SSRIs turned me into a tranny chaser

SSRIs turned me into a tranny chaser.
For years I’ve been on SSRIs, but because I got laid off, I can not afford SSRIs anymore.

While I was on them brain medicines, I got more and more into trannies, sissies, and femboys.

Now that I’ve gone cold turkey, I’ve returned to liking women again.

Could it really be that simple? SSRIs are the reason trannies are so popular?

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Other urls found in this thread:

some guy did get a pay out when he proved that heart medication turned him into a fag.

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I suspect those subtle changes are hard to prove.

They're very subtle but they're there.
Do not put anything other than food in your body.
Penicillin? Forget it.

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makes sense to me

I’m on SSRIs and have always felt like they led to porn addiction. I have it under control but I would not be shocked to find out that it messes with your brain like that

I've been suffering from CFS, and I have to say the tranny thing crept up on me the most during that time.. maybe a lack of testosterone or male energy leads you into faggot territory?

I think youre just a weak minded soiboy. Ive been on prozac for years and never had this problem.

It’s probably not even on purpose, it’s just a side effect nobody tests because it’s hard to measure.

I take SSNRI’s (nearly the same but with an added norepinephrine boost) and have not noticed any attraction to trannies.

>calls someone a weak minded soi boy
>takes prozac to function

whew lad...

first off, Im no where near a soiboy. Second, the pills arent turning me into a tranny loving faggot. So yeah.

I’ve taken both ssri’s and benzos for 12 years. Completely normal sex life. Zero attraction to anything with a dick/used to have a dick.

It sounds like your faggorty laid dormant and try pills either helped free you, or you used the pills as an excuse to fuck dude booty. Either way you’re a fag.

>on prozac for years
>calls someone else weak minded

user, I......

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already replied to this, parrot.

no kike you meant it and will burn for it

You are all weak and pathetic.

You were degenerate before the SSRIs. They just allowed you to accept it.

Gas yourself.

You either turn into that, which is a right brain dominant you, or into this picture, which is a left brain dominance. It's all about balance. I've experimented with both, without medication.

Attached: ssri-antidepressants-school-shootings.jpg (580x428, 314K)

This is why there can be both masculine females and feminine men and everything between. It's what opposites like yin and yang portrays as well. Left hand path, right hand path for esoteristics. Then there's a balance.

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Stay away from SSRIs, they cause nerve/brain damage.

I was on SSRIs myself and they had zero effect on my sexual orientation. You are just blaming them in something similar to the placebo effect. You got laid off because you endulged in degenerate behavior instead of being a productive human being. Now that you are in a shock situation you are realizing how fucking disgusting your tranny fetish is. Fret not. SSRIs lose their efficacy over time. Once you are off them for 1-2 weeks you will feel just like you felt while you were still on them.

This is what these modern day wizards are purposely fucking up on mass level.

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It doesn't have an equal effect on everyone. Some may experience inability to ejaculate, lack of sexual drive, coldness, numbing skin etc. Some may go "postal" and kill bunch of people in the school. Check it out, most of school shooters were on such meds when they were committing their acts.

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>people with severe disorders are more likely to go postal
>people with severe disorders are usually on meds

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Alright man. Here:

"The killers Eero Hiltunen, Pekka-Eric Auvinen, Matti Saari and, for example, Columbine schoolguns Eric Harris used the same type of SSRI antidepressants.

Emeritus Chief of Psychiatry Tapani Sipilä is concerned about the increase in SSRI medication. Sipilä believes that there is a connection between SSRI antidepressants and mass killings.

According to the product descriptions, SSRIs increase the risk of suicide attempts and aggressive behavior especially in patients under 18 years of age. "

Btw that article doesn't exist anymore on our local newspaper, and that is not a coincidence. Great that I got a picture saved, just for you.

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>Sipilä believes
maybe instead of posting beliefs, how about posting evidence?

Also, you know where that going postal originates from? There's been even games made from this.

Influence technology is also capable of persuading the subjects that their mind is being read, that their intellectual property is being plundered, and can even motivate suicide or the murder of family, friends, and co-workers. During the years of the so-called “War on Drugs” (which preceded the “War on Terrorism”), letters that the involuntary human subjects had written or were about to receive regularly vanished from the mail, as though the government had a huge covert operation through post offices across the country. When George Herbert Walker Bush became president (in1989), the incidence of co-worker killings in the post offices became so great that the expression “going postal” began to replace the commonly used expression of “going crazy”. The killing of co-workers in other workplaces began to command more media attention too [7].
I estimate that the cost of imprisoning a human being in his/her own body and applying unremitting torture is US$5 000 000 to $10 000 000 a year (see below).
By “unremitting torture” I mean exactly that. Because there is no visible evidence left by this new torture equipment such as damage to the skin, it is possible to torture the involuntary human subjects for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This can be done and is being done even on Christmas and Easter [8].

What are SRRIs?

SSRIs are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. they make serotonin in the brain stay active longer

anti depressants you fucking mong

Here's some evicence. You can look more yourself I think, that's a pretty hefty bunch of coincidences in my humble opinion. Also, isn't it kinda weird that such things happen so usually these days, so we can get more strict gun control worldwide?

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Not all antidepressants are SSRIs.

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Passio's perennially too assmad for my taste, it's affecting his message. I prefer Michael Tsarion's take on these things, he's more grounded and looking things from a healthy distance.

strange how european countries with even higher usage of psych meds dont have any school shootings. hmmmmmmmm

Porn addiction creates tranny chasers, you were just depressed.

>Btw that article doesn't exist anymore on our local newspaper, and that is not a coincidence. Great that I got a picture saved, just for you. to the rescue

Never understood why people would willingly take drugs to combat mental problems in the first place.

Idk man, he got the truth I think and that should wink you up a little bit. He should tone that veganism down a bit though because that's one source for his anger right now. Also living in America and witnessing how fucking ignorant people are around, man, just how much can one take? He's also been doing it for like a decade now, I was in high school when he was pushing some hard truths out there. I wish I would've stumbled upon him before. Maybe he should blaze it or something, he doesn't even do yoga or anything afaik. And he's been with the organized darkness over a decade before he left that thing, church of satan or something. Veganism makes people angry I think, eating some suffering tones it down. I'll check ur guy out though.

Few of them have, like we. Now you gotta do a plenty of circus tricks to get a hand gun licence. I'm planning on such at some point and I'm worried of getting a stamped due that. Hunting is not my piece of cake either and apparently, you can't hunt with pistols.

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you have never been mentally ill then

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There are referrals from where I did the quick machine translation. Google cache could've worked too but I'm off the VPN atm so..

I was diagnosed with bi-polar and the medicine they gave me made me insane, I'm lucky to be alive and not in prison or a mental institution. Psych meds are poison.

They trust the doctors and don't have the knowledge or methods of how to deal with such things, also, people don't always realize that "vitutus kuuluu elämään olennaisena osana" rough translation goes something like being pissed off (we use that word to describe melancholy and sadness / depression, would also include simple mental suffering) is an essential part of the life. And doctors have quite low threshold for prescribing such meds for people.

Ive had heavy depression for 3 years paired with social anxiety. Never once did I even consider taking Jew pills.
Getting through hard times with your own strenght and will builds character, I am now incredibly resilient on a mental level. Doing so with drugs just makes you a dependant druggy that doesnt know how to get through tough times on its own

>There are referrals from where I did the quick machine translation.
What the fuck are you talking about? I just pointed you to the link to the article you posted.

Weed does the same shit.

Yeah thats a nice way to word it. It IS an essential part of life. Learning how to get through bad times is part of growing up, everybody needs to find strenght from within to combat mental demons. That shit never happens when you just take a bunch of drugs to 'solve' it, youll just end up a weak dependant druggy

>real life is too hard to deal with without anti-depressants
>I'm not a pathetic faggot
How many levels of delusion are you on?


you dumb niggers you like trannies because you watch anime and visited Jow Forums too many times

I know, I didn't had to that far because I had that screencap from the article. Transcribing that article from the picture would've taken too long time, something like that. is a nice tool against censorship and modification.

It does if you can't get laid or purge your increased sexuality. Did you know that originally it was criminalized (starting from America) because it made white women want to have sex with negros? You can look that up too.

Oh yeah, and those moments of suffering and getting through them grows you the most. That's why I've never even considered such medications, even though doctors have been suggesting them for me, at least once. Running away from the pain, no matter physical or mental is a lowball. "Accept the pain".

to test that theory out try to source some Tongkat Ali, aka Eurycoma Longifolia root, make tea out of it and try it for a month. It will naturally induce free testosterone production in your body (as long as you're not a tranny that cut off his balls that is)

SSRIs turned me into a functioning member of society even got into gym since I craved motion and activity.

Antipsychotics on the other hand helped me just do things without second thoughts, cleared out mind fog, my inner voice stopped having "the voice" and just turned into thoughts, I stopped hearing clingy music in my head as I did since childhood, I cleaned up my room, went and did what I had to and picked up art again.
I used to feel strongly opposed to drawing porn and had no inspiration to draw anything else.

Now i just said fuck it and started doing porn.

Oh and they helped me quit gaming again.

You got a demon man.

I was clearly not ok my entire life.
Currently i'm taking ADs and Antipsichotics and I feel better than ever.

Because it's been there for your whole life. I've red articles which says that mental illnesses could be demonic possessions as well. You either suppressed with it or ousted it. Maybe it liked your frequency or something else. Also, the suffering caused in this world attracts them. West's things with them is getting out of hand and no "light" nor "dark" likes it. I'm in another thread at the same time where this stuff should go, though I don't think it's a coincidence that both of these tabs are open. Just trying to mediate in this world, mostly for your country's sake, because you've gone through some serious historical injustice. I also have a "sister" who has gone through the same things, lot younger than you and she's been hearing voices, seeing visions and been suicidal. Same set of medications and she's fine, BUT, that should be the last resort, not the first thing to be written down. Only if you can't handle it at all and you don't know the way out.

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You're this guy ?


What a small board.

SSRI can be great at first like you can do anything but eventually it'll begin to feel like you lost your soul. Numbed to physical sensation and emotions. Don't take it for more than a year.

>Never understood why people would willingly take drugs to combat mental problems in the first place.
Well get this - I apparently needed an SSRI to eat and drink again. After 3 years of taking a tablet (at max dosage) to lessen the production of stomach acid and many hospital visits due to starvation/being unable to eat, I was finally trialed on the lowest dosage of an SSRI. I can now eat and drink hassle-free and do my things.

I've learned that stress can reach a point where your brain's ability to appropriately respond to stimuli becomes dramatically compromised. Stimuli becomes hyper-sensitive and stress causing literal extreme pains. I thought my stomach was severely inflamed only to find out NOTHING was wrong with it and that it was some sort of hyper-sensitive stimuli causing extreme burning pains whenever I'd eat or drink.

All in all, I'd like to know the commonality of cases such as mine. I feel like it was a very uncommon occurrence. The doctors didn't even know what was wrong with me given they couldn't find anything.

This is better than Ylilauta atm though, average age and reasoning has declined quite bit in there, at least the last time I was there. Should go drop some of these things in there too at some point, but timing is waiting upon itself.

Was too paranoid at some point to do any activity without VPN, let alone international boards so this place has been cut off from my lists before.

4pol has always been better than Ylilauta. The pool of talent and knowledge available here is simply superior by orders of magnitude.

>Don't take it for more than a year.
My question is, why the fuck were you taking them for more than a year? And at what dosage?

See I've learned doctors don't really have much knowledge as to what they're doing when it comes to the management and prescription of anti-depressant medication. Better to rely on your own plan of action. I'd say if they aren't concerned with weening you off them within a year you should take their opinions on the matter as a grain of salt.

It's too bad the SSRI's didn't get you to kill yourself before you could post this SLIDE thread.

nah its cause of endocrine disrupters like BPA cucking men and making women feminazi's. it mimics estrogen

what did you expect?
they are literally the cocaine of serotonin

Yeah, and because this is global, you can connect with much more people. Man that damn thread got deleted all of the sudden, which means that we are onto something. The "ripples" are much greater and powerful & harder to contain & control when the reach is greater.

Yes, those whose brain chemistry isn't fucked-up will find that their tastes in pretty much everything - from sexuality to entertainment - will change, often pretty radically.

It's "manifold" attack. Multiple layers. There is cultural embracing, and oversexualization, lots of estrogen in the water supply etc.

Those meds keeps them levels artificially high, it's kinda like being on "passive ecstasy", even though on a longer run it's not healthy at all. These meds and molly combined would fuck you up for life.

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More likely it was Jow Forums propaganda that got to you

Don't take drugs from retards people.

Your dealer is shit and didn't care to look into any of your underlying conditions that could cause your depression.

Nutrition blood work?
Endocrine bloods?
Genetic abnormalities?
Dietary and exercise routine?

A good dealer should try their best to use any other of these options to find a possible simple solution which has now blown up into something that quite honestly could have been worse. (Have a friend with epilepsy now).

Sue your dealer for malpractice and spend your court winnings on hooker girly dudes OP.

Lots of trannies in the medical profession, like teaching, and acting. We are cattle to them.

The reason he hasn't responded to you yet is because he told me to tell you he is on his way to the CVS to pick up his prescription.

SO watch out pal. He's coming and he'll bring the medical pill wonder thunder down with him!

Don't worry about it. We've hit critical mass a long time ago.

The Old Gods have got our back.