Why are men such freaks?

Why are men such freaks?

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Tbf it was just an honest question and you are uptight and can't take a joke.

It's you, isn't it?

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U fucking bitch why would u upload our private chat

That's not a man that's a child who thinks instant gratification equals happiness so having sex makes one a mature adult

same reason you’ll die alone you had one bad experience and decided to share it on fucking Jow Forums get some friends lady

Why would you even talk to someone like this


Lol bait thread.

Not that guy BUT if I was that guy I'd pretty much give you the same response. Maybe not text rape your phone tho that looked too desperate or the how much he makes line. But yeah I'd tell you to fuck off for being a bitch cause you are.

>Has another girl
>still begging

the thirst

8 Posters, 11 replies. Being this retarded OP.

Never doubt the Thirst my friend for it is unquenchable.

>you reject him
>he proceeds to write a novella
Christ almighty.
Just like when girls go loose cannon, consider t a bullet dodged. Take the spoiler to heart, learn what they're like and swerve. It works for men, it works for women, and there's never any reason to substantiate the efforts of someone who gets so mad over a dating app.

poor guy

lel my fellow men embarrass me sometimes

Classic incel pretending to be chad and failing miserably

who is the bigger loser? the guy who's lonely and mad he cant get a date or the girl that uses it to stroke her already inflated ego and posts it online for validation?

your insecurity is showing OP.

The guy because he's desperate.

>Sharing private shit for attention
typical degenerate cunt

Holy fuck this guy is cringe. And all these people in this thread justifying this, I feel really good now that I know the standards for men are so fucking low these days I can just be a normal person and women will always prefer me.

What's the context of this even?
If you've already had sex seems like a fair enough question, though the way he responds makes him seem really pathetic

Because you see yourself in them.

yikes dude

Attached: img4.png (444x520, 102K)

What I see are two narcissists vying for the dominant role in the relationship.

living rent free in your mind hahahahaha

There's a 90% chance this is just trolling, but that was hilarious either way.

If that's actually real it's pretty hardcore cringe. Don't worry though, it's guaranteed that guys like that won't reproduce.

thats exactly what you're seeing. two pathetic and insecure people trying to "win"

You should kind of be grateful he did that joke, imagine dating that guy and finding out then.

He's acting like a retard. He should have told her to fuck off and that's it if he's so mad. But he has to do his little autism monologue. He already lost and he knows it, it's just cringy coping after first 3 messages without reply.
What a fucking looser. Based rostie for posting this so I can laugh.
You're projecting so I assume you must react the same. Have some self-respect, retard.

Why even respond to this loser block him

Not OP but ok.

Cuz ur gay

What a fucking idiot LMAO. Congrats OP you dodged a bullet. This dude should be single for life.

>it's guaranteed that guys like that won't reproduce.
That's false unfortunately. They usually manage to luck out at least once in their lives.

>just testing u

I mean it was a weird question but the question doesnt make him a freak. The subsequent reaction does tho
It does seem like you overreacted initially as well tho

There's literally nothing to justify your reaction. Your expectations differed. That happens, and the solution is to communicate. Instead you're trying to shame and attack the guy because he didn't read your mind. Grow up and learn to communicate (eg: "I don't think we're ready to talk about that kind of stuff yet")

Evident he is in this thread

It implies he was only looking for sex. She is under no obligation to give him anything. If she doesn't want to go out with him she doesn't have to and there need be no reason other than she doesn't want to.

You know nothing about these people or the context, you're assuming a lot of things

Hope your talking about me assuming the guy is in this thread. Because regardless of my assumptions she still has no obligation to go out with him or even speak to him.

Hello pot, meet kettle, neither of you retards understand irony

If you had only shown me the first two texts I would say you're kind of overreacting to the question, but seeing all of this, holy fuck, that's pretty cringy.
Good job on dodging a bullet.

The doctor one is the most cringe worthy, I don't get why doctors have such an inflated ego. Just cause you spent 6 years reading medical treaties doesn't put you above the human race. Any retard with an average IQ can do it.

never met any1 like that. wierd fag

Isn't irony supposed to be funny?

Nah it's typically for humor but can be empathetic, which is the definition I'm using here

I don't get it. What is ironic about anything that was said? Do you even know the meaning of the word or is there some hidden context I'm missing.

Yeah what his doing is fucking cringe worthy and needs to chill the fuck out. But you making your business public anonymously is a real cunt move to so you both are in the wrong here.

It's ironic because they two people I'm referencing are clearly both attacking each other with comments that could clearly be applied to them but they're so butthurt they don't realise it. Hence the pot, kettle comment too. It's honestly just not complicated - it's ironic because they're using language to attack others for being wrong that very clearly applies to them

>he thinks its real
stay in school kid

I am user that the user you replied to replied to. I still don't see the irony. I don't really see how what I said applies to me.

Why didn’t you block him after you decided to cancel?

You both make assumptions of the character of the people you're talking about and then tell the other person off for making assumptions.
>It implies he was only looking for sex.
You've no idea that there wasn't something cut off before about children, or infertility, or still having casual sex with other people.

Honestly there’s nothing thread worthy about this. He posted inappropriate shit, you block him and go further on your day. What kind of result did you like to achieve by posting it here?

>Guy is a cunt
>"Why didn't you block him??"
Even when it's not them, men don't want men to have to take responsibility of their actions and would rather blame women for not avoiding the abuse enough.

That doesn't sound like an unreasonable question to ask on a fuck app.
hahahahaha but you sure dodged a fucking bullet

I wouldn't really call that irony especially since I wasn't actually telling anyone off just a bit confused. Sure I made assumptions but the assumptions were irrelevant to the overall messaged which was simply she has no obligation to date anyone or even talk to them.
Also people are easy as fuck to read. The wall of text that follows OPs OP is indicative of desperation adding context to the first post allowing one to draw an educated guess of his intentions.
If humans were not simple as fuck psychology would not exist.

>blame women for not avoiding the abuse
It's not blame, it's confusion. Why would you not block this person if you were OP?

Asking about birth control is basic rudeness, not abuse.

I loves these. Makes me wanna improve myself and not acting like a desperate beta incel

Do you behave like that?

I would never do this. There's a big difference between a guy calling you a bitch in response to turning him down, or texting you fifty times in a row with progressively aggressive things. I want to know which one he pulls. The idea of a guy calling you ten times, threatening you etc, and you being unaware that this happened the next time you run into him is terrifying.

Different strokes for different people but I'd rather be called some names than kept in the dark about the direction it's going particularly if he knows where I live.

>That doesn't sound like an unreasonable question to ask on a fuck app.
It kind of is, especially going out of his way to ask it out of the blue, before they're even face to face sounds like he's going to whine to take the condom off. BC doesn't protect against STD's but pregnancy is a much more effective doom scenario.

>It kind of is
How? It's an efficient exchange of information. Isn't that the purpose of these things?

If you block him then he can't harass you, why would you keep letting him send you messages?

Because the only situation in which this really matters is if he's not willing to wear a condom (the entire time). Condoms are quite effective if used the way they should be, if she's not on BC making sure to check extra for damage before and afterwards is fine in terms of birth control.

He wants to know because he wants to ask to bareback, or he wants to calculate his risk if he pulls it off without her noticing.

Sure in theory it's 100% possible that he is anxious and just wanted to be absolutely sure. And for some reason chose to just ask it without adding that as an explanation for why it matters so much. It's just not likely at all. It's like when a woman asks a man how tall he is. Yeah maybe she just wants to know. But 95% she's going to draw conclusions from the answer. Not the best comparison but you get what I mean. Sly questions about soooo are you protected are quite common, and unfortunately so is arguing about condom use.

Also pretty telling that he tries to play off an entirely unfunny, serious question as a joke.

Because as I said, I want to know if he wants to harass me, because then I will make sure to avoid him if I run into him and so on. Telling a stranger no it's quite possible you get to see a side of them you haven't before. I want to know what I'm in for. Just a quick example but say a guy starts ranting about how I'm just a cunt that should go get raped, I deserve it for going around humiliating unsuspecting people, he would love to hear something bad happened to me etc. And then next week I run into him around the corner of my house and he plays it off as coincidence. That would have me inform people around me, change my routine, maybe make sure I have company over more often.

If I tell the guy no and block him, that's it. And if I run into him next week, well, that's a coincidence. And we might as well make small talk like grown up people.

No thanks. I want to know.

pffhht hahahaha this

Is this a legitimate concern for women?

Also, don't date Doctors/Medical assistance unless you're also in that level of crazy. The one job I say that should date within their field. Maybe not the same building, but there are usually several in an area.

Absolutely, yes. Not legitimate enough to worry yourself sick over (where I live, at least) but legitimate enough to be cautious, yes. Exes/spurned lovers are the most likely to hurt you or otherwise try to damage your life.

Also I am well aware that if something happens to me, everyone is going to ask me what I did to protect myself and to prevent this. It's ingrained.

I am not easily scared, I don't text a friend where I'm at if I go on a first date with a strange man, I have no problem walking home alone at night (I live in a safe country though), there's plenty of precautions that are not abnormal for women to take that I don't bother with. But this, yes.

See it this way: Men are logical creatures. When they fuck something up, they'll do anything in their power to fix it. That's how we function, that's how we proceed with pretty much anything. Now, when men are clueless (most of them), they'll adapt that to relationships as well, because it's seems to be the logical thing to do in their eyes. To us, it appears possible to convince someone into liking us, or staying with us when we don't know better. This ends up with men blowing up the girl's phone in order to fix things. This obviously doesn't work because women don't function this way.
Expect most men to act this way.

Odd because I know women who are actually concerned about walking home alone but not so much about the people they talk to. Maybe you should choose more carefully the avenues in which you seek men. Seriously I live in a pretty dodgy place but have never met a woman that was more concerned about the people she talks to than the people lurking around at night.
That might be because your either an ice addict or straight edge in this town so there's not much to worry if you know there not an addict.
Or maybe men are just sub-par where you are.

>but have never met a woman that was more concerned about the people she talks to than the people lurking around at night.
Statistically this is unfounded though. Most women are raped/harassed by people they know and not the stranger lurking in the bushes.
And a quick source because no one likes unfounded claims; ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/Digitization/146610NCJRS.pdf
>84% of victims knew their rapist

I don't live in a dodgy place, am certainly not a drug addict or someone running with drug addicts, but I know who's most likely to harm me.

Why? You rejected him because he made a distasteful joke, you were always going to avoid him anyway.
You're being dishonest.

Well no, I'm fine talking to (most of the) people I don't want to have sex with. And it is nicer for both people if you can just nod or say hi, what's up instead of being weird about how you didn't actually end up fucking.

Let's put it like this, if I was just turned off and annoyed I might duck a little to avoid being seen by him and having a moment. But if he came up and said hi I would make the most of it. If he threw aggressive stuff at me I would not talk and it would give me pause to see him turn up in my area.

Wow, Jesus, you dodged a bullet there.