> Watched Avengers:EndGame
>Last scene
>80+ years old Captain America gives a shield to a nigger
>You r new cap now
>Nigger rise shield and says, I give ma best
America is no more white country
> Watched Avengers:EndGame
>Last scene
>80+ years old Captain America gives a shield to a nigger
>You r new cap now
>Nigger rise shield and says, I give ma best
America is no more white country
Other urls found in this thread:
Who even watches superhero movies anyway? If you are over the age of say 10 and you get excited over a superhero movie then it may be helpful to do some deep introspection of where your life went so wrong.
good, Americans are trying to heal racial divisions
You're about 5 years too late on this bait mate
It does happen though.
It's not bait lol...
It is not bait mate...
America's greatest strength is that its an idea not a bloodline.
Capeshit was a kike invention from the very start anyway.
>they don't know
user was right. You're five years too late on this news.
>still consuming low IQ, mindless Talmudvision
>wastes space on a chinese basketweaving imageboard complaining about it while using a meme flag
post yfw retards like OP can vote
i am pretty sure it happened in the comic books too.
This, if you watch superhero movies as an adult you cannot call anyone betas or soiboys
Just as well for the Amerimutt, then.
You have no idea how many time I've used that line of thought to convince myself to stop caring about this shithole. America falls nothing of value is lost.
no surprise here. They will slowly start putting this SJW shit in their movies that already ruined their comics
The symbolism of the death of the hero archetype was immense.
The strongest female character sacrificed herself for the greater narrative of simple female characters that literally lined up to show the future stories that will be pupperted like zombies to resemble their future customers.
A funeral was held for the toxic male that that died for the innate sins of future hero's that would dare to show character depth and redemption in a world in which it's not needed anymore.
The torch was passed to a Peter Pan that will never become an adult in anyone's lifetime.
I liked it, so much meaning.
Multiculty message aside this "our main character is not a person but an ideal that will incarnate in many individuals" thing is getting pretty old and boring, I've never liked it, it's clearly a lazy way to be opportunistic on which narrative to use during specific different times without being canonically inconsistent sold as a deep thematic.
You can't change everything in a fictional universe just becuse you can, they just want to make new stuff without loosing the already established fandom.
Just fucking create something new if you want to, but pulling this of is just a pussy corporation move.
I'm not saying decades old fictional universes can't change, they always did, but it has to be in an organic way
So does this but the kikes purposely did that to get more nogs in the seats and also obviously because fUcK wHiTe PeOpLe.
what the fuck are you even talking about
An old one wasn't? He had something to do with traditional European culture?
so just let the kids be indoctrinated without knowing what they are watching it for ourselves?
lurk moar
>America is no more white country
The sooner america fails the sooner we can throw (((christianity))) in the trash and restore the Reich and retake Europe. This is a good thing.
Why do you idiots even watch this? Totally meaningless jew garbage. All of it. Netflix, cinema, none of it is by or for whites. Stop. Fake and gay.
There's always an underlying metanarrative.
Everyone can feel the death of linear archetypal hero narratives as they've been highlighted in the deaths of other big properties.
The last few marvel movies hinted at this future and endgame was a metaphorical and literal death of the last of these narratives to exist.
As a result the creators added symbolism in the underlying narrative knowing full well of the demise of the medium would be ensured.
How much of a cuck can you be to pay to look at this crap
>A funeral was held for the toxic male that that died for the innate sins of future hero's
The character Captain America though against nazis etc so how does it even make sense?
Ironman symbolises the toxic male.
The loyal beta went back in time for that ww1 bitch.
Regardless of the fact that he's a nigger, I thought it was retarded, because the primary reason CA was so powerful was that he was a uniquely enhanced person. The first time the nigger tries to block something with that shield he'll be turned to paste.
If you think about it, the whole ending was a hidden symbolism
Captain America, a white male deciding to gtfo the current century to reside with his white loyal woman, giving the nigger a chance to rise up.
IronMan, the rationalist toxic male who died to show that the world didn't need any more superheroes, with Penis Parker being the beta gen Z who's being passed the torch.
Black Widow, a simple yet strong woman who sacrificed herself in order to show that she truly was useful for her team, not like Captain Marvel who shows up in the last sec to save the moment cause "muh feminism".
It wont work, theres no endgoal to "social justice" itll just fuel the fire of a slow and painful racial demise
Ideas from whites.
ironic it what is happening to america right now. we are pretty much handing everything to niggers.
at least its from the comics and not just because muh color or muh woman power....
the whole scene with all muh womans made me fucking cringe
Thank you for reading my post
It happened at around the same time that comic books began to implode.
There are so many storylines that they can choose from for the movies. They are cherry picking social justice themed garbage that already destroyed the comics. The fact that it happened in the comics doesn't mean it's a good direction.
Batman fan forever.
Movies are jewish fantasies. Dont pay to see it.
black is the new superhero color now
>black chief america
>black spiderman
>black robin da hood
>black panther
>bad man
>hahhaahaha I put the black flag and am going to pretend to be black but fuck up and say nigger instead of nigga
I haven’t watched any of these movies in at least 5 years but I heard they killed off every character in the end except for the women and niggers
This is what pop culture is now and I want no part of it
>Batman fan forever.
they'll make batman black too pham. Whites are not having children, who will read the white batman comics?
Or at least they'll make him a woman/transgender...
yeah but no one liked it, should've gone to the winter soldier like any sane writer would do
>> Watched Avengers:EndGame
By the power of digits, may this fooliah normie be stricken with sickness
Captain America is meant to be a personification of America. Ask yourself, What are they saying with this?