How do I stop doing pills? I got in a major car accident about 6 years ago and messed up my back pretty bad. I had surgery about a year ago and I feel much better, but I can't stop doing drugs. No matter how hard I try to stop, I always go back to the medicine cabinet. I have no drive and nothing makes me happy anymore. Except getting high, of course. I know it's bad for me, I know its affecting me negatively. Yet every time I stop, I go back to eating 40-80mg a day just to not feel depressed and shitty.
How do I stop doing pills? I got in a major car accident about 6 years ago and messed up my back pretty bad...
try magic mushrooms, do research first.
They have a crazy success rate with fixing addiction issues and depression.
i took oxys for 6 years, got up to 200mg per day on average. i didn't even feel anything from them anymore. i stopped cold turkey and started running. exercising gets me euphoric
deadlifts are the cure to all back pain.
do enough deadlifts and you could live without vertebrae
Where are the Kratom shills when they’re actually needed? If you really want to get off of it, I’ve heard tapering mixed with Kratom is the way to go, but I have no personal experience. Good luck.
Leaf got it right. There's several studies out there conclusively linking psychedlic mushrooms with PTSD and other trauma recovery. Research micro dosing as well.
this. Just buy a q of weed and smoke it whenever you feel like taking pills. When it runs out you won't be addicted anymore and you won't have the same level of dependency on weed as you did on hard painkillers
smoke weed
Get addicted to weed instead, then quit weed. That's how I quit drinking. It was easy.
Just stop taking them? It’s a conscious decision. Your body will be upset with you for a short time, but that will pass.
IV GABA, L-Tyrosine and D-Phenylalanine.
Nerve regulation, Dopamine precursor, Endorphine precursor respectively. These are the things that opiates and benzos hit the hardest. Also throw in yoga and other calisthenics, dieting and eventually weights. But the reality is that you have to WANT to get off the junk and that means accepting that life is pain and you will always hurt. Don't be a pussy, sack up bro. You fucking got this.
also this, but I think user meant run it through the volcano. combustion is bad for you.
drinking isnt the same league as opiates, if it was it would be just as controlled.
yeah same, exactly that. It's not rocket science and yet people just say DUDE WEED LMAO as if even mentioning smoking weed makes you dumb.
Please take this advice to heart bro.
Romanian deadlifts especially, don't go TOO heavy
>How do I stop doing pills?
get a naltrexone implant.
most of you people don't understand opioid addiction.
opioids are essentially a narcotic WMD that hijacks the brain's reward system.
It is actually impossible to quit them without some sort of help.
incarceration and naltrexone implants is the only way that I know of to stop it.
I felt like shit before. Opiates only made me feel worse. Getting off made me feel better once surgery pain was gone. Brain chemistry/structure/circuitry sucks.
Ask God to give you the strength to throw them away and carry on.
Take suboxone for a week or two. Then go cold turkey and be dope sick for a couple days. Stay hydrated, do light exercise and try to hold down soups etc. it’s gonna suck ass user but you can’t keep doing opiates.
t oxy addict from 05-08.
Unironically research ibogaine. It’s a powerful psychedelic that has no shit cured opiate addicts after one use
>Opiates only made me feel worse
those probably had nausea chemicals in them to prevent addiction.
But if you started to take pure opioids yourself, it quickly becomes impossible to quit them. You would take them until you OD and die.
switch to kratom or weed
igh cbd hemp. Won't get you high in your head but it's great for pain relief. Get a strain that is specifically for pain. I like "The Wife" and "Franklin" Smokes just like weed but without messing with your head.
Cold turkey. Tapering just gives people excuses to take more, especially if it wasn't enough for you to "feel" it. If you can make it through 72hrs, you'll feel better every day after that.
If you need to, grab enough weed to last you a week. If you think you have enough discipline to stop after 3 days, grab some xanax, but I wouldn't recommend doing that if you don't trust yourself. Xanax is much more addictive and the withdrawals can literally kill you. They take the same pathways as alcohol in your brain.
I'd binge on them one week a month, right up my nose for about 2yrs.
Not going to lie, I miss those 5mg oxycodones.
Those look like some shitty pressed fentanyl pills to me user. I reccomend you use a drug test kit if you are buying shit illicitly.
Also you just have to suffer more. It's like building the pyramids, once you have enough loss and suffering you'll end up some where
>t. little brother is a junkie and has showed me all his forbidden heroin addict knowledge
Yeh ur blown out. Get suboxone if you need help kicking, then kick
Smoke weed instead.
I concur.
Take a coffee grinder, turn the dried mushrooms into dust and mix with chewy granola and tempered chocolate and let set up in the fridge until solid and enjoy.
Otherwise, texture and taste is gonna make it difficult your first time.
Smoke weed.
Co-worker had similar UNTIL he tried ayahuaska. Kratom is supposed to be the key, look it up.
Switch to kratom, but beware it is almost as addictive and it's a bitch to quit if your consumption goes way up.
However, kratom offers that warm glow chill feeling that opiods do, and satisfies somenof the same receptors that are begging for pills, so it will make quitting possible.
100% look into Kratom. Opiates are part of big pharmas plan to poison society. They're so hard to quit it just takes will power.
switch to heroin
I don't know what exactly is wrong with you, sounds worse than my situation, but I have chronic back pain from a car accident. Doing yoga consistently helps me.
Take Kratom.
>t. Kratom shill
t. loser faggot
Didn't think of that. Though...I was oxycodone. It just didn't doa ton and make me feel deeply depressed. I figured I wasn't talking enough. Not that I wanted to. I just didn't understand what the fuss was. At least for my brain.
Use kratom to get through withdrawl. Taper down the opiates and start taking kratom. Weed helps too but kratom really cuts withdrawl symptoms. I was on opiates for 10 years after major surgery and stopped completely in under 2 months using kratom. You can get mildly addicted to kratom also but the withdrawl is equally as mild. Nothing like opiate withdrawl.
This. Kratom is about to be regulated or illegal though. Big pharma lobbying against I would think
Also btw, opiates significantly lower your testosterone. Mine went up over 200 points after I stopped taking them. Testosterone in itself helps with pain too. Some pain management places even do testosterone replacement therapy for pain relief.
Unironically fentanyl. It's great for pain and I'm stable on 100 micrograms a day. Only a .50 cents a vial if you know the right guy.
Go to rehab bro. Don’t neccessarily have to buy into the whole 12 step thing but it removes the problem for a bit. They’ll try to get you to taper on subs but you should refuse them. You’ll eventually go through the same withdrawal after the taper. Nut up and feel like shit for about 4 or 5 days in there and you’ll start to make a turn. 80 mg a day isn’t the worst habit so you probably won’t have the shits and be vomiting every 2 hours but it’ll still be hell. The sooner you accept the fact you’re gonna feel like shit for some time, the sooner you’ll get well. But you’ll only kick the habit if you’re really tired of living this way. Probably doesn’t mean shit to you right now but once you get clean it will. Good luck bub.
just quit you wont die like you can from benzo or alcohol you will just wish you were dead
I'm in constant pain too. No pills though, I just dream about them.
is it reasonable to taper off opioids or is that a recipe for failure?
IMO it’s possible if you only have a physical dependence. If there’s any hint of a psychological addiction then chances are slim to none
You just stop dude. Its about will power. If you have it, use it. With will, nothing is beyond your reach.
>How do I stop doing pills?
Stop swallowing them.
>I got in a major car accident about 6 years ago and messed up my back pretty bad.
That sucks
>I had surgery about a year ago and I feel much better, but I can't stop doing drugs.
Yes you can but you do not want to stop because you enjoy them.
>No matter how hard I try to stop, I always go back to the medicine cabinet.
>I have no drive and nothing makes me happy anymore.
Those pills make you feel good though
>Except getting high, of course.
>I know it's bad for me, I know its affecting me negatively.
Same thing said twice true as water is ice but nothing will change unless you change your life.
>Yet every time I stop, I go back to eating 40-80mg a day just to not feel depressed and shitty.
Harsh truth; Stop being a pussy and accept that you feel shitty while you work on your physical strength or whatever day time occupation you have.
You are currently mentally just being a pussy and what you need to do is toughen up by going trough life and dealing with shit without the pills.
Everytime you go back on them you just halt the learning curve for a while but thats to be expected.
Nobody in the world gets anywhere in a straight line they all stumble and fall.
>Cliché I know but it's the goddamn truth
tl;dr Stop being a pussy, accept how you feel when you feel shitty and continue doing what you have to do. Allow yourself to fail and then look back and see what made you fail. Relapsing isnt giving up.
If you gave up you wouldnt be here talking about wanting to quit.
News flash faggot you are quitting its just not as easy as you think.
Keep it up.
I remember my first 5mg. Such a shame when you down 8 10mgs with your morning coffee and feel nothing. I knew it was time to stop.
try cocaine
Yeah, I tried this shit. Got high, ate a bunch of shit. Then I got drunk. Thanks, though.
Jogging helps a lot.
I’m in constant pain caused by an injury called life.
I've heard/read this so many times from unreliable sources, yet I know so many druggies who do them regularly. What gives?
"Smoke two joints in the morning, smoke two joints at night. Smoke two joints when playing video games..."
>is it reasonable to taper off opioids or is that a recipe for failure?
You can definitely taper off opiates. Take the bare minimum to make yourself comfortable and keep going down. Your body will adjust. You can quit cold turkey too but I believe tapering down is easier on your body. You won't die from cold turkey opiate withdrawl but it throws your body out of balance. It's like your body shuts down and does a hard reboot.
Kratom makes things easier though.
My old man found a way to end his opiate addiction. But I suggest you find a better way.
Some says that kratom in the ''nicotine plaster'' for opiate addicts.
Because using a chemical to fix a chemical dependence is retarded. It may work to some extent but only because it is forcing your mind into a state that can be achieved with meditation. Drugs are like being launched out of a cannon. Mindfulness is like flying. It is harder to learn how to fly but you are at least in control.
i was a maintenance drinker for 10 years before i quit (and relapsed once) in 2016.
kicking alcohol fucking sucks. hard. i did it cold turkey, which you shouldn't do depending on the details, but i did. it was like 5 days of unstopping torment, but i hated being a drunk so bad that i wasn't going to go back.
been dry since 2016, and while at first it was hard to not drink (really hard, even after the detox was done, the craving is still super strong) but i hated myself as a drunk so much that every time i thought about booze, i intentionally relived the shittiest moments in my drunk life and that hate got me through it. i don't care if it sounds edgy but at least, that's how i understood it.
do whatever you have to do to get clean. fuck your pride. don't be another statistic. even if you don't think so, your family does need you.
there's a thought. tapering might just really, really prolong the suffering.
Work with your doctor to ween you off them you idiot. Stop lying to him to get more.
>How do I stop doing pills?
Start banging amphetamine and save the pills for the comedown.
10/10 would recommend. Cut my use in half.
I really want to try this but I dont know how. My last job really fucked me up in the head.
Try kratom. Get powdered leaf, no extracts, no pills. Red strains for pain. Green is a combo pain/mood enhancer. White is mostly for mood and energy. There are other strains, but i've never really tried them. Maeng da is usually stronger than other types. Many people with chronic pain issues who try kratom report that it helps them kick opiates. FDA wants to criminalize it because big pharma has developed synthetic versions. Their kratom death stories are lies, usually involving people on multiple meds. Fuck the FDA.
Weed is good for pain but doesn't help opiate withdrawl symptoms very much. It may calm you down and handle it better, but shitty withdrawl feelings are still there. With weed, both thc and cbd are good for pain. There are some things that thc may be good for, some that cbd are better for. Depends on your body and type of pain. I have bad nerve and joint pain. Cbd doesn't do much for my nerve pain but thc does. Cbd is better for my joint inflammation.
You have to power through the withdrawals
It's as simple as that, there is no magic fix that allows you to just stop, you have to go through withdrawal
They work. Lasting positive effects. Don't go crazy and take 10g or something. Def no more than 2-3g for first timer. Pretty amazing. But do your own research.
Don’t try to ween yourself off, or see “how strong you are” by leaving some around the house and trying not to do them.
You simply have to get them out of the house, and then fuckin just bunker down my man.
Get yourself all sorts of snacks, entertainment, anything you can think of, and just ride that puppy out for a few days. By day 3 things will be much much better.
This also works for cigs, and probably anything else.
Get rid of your source
Seriously this might be your o pay solution
Not talking about killing but tell ur doc not to give them to u or get rid of ur “friends” that sell it to u
That’s how I stopped Xanax just deleted the dudes number and I couldn’t ever get a hold of him
HOw do the drugs change the perception of your reality.
FOr me everything is pretty slow and boring unless im on weed. When i smoke the perception of my reality speeds up again.
This is why I never take anything and thank god I've never had to take opiates
I wanted to go into pharma when I was a kid but it's a fucking racket, the more addictive the better, disgusting business
My mom died from oxycodone in 2013.. Opiate addiction is a bitch. There's always the standard methadone treatment but.
Btw OP, my mom also flipped her Jeep 5 times in 2004 and broke her back.
Just try not to beat yourself up over it too much. I highly suggest cognitive behavioral therapy.
Use kratom to ween yourself off, but then get off kratom ASAP. I went cold turkey on a kratom habit and it was worse than getting off heroin. Now I'm clean from all opiates for about 7 months, I went through hell but I feel fantastic now.
I'll take mild suffering for a bit longer than extreme suffering for 2 weeks. Cold turkey is especially difficult if you hold a job and have daily responsibilities. If you can get a week to yourself, that will get you over the worst of it if a person decides to just stop. Withdrawl will continue but you should be able to function. Again everyone's body is different though. Kratom is really a good and healthy way to stop opiates. Just don't make kratom another habit.
The only danger I found with kratom is if you are working with the powder not already put into capsules. That shit is so super fine it will build up in your lungs in no time. And also your pets if you have any. I realized that quickly when I was making my own capsules. I could feel it irritating my lungs and started coughing it out. I started using a $20 mold respirator and all was good. Even if your are using the "toss and wash" method, at least wear a dust mask while prepping.
While i agree with your sentiment for most individuals the very nature of compulsive disorders pstd ocd addiction panic disorders insomnia and the like are tick disorders. they feed on your attention and telling someone to meditate it away is like setting someones pants on fire and saying hey bro as long as you never look down that raging inferno next to ur nuts will slowly go out. not everybody is equiped for that. its ok to get help.
>HOw do the drugs change the perception of your reality.
Well opiates kill your joy and libido. They really fuck up your mind. I had no idea until I stopped. Then I actually started caring about things again.
This. I was an opioid addict for 12 years and went to voluntary outpatient rehab 3 times, the last time I took 7.5gs of mushrooms and the following week I told the methadone clinic I wanted out. Even with a slow detox, my body was still fucked, my testosterone, my stomach, I lost 30lbs, but it’ll be 2 years on the 20th and I don’t crave them ever. I had to disconnect from everything and everyone from that part of my life for a while, and I still don’t talk to certain people, mainly because I see them as trashy now. I’ll always have an addictive personality, so now if I get hurt, I just take Kratom, even though it’s not the same as an actual pain killer, it takes the edge off. Ask Him for help before you take them, and ask for guidance. They saved my life. Best of luck, user. I never thought I would be off of them.
>what is a LARP
Wear a respirator when working with powered kratom user. Trust me. That shit builds up in your lungs.
1. Stop doing pills.
Yea, and suboxone is not any better. Methadone helped me more but it destroyed my teeth and my when I got off my body was fucked. Expect 6 months of WD symptoms and your body re-adjusting after stopping OP, but it can be done. The methadone clinic also made me drug test and go to group so I couldn’t fuck off and do what I wanted.
I smoked fentanyl one night and had sick ess withdrawal for a week , dirrareah and felt like cold/ flu like symptome , ear buzzing dizzineess . FOR A WEEK !
>every time I stop
You are starting again. That seems to be your problem. I am in recovery for booze, and am active in these groups. If you want to quit and don't need to be taking pills, great. Talk to a doctor about this before cold turkey. Make sure its a male doctor if you are a man. Advise him honestly of your usage and desires short and long term. You may not need rehab, but you may need professional advice on cessation. You should also find a local group to get involved with, because it does help hanging around people who are trying the same thing you are.
No - grind up and do lemon juice tek with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice to add the MAOI.
I quit kratom cold turkey after daily use (powder, red maeng da) and it was worse than quitting heroin, worse than quitting benzos, worse than quitting alcohol. It was without a doubt the worst experience I've ever had in my life and I came close to killing myself. It lasted 3 - 4 months, it was pure torture.
I understand completely. Also, I am very biased and completely for people trying out different things. If it works it works. I was diagnosed with various things and new "disorders" seemed to keep popping up. Western medicine was horrible for me. Doctors treating me like I was on an assembly line. Huge bills in the mail. Pills with horrible side effects and the ones that "worked" only worked by eliminating everything, not just the problem. I was like a zombie.
I started meditating and had a very hard time sticking to it due to the mental issues. One day maybe 3 weeks in I got lucky and "successfully" meditated. The memes were true. No shaking, no compulsive thoughts. It only lasted for a day and it took me another year to get back. Eventually I was able to consistently achieve that feeling and wish everyone in the world could maintain that state of mind. It is so peaceful. That being said shrooms are very cool, they just arent for me anymore. Anything that takes me from sobriety, even sleep deprivation or watching too much TV, makes me uncomfortable.
Good luck to all ITT trying to better themselves
I've been on various types of painkillers for the last 20 years. I too had extensive back surgery last year and I currently take 40mg of oxy a day to get by.
It gets better. I was on 80mg of oxy in November. I am slowly tapering as my body adjusts. Withdraw hits me fucking hard because of the years I have been on them. It will get better, I promise.
You have to keep the mind busy along with the body. Do something that won't make you hurt. Exercise if you can.
Butrans. It's magic.
kratom stupid
Already banned in Indiana.
Man up and stop popping pills bro. Its gonna be tough but 1month from now you will love yourself again
Go see your doctor and get another pill