Like any political system, Islam maintains social order & cohesion.
1. provides the social infrastructure that encourages the sexes to fulfill their strengths.
2. prevents freeloaders- you cannot reap the benefits of Islam (which extend to the market) without participating- as such, other religions are excluded from the geographic region in which Islam operates. Islam provides Covenant Communities (Hoppe explains this) where Islam is the covenant.
Islam isn't "what bad people do," but rather "what many people choose."
1. Examine the state of relations between the sexes in the West- who benefits, who pays?
2. See how the West is controlled by Jews- in Islam, Jews are not allowed their religion, through which they claim persecution when disenfranchised from power.
What's next?
1. Stop being told what to fear and what to do: you must make your own decision.
>prevents freeloaders What is Gulf states then and why no one works there save for pajeets?
Samuel Lee
>>prevents freeloaders >What is Gulf states then and why no one works there save for pajeets? They own their land- and the resources used to pay the pajeets.
Consider how Western women freeload off of Western men's work!
Luis Jackson
Go slit your throat you subhuman Islamic trash
Gavin Torres
Peace be with you brother. Learn Allah.
Kevin King
>They own their land- and the resources used to pay the pajeets. In other words, there are just subspecies of kikes. No wonder SA is allied with Israel.
Isaiah Brooks
Umm are you implying Israel is bad?
David Hughes
White women are already flocking to Islam in record numbers. it's unprecedented.
Because these people are degenerates who have no concept of objective truth, their truth lies in subjective premises, which is why questioning a follower of Islam is considered a slight against his masculinity.
Elijah Richardson
White women are repulsed by hairy men who smell like absolute dog shit and have shit skin. You lie just like the jews do, you two are perfect for each other
Dominic Wright
islam rapes children
Jeremiah Hill
they're doing it willingly. your women do seem to learn our culture pretty well. almost like it's compatible and harmonious with their nature.
Daily reminder that the issue facing us is not Islam, but Africanization; if every European converted tomorrow the left would be eviserated overnight, globohomo would stop within the year and within 5 years all the brown ghouls would be driven into the sea (there is not a single Islamic nation that is not to some degree ethnic nationalist and almost no Muslim nations outside of Africa itself tolerate ghouls). Within 10 years all Jews would either be dead or deported to Israel. Birthrates would skyrocket and feminism annihilated. Elections would be confined to heads of households even if they happen at all. 95%+ white in a generation. 0 white guilt.
Now of course an indigenous ethnic faith would be preferable, and even some trad Christian sect could do the same, but you get the point I'm making. It would be very hard for the clique to counter this and they would have to openly just come out and say they want whites dead. At which point millions are redpilled anyway and PewDiePie get another 200 million subs.
>Inb4 but we'd be muzzies waaaaaa!
It's not Islam that makes the middle East shit, it's the shit genes of Arabs and African ghouls that make ANYWHERE they live shit.
If Darwin, Hitler and 99% of all scientists in secret was right, and they are, then the issue will always go back to genes.
Stop shilling for this cult. We don't want any bombings in hotels and churches.
Sebastian Williams
Browns bomb churches and hotels.
Do you honestly think there will be white jihad in a 99% white muslim civic space?
Levi Morales
Great post friend. Many will resist the idea- but they will be drawn to the implementation- Islam is not forced- it's chosen!
Ian Fisher
Women like men who aren't apologetic for being men!
Luke Lewis
Shut up you muslamic nigger
Gabriel Robinson
>sex slaves >implying women have agency The West- so mistaken!
Benjamin Campbell
>Do you honestly think there will be white jihad in a 99% white muslim civic space?
This is true. Those fighting White Islam are simple minds who believe that their current existence is normal- but what's normal about a people who destroy themselves?
Jackson Bennett
There aren't any white muslim rape gangs and there never will be. Whites don't do that, they tend to groom solo, and at much lower per capita rates.
Wake up.
William Morris
>white muslim
shut up you traitorous nigger animal
Charles Cook
Yes yes yes and I'm sure pagans said that too but they still got BTFO by some desert religion.
Do you honestly think a 100% Muslim, 100% German Germany would be a shithole?
Nathan Campbell
>actual threads are the real slide threads Sigh
Nolan Price
Kikes gonna kike friend, always crying out in pain as they strike.
Leo Thomas
>Kikes gonna kike friend, always crying out in pain as they strike. True. Funny how they fight any sort of White movement- whether it be Christian or Muslim.
Andrew Murphy
Not sex. Marriage. You can marry slaves in order to free them from slavery
Hunter Kelly
I want to move to a mudslime country so I can buy a child bride. I'm scared it'd be too hard to integrate. But my life isnt going anywhere so I need a new start and I figure going somewhere I can buy a six year old wife would be the best
Why are there large collections of Muslims that claim benefits and don't work in the UK? Literally they claim an often shitty area and just live off benefits. Any insight into this?
Josiah Scott
This is temporary- what they do while they build up their voting bloc.