Why do the Bongs look like the Russians?
Why do the Bongs look like the Russians?
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Shallow gene pool.
Hugh Laurie?
Hugh Laurieov
It's Lupus commrade
Not everyone can be as outbred as you, mi amigo
It's not lupus
Is that house?
what's it like having to show a license to buy a butter knife muslim faggot?
Genuine kek
Hugh Laurie has really let himself go man.
isn't he half russian anyway? that's prob his half brother
Chris Martin got old.
Oi, ima hafta see ya loisence m8o
Clerks was a good movie, too bad the sequel was the epitome of every possible Jewish corrupted and immoral shit
>American “banter”
More akin to vitriolic sperg-outs desu
you have to tell the government when you look at porn
come on now , mr goldstein has you by the ball or should i say foreskin
Russians are a lot more diverse, so nope. And god damn it, their women are fucking beautiful.
>American shilling for cuck shit yet again
Practically all of them are castrated mate
ok. i can own a firearm and buy a butter knife and watch porn without any government involvement... but JEWS they rule the world they are doing everything bad in your life because reasons. as if i care ill be dead by the time jews do their whole world domination bullshit Jow Forums is obsessed with
More than half of the Europe is half-russian, so anything goes.
Can Jow Forums guess my ethnicity based on this picture
and you still have to tell the government you own a tv
>the amerimutt shills for even more Jewish monopolies
Tell me more on how I should be watching cuck porn and the electric Jew, Gonzales
Fuck off tarantino
everything is a jewish conspiracy and british people get arrested for posting jokes online
her mother is russian.
Was that cyber bullying? You want 20 years in the clink, amigo?
I did that to make my nose look longer kek
What does the "clerks" have to do to the image he posted? Seen the movie, it's great.
How is that even possible LMAO
fake and gay but can you say the same? srsly why are defending you shit ass government? uk is nothing but usas bitch with more surveillance and less guns
>bong land
Please don't, wtf is going on in UK???? WTF, cannot emphasise this question more.
Weird the thread is about making fun of some people but instead its bongs and mutts chimping at eachother
>t-that’s FAKE!
Oh it’s real, enjoy user
How long until the FBI comes knocking because you post on Jow Forums?
That’s America
How is that weird?
And her father is Serbian. I liked her resident evil movies, in first few series she was fucking bomb, I couldn't hold up my urges KEK
Wouldn't surprise me, but still wtf is going on with UK? You know what I'm talking about, it almost seems like your government is installing a tyranny by using minorities. You can't even criticize Islam as religion, but everyone is free to shit on christianity.
for Jow Forums that sounds normal to me
yep sure faggot cuz you would know
it's almost like your jealous that i own a gun, land and get paid more than you. so sad in your cloudy shithole island that can't even decide if its part of the eu or not while you butter your bread with a spoon because butter knives are illegal
Idk, all that shit comes from England/America, hasn’t effected Northern Ireland yet so I’m not arsed
Can you faggots shut up and tell me if I have I look jewish
Didnt mean to put I have, fuck
meh not rly
maybe some irish with your flat face
>shifts goal posts further, desperately grasping for something to use as banter
American “men” have lost, your country is no longer yours. Survival of the fittest, in my 97% white country men still know how to be men.
I pity you.
Didn’t read your post btw, but I’m sure it was pure cope
You look ugly desu senpai ngl
You’re not white, that’s for sure
Does it mean we all live a parallel life in Russia when we're poor and drunk?
My side profile isnt very flattering I still get pussy though so whatever.
I am
>how do you do, fellow whites
You have a kike nose, paedophile moustache, nigger lips, woman chin, ape nostrils and joker mouth. You're absolutely fucking disgusting. Literally nigger-tier faggot kike retard homosexual abomination. You're so fucking ugly, holy hell.
yep cool you are boring i live in a better country and that's the end of that discussion
Because I’m retarded and thought the man on the right was Jeff Anderson
How’s that wall coming along? I hear Israel was pretty grateful that you built two for them
I am white though.
Fucking kek user take it easy
Np, people make mistakes. Movie was good, but though, sequel was as well. Bit more degenerate but funny none the less. Since it's supposed to be comedy, I'd give it a pass.
Now show your whole face :DD
Dicaprio is part Russian though.
>I am white though.
And she is half Russian half Serbian.
how does it feel to be poor AND lose an empire faggot?
Shit's funny af desu.
Why are slavic/russian girls so beautiful? Wtf is going on there?
How can you post shit like this when a short visit to any one of those cities proves the percentage of whites is a fraction of what these charts claim? At least the immigrants to France speak French. Nobody in London speaks English.
The opposite is true for Russia, not only is it not an island, it's sandwiched in between separate races
Ok hang on
I literally am though dickhead
How does it feel never having one at all? :^)
Which graph was wrong? Please tell me
>I literally am though dickhead
You prep your bull with that mouth, mutt?
Jewish genes.
>How does it feel never having one at all? :^)
as u have us military bases in your country... you know what america has? not uk military forces....
Based nip
>as u have us military bases in your country
That’s not true, like at all kek
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
This graph confused me until I realized it was comparing two different things and two different times.
Shill, nobody will join this, It's pol and you guys are obvious to most of the people in here, faggot doxing fake vpn flaggers. Go to reddit, might as well fish people easy af.
i was stationed in uk for 3 years faggot
I feel like I should block out my eyes.
Watch it bud
Idc, but it's not me who you should be concerned with :P
What do you mean
both are white/mediterranean mongrels
Every single one of those are RAF (Royal Air Force) bases, retard.
None of them are American.
It’s quite obvious you’ve never left your trailer park
Don't photoshop it.
Ok, post now, so pol can judge whether you're jewish or not.