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Eventually I will get over him... eventually.

I'm annoyed that I dislike interacting with women.
I don't hold prejudices or anything and believe in equality and all that jazz. .

It's just that ever since I came out as bi I've realized how much nicer guys are with guys. (Even in just the friend sense) helped me brake out of my intoverted shell, helped me come out and all that.

Whilst all I remembered when it comes to interacting with women is being told to KYS when I was sitting quietly doing work in class and keeping to myself or how at one point one kept telling a guy "hey ask him ____" even though I was right next to her aswell basically treating me as if I was brain-dead.

All this talk of "toxic masculinity" just annoys the hell out of me in general

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I’ve had a migraine all day. Nurse me :(

Post address
I'll be right over.

O3O I wouldn't be looking at screens after a migraine

Eventually you will

This isn't a oneitis thing for me. I talk to many girls daily. I just like you a little more.

I'm a man whore!

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Turn off the computer and hold my hand.
We're going for a walk.

Shoo shoo desperate, lonely tripfag

My "wants" are ever-changing.

That people aren't even remotely affected by my abusive choice of words in any way is great. I'm happy to see such strong people.

That people ignore and/or forget about me immediately is also fine. One of the things that I want out of life is to be completely ignored and forgotten, and to be left alone to be self-sufficient.

That I'm somehow capable of influencing other people's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors is interesting. If I manage to influence another person, does that suggest that that person is "weak-willed"? Or does it suggest that I'm "strong-willed"? If a person is only pretending to be influenced by me, that still suggests to me that I'm somehow influencing that person. Because if I was really not influencing that person at all, then my existence wouldn't register within their perception. If truly nobody was influenced by me, then I'd be completely ignored and forgotten. Nobody would even bother pretending to be influenced by me.

will anyone help me with this interview question i cant figure an answer to pls

What’s the question

it's for a hospital it's basically
"What qualities can you bring to x that will further strengthen our standards"
I always get stuck on this one

Korean drama and music will be popular towards men.
Screenshot this.

Good afternoon, can anyone here give me some helpful advice?

Seems like you got some already


I teach myself to hate niggers everyday. I just focus on the annoying mannerisms and behaviors, and the way the speak, and they're so easy to hate niggers so fucking much more than i thought!!

You're just a little fucking bitch.

I'm such a shitty driver it makes me feel ashamed

I hate niggers too user. Don't you ever feel bad about it. It's your right. Fuck niggers. White power!

Then kill yourself so you don't feel that way anymore. Reeeeee REEEE! Reeeeeeeeewweee reeeeee!!!

I really hate Jow Forums and I want to leave this place.

Two alternatives: try to develop relationships with people I've known or study mathematics on end.
Which one should be pursued

Sometimes I drink to spite the people who tell me to stop drinking.

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Lmao, kys faggot

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I haven't had sex with my boyfriend for 4 months and I sometimes feel sexually frustrated that we don't even kiss and hug much let alone we don't make out or cuddle. I wanna have sex again like we used to but he says that he's not used to it and he's dealing with stress and depression.

Look at their website for mission statement, vision, etc. and align qualities with those objectives

I want him dead so I can have her for myself.

Jesus why have you been so sadistic with me?
What have I done?

I don't think I'm ever going to find it. Dammit

That's right you'll never find the gspot

You're bad person

You don't make me feel this way anymore.

You tell me that I've broken promises and that I've let you down when you needed me most, and for nearly a year now I've carried that guilt believing it to be fair. The longer I'm with him, though, the more I realise that you were never there for me and never kept your promises. I just didn't know any better, I couldn't tell the difference. Nearly 5 months in and 0 fights in this new relationship, it's getting harder for me to believe that I was "50% of the problem" of us.


I will not infer things based on assumptions. But there has to be some times when it's appropriate to do that, or are all of my experiences completely useless?

I often wonder why it is that a hypothetical first person would want to harm a hypothetical second person. If the second person being harmed did or say something that harmed the first person, that second person may have done so for attention. That second person only wishes to have his or her existence acknowledged in doing harm to the first person. If the first person reacts to being harmed, then this will bring pleasure to the second person. If, indeed, that second person only wants attention, then the only real way for the first person to harm the second person (in revenge) is for the first person to completely ignore and forget the second person.

I scare you?

I think the second person wouldn't want that attention anymore after the first person ruins his face with acid and beats him so terribly he's crippled for the rest of his miserable life.

My beliefs are multi-dimensional and dynamic. I can believe in anything, everything, or nothing at all.

Good point

I don't know what to do. I feel paralyzed. Why am I still alive? What the hell am I doing with my life?

For what purpose is it that any of us bother browsing and posting on Jow Forums? Why does anyone bother browsing and posting on any discussion board on the internet? Why does anyone bother talking with anyone else about anything at all?

The ones that aren't as aware as you have to in order to develop their awareness

every day i just get weaker

I said so, didn't I?

That’s my plan

Everyone thinks I’m so independent and aspirational for having my shit together and getting close to becoming a nurse practitioner. I don’t really want any of this I wish I could be a house wife because I want to raise kids and I love cleaning and not having a strict schedule. I’ll never be able to live the way I want because my bf doesn’t want to get a job that pays more and he’d probably think I’m just a bum and my whole family will disown me. I’m realizing I’m going to be miserable and not be able to raise my kids the way I want or live the way I want.

I want to tell you much I want you to die

Is "an eye for an eye" a perfectly reasonable method of carrying out a punishment?

If karma truly exists in the spiritual and/or religious sense, then an individual who brought harm onto others would receive a punishment proportionate to what they did as decided by the Universe, correct? If we truly live in a just world, then the good would naturally be rewarded and the bad punished, correct?

However, it does not seem as if some people fully trust in the Universe to punish the wicked. This is why the Law exists. If an individual breaks a law, and there is empirical evidence to support the fact that this person broke the law, then the Law would decide a punishment proportionate to what that individual did.

Are you afraid of me because i have slight anger issues or you're lumping me into the same incel stereotype ?

i want new friends my discord is gorefeinxx#4090

Oh, time to go in for the big larp

Remember when I was over at your place for shelter and you told me you planned on sneaking into the room I was sleeping in? What would you have done? Why would you do that, and why would you tell me that? You are kinda scary

The world is neither just nor unjust. It just is. Karma isn't a thing either. There have been plenty of people who did terrible things but got to keep living it up and enjoying themselves until they died of old age. Likewise there are people who were genuinely good but endured constant misfortune and suffering only to die young. If an afterlife exists and there is a judgment beyond death we can't know but I really doubt any religion has the right answer to it.

Karma is kind of slow usually manifests in your next life someone could rack up a ton if they don't get behind bars

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

I deserve to kill you

Are you kidding me, I have a boner right now actually
A girl choking me, wrapping her little hands and trying to choke me to death

that would bring me happiness, not really but it would be interesting for a feman to try and kill me with her hands

cant i just push them away


I want you to know how much I want you to be a corpse

Why? tell me everything.

I should tell you I'll always want to harm you anyways

Chronic pain is ruining my life, I’m having a mental breakdown and I just can’t stop feeling crazy.
My optimism is chewed up, and my negativity is holding me hostage.

Just because mommy said so doesn't make it right

Ahaha, sorry tripfag. I was just using your post to send a message out to someone else. :) you funny though.

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You deserve to be a corpse

I still love you. every single part of you.
but I can't tell if you feel the same, all I see is a no.

I'll admit, it has always been at the back of my head.

I might as well be one

I want to torture them

I want you to show or tell me everything. that's all for now.
We don't have to keep the pain all to ourselves

Mmm, yep.
Sorry there would be no way to control myself j. I would choke you for sure, you don't want to know that side of me exists so lets stay strangers and never be alone together ever again. Yeesh I have problems. Sorry I tried to get close to you it would have been nothing but regrets and mistakes.

Yea, I trust you too much
I would tell you everything

Wrong person buddy.

Pls no kill me I'm just a smile boi

yea i know, idgaf

My girlfriend of one year is making a big deal about me not wanting to buy a house with her. She’s saying an apartment is a waste of time. I’m saying it’s so we can live with each other and see if we’re compatable. She says we can start looking for houses. I then explain that neither of us have stable jobs, have enough for a down payment, and have expendable income like that. I’m telling her I don’t want to go to a bank or a realtor and get laughed out of there. She’s so fucking retarded when it comes to this as if it were easy. And she’s putting a lot of pressure on me out of no where. We’ve only been together a year. Never taken a vacation together. We barely split the bill when it comes to dates and shit, she always starts about how poor she is. She can go fuck herself tbqh

Oh please. I can only choke you for as long as you let me. You could overpower my body in an instant.

I want to come over there and cut off your head

So your male friends were nice to you. While some females (NOT friends) were not nice to you.

I want to cut you into pieces

I don't understand why people with anorexia or bulimia don't just kill themselves. They claim to starve themselves because they hate themselves, but if you did, why inconvenience everyone you know by guilt tripping them with the most drawn-out and potentially expensive (with all the wasted food if bulimic) method of suicide possible? Add to that you eventually become so useless and tired you can't even work or do anything for yourself, so everyone has to pick up your slack and take care of you whether they want to or not. It's just a way to get attention with zero regard for anyone else's feelings. If you truly hate yourself, suffer in silence and deal with it by yourself like the rest of us.

I’m the problem. it’s always been me. My narcissistic fantasies and self-obsession have brought me to this point. Even when people told me how easy i can get a job, i refused. i’ve been too scared to take action. too scared to take responsibility. it’s me who’s the problem.

I dare you.

They are suffering in silence. Do you really think that people with ed randomly comes up to people and say "Hi there~ I have an eating disorder" like a proud baboon.
Nope. It's usually kept on secret and that's not a good thing.

I'm not interested in the person you've become. It's amazing you think you're some kind of stud you fat slob.

It feels like I have a fever again.
It feels like people here disregard my feelings.

Im busy too you know.

"Silence" becomes pretty obvious when they losing too much weight and become crazy when confronted about their eating habits or anything regarding food. It can never be kept secret for long. Their family or the government always has to deal with it in the end.

>fat slob
Come lick these abs you dirty slut

I have my rights..

I can't wait until they suspend your drivers license.

God I hate whores

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Told you months ago to stay away. They want me dead.

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At least you believe me now.

God fuckin damnit. Now all I am going to think about today is how much I want to squeeze your neck. Fuck this degenerate mind of mine fuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUCK

I want you to suffer for the rest of your life

What abs you aint got abs just a big gut from eating too much ice cream