How heavily feminized social sciences are? I was yesterday at university and a guy at the recruitment office looked like he goes to stabucks to drink soi latte. I'm quite conservative so I expect some worldview conflict
How heavily feminized social sciences are...
If you do any humanities/arts programs and live in west europe or north america expect to learn a lot about why white people are evil. Don’t bother with it; study at home if youre really interested in the liberal arts and persue an actual science in uni
Source: your Jow Forums incel fantasies.
Grow the fuck up and face reality.
I'm from east/central europe. so I guess it's 50/50
Nevertheless, humanities and stuff like that are much more fulfilling when you study them by yourself with books you choose on your own. Degrees in humanities arent worth much in job prospects anyways.
What exactly do you plan on studying? And what are your career goals?
Seriously, what you said is simply wrong. You should not be in this thread if all you can do is spew teenager incel memes. You obviously have zero knowledge of the subject at hand.
Seriously just stop posting, you are so full of shit.
>What exactly do you plan on studying? And what are your career goals?
psychology. I want to open my own office and become a professor
Nah. My brother is doing a degree in social science at the moment, and he often complains about the type of people in the course. drumpf bad because this my education says so. White men also bad.
Eh, that shouldn't be too "feminized", whatever you mean by that.
Yes your opinions are shitty, you literally know nothing about this and keep repeating memes you've read on Jow Forums. Nothing you said connects with reality.
Which social science at what university?
>I'm quite conservative so I expect some worldview conflict
So? Education is supposed to expand your worldview. If you want pandering, find some online echo chamber.
Did business economics for the fun of it (uni is free in civilised countries) as a leftist and it wasn't too bad of an experience despite all the capitalist cucks and most lectors who unironically had golfing as a hobby.
Depends on uni but i'd say it ranges from extremely to very outside of specific ones known for not being like that either due to good neutral teachers or due to being conservative.
>Did business economics for the fun of it (uni is free in civilised countries) as a leftist and it wasn't too bad of an experience
Most of those fags agree with leftists on everything but economics.
They're more trot than trot organizations on average.
>and most lectors who unironically had golfing as a hobby.
Golfing hasn't been an upper-class only thing since like the 50s.
What do you mean by "leftist" here?
Shop around.
If they have a post-colonial department, offer whiteness studies or an above average number of non-native students keep looking.
>post-colonial department
What is it?
Socialliberal, anti-nativist, pro-mass immigration at all costs, cosmopolitan, anti-rural, xenophilic/oikophobic.
More or less what you can expect out of leftists and neolibs when they're not discussing economics.
Critical theory aimed at africa/apartheid etc but instead of studying the actual real world example they analyze how bad whitey is with no regards for the facts.
It's more or less an extra dishonest form of whiteness studies.
>whiteness studies.
is that a thing in the west? They don't teach that in my country
Primarily in america though like all malignant forms of cancer it likes to spread.
Pretty rough. I've taken 10 classes since returning to college. Early American history was trash, filler but required sociology class was trash, both English "writing" classes were trash, political science was o.k to start but trash at the end. Calc was o.k because they can't inject narrative into that, philosophy (ethics) was fine and basic bitch science classes were fine.
So, to answer your question; heavily feminized