When does it become weird?

At what point does it become weird that I have never had a girlfriend? I honestly don't know what the fuck to tell people when they ask me why I have never had one. In my head, I haven't had one because I literally haven't been lucky enough to have a woman like me in that way that I know of. I am finding that its possible that women do like me but they probably would never say so.

I am 29 now and I feel that my lack of intimacy experience is weird to a lot of people. I imagine that ask questions like "How is that even possible?" How is it possible you guys? I don't know what I am doing or not doing. FUCK! Any idea on if its weird or not? I imagine women think its incredibly weird and off putting.

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Idk but I'm in the same boat

It became weird over 10 years ago.

I won't find it weird unless you made it weird or made a big deal out of if. Just laugh it off, and if she's too autistic or too normie to laugh it off with you then she's not worth it.

christ. I just don't know what people want me to do. I have been on okcupid for 5 years and can't secure a date. I have gotten some mutual likes but I get ghosted a lot which I am not bothered by but it makes me feel like the game is rigged almost because I get ghosted so frequently. I tried moving things slowly and quickly. Tried asking for a date within 5 messages. Tried waiting much longer than that etc.

Try getting fit and going to the gym
And smile more on the mirror

If you have never had a girlfriend and you don’t know why, it is most likely that you have always felt that you shouldn’t have to walk up to a woman and talk to her like everyone else has to do. You feel entitled and have a failure complex.
You could have a girlfriend tomorrow if you walked up to some eligible woman and asked her out like a human being who is at least trying to have their needs met. It’s a choice that you make almost everyday, and so far your choice not to be pragmatic has largely defined who you are as a person.
To answer your question, the reasonable observer can plainly see how you are defined in this respect when you explain to them your situation, and yes, it is off-putting, but hardly insurmountable.

At this point man I would honestly start lying about it say you've had a couple that just didn't work out and your "waiting to meet the one" or something like that. Also you could try doing dating apps take a couple people out on dates so its not a total lie

dawg me too, this 7 year old cousin kept pressing me about >no gf the other day and it got really awkward with all my family
i also keep thinking how absolutely immature i am when it comes to intimacy and relationships so that makes me avoid then even more
honestly i think i'm better off alone, spergin out with my hobbies

Maybe it was weird 30 years ago. Women these days have unrealistic standards and easy access to Chad. Pretty soon it's going to be commonplace for a majority of men to have never been in a relationship.

Attached: highstandards.png (899x635, 63K)

This is the answer you are looking for

>I honestly don't know what the fuck to tell people when they ask me why I have never had one

"Not your fucking business."

>If you have never had a girlfriend and you don’t know why, it is most likely that you have always felt that you shouldn’t have to walk up to a woman and talk to her like everyone else has to do. You feel entitled and have a failure complex.

Lulz, here's Mr. Assumer of the Year

Based on the information that OP provided, my conclusion was inductive. If there was any other information such as a deformity, substantial mental impairment, life in an extremely remote area, etc., OP would have reasonably felt the need to include it as a likely factor to his lack of romantic success.
Intimate relationships are the obligatory result of normal, adaptive social interaction. I do not see another likely alternative to what I have suggested in .

You’ve never had a girlfriend, take notes.

What if the OP did have a deformity? I'm in the same boat. My deformity has always made me self-conscious and self-loathing which is why I've never approached a woman.

idk i just gave up on women. just doing my own thing now. but im trying to muster up a single fuck so theres that.

Then it may be an alternate explanation to why OP is romantically unsuccessful. There is no evidence in this thread to suggest that however.

I was kinda fishing for advice there :P

what deformity?
my torso is absolutely fucked with scars and veins, it scares people away

I have a spinal condition that gives me bad posture. I can't straighten up like a normie. Then again there's an iceskater with the same condition who's married and rich so maybe I'm making excuses

right? you ever seen disabled people happy with a partner and wonder how the fuck?
most of the people that know my fucked up abdomen are repulsed :/

What is the name of your condition? Does it have one?

>1 in a million adults
ahhh the sheer unluck

Ok. I looked it up but I could not see anything about vascularity. How is your day-to-day life?

well its a trombosis so it fucks your whole vascular and lymphatic system up, i grew new liver veins that you can see poppin out of my belly, esophageal varices that might kill me with internal bleeding one day, very uncomfy swollen legs and im on blood thinners for life

yeah im never getting a girlfriend lol

I'm 22 and I feel similar. I've overcome many of the mental hurdles and negative feelings associated with inceldom but I still am a virgin and still have a high sex drive. This I address by masturbating, usually to porn, which makes me sad but is honestly better than dealing with females for me.
Anyhow, I don't have friends and I'm not sociable. Occasionally people on campus laugh at me but that's just how it is. No one would ever get to point of finding out I'm a virgin because no one, understandably, wants to talk to me. The only person I ever told I was a virgin to is my mom's older friend. We were somewhere and I don't know how it came up but he asked if I was a virgin and I said yeah. He kind of laughed and said we should go to the strip club but nothing came of it. That was a few years ago anyhow, so it wasn't even as bad as being 22.
Parts of what this person says are accurate. I know I shouldn't have to approach women, and even if I had to I wouldn't. It's partially a failure complex because I am genetically inferior to many men and accept that because it's true. The part about just walking up to an "eligible woman" and asking her out and getting a girlfriend is not factual. It is a choice to remain alone.
A huge issue that I've overcome is viewing virginity as central to my identity. - don't really care. I wouldn't care at all if I didn't have a high libido. But a high libido coupled with isolation has lead to a pervasive and pathological curiosity that I've placated, unhealthily, with porn.
Such is life

"I'm waiting for someone I can truly relate to and respect as a fellow human being with big tits."

Are you receiving the best possible treatment? Is there anything more you can have done to relieve your symptoms? I say this out of concern for your quality of life, nothing to do with a gf.
Women are not visual creatures, Not all of them, anyway. I've seen women with guys with all kinds of physical conditions.

im relatively good now, happened when i was 15, am 28 now, just have to take some meds
thanks for asking

She's turned down more men than the last 100 generations of her matrilinear line have met combined

You can accept your blessings but you don't need to accept your lot in life. The only thing that's stopping you meeting a girl is you

Problem, bigot?

This. Take what you've got and be happy.

I dont know how to get a gf but I've found that if someone asks and tries to make it awkward you just say you havent found the right one

It's only weird if people know that you actively pursued one but can't get one. Some strangers (and your aunt) will think you're gay but who gives a shit what they think?

She did if you count left swipes and incomplete conversation as rejection.

I'm 30 and have never even been on a date. I had sex a few times years ago with random hookups and then fucked a bunch of escorts later in my 20s, but I've never met a girl that I really connected with. The weird part is that I'm otherwise a 'normal' guy (other than lurking Jow Forums), I work in a normal career in sales etc.

All of my friends think I'm closeted gay or asexual (even though they know I pay for sex with women), my dad also apparently thought I was gay until recently according to my mom and sister. I think my coworkers sense that something is 'off' with me but have been trained not to bring that stuff up by HR.

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just be yourself and go to events that pique your interest. if you're a nerd, you may find the love of your life at a local convention