither is being gossipy

being successful is manly and straight A's are a real measure of success unlike instagram followers.

Also it sounds like you like this girl but act like a tough bad boy above it all which is pretty gay and women see through that stuff. Even if the other guy is more reserved with women atleast he is being authentic and not pretentious. Authenticity is the most masculine of all traits.

Sounds like you just aren't man enough.

Wow, just by reading this I can see why dumped your bitch ass

Quit bitching about who a girl chooses and go back to getting “baddies” and move on, fucking loser

OP you sound like an absolutely narcissistic dumbass with absolutely zero substance or depth to who you are. You're looking for a long term relationship when there's nothing there.
>t. 27 years old and married with 20 Instagram followers

My boyfriend doesn't even have an instagram and I'd rather suck his cock over yours any day.
You're a fucking moron.

>too confident

In womanspeak, that's pretty much
>too overbearing

>All girls like the badboys
Yeah when they're 12 maybe? Grow the fuck up kid, the world doesn't revolve around you and your non-existant personality.

OP is either an amazing troll or a genuine sociopath.

Girl made the better choice, the other guy is 100 times better than you. Go bk to dating shallow.

you're lying about who you are and made this up to manipulate people.