Moon missions?

Serious thread.
Why haven't we gone back to the moon? Is the US hiding top secret military information up there?

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the moon is fake

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>lbgt flag

Who says we haven't?

white people decided to commit seppuku by welfare

>white people decided
jews aren't whtie

its so fucking annoying when i put my geo whenever i reply to anything or make any posts i get shit on it ruins the thread
legit tryna have a discussion desu

Maybe because space program are at best a waste of money, at worse embezzlement.

That's a question that answers itself by virtue of you simply having asked it, dummy.

Apparently Armstrong ran into some ayyyyyys who had a base setup on the "dark side", and they warned us off of further space exploration.
For the best, really; we're the niggers of the universe.

there is not much to do there, and getting there is hard
it could be used to build and launch interplanetary missions, but aside from musk, no one gives a shit about colonising other planets

i meant build crafts and launch missions
also, colonising the moon would be really hard, the moon dust is really destructive and humans don't do well without gravity
empires of old had dreams such as demonstrate their military supremacy or enlarge their lands, just out of pride and ambition
now, there is no pride, only short term gain
why do we need to colonise other planets when we can rot here forever with netflix and popcorn?
i might have gone on a tangent, but yeah, we don't go to the moon again because there is no reason to

>aside from musk, no one gives a shit about colonising other planets
Totally untrue. He's a late comer to the settlement movement. A successful late arrival but the rest of us have been working on this for decades.
There is plenty of activity on and orbiting the Moon for what it is, what our tech is, and what it can deliver as beneficial. We learn a ton more about the solar system and Earth by sending a Cassini to Saturn or a Curiosity or Viking to Mars than another Moon landing delivers.
We have direct lunar samples from over a dozen sites between Apollo and Lunakhod missions. We have hundreds of lunar meterorites. It's a very well characterized body. Generically, humans regularly land small rovers there, it's not just the old USSR and US doing it.
Some day in the future, we will mine ice in Shackleton Crater and set up a few lunar facilities but there just are not the right resources to build a civilization.
Cool lunar locales: the shadowed polar craters, spots along the limb of the Moon from Earth that experience monthly Earthrise/Earthset, the Farside for radio astronomy. Everything else requires nitrogen and other volatiles.

> i get shit on it ruins the thread
Pat, I would like to solve the puzzle

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wrong, do not taint my name mutt

Because it's expensive as fuck.

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bumping for debunking

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We have never gone back to the moon because it would be impossible to fake in this era.

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The moon landing was a big power display during the cold war.
Now that that is done, there is no need to go up there anymore.


the moon is a symbol of androgyny. what the moon mission meant was mankind becoming bisexual, in the blavatsky sense, being male-female again.

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The missile tech to nuke anywhere on Earth already exists, why keep funding it

Just show your flag faggot.
It's not like you're from Israel, right?

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because the technology was lost... which is why we go to OTHER planets with even better technology, but apparently that technology isnt good enough to go to the moon.

It's really expensive to go to the moon, and we did pretty much everything we could do there with the technology we have available to us in the 1970s.

Outside of colonization or as a springboard to Mars there isn't a lot to actually do on the moon, and those two options didn't really look very good until we found ice there a few years back. NASA is underfunded so who knows when we'll actually get shit going again.

Pence said we would have men back on the moon within the next five years, but I'll believe that when I see it.

>Why haven't we gone back
We’d have to go first

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What a stupid fucking post.


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Call me a brainlet all you want, but that actually looks like a firmament/dome/flat earth

Gone back? Lol How about is the government hiding the fact that we never went

How so, Tardsworth?

They are up there right now as i type this. Geosync orbit. Our agents fucked us off the moon till we wise up a little more.

>thinking you could have done a live tv broadcast from the moon in the 60’s

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>>thinking you could have done a live tv broadcast from the moon in the 60’s
>i don unnerstan hiztry
The post.

>i don unnerstan hiztry
>we would never shitpost the Russians

It's an accurate way how NASA spokepersond have explained each of these, but he just put them together in his post.

How else was the US going to get the public on board with funding the minuteman program?

Because the moon is made of plasma and Stanley Kubrick is dead

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They faked it

Don't you know that NASA will return to the Moon in 5 years and its already declared? With near lunar space station and landings?

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We did 28 Apollo flights across the test and expedition phases. We also did dozens of robotic Ranger spacecraft as flyby, orbiter and landers alongside crewed Saturn development. The Soviets, West German, British, Australian, Chinese, Indians, Israelis, South Africans, etc all watched us like hawks (or vultures) the entire time. They'd have known if they were getting punked.
Color TV was invented in the late '50s, satellite TV in the early '60s. He was explicitly claiming the Moon broadcasts were impossible, which is simply false.
On a broader sense, of course, the Space Race was about missile development. It's also why almost every air force in the world is always funding liquid and solid rocket development. Indigenous engines are essential to a modern military.

a near lunar station as the main structure is pointless though when you can just go straight suface to surface, an orbital station should only be a created as a small backup/comm relay after establishing the main base

space jews

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Nixon calls the moon. Lol.

Its not pointless, you could get pictures of the Moon from it. Or video. Imagine space walking in that lunar orbit, while you fix some shit on your lunar space station. i get the hard on just from thinking of it.
They also could remotely control shit on the surface

It would be cool, it's just that dropping base habitats straight on the moon surface is a lot more efficient

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NASA finally realized the moon is just a giant rock in space, extremely useless for billions of dollars spent.

and they will drop habitats, thats the plan. They plan to do both - lunar base on South pole and space station to support it. And Chinese want to do it too.
On 9th May Jeff Bezos the head of Amazon will make his own announcment about the lunar plans, you just wait.

>lunar VR control
We need TDRS around the Moon, not a gateway in a weird halo orbit.
>Lunar orbiting station
The proposed gateway is in possibly the most useless, still reachable orbit in Earth-Moon system.
You're Russian, look up Molnya orbits. The Gateway proposal is in a fucked up walking Molnya that spends most of it's time far away from the Moon.
Lunar orbit is challenging and should be avoided except for communication satellites. The Gateway (shouldn't be built but) should be in an EML-1 halo where it can do all the same deep space tasks while being in a useful, always reachable from Earth and the Moon and later other destinations. It's current orbit proposal is exceedingly complex.

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>lunar base on South pole and space station to support it.
There's no reason to build an orbital station unless it's in a very accessible orbit like EML-1.
Gas the Xenos. Space war now.

Musk doesnt give a fuck. Hes a zioshill embezzling billions. Hes an act.

The moon isn't real
Space isn't real
Gravity isn't real
Rockets aren't real
You're not real
Nothing is real

haha holy fuck, what is that spaghetti junction butterfly effect of an orbit? Molnya would definitely be a lot better. The biggest meme of all though has to be the whole idea of a 'fuel station' for Mars, when just going normal LEO orbit for docking and refuelling and going straight away would be a hell of a lot quicker and more efficient hohmann transfer, instead of a completely time wasting side stop to the moon then Mars

fat amerimutt

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From the gateway in halo you can throw shit to the EML-1 or EML-2 very easy. This halo orbit is not very complex, you just looking at the very complex picture, but the orbit is simple if you looking from the Moon based frame of view. It has a high apocenter and you can just add energy in peri and it will go whenever you want

the orbit is simple, the picture is fucked up mess, blya. You should be fucking gratefull that its not some boring ISS like orbit, where you fly at the same altitude. Its fucking gets really boring really fast. But if you look from the craft and the Moon gets smaller, then bigger, then you fly past it at the crazy speed and it gets away, this shit is amazing.
And if astronauts would be there longer than 30 days, they will get to expirience it many times, and they will take thousands of photos in fucking 2024 grade resolution cameras that will be weighing several gygabites in size

Jesus Christ Jow Forums there's only 1 or 2 posters here redpilled about the moon hoax wtf!? What a bunch of sheep.

ur mum's a hoax

this lmao
whoever believes in this is fucking retarded to point of no return

>the government is bad and evil and a bunch of luciferian globalists but for some reason one of its most important agencies are good boys because muuh science

Interesting points but still not enough to justify an entire space station. We should put all sorts of cool observation satellites around the Moon instead. Focus on building Farside and Shackleton bases on the surface. If for some reason a staging base is needed, put it in EML-1 where it belongs.