Why am I hated for being black?
Why am I hated for being black?
Stereotypes. Statistics. One of these two.
so illogical reasons? got it lol
It's just NEETs. Who gives a shit what they think? They are literally the lowest on the pyramid.
Overpopulation, scarce resources, preference towards ones own genes grows to sabotage against their competitors.
Don't take it personally, it almost never is. Your haters do not know you as a person, do they?
When you see a stranger, you cant know anything about them. So what you do? Exactly: you look at their behavior and appearance. Are they dressed nicely? Or like a hobo? Do they smell? How do they cary themselves? Like virgin walk staring to ground? Or are they walking like army sergeant? How is their skin complexion? Is it another white beta male or buffed hood nigga who pops people for fun?
There is a reason why people are extra careful aroubd certain races when they are overrepresented in certain socioeconomical stereotypes.
Are you stuck in a small town on probation?
It might have to do with others racism, and it might have to do with YOUR demeanor.
For instance: some white people I know don’t like my brother Ladarius because he acts like a real nigger. Saggy pants, doesn’t speak proper English/used Ebonics for god knows what reason.
I on the other hand dress normally (a little goth desu) and speak like “white” as the rest of the family says. They think I’m “going against” the culture by acting as educated as I am.
You want other races to respect you? Be respectable. That’s what I’ve had to do.
Also: there will always be a racist or two in your life. Don’t let em get ya down my brother.
Its just looks. Blacks tend to not look good so they receive hate
Hahaha, I too remember that guy. You made me LOL. Thanks.
You're probably not half as hated as you think.
A lot of black guys who are genuinely unpleasant think they get snubbed for no reason.
>Staring down any guy your age that walks by.
>Making your problems other peoples' problems (this is especially common at my job, where black guys are always trying to rope others into basic fucking tasks).
>Overly cool attitude when you look like a soot-covered Elmer Fudd.
Essentially, if it smells like shit everywhere you go, you might want to check the bottom of your shoe. In fact, the only time I've ever actually witnessed overt racial bullying was a bunch of black kids picking on a paki in the aftermath of 9/11.
so what you're saying is white people are encouraging this to happen??? why though?
White people are responding negatively to you being a dick. The intent is that you take a fucking hint and stop being a dick.
I know black guys who thrive socially by just not acting like anybody owes them jack fucking shit.
why are white people so sensitive? I don't understand
We gave the world EVERYTHING and the respect we get is brown men fucking our women, blacks ganging up on us and trying to make us feel bad, and governments not giving a fuck about us or how we feel. It's not fair that we do everything for everyone and no one cares.
You're not hated for being black, you're hated for being a faggot about it. Namefagging and creating the same "why are white people..." threads every fucking week is why people get sick of your shit, that and acting entitled to white resources and societies.
If you lived in Nigeria and just wanted to shitpost with the honkeys, I wouldn't care, and I doubt very many others would, either.
You are literally invisible or close to invisible in the dark. The perfect disguise for thieves, rapists and other crimes.
Your color is that of shit. There is literally no way not to associate your skin color with dirt and uncleanliness because there is no way to tell whether it's just your skin color or actual dirt. Just like a stain is not easily discernable on a darker shirt as opposed to white shirt where it sticks out.
Your hair are naturally curly and black. Which is exactly the same trait as pubic hair have. For black females its ugly. For black males its plain and boring. All the hair styles you can, thus, adopt, require you to somehow grow a full-on bush, dreadlocks and all the other most ugly hairstyles in existence.
Society lies about race not being a thing. But your head shape, your entire genetics are different from other races. Speaking of facial features, black people can have rather robust DNA if they are mixed. But otherwise they have face structures closer to that of a neanderthal than anything else.
There is not a single country lead by black people that has achieved much. All of Africa is a shithole. The southern states of the US are shitholes. Even in Europe, your race is constantly busy talking about the supposed evil white people and their racist history, when it was them, or more specifically missionaries from the christian church, who leapt most black civilizations thousands of years into the future technologically and culturally and stopped them from bashing their heads in with sticks and stones, or at least they tried. You rarely have black people admit that nowadays they really just sit on their asses complaining about the history of slavery rather than making something out of themselves.
Black people are a majority of people on the planet, whereas white races are actually a minority by now.
The most populated countries are India, Brazil and China, of which only the latter is somewhat white as it's largely multicultural.
And yet they act like they are a minority.
Black people feel they are entitled to steal from others as long as they tell a good sob story or find some white people willing to make up a sob story about them. Literally illegally shoving their way into every nook and cranny where there's the off-chance of more stuff to steal or "legally obtain" although you're still illegally present so even the legal route is only semi so.
>There is not a single country lead by black people that has achieved much
Get a load of this ignorant hick.
Ever heard of Wakanda?
I mean, I guess this is a good example of disdain for blacks, but your post doesn't make any sense. This is coming from a 'racist'.
>You are literally invisible or close to invisible in the dark.
That's backwards reasoning. Light skin helps with vitamin D absorption at higher latitudes.
>Which is exactly the same trait as pubic hair have.
What makes you think pubes are the same across races? Obviously blacks will find each other more attractive, just as any other race will tend towards familiarity. It doesn't make sense to demand that blacks simultaneously reject their own beauty standards, and then get mad when they chase after white women because you told them white women are the ideal. If you're black, black is beautiful, and it should be.
>Society lies about race not being a thing.
Pretty much the only coherent part of your post.
>face structures closer to that of a neanderthal
Europeans and East Asians have the most similarity to neandethal genetics by far.
>Black people are a majority of people on the planet
What? Whites were never a majority, and the only group which ever arguably had a majority was the East Asians (mostly Chinese). Blacks *might* become a majority in a century if current population trends continue.
you didn’t do shit bitch you’re some pasty fuckin basement dweller stop taking credit for humanity’s brilliant engineers just because you kind of resemble them
Depends. Are you the cool dude, everyone's token friend black guy? Or the scary black dude who looks like you'd rape a guy's girlfriend and then take his tv? Serious question?
this is a really bad thread man, you know what you're doing. And you're probably not even black
Being a nigger never had to do with skin color user and OP no matter his intent is a nigger, period.