RS-28 Sarmat/ R-29RMU Sineva SLBM/ Kalibr production workshop in Krasnoyarsk is ON a Cat. 4 FIRE, roof has collapsed, jews set it on fire to sabotage Russian nukes .
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back to /sg/ with you
sloppy work mossad
> implying it's necessary to sabotage anything in Russia
> Plumes of thick black smoke rose hundreds of meters into the air as a huge fire broke out at the Krasnoyarsk plant, which makes Sarmat and Sineva ballistic missiles for the Russian military.
Despite the apocalyptic pictures from the site, the Krasmash administration made assurances that the blaze was no threat to missile production facilities. The plant’s employees, together with emergency workers, made sure the premises were secure, it said.
jews did Russian 9/11 nuclear style
The fire is reported to have first engulfed the roof of the sprawling facility, but is as yet of unknown origin. State media sources have cited local emergency authorities to say the fire is ranked at a "category four" — representing the highest emergency response and difficulty for extinguishing a fire.
Firefighters told Sputnik the blaze has "reached 5,000 square meters (54,000 square feet), and a section of the roof has collapsed.
>Russian emergency authorities have sought to assure residents that missiles produced at the factory are not in danger of exploding; however there are fears over the release of potentially harmful chemicals into the air.
Early reports suggest the fire is not concentrated in a main missile production part of the sprawling campus, but in a section leased out for refrigerator storage and production.
>One heavy duty armament believed to be produced at the factory is the Sarmat heavy intercontinental ballistic missile, described previously by Defence Blog as a "liquid-fueled, MIRV-equipped, superheavy thermonuclear armed intercontinental ballistic missile" and among the Kremlin's largest rockets.
What if it was AYYYYYYYYS
yeah sure it was OYY LMAOS
image somewhat related (Texas)
Industrial fires are hecking terrifying. Who knows what you are breathing downwind.
this is what they're worried for
i guess the russkies should invest more in fire safety
You'll get yours soon kike.
Your wolf in sheeps clothing ben shaprio meme has an oopsie you brainlet retard mossad monkey, back to paint with you.
sabotage is a form of warfare
Putin needs to be putin the rabid jews down
>I-I shall get you soon kikestein!!!
Shooting at a synagogue as well? Sloppy job mossad
jews will get evicted from ALL Christian lands along with muslipoos
God damn it, there's so much incompetence stories in Russian army that I won't be surprised if they set of a nuke by a pure accident
fake news,
it`s not factory burning but refrigerator warehouse
Yeah bro, i know you guys know about fire safety after that one incident where like a few millions of you died in some accident related to fire in an industrial closed space
Holy shit this could be serious lads
>kerdasi amaq
Back to Stormfag
What wonderful Bauhaus architecture.
Go put your diaper back on you subhuman creep.
the long nose ayys
Hey Shmuel,
>Also any other Jew reading this.
I was stationed in the Golan Heights, been to Mount Herrnon and was often around Ramot Naftali to HaGoshrim in my free time, went to israeli bars close by etc as Austrian with the UN and in my experience Israeli Jews are not as much of victim complex fetishists like the most Diaspora Jews are, constantly whining about this and that, taking every chance bring it up in any conversation, claiming to have inherited
>Holocaust PTSD from the Grand and Great Grandparents
Yes that's real:
So in the past few months i noticed more and more people on Twitter around the Ben Shapiro Sphere claiming to live in Israel but being just as obsessed of victimhood as i'd expect it from American Jews.
Did something change in Israeli attitude regarding victimhood in the past few years or was i just lucky to only meet Jewish guys and girls while stationed at the Golan who were the opposite of whiny and annoyed by American Jews bringing their victimhood up all the time and earning money from it?
Because in my Experience Israeli born Jews aren't nearly as whiny nor care much about the Past regarding us Austrians and Germans.
Don't be a whiny bitch like the American Diaspora
>pic related from my time there
I'd still leave the city for the day. No reason to wait around waiting to find out if the gov. lied about risk of explosion just to get exploded.
Right on the day of a shooting. What a coincidence.
In other new the second largest colony of Emperor penguins died this week when the ice shelf they were chilling on collapsed onto the ocean.
now that is sad
cyka what is it this time
Show flag.
it's all a (((cohenincidence)))
You know why.
Why the fuck can't they just kill P*tin already?
jewd did 9/11 too
...and an anti-Semitic shooting the same day to use the news cycles.
It's not ok
It could be anything but most likely it's just someone's fuckup.
Every self-respecting Russian worker of any industry considers any sort of safety measures being for pussies, and even gore videos from chink factories that engineers responsible for security show people on daily basis don't help. Perhaps in few centuries good ol' Dawrin will do somethin about it, but modern medicine works hard against him.
You're a a shill.
>Ivan stop messing with that
>cyka blya-
>You're a a shill
prove it kike
>Every self-respecting Russian worker of any industry considers any sort of safety measures being for pussies
this might be very true
>calling people "kike" and "shill"
I'll do as I wanna you butthurt kikes, destroyers, get OUT
Oh shit
There was a massive fire at a chemial storage facility near my home and the full list of chemical compounds that were burned was never disclosed. Some genius opted to pump water into the blaze which did nothing to stop the fire bid did cause a lot of chemicals to flow into the waterways. We were told that the oxidation should have rendered the chemicals harmless but they had a huge list of crap stored there so I'm not too confident that's the case. Maybe I'll grow a few lumps.
user, they don't manufacture/install warheads in the same facility as the missiles are manufactured...
>one thread about mossad sabotage operation.
>60 threads about virgin passover worshippers shooter
Wew, lads. We have a conspiracy here.
On top of I'd say it's a good thing even if the Mossad did do it. Fewer nukes = safer world. Next issue!
Fake and gay
But Penguins can swim so why would they all die?
how the hell would you know russian top secret info?
>fire in chemical plant
kek this is a monthly occurrence in china.
Just last month a chemical plant burned and exploded (again) in china.
No, Mossad just keeps killing people.
All these roofs catching fire lately...
Almost activates some almonds.