Is it normal for a heterosexual man t think pussy is disgusting?
Is it normal for a heterosexual man t think pussy is disgusting?
Have you ever tried figuring your sexuality or did you just assume you are straight?
Sexuality has nothing to do with that, you imbecile.
Op, don't worry about it. When you get in the mood and you're with the right woman it won't be a problem.
Pretty regular.
I love the look, feel, smell of a woman’s body, don’t particularly care for vaginas though...also don’t care for during sex I’m usually just appreciating the rest of her while I slide my ugly slug in her clam.
Do you refuse to touch it? I know a guy like that and his gf was miserable. He's straight.
Nah, I can touch it, I can even eat the shit out of it, don’t particularly enjoy it, but sometimes I like to give back.
I think you're fine then. Plenty of women don't especially like dicks by themselves too.
They are pretty gross. Though when your in the heat of the moment your other head will make it seem more attractive unless your gay then your shit out of luck.
How is this possible? Unless theres something visual or olfactory wrong with it, how could a hetero hate the other genders' genitals?
He just didn't want to touch it or lick it. He would lick her tits and the rest of her body just fine and then put his dick in and go to town.
>how could a hetero hate the other genders' genitals?
I mean vaginas are notoriously nasty. Discharge, yeast, period blood, and piss, all wrapped up in a hot pocket of flesh. Its a recipe for stink. Not to mention the look,meat flaps all over the place, inside and out.
But it tastes so good...
depends what you mean.
I don't find anything arousing by like the image of a pussy. Like a close-up of a pussy just isn't arousing. And if you mean like the taste of it, then that's normal too. Pussy tastes from tolerable to horrible, I assume dick is the same.
But the way it makes my dick feel when I fuck it, that isn't disgusting at all.
Is /lgbt/ raiding other boards? Posts like this come very close to turning me into a fag.
Souns like a little child
I think so.
I think pussies that are too hairy can be gross, and I can't stand it when a pussy tastes bad
I love sniffing woman's assholes but have trouble communicating this to the women I meet. Ama.
Gay. Or at least Bi. Go for it then
This for sure. No ones trying to flossing with fucking pubes, puss and dick can smell bad for normal reasons like after a long day or whatever, but we should know when something else is going on and when to avoid it
literally me
Quite honestly, you aren't heterosexual and the sooner you come to terms with that, the better.
Eh, by the actual definition of the word, no.
Vaginas are biologically disgusting though.
It is healthy to think woman are disgusting.
That being said you should still want to fuck them both.
The body is a filthy, putrid vessel for our eternal souls. In death, we wash away that filth and transcend, never to require those bothersome urges again.
Visually speaking, the penis is closer to a finger while the vagina is closer to an anus.
Dicks are external and their level of sanitation can be readily perceived with a glance.
Vaginas are internal and have a reputation for being more unsanitary due to having a larger variety of discharges, as well as a complex bacterial environment. Women have OBGYNs, but men don't have penis doctors.
Look at it this way: are you more comfortable holding a log or sticking your hand inside one?
depends on the woman. most of the women ive been with ive thought their pussy was disgusting in the sense that i had no desire to eat them out because it tastes and smells awful.
of course getting your dick in there is a different story but in general i think vaginas are alot more disgusting than dicks are.
if a dick is well maintained its gonna taste and smell like any other piece of skin will taste or smell like. vaginas vary much more and in my experience have a much higher chance of tasting and smelling disgusting.
You could be asexual. I have heteroromantic tendancies but find genitalia disgusting