Anyone here that could tell me what this could be? It didnt really hurt before but now it kinda hurts when touching it

Anyone here that could tell me what this could be? It didnt really hurt before but now it kinda hurts when touching it.

Attached: Li7Mbin.jpg (808x871, 508K)

its on my thigh btw

It's a new nipple growing...
Are you serious? It's likely an ingrown hair.

yes am serious, is an ingrown hair really possible if i have never shaved that area? thought ingrown hairs only occur after you shave the area

I get them because I wear jeans all day every day. Ingrown hairs can come out of nowhere.

Ingrown hair.

Needle the pus out, you'll be fine.

Sounds painfull, but might attempt it

Slightly. If youre ready for it, no biggie.

cant i just leave it to heal and go away by itself?

yea, leave it alone and it will go away. If you get this kind of thing frequently, don't needle or burst them because it will leave scarring.

Do you have any idea how long it takes to go away, it has been bothering me alot.

Also i have had it there before, but at that time it just didnt bother me so i let it be

update, it now looks like this,

Could the little black parts be the hair/hairs?
And im guessing theres also some puss?

Sorry for the gross images

Attached: 4c6f8a31770ab619729c62fa85faeb00.jpg (1008x751, 459K)

If you're gonna pop it or something please film it, OP

I would, but i am still unsure of what is going on in this pic
and how to go about it

It's safer not to pop out but I know how irresistible that can be.

This stupid fuck...

Please fucking pop it and post it here

Put a hot washcloth over it. There's a good chance it'll pop and drain by itself that way.

i just put a washcloth in warm water and dried it out, letting it sit on the spot on now.

how long should i leave it on there btw?

sanitize a needle and pop that ting

Definitely an ingrown hair, you can see it. Just sanitize the area and sanitize a needle and get rid of that bitch. If you don't it could turn into something much worse, bc your skin needs that hair out of it.

Do not self lance it. Put some vicks vapor rub on it and a bandage over it.

Sorry dudes, looks like op was a faggot today, as usual.
I put a warm cloth over it and a while later touched it a bit and it just popped by itself, i squeezed it and queite a big ammount of puss came out, i also pulled out a hair i believe.
It still hurts a little bit but only when applying force to the area.
As you can see there seem to be 2 tiny hairs there, seem to still be stuck there so ill have to somehow get them out

Pic related is how it currently

Attached: 013b4087efe726b159b1386b792e71f0.png (464x338, 355K)

how the fuck dod i go about getting those little ones out

>squeezed it and queite a big ammount of puss came out, i also pulled out a hair
God damnit OP. I wish that were me.

lol why

These 2 little shit hairs are so small they arent even visible by the eye

You don’t love being able to pop an ingrown hair?

Oh you also currently suffer from one?
I mean it was nice but im still not satisfied with the way it is currently since it still looks a bit fucked

No I don’t have one, but I wish I did so I could pop it. It’s so satisfying. As for yours, it will go back to normal soon, maybe put some Neosporin on it.

You sure?
How about the 2 little hairs you can see in this pic

They arent visible anymore but i think thats becuase it has gotten a little bigger again..

Epidermoid cyst

As tempting as it is to mess with these things, leaving it alone is always better than picking. See if it goes away on its own first.

I suppose now that it already popped ill just leave it for a few days.