Chabad Shooter Says Pewdiepie Financed Him LOL

Holy i am crying I cant stop laughing

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pewdiepie is now the Ebaumsword of mass shooters for fucks sake, this timeline is getting better by the day

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Mossad is Sad.

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no one is buying this bullshit, rabbi


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Getting the news to report Sam Hyde as the shooter was lulz, but getting Pewds to be blamed IN THE ACTUAL MANIFESTO is peak achievement. Not sure what else to say, genuinely amazing.

Sounds like he spent a lot of time on here. They still don't have the balls to shut us down.

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This is gold. Let's ramp it up!

Fucking kek.

Someone really needs to do something about PewdiePie...

So either he was fucking around writing that, or if it was a false flag (or just the message is) I mean jesus, why is it so important to get rid of Pewdiepie? guy isn't doing any of the shit people accuse him of. Largely less offensive than 80% of youtube, and media outlets are still after his balls.

Some Passover worshipers got shot by some people somewhere for some reason?

>manifesto is filled with chantard memes

The 400 pound hacker known as Jow Forums strikes again.

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It appears that PewDiePie is a meme like Sam Hyde is

>There are not enough bodies on the floor.

some people did some thing to passover worshippers


“Are you a Trump supporter?”
You mean that Zionist, Jew-loving, anti-White, traitorous cocksucker? Don’t make me laugh.

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not a joking matter you goyim pos

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It's a joke you fucking bot

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Remember lads:
Subscribe to PewDiePie

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>pirate flag
>"im crying"
the absolute fucking state of nu Jow Forums

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>shooting happens at a school
>"We need to tear it down!"
>shooting happens at a mall
>"We need to tear it down!"
>shooting happens in a house
>"We need to tear it down!"
>shooting happens at a mosque
>literally five minutes later: "We cleaned it up, everything is fine, lol."

No mention of Sam Hyde. Nothing suspicious about that. Sgt Jow Forums would have mention him.

Sub 2 Pewds

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Please tell me he said this in the manifesto? If any of you Aryans are going to do this again please name Zion Don and let the world know he's a Chabad zionist supremacist and that jews run the globohomo slave trade, PLEASE

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What if Pewds was actually behind these shootings and we just assumed it was a joke?

No fucking way.

Also, first I’m hearing about chabad shooter (just got on Jow Forums)


>I mean jesus, why is it so important to get rid of Pewdiepie?
Media has a new tactic of trying to silence all the attention and information of the shooters. Mentioning media clickbait themes in your murder manifestos gives a higher chance for medias to take the bait and start writing about you anyway.

Welcome to The Quickening.

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yes he say that

dude tried to start another shoah. only killed like 4 yids. already the media is making it about white people, the poor jews on passover etc etc.

essentially the polar opposite of notre dame and sri lanka

Shill would have difficulty saying that he is pro jew like they did with tarant

>make the news target Pewdiepie
>Youtube shuts down Pewdiepie
>80 million subscribers get angry

Can't make this shit up. Oh wait

Okay serious question: Tarrant has to be mossad, right? Literally every desire he expressed is becoming manifest largely due to the kike media responding exactly as he desired them to.

Uncle ted was buried and forgotten, Tarrant is getting all his wishes fulfilled.

Anyone that isn't an oblivious moron knows that the Pewdiepie mentions is a meme derived from the fan-base of Pewdiepie. However it's taken on such a popularity that people who don't even watch his material, now leave "subscribe to Pewdiepie" comments on porn websites etc as an ongoing joke. The more inappropriate the place to make a Pewdiepie call out, the funnier it becomes. This is the whole premise of the meme. What is more crude than mentioning Pewdiepie on porn sites? Maybe a funeral. The crown jewel however, is to slide it in a shooter manifesto. These people are not Pewdiepie fans, they just elevated the meme to the darkest levels possible.

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>80 million subscribers get angry
Does anyone actually care about watching some snownigger play mariokart?

YT kept recommending him to me and I was like, "WTF?". Guy's popularity is literally living proof of how fucked YouTube's old recommendation algorithm was. It's the only reason he's not flipping burgers or sucking niggerdick or whatever useless Swedes do in between welfare checks.

What a time line. Fuck me. How long til the next mass shooter leaves an alter. Behind with nothing but pewd pics and candles?


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Oh god, this is not good for Pew.. I can't stop laughing though

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Fuck, this shit is just another T-series false flag trying to take down Pewds

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As a Christian, I found that Simon of Trent bit very interesting. Really made me think.

i dont know man. i want to believe its genuine but the way its working out its hard to tell.

maybe we're reaching the circus-larity of clown world, and God is saying "yeah okay let's get this shit over with"

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(((T-Series))). Pajeets had nothing to do with it.

he CANT keep getting away with it!

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Wtf timeline I'm I living in? Lmaooooo

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Headline tomorrow will be "White Supremacist Shooter Mentions Donald Trump in his Manifesto"

Yes, everybody is mossad and nothing really happens. And only smart and well educated people like yourself can see the truth, the rest of us dumdum's think this guy just wanted to shoot some kikes.

>entire manifesto oozing of buzzwords only JIDF, MIGA niggers and communist throw around when trying to "insult" Jow Forums.

I don't know man. This one might be real. I really think it is.

He says he wanted to catalyze gun confiscation so people defend their rights.

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i know theyre already in full damage control, trying to take this offline, but i do wonder what the normie's reaction to this will be?

do you think with how the last few years are going, some people will scratch their heads and do digging on this subject of "those whacky yids" or are they still programmed to defend israel to the death?

Tarrant was definitely a loony wanting to kill people, this one is clearly a false flag. Just read the thing, it's a bot. It's clearly a bot. Or somebody who heard about Jow Forums from the retarded abused nephew of a redditor.

Look up William of Norwich, and the little Russian boy Andrei Yushchinsky.. There are many more.

found the triggered fags

Just like based (((tarrant)))
More gun control and speech laws

It's just throwing random Jow Forums posts glued together with poor syntax. I can do better in perl.

You are completely out of touch. Old boomer I assume?

For what I understand they want to push you out of your confor zone.

both threads about this are made by memeflaggots

I cant stop laughing at the madness

I believe he botched entire shot at enlightening anyone. He didn't name names, he didn't state specific events with the names tied in. For example, he didn't mention 9/11, the USS Liberty, the Lavon Affair, AIPAC, the constant Espionage, WW2, WW1, the Balfour Declaration, the "War on Terror", literally nothing. He was very vague .. He didn't really include any 'proof' or evidence to corroborate his claims. Really kind of a let down. Like he calls Trump a "traitor", but he doesn't go into details. He should have wrote something like this:

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It was a false flag. Seriously? Like no one remembers that post that predicted a false flag shooting on this date?

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He's got a point

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>being a homosexual

>He didn't name names, he didn't state specific events with the names tied in. For example, he didn't mention 9/11, the USS Liberty, the Lavon Affair, AIPAC, the constant Espionage, WW2, WW1, the Balfour Declaration, the "War on Terror", literally nothing. He was very vague .. He didn't really include any 'proof' or evidence to corroborate his claims. Really kind of a let down. Like he calls Trump a "traitor", but he doesn't go into details. He should have wrote something like this:

Which implies this is a false flag. Anyone who had actually taken enough of the red pill to do such a thing would know such topics, and their importance.

(((who))) is going to attack him now? I wonder (((who))) is going to Call ofr his channel's removal? He won't have a choice but to fight. Tbh this shooter acted like a jew to create division and conflict but for his own cause.

mossad didn't do it, it was the FBI who have a major field office in san diego

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Man, that takes me back.

Am I the only one who doesn't actually care to investigate whether an incident is a false flag or not? It's politically expedient to undermine official channels by muddying them with accusations of false flagging so you might as well do it by default.

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The suspect in the Poway killing today is a hardcore white supremacist named John Earnest,


I aint clickin that shit

This website is satirical

>being a faggot
I meant them all. The kikes are a problem, if they have a problem with that being said maybe they should stop being a fucking problem.

What the fuck is a "white supremacist" besides a crafty buzzword made up by the Kikes?

It literally means nothing and says nothing all at the same time.

Checked. This.

anyone screen cap his page before they took it down? i need a print out to hang by the door before the glowniggers knock.

>Write a long ass manifesto
>Only kill 1 old dude
How embarrassing

If these retards starting talking about the founding fathers and how this country was designed to operate maybe we could get somewhere. I think that should be our focus.

Are we almost there yet anons? I can feel it.

What the fuck

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FTP is better.

Checked and you forgot if you question it your crazy, heartless and immoral

Mossad just didn't have the heart to kill more than 1 of their own

Reminder that the vast majority of anti-jew shitposting and jew conspiracy theories is being propagated by muslim posters, not white fedora-tippers or far-right.

Acting like a normal anglo posters to attack jews is the MO of islamists and muzzies. Stop falling for their shit.

But it’s always whit folks. What are you talking about?

That do the shootings I mean.

People need to be reminded of George Washington's farewell address....

Ban schizos from Jow Forums and the quality would go up dramatically

It just doesn’t seem plausible. Who the fuck just loads a gun and shoots up jews in America? All these mass shootings make no sense.

Somebody who honestly, truthfully believes the things written about Jews here. I mean if you believe that the Jews are deliberately wiping your race off of the face of the Earth, wouldn't you be a fucking coward if you DIDN'T try to kill them?

anime Tomoko has a surprisingly decent rack

LOL read what he said

“How long have you been playing piano?”
Ever since I was 4. It was my favorite thing to do then. It is my favorite thing to do now. However, killing Jews might change that—I’ll get back to you on that one.

Nope this is some Cold War terrorism shit. Vegas, church shootings, synagogue shootings, school shootings. Shits not clear, it’s why no one wants to relinquish arms.

So in your opinion, has there ever been a real mass shooting where an individual not involved with the government just decided to shoot a bunch of other people?

When have you ever seen glownigger hyphenated? Just sayin