United States

How can we save the United States?

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Nuke it from orbit.

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pro tip : you can't
(we're all fucked, but at least you got your 2A)

maybe if russia start attacking you and nuke all major cities there, then maybe there is a chance

You know what to do

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get rid of the tick also known as the jew

nuke it

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Physically remove jews.

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Civil War. Kill the Niggers and Jews. Asians and Hispanics that are legally here (excluding DACA niggers) are cool.

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>Thinking it's worth saving

It's not possible. It's more productive to focus on what comes after.

seize the means of economic rent

gather up all the niggers and spics
and put them in a state like texas
give them all the drugs alcohol guns and racetraitor whores they want and let them kill each other until there is only one left standing

then we take that nigger and hang him from a tree

t. ahmed

give it to Britain again


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We would bankrupt the NHS just trying to clean up the diabetes problem in Ohio alone.

Also, fuck Ohio.

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So is it constitutional for some people to have a right like say for instance the pursuit of happiness by smoking pot in one part and people in other parts not be allowed too also? Or is something like that just apply constitutionally when someone is marking the tires of a car to see if it has moved

Separate Italy again

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>i don't want cheap state healthcare
You can't survive without a european master fren

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less passover worshipers

By executing all the Passover worshipers.

And you can't survive. period.

t. fatass ZOGnigger

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wrong, genghis

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By physically removing the entire US government, corporate media, and a majority of the population of the East and West coasts.

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Not worth saving. I want to collapse so we can stop artificially keeping Africa and South America alive. It’s our fault the world is fucked and we deserve anything that’s happens to us.

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more like Csaba
we can keep Genghis for the finnfags

hungary is just a contaminated cum rag used for soaking up gobs of asian invader semen since the 1200s.

That's why it's called HUNgary.

>that wrist

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We can't. The sooner people realize this the better. Read history. All empires go through a natural cycle. We just so happen to match a very familiar path as Rome.

You can't change the natural order. It will eventually correct itself. Anyone who thinks we're anything special and will be saved because "God Bless's us as a nation" is most likely brain dead. Or a boomer. So both.

Good luck to you and your family during the final stages of collapse user...those are generally the most violent.


-Non MAGAtard.

elect Bernie

You have to know what America means to the world, the metaphysical, deeper spiritual meaning of America, that is, the New World, ever since day one, for the human race, and the human being, in the evolution of the human race.

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It's a rorshach test. It means nothing.