Why is caffeine forced on to society?

Why is caffeine forced on to society?
I drink coffee and it doesn't make me productive at all, It kinda makes me foggy and live in a fake happiness that goes away until I have the next cup.

I legit think this is anti human.

Attached: coffee.jpg (1200x900, 164K)

>Why is caffeine forced on to society?
To wageslave more efficiently

sounds offtopic to me. Caffeine is voluntary and in no way related to politics

i feel like this just makes you mindless rather than productive. I remember being more productive when I was drinking water.

Uh, whose forcing you to drink coffee...

Honestly most people just love it...it actually works for them....

I don't think literally anyone feels societal pressure to drink coffee...wtf?

>It kinda makes me foggy and live in a fake happiness
This is actually what happens when autistic people drink coffee. For normal people it makes us more focused and alert.

Just because it sounds offtopic to you doesn't make it off topic.

Aftermath. In 1794, the government once again tried to impose a ban on coffee. ... Once the ban was lifted, coffee became a dominant beverage in Sweden, which since has been one of the countries with the highest coffee consumption per capita in the world.

I'm not autistic though.

Brainlets be like:
"OMG someone does this thing and I feel like I should also do it because monkey see, monkey do. OMG Jow Forums radicalized me!"

That would be beer, weed, cigs, vaping.

pfff not coffee

yes but it's still a voluntary choice and not forced.
you could argue the same about porn which is voluntary as well

>not coffee
>caffeine is a drug

brainlets always drink coffee to make up for low iq, sadly it does not help. it just gives the illusion.

It feels like i'm the only person in my classes that brings a thermos of coffee with them. Either 95% drink coffee only at home or not as many people drink coffee as you might think.

So much degeneracy in one pic. Weimar is here.

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I just like the taste. The stimulant effects energize the mind, not the body, and I can usually fall asleep after a post-dinner cup.

I don't like working with caffinated people. I drink water myself but caffinated people are more hyper, agressive and egotistical

Um okay troll. Apparently coffee is not for you. Calm down it's coffee.

>. it just gives the illusion.

Most people are not stupid as you think they are (assuming you have narcissistic type personality), they would actually notice if coffee gave them more focus and not be fooled by an "illusion" of focus...

I feel like retard arguing this with you. I'm gonna go puke on my keyboard now.

60-70% of americans have at least 1 cup a day.
caffeine has been linked ot many negative health effects.

>energize the mind

no it doesn't lol.

gotta puke up that coffee you drank huh its okay, it's not good for you anyway. It does give the illusion, just like cocaine enjoy your withdrawal.

nigga what? Caffeine doesnt make me feel anything other than awake for about an hour longer than I should be. This is useful for people who actually have to work for a living.

get fucked, commie.

All of those apply. Caffeine is just another drug. My post wasn't meant to criticize you, user.
Zoomers do kind of make coffee a big thing and a cultural icon.

thats why its shit, only good for wagies.

i'll drink maybe a coffee in the morning

but I average around 10 cups of tea in the day

Coffee is great, its one of the few things I still enjoy.

Attached: Coffee Dad.png (499x768, 250K)

yeah cus its a drug

Coffee is a good alternative for kids that had ADHD pills forced into them

200 mg of caffeine a day max, optimal in black coffee not pills.
Black coffee has an antioxidant effect, lowers DHT, and increases testosterone.
BUT if you exceed one cup, the opposite occurs. DHT increase, brain fog increases, and you gain no energy while but your heart rate still increases.
If you don't have the willpower to only drink one small cup of black coffee a day, don't drink coffee at all.

Oxygen a drug too yo, no joke. It actually harms body very slowly until you die. Not trolling.

Tell the lads about this.

>It kinda makes me foggy and live in a fake happiness
How much sugar you put in it? How many cups you drink a day?

yeah but I want to live a good life instead of living in a fog. thanks though, we all die, but life is still in the present druggie, enjoy your withdrawal.

>If you don't have the willpower to only drink one small cup of black coffee a day, don't drink coffee at all.

Coffee is given as rations to troops. That makes it political, brainlet

if you want production then drink espresso, people drink regular coffee for the taste, and for a few minutes of energy in the morning if you didn't get enough sleep.

Do you still enjoy having big breasted blondes walk around your house naked and watching one of them shower in your giant shower with big glass shower door?

If you want to energize the mind look up adrafinil. It's the precursor to modafinil/provigil. If you smoke weed you won't get high either.