ITT: What if Jow Forums directed the Avengers

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Thanos kills 100% of the Universe.

>opening scene
>thanos busts into tonys house and grabs the gauntlet
>snaps kills every avenger brutally
>thanos looks to camera
>"fuck ur capeshit"
>credits roll

Thanos did nothing wrong

>Snaps fingers
stops central banks, and loans that ruin generations.

Based and Portugal pilled

>Snaps fingers at Israel

>I take gauntlet
>poof all of you
>Replace everyone with big tittie bitches
>Just me and my bitches for all eternity

*snaps fingers*
non whites purged
as credits roll viewers see golden age for humanity, crime free and living on the moon

It’s unorthodox but I like it

*snaps fingers*
> Nazis won ww2
> golden age of humanity

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It would be perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

I'd even clap after seeing that.

*snaps fingers*

>Wipes away the stain that was the universe.
>Decides not to create any new universes.

We wuz soldiers n shit nigga I swear to God we rekt Poles lele

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And on that day, we were all americans.

>Thanos get gassed
>Avengers get gassed
>minorities get gassed
The snap just turn the whole universe into a gas chamber

Seriously, without all the time travel bullshit. They ruined the movie with the gay guy and the time travel

no spoilers plz

>white behaves like a worm
>black is spamming "cracker" even though it is the same as "nigger"
if this is the usa educational system, it is a hellhole. Even in hell, I would expect hings to be more civilised.

based bull(g)ARYAN

Thanks Jow Forumslack :D

>Thanos didn't kill half the universe fairly. We were stabbed in the back!
>In order to defeat (((this army))) we need to reactive the propulsion system on the zyklon reactor, it's the only way.
>Thor, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but can you please shut up about Hyperborea. Not everyone has read Evola.
>Delicious sandwich, Captain Marvel.
>Did you guys hear that ultron just destroyed an entire gook village? Based as fuck.

Scarlett Johansson nude scene
Khazar milkers

MCU ends with Avengers Infinity War
>Thanos: Jow Forums was of right
>credits roll

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>oh god, Captain America what are you doing to those unarmed black teenagers?