Germany, what the fuck you think youre doing?
Germany, what the fuck you think youre doing?
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German cucks
for the record:
i support the Philippines war against Canada!
What's up, Poland?
They said they would 'defend' you.
Stupid question.
If we attack any country of NATO it will be last day for whole humanity.
Do it then!
lets end this together!
Potentially defending you? What is the problem here? Do you want us to put you together with the other unworthy countries?
So Russia/Putin has the power to end this clown world and won't? Fuck you, Russians.
End This Hemisphere
>implying MAD isn't a massive meme
>US defending turkey
yeah that's gonna be a press (X) to doubt from me dawg
defending you with what ? If theres an attack the biggest Counter offensive will be Bavarian Shooting Clubs and drunken hicks on tractors fighting back Taliban style
The mad lads are going for forth reich
Netherlands does not exist?
To be fair, what the fuck would the germans do to protect us? They don't really have a military anymore.
apparently allready anschlussed by the guy who made the poll
>America would defend Ukraine
sure worked in 2014
hey MUTT... wanting to die for other countries means being a cuck not the other way you tard :'D
> Eternal Anglo being a faggot
Who could have thought
>no Norway
wtf, we would be a prime target for the Russians with our oil and coastline
>fight russia
Fuck off trying to pit the last whites against each other.
Russians are the great white hope and whites biggest chance for survival
He will not divide us.
> :,D
Anime picture check, faggot use of text emojis check
Turbo queen alert
I liked Okkupert too. When is the third season coming?
Why we would expect Germans to die for America when I don’t even want to die for America? Fuck this Jewish watering-hole trashdump country. Maybe 150 years ago I would’ve stood up for America, but I’m not going to war so Tyrone can plough my wife while I’m gone.
Eat shit you California commie nigger
Germany & France have it right. USA wrong on Turkey. UK is retard
Germans dont defend eachother what makes you think they would defend some 56% mutt burger across the ocean?
We all remember what America did the last time it was "attacked"
A way for americans to not look as bad when they bomb third world shit countries?
Stupid thing to ask as only the us, UK and France have a military of those ask.
But I am actually surprised by the answers. Personally I would only fight if Norway, Finland and I guess Sweden and Germany too. I dont give a shit about the rest. Besides Denmark and Russia used to be friends before the commie scum so I dont see why we can't be again.
I want to see a global map, all alliances; and another with neutral parties.
I want to see Israel's responses, and other countries' responses to Israel.
>German scat preformer
Alright Hans let more of your women and children get raped and killed by the hands of Islamic thirdworlders dumb ass
When you get your head out of your ass and fucking invade Ivan
nuff said
cuckold nation NR.1
You are literally a crumbling nation propped up by the fact the EU benefits the countries with the largest manufacturing and production base lol.... If the EU fails Germany will be Onions green tier levels within 30 years
Shut up chink nobody gives a shit about your fake new world nation.
muuh economy and magic numbers
basierter Däne
Germans are cowards. That's why they have not won a war in over a century. I'm frankly surprised they said they'd defend anybody.
>and yet germany would die for POLAND in the poll
germans are cucked to hell
I wonder who would defend india?
I mean asking Germans whom they'd defend is like asking a quadriplegic which Olympic event he'd compete in.
Most indians wouldn't defend india
why do you call him a retard? its your people that cannot understand economics
That's funny coming from a Dane, when was the last time your country has been relevant ?? Maybe back when you controlled Norway and Sweden but you guys are too limp wristed to keep control of em eh.
Alright, lemme know when the German army starts purchasing real equipment instead of forcing your soldiers to broom eachothers assholes on the field dipshit
>leaf from Trudeau's Canada calling anybody limp-wristed
wew lad
are you talking about muttistan again?
we share history culture and other things with poland and east germans and west poles are genetically the same
poles are our brothers that is just how it is
Sad. Do not let the pakis win poo
>haven’t won a war
Nice wordplay, burger. Of course they haven’t won any of the world wars waged against them, but they have individually beaten Belgium, Russia, Greece, and approached defeat of France and England.
>Countries America would defend
>Includes Crimea
This poster is objectively false. We did nothing to save Crimea.
Fuck Germany and Turkey long live the burgers.
The US beat you kraut faggots so bad in WW2 your faggot Fuhrer ate a bullet. That's us winning in the last 100 years and you being cowards.
your cuck army uses german leos you faggot
muttistan got 10 trillion debt in 10 years while germany actually reduces the national debt even with all our rapefugees
i would defend all white people.
According to the poll, you'd even die for Turkey, embarrassing.
Fuck that, non germanics can go die for what i care.
Not anybody's fault but kraut brainlets' if they can't strategy.
Germany got beat by Russia and dumbshit burgers like you say we won the war. Pick up a book, stop making us look worse than we already do.
CIA proved that hitler was comfy sitting in his villa in ARG until he died of old age in the 60s and no one could reach him because he had thousands of bodyguards...
maybe better luck next time with our next führer mutt
>I wonder who would defend india?
The British. They'd "defend" you too if it weren't for LARPing Irish American politicians.
Germans are brainwashed sheep, they actually believe they're independent and not just a U.S. territory
>Oh, you couldn’t defeat literally the entire world? Haha lel Germans BTFO they must all be brainlets
Pure projection
Implying that fucking queen represents the entire population - all of our politicians are limp wristed, not our fault Toronto and Quebec and Vancouver decide our elections
at the expense of stealing from nations that are more ethical than yours
o I agree there, we have the tendency to be overzealous in these situations. But Id rather be overzealous than chicken-shit.
so he's not a coward because he fled his nation and hid in some spic shithole? typical kraut
I am serious when I say nobody gives a shit about some irrelevant upstart colony. You have no cultural value and are basically just some lint sitting until of the us. In 200 years nobody but historians will even remember you leaf.
Never understood why the burgers even tolerate your existence but I guess they just forget that you are even a thing
Hitler had the iron cross, his heroism and bravery is out of question
Mate we're not much better.
No, they’re angry about it so saying the opposite
Like women
Your tank upgrade program is looking pretty dank. I expected your government to put on a shitshow, but it seems like you're actually going to get those A7s right on schedule.
Now, if only you could upgrade our A4s as per the fucking contract...
I'm Italian you faggot, how does it feel being lesser than a Northern Italian - Danes were kissing eachother in wooden huts while the romans were building one of the largest empires
it is called exile and you would know that if your meme nation had any actual history and culture
>Be dictator
>Give yourself iron cocks
its a shame he killed himself then isnt it
further a shame he didnt understand economics and destroyed his nation , truly a shame
I dont wish poorly on anyone but I resent people who harm themselves due to autism then blame others around them
US and USSR were allies at the end of the war. When a team wins all the members win, not just the ones that did the most. What are you some kind of crypto kraut apologist bitch? Get fucked
I don’t even like Hitler, but he tried everything in the book to keep Germany safe. Honestly, it’s painful watching you try to be smug when you have a 3rd graders knowledge of WWII and European history
>The US beat you kraut faggots so bad in WW2
american education
how is outperforming other nations the same like stealing? nobody forces those faggots to buy german shit
sup bro
>getting carried means I win!
Literal retard logic
>Germans would defend Poland, France, and Greece.
Is it really 'defend' or rather 'invade'?
It got awarded to him in WW1.
Don't get into a fight until you'reready to win. Seriously they have nobody to blame but themselves. They fucked up and clown world is our punishment.
He got it in WW1 when he was still a painter loo.
>we would be willing to die to defend all people's
>somehow us being a virtuous and honourable people makes some irrelevant backwater call us faggots
no real reason for the germans to help america. Which is fine because they don't have a military to speak of in the first place.
We didn't go into the war to beat hitler, we went into the war to stop the soviets from taking over the continent.
Hitler saved the german economy after it was destroyed by foreigners
Imagine wanting to defend Turkroaches. What the fuck is wrong with all these faggots in my country.
Russian invasion is a meme. It's only used to scare boomers and stupid people into supporting something they would not support otherwise. Basically a boogeyman for adults.
well he's a dead faggot now who did nothing but ruin europe. so much for heroism - he either pissed his oants and ate a bullet or pissed his pants and hid. either way his panties were wet when he died
>world initiates war against you
>haha lel Krauts btfo shoikdve planned harder
So, when Germany tried to prepare itself for total war, it had to break the terms of the Versailles treaty, right? So, what, do you think the whole world was just going to let them do that? Barbarossa was bungled, but it’s not like Germany had much of a choice. Again, pick up a book.
No you are not leaf. Muh 56%
read the infograph, the EU uses the ECB as an enforcement wing to suppress local economies so people buy french and german goods to keep your massive shitty welfare states afloat. This isnt the free market, this is economic theft on a massive scale and your state is responsible for it. Its hilarious how even though the soviets raped your women and raped half your country for half a century you suck their cocks. If america had been as harsh towards you, youd probably love us. Such is the way of a sissy twink faggot
no he built the greatest bubble economy of all time and destroyed the gold reserves. Had he not kept invading the economy would have insta collapsed because the military was 1/3 of GDP
>hiding like a panty pissing coward
the same