What does Jow Forums think of the roman Empire?
What does Jow Forums think of the roman Empire?
they were black. I'm not even fucking kidding. New DNA evidence backs up my claim
As a classical philologist with a focus on Latin I can say:
No matter how degenerate you think it was, it was worse.
(((new DNA evidence))) almost certainly only backs up the claim that there were nigger slaves in Rome.
>black (((empire)))
nice try wong
Worst thing to ever happen to northwestern Europe. Integrated with the kikes and allowed them to completely take over the world through messianic ideology. Were fucked because of their brainwashing and the best chance we ever had to break free was foiled last century
They should have removed continental g*rmanics while they had the chance.
Great country
kys nigger
>They should have removed the anglos and the kikes while they had the chance.
Eat some snails, savage.
Where do you think the anglos were before 410?
>Republic = based
>Empire = degenerate
Fucking Greeks and Jews spoiled Rome.
It’s OK to be White
im not white
They tried twice, sold the second attempt as a great victory despite achieving nothing and suffering terrible losses to make the emperor's nephew and prospective heir look good and then never tried again. Due to suffering one of their worst defeats in history and another complete waste of a campaign there.
They tried and failed.
It's a complex thing, totalitarian and with a penchant for settling Legionaries one end of the empire to the other to homogenize their population.
But when allowed to do so they can create welfare to allow their poor to buy luxury goods to keep trade stable, they integrated thousands of foreign people into their empire, and it lasted nearly 2000 years from 700bc to 1453 going from city state kingdom, to republic, to empire, to lone city-state kingdom at the end.
It speaks volumes how western society speaks Latin languages, espouses Romab values, and still follows for the most part a religion led by a guy in Rome.
One of histories greatest failures ;_;
but user, you are living in the Roman Empire
it never went away...
Having a society filled with homosexual paedophiles die off was probably not a bad thing in the long run.
Agreed, we're better off without the old g*rmanic tribes.
They were cool but on the other hand they hated Greek philosophy for the most part, and the subsequent rise of Christianity caused the Dark Age until the Renaissance when niggas finally realized "hm, maybe those super smart Greek fellows were on to something."
Don't @ Me niggers
> 98 – The Roman historian Tacitus reports that the Germanic tribes execute homosexuals (corpores infames, “those who disgracefully abuse their bodies”) and sink them into swamps. Remains of several such corpses have been found in the peat bogs of Denmark and northern Germany and are now exhibited in museums. Some had been strangled to death prior to being sunk in the bogs, while others were apparently drowned alive.
>mfw we could have stayed a part of them if not for the subhuman Arabs in the south
great civilization; but corrupted eventually by their own ambition and decadence
please elaborate
Live gay BDSM snuff. Terribly, terribly degenerate.
It lasted a long time and took Greek culture and made it less gay. Romans are and always will be known as badasses. Legions building roads, aqueducts being build to give settlements water. Loaded with intellectuals and certainly something that every region it occupied has historic remnants that modern nations can be proud of.
Blame the Persians. Muslims would not have taken on the Romans had they not been exhausted by a lengthy war against Persia.
What a faggot. Enjoy your little boys in your bathhouse
I know that feel bro
t. berber
>loaded with intellectuals
Like? All the greatest minds were Greek. There was literally this Roman general nigga who learned sophistry from one of the skeptics just so he could teach Roman kids why Philosophy was gay.
The late Republic was degenerate. The principate of Augustus and the moral laws he instituted allowed for the continuation of the Roman people and state for longer than would normally occur in the civilisational cycle.
The Empire also gave rise to great emperors like Flavian and Justinian.
It is not a question of building a perfect system, but rather building the apparatus to renew the system before the collapse happened.
The WRE was doomed as they did not reform, unlike the East.
The East then fell as they were unable to move past their own selfish squabbles.
Cycles within cycles.
Renew and decay.
99% of Greek philosophy is absolutely worthless garbage, the few traces of it you and others know are mostly cherrypicked and usually reinterpreted without the actual context to hide the retardation. Try to actually read some in full.
Great at math though, one of the many calculations that tried to get the distance to the moon right actually did so (most others were wrong and there was no real way to check) and I think it was Eratosthenes who calculated the size of the earth about 200-300BC as the third or fourth leader of the Alexandrian library under the Ptolemeic dynasty.
>the subsequent rise of Christianity caused the Dark Age
It wasn't Christianity, it was the collapse of the western Roman empire that created the dark ages.
The church preserved as much as it could but it was dogmatic, preventing many new ideas like "the earth orbits the sun" so it wasn't as bad as you think but they weren't saints either.
The Reneissance was in part Venetian trade money and Muslims preserving old Greek knowledge that the Europeans then bought back and using those deals from happy Ottoman and Venetian merchants fueled a "revival" of art and the old ideas.
Now the real shit was the bronze age collapse. So total we hardly know shit.
Well no, Because if the two just kept fighting then I wouldn't mind
I rather be ruled by Romans or Persians than by subhuman Bedouins with an amazing idology
It takes some pretty smart people to have the ability to conquer the kind of land that the Romans did. Don't underestimate them. Also, they owned the Greeks who had no ability to adapt to the Roman invaders. Romans definitely did a lot of syncretic things, but if you don't think the Romans came up with some of their own ideas then you are a shill.
Homosexuality, bestiality, tranny shit, all long before there even was an emperor, it certainly got worse later, but people always pretend like Roman society wasn't degenerate from the start, partially because Tacitus describes it that way in his works which are deeply marked by a longing for a purer society of the past that never really existed.
His positive description of the Germanics is basically just there to hold a mirror to the Roman society and tell them that they are degenerates who should return to old virtues. Though of course those old virtues are romanticized by him.
Caesar lived before the first emperor and he already was known as every woman's man.
And every man's woman.
at least you're honest
>99% of Greek philosophy is absolutely worthless garbage
How was it garbage? Even if most of it isn't applicable now, it was the stepping stones that led us to where we are today (unless you hopped on the Cartesian Dualism train, in which case you can kindly neck yourself)
>It takes some pretty smart people to have the ability to conquer the kind of land that the Romans did.
Hm, it's almost like the Romans were originally a Greek tribe. Also, who was Alexander the Great?
So European blacks created an Empire spanning 3 continents in 117AD. But African blacks hadn't invented the wheel or a written language by the time of colonialism?
>Muslims preserving old Greek knowledge that the Europeans then bought back and using those deals from happy Ottoman and Venetian merchants fueled a "revival" of art and the old ideas.
You mean Greek slaves, user.
Next you'll tell me that the "muslim" who "invented" algebra in his book about Greek and Indian math is 100% Arabic and Islamic too despite getting forcefully converted and getting in trouble for talking shit about the faith.
Yes I certainly am well aware of the exploits of the king of Macedon, though the Greek conquest and its remaining rulership over those lands was much shorter than the Romans, the Greeks couldn't keep on with that formula. Also, you are wrong, the Romans were originally a Latin tribe, surrounded by the Etruscans, the Sabines, the Samnites, etc. The Greeks on Italy were colonists.
Very impressive size and stability for its time. Something to respect.
>1400 years vs 300
Eat shit mutt. The Empire was the greatest civilization to grace this planet.
The fittest Americans may have been black or Polynesian youtu.be
The ancient artwork if Rome proves it was only the slaves they had kidnapped through their endless conquests. Black people should demand reparations from Italy.
>100% Arabic and Islamic
Just Islamic.
Europe got much knowledge from Al-andaluz which was a Muslim Caliphate and mostly ethnically Iberian converts with a grossly overstated Berber minority.
>How was it garbage? Even if most of it isn't applicable now, it was the stepping stones that led us to where we are today
Because 99% has absolutely nothing to do with what you consider Greek philosophy to be.
>the stars are gods
>No, the skies are God
>what is stronger, living or dead matter?
>living matter, therefore Gods must live and the skies must be alive because dead things can't be stronger than living things
>stay out of politics, that shit's gay, just enjoy life
>don't just enjoy life, but fuck politics, also don't be a whiny bitch
>No, don't fuck politics, also never tell a lie
>a lie is as bad as mass murder, all bad deeds are on the same level
Everything I wrote is from Greek philosophy, bonus points to those who can guess the schools if thought, philosophers and periods.
That's 99% of Greek philosophy and it's the shit you never hear about.
>Hm, it's almost like the Romans were originally a Greek tribe.
They weren't, look up the great migrations.
Blacks invented writing even before the Mesopotamians.
Most of that is pre-socratic nigger, the staying out of politics one sounds like Epicurus
People HAVE read more than The Republic lmao
>Just Islamic.
Literally forcefully converted when his people were conquered and later on got in trouble for not believing in Islam.
What if I told you both Sokrates and Plato were retards and mostly full of shit too?
The summit of civilization. We have been trying to reach the same height since 1453 with varying degrees of success.
Niggers who probably aren't even descendants of certain people in Africa who achieved something, claiming "SO DIS UM IS MY HISTORYS, BLACKS MADE WRITING". Also, it doesn't matter if they invented anything, Africa has always been a stagnant shithole up to this day, it amazes me how people try to find some ancient reference to black achievement and somehow use this very old information to give themselves relevant.
Keep throwing shit out of your huts in Africa.
>Most of that is pre-socratic nigger
Also you severely underestimate how retarded both epicurean and stoic philosophy was (yes, after Plato/Sokrates too).
I don't give a shit what you think. It's like I said, just because most of it isn't applicable today doesn't mean it wasn't important in the development of modern thought.
Furthermore, the reason why I bring it up in the face of the Roman Empire is that maybe if the Roman Empire didn't place so little value on Philosophy, they could have further advanced human thought and maybe (just maybe) avoided getting cucked and divided.
>1400 years
It was effectively over by the time the empire moved east. All unity was lost until Merovingians (romanized franks) launched the Frankenriech in the 5th century.
The Roman empire did not have ONE theoretical mathematician. For science and truth, the Romans were a catastrophe.
>doesn't mean it wasn't important in the development of modern thought.
Most of it literally wasn't and even that is already severely filtered.
Most ancient works are only available to us due to the Alexandrian catalogue deeming it worthy to be kept around, the Romans narrowed that down again later and so did others over the millennia.
What you have of Greek philosophy isn't Greek philosophy, it's what's left of it after it went through scrutiny, several bottlenecks and often reinterpretations so massive the original philosophers would see little connection to their own philosophy.
What Seneca considered to be stoicism and what most Greek stoics thought of it over the centuries are very different things and those cultures and times are way closer than anything we have now.
Why don't whites understand or accept genetic science?
Nice Greek LARP
>you will never come home from the public bath to eat bread and fermented fish sauce and fuck your gallic slaves.
Why even live?
Romans weren't great innovators in pretty much any field, philosophy too, but it wasn't as disregarded as you obviously think it was.
Not that it would have been far spread in society, but that was never the case in any society.
Cicero, Seneca and M. Aurelius all were active in philosophy in their own way, none made great strides but their existence and the fact that other elites around them understood them shows that philosophy wasn't as rare an interest as you pretend it is in high society.