White Nationalism/Conservativism/Right-wing != Accelerationism

Know the difference between the two:
>White Nationalism is the belief that the white demographic is declining. Citing statistics from the US census isn't violent. Their solution for preventing demographic decline is to cut and introduce programs that would assist the majority demographic.
>Accelerationism is the genocidal belief that you can prevent demographic decline by killing minorities. It explicitly calls for violence by emulating the actions of Brenton Tarrant, Robert Bowers, and John Earnest.

The solution is to ban Accelerationism.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>concerned about whites

Banning accelerationism IS accelerationism.

>We have a better dental plan than the F B I (eye eye). [/musicnotes]

This! OP is a faggot who doesn't get it!

that's not what accelerationism is. it has nothing to do with white nationalism. it was invented by commies to accelerate the downfall of capitalism

Good luck getting the CIA/FBI/Mossad to stop killing civilians

>have a wife and get 5 kids over 10 years
>remove 10 shitskins a year for 10 years
One has a net gain of 5 and the other has a gain of 100 over the same time frame. Which is more beneficial, I wonder?

Accelerationism is not limited to any given political party. Leftists who promote accelerationism for example, want to promote rampant Neoliberal capitalism worldwide, to speed up the process of deterritorialization and the implementation of multiculturalism, in hopes that when it grows too big it will push for a revolution or reform in society.

If the press starts associating that with fucking alt-right politics; they are truly some of the most stupid assholes anyone could ever see on TV.

Bump, how can we actually get this done?

You cant kill an idea

I can't believe anyone fell for it
Accelerationism=help your enemy

Getting whites to rehab Hitler and the Nazis image was a huge win for the Jews. They don't even have to win the debate, expose your real identity and you'll lose everything.

Our core issue is that we believe the citizens of our respective countries should have a say in immigration policy. The Jews and the corporation think they should decide immigration policy for us with no or dishonest debate.

That's it, if you think immigration policy should reflect the will of the people YOU ARE A NAZI.

Well yeah, that is because our country isn't actually representing the people it should have been. It represents corporations first and foremost, and because of that; all thise two-faced raisins in DC will sell out people in a heartbeat if they see another corporate paycheck. Bring in the exploitable wage slaves from south america! We'll pretend we are doing it because we are a "mixing pot" and that we are tolerant of others! It won't be for the corporate exploitation of foreign labor, at the compromise of native citizens and our middle class! Oh no no no.

Only more of this will happen , the elites are destroying countries to irreversible measure.

You have to be insane to think you're going to "debate" your way out of this.

fuck off CNN

First off, you can't bump your own post. Lurk more.
>White nationalism
is the belief that whites deserve a home and the ability to live amongst themselves. It's an ideological belief that whites being largely separate from the rest of the world through isolationism, will live well and progress humanity far beyond what would otherwise be possible, both for individual whites, as well as whites as a whole and even the world at large by having a white ethnostate.
It's more of an end than a means.
What you're asking about is the elimination of accelerationism. But you don't understand what the true alternative is.
Is the belief that pushing the left farther left, pushing the negative elements to their most extreme with as much acceleration as possible, will lead to the collapse of these negative elements, and provide a fertile ground against the negative elements that oppose white nationalism as well as for positive elements that promote it.
Is the notion that white nationalism can be promoted through peace almost exclusively. The negative elements can be suppressed through peaceful methods and removal of the extreme negative elements. Furthermore, the notion of reclamationism is that through promotion of the positive elements, white nationalism will rise on its own and survive the negative. Exposure of the negative elements (zionism, occultist child-predators such as bohemian grove goers, etc), as well as their methods (subversion of capitalism into lobbyism, overt and covert suppression), and to assist the defense and recovery of individuals and groups affected by these negative elements.

>the solution is to ban Accelerationism
wrong. You need to understand the actual meaning of the phrase you're talking about. Accelerationism isn't necessarily violence. In fact, one can argue that part of reclamationism is violence, and I'm for reclamationism.
Your qualm is partisan violence and domestic terror. Grow up

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is this accelerationism actually a thing on 8ch? is this a thing outside the chans?

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where is the proof of origin for tarrant's manifest and the paste bin dump of whoever this nineteen year old is. I haven't even read the damn thing and I already know the glow in the darks have you riled up. They are using these terrorist attacks on unstrategic targets that they orchstrated as a means to expand their control. (((accelerationism)))

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It's been a thing for many years actually, only recently it has become more noticed.

this one had been around the chans...most only know about the 2

"petition to ban" a set of opinions

Go away you filthy little shit

if accelerationism is the method of the revolution against jewish power explain how it works. why do you rely on emotional triggers?

in what way has it been a thing? any public proponents? roots of ideas?

That's not what Accelerationism is.

you do know that banning accelerationism would itself be accelerationism hahahahahaha

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But the petition itself will lead to accelerationism...Ok!

It goes all the way back to Karl Marx, but there are some modern proponents and thinkers.

>Accelerationism is the genocidal belief that you can prevent demographic decline by killing minorities
How can you be this retarded? Accelerationism is the belief that our current society is doomed to fail, and the best course of action is to accelerate towards the collapse. Accelerationists aren't killing niggers because they want them dead, they're killing niggers to make the news and further destabilize the country. It also isn't limited to white nationalists, there are even communist accelerationists.

Accelerationism doesn't have to be violent in and of itself. It doesn't even have to be illegal.

Trolling the Left to insanity = accelerationism.
Going on the dole = accelerationism.
Going innawoods = accelerationism.
MGTOW = accelerationism.
Voting for Kamala Harris = accelerationism.

If any of this leads to violence or civilizational collapse, our hands are clean. Even during the collapse, we can keep our hands mostly clean by encouraging the Left to literally eat itself. Pic somewhat related. It's probably the least distasteful shit sandwich future possible for us at this point.

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oiy egot a loicense for posting on this board!?

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>Accelerationists don't commit genocide for X reason, they commit genocide for Y reason!


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I have a few problems with these.
>Going on the dole = accelerationism.
Can lead to decadence.
>Going innawoods = accelerationism.
Might isolate you from your comrades.
>MGTOW = accelerationism.
We should still strive to have families despite our circumstances.

I think those points are more of an adaptation to the system rather than a destruction of it.

so karl marx didnt use the term and its only someones interpretation that a thought or two from marx could work in a accelerationist context.

i dont see anything else past this one manifesto from srnicek and williams.

practically there is no canon, a couple of articles and no environment for such an idea to really be alive, grow, mature..

yet it supposedly has followers... where do these followers get their inspiration?

i dont remember tarrant quoting any books on accelerationism, neither does this kid...

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Words and "isms" aren't important. Genetics is important.

environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics

Therefore, the only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination, that is to say genocide, which the Germans were too nice to do. Those genes are too harmful to everyone else.

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That is what also makes it so interesting, it has a very small foundation, yet in practice as you said; it can be interpreted from the actions of others as intention. I've heard some wild ideas on how Macron is actually an accelerationist, how he was trying to push higher taxes on the middle class and induce rioting to further destabilize society. Though I also think Macron is a fucking cuck.

I believe Marx refers to it as antagonism.
Antagonizing the proletariat. Which is essentially the same thing, because to us the “white” working and middle class is the proletariat.

so where does the average accelerationist get his inspiration?

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not a thing.

I think the more recent surge of self-proclaimed accelerationists are really just people who caught onto it through memes and discussion due to the signs of societal degeneration. I've heard from someone else that the appeal accelerationism has to an individual is similar to someone "wanting the newest and greatest phone"; basically they want to promote rapid change so they can be there to see the next phase/revolution in the world.


Jow Forums is defined by it's informational anarchy. To ban any single ideology or political proposition is to concede defeat and fear of those ideas, and an insecurity in being able to defeat those ideas in discussion and debate.
You are a coward and a nigger and should fuck off to r_thedonald.

what have you conserved


Jow Forums should be shut down if you can't ban this shit. We wont be used for terrorist false flags or real ones. We just wanted to talk about shit for adults without cry babies screaming "delete this comment!"

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>Jow Forums should be shut down if you can't ban this shit


The deepstate loves accelerationists, The commies at the CIA is pushing the accelerationists movement. They want riots. They want the beginning of a race war. That way they have step in with the political capital and excuse to take away our rights

What Ayn Rand did in Atlas Shrugged is pretty close to an economic accelerationist, but it was never called that of course. Just stand back and lets the idiots turn the world to ash.

I don't remember the name of the philosopher, but other anons pulled it up, maybe industrial revolution era who advanced accelerationism for other reasons.

It's just an idea. I don't see why it matters where it comes from.

The nazi's were right about the Jew, and you respect the political order's definitions for nazi's when you don't even question why those who desire racial sovereignty are now declared nazis. Brands are useful only on those who respect their imposed meaning. You are a larper who will always respect the boundaries set by your rulers.


That's like trying to ban your jew mom from sucking black dick. On and BTW accelerationism has nothing to do with blowing shit up you dumb disinfo jew

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do you want Jow Forums banned too? kike

they're already taking everyone's rights
gun rights, privacy rights, speech rights are all eroded year by year, via "compromise"
they don't have to do a damn thing because the liberals, the brainwashed college kids, the spics and the niggers will all happily sign their own rights away, and all those groups are growing while "conservatives" decline

KEK this user has a good point and the OP is a dumbass

Then you should be happy about it, great. No matter what happens we've "accelerated" towards...
what exactly?
The trajectory I see the world moving in is more and more anti-white. Are you really sure you want to accelerate that trajectory?

Funny how this coincides with whites rising...So sleepy

Funny how this coincides with whites rising though

>to accelerate the downfall of capitalism
to accelerate the downfall of (((society))) for the purpose of finally waking up normies to bring about change. It has very little to do with capitalism per se.

Acceleration likely towards societal collapse and revolution.

What about a petition to ban civilian torture, human experimentation and illegal spying?

No shit. Conservatives are starting to realize that. And an ideology of restorationism, not conservatism, is what is needed. Accelerstionism will not do what we want it do. Restorationism will

you couldn't turn things around at any point in the last 100 years, what makes you think it's going to happen now?

nobody gives a shit OP

everybody is going to do whatever they want regardless of what you say so strap in, enjoy the ride, and remember that the real Jow Forums were the anons you met along the way

Depending on who you ask, it is actually about pushing Capitalism so it will basically become so bloated it will implode upon itself. The only problem is, if a government entity is responsible for promoting collapse; that means they are trying to set it up so the end result favors them as a role in the next form of society..

thanks for the reply, im surprised tho you call it just an idea and that it doesnt matter where it comes from... i mean two morons just went on a killing spree to be part of this supposed movement that has no body or mind...

you're a fucking retard if you think you can win an election on such a platform
moreso if you think you'll be able to win one in 2024 or 2032

Ask yourself who benefits from this accelerationism meme? Communists do. Communists want you to elect the worst leftists. Communists want the country to collapse, and communists want a revolution.

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also the chances of OP being a shitskin are about 15 to 1.

>killing minorities
minorities for you means white
so in your case, sure. i can get down with not killing whites


>I see the world moving in is more and more anti-white. Are you really sure you want to accelerate that trajectory?
Yes that is the point! Make it so that white people are so uncomfortably aware of how stupid and asleep they have been that they will finally WAKE THE FUCK UP and DO SOMETHING! That'[s what accelerationism is. It is to accelerate toward the direction we are headed instead of going there so slowly that nobody seems to notice.

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The movement doesn't need to be spread through means of literature or figures; just the idea floating around is enough for people to grasp it. The idea in itself is something people value.

That’s not the definition of white nationalism, faggot.

Revolutions are a meme. There has never been a revolution that wasn’t orchestrated by elites or other states. Commoners have never gotten their shit together and never will. The American Revolution would not have happened without France providing heavy weapons and money. And 12,000 French troops. And half their Navy. And the entire Spanish Navy.


There was an old tv series from the 70's about a great plague killing most of the world, slowly people tried to restore civilization but one character tried to thwart the effort to get the electricity grid back online because he had been a Heroin addict before the collapse.

That is what's in store after the collapse, a bunch of ex junkies now clear of the drug with purpose not wanting to go back to their profligate ways

You can run as a conservative. Quietly consolidate power your first term and purge enemies from the bureaus, while mostly behaving to be re-electable. And then your 2nd term, you are not a lame duck, you are a God Emperor with nothing to lose and can tell the 9th circuit court to eat a dick. But you have to consolidate power first

nice try, schlomo

the problem is all the people glorifying previous shooters and whole mass shooter obsession on here. forget about ideologically motivated shootings, people here constantly talk about columbine, something that happened twenty years.


mass shooters are gay and boring. dont talk about them. dont glorify them. dont make memes about them.

if you sympathize with these people KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.

dont make threads talking about them or asking questions about them.

WN needs to separate from the edgelord scene.

i hate pol. its fourth rate versions of the kind of humor that was considered edgy in the late 90's. the jokes here mostly originate from when limp bizcuit was popular. it literally all vice tier humor from when vice was a pseudo zine trying to be shocking. im talking 1999 level faggotry. thats where pol is mentally. it has not progressed from that era.

>it is actually about pushing Capitalism so it will basically become so bloated it will implode upon itself
No you dumb kike. That's not what accelerationism is. Acceleration is acceleration toward out eventual end. In other words to accelerate the direction we are heading in anyway. But instead of getting there in 20 years we get there in 5. The idea is to move so fast as to wake people up into action.

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trump can't even fire some DHS nobodies who weren't doing their jobs without his own party in congress throwing a tantrum
the US government is designed for inertia
I can't believe people like you are still clinging to such fantasies

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>The solution is to accelerate the Accelerationism.
I agree. We need to shut down the chans.

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Make a dichotomy out of a popilation..
>glow more

QUESTION: while i "myself" am not a FAN of "accelerate"? WHy is *nothing* being done to combat "hate whitey" journalism? why is calls for violence AGAINST republicans not called out? I'm just saying. Everyone ALWAYS blames "white people" for being so "violent", yet... the incidents of political ciolence carried out "openly" year after year is RIDICULOUS. We need to "have a conversation about THAT"

so, by this accelerationism theory, we want capitalism to implode.. after that, what does accelarationism say comes after?

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I wasn't saying that is what it is, that is what some people believe it is being used for dumb fuck.

>communists want a revolution.
Nice try jew. We all know that the communists are the jews you absolute moron. It's the jews who fear accelerationism because you would rather boil the frog slowly. Becaie if you boil him to quickly he will jump out of the pot. And that's the goal of accelerationists, to get the the dumb frogs to wake the fuck up and understand that they are being genocided.

Well then WHY is it "fine and dandy" for people to come HERE and OPENLY CALL FOR VIOLENCE against white people? Why is it okay to OPENLY CALL FOR BREEEDING OUT whites? and NOBODY says a fucking WORD... but the MINUTE white people say "boo!" here comes the wrath of hell against us? FUCK the double standard.

> trump can't even fire some DHS nobodies
*Quietly* consolidate power. If it is too blatant and effective you get JFK’d. Trump probably doesn’t even care about them and a psyop to distract Langley and give them a false sense of security.

why is it okay to say PUBLICLY to "punch republicans in the face" just for being republicans? But its NOT okay to say "p[unch democrats in the face" and everyone LOSES THEIR SHIT. You cant have it both ways. Fact is? the "hate white people" and the "punch republicans" was getting pushed OPENLY and PUBLICLY with "no backlash", and this shit CREATES the shit you are compaining about.


>We all know that the communists are the jews you absolute moron
Literally what my image said
>It's the jews who fear accelerationism because you would rather boil the frog slowly
And obviously they think it's tipped past the point they need to. You see all the jews supporting the same insane shit as the other lefties.
>And that's the goal of accelerationists, to get the the dumb frogs to wake the fuck up and understand that they are being genocided.
And that's why you all promote nihilism right? You're full of shit

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This is what some people believe, and that is why they contribute to the fall of capitalism. What comes after accelerationism, is unknown. Perhaps a new ideology is adopted and a new society is born. If it is being staged by the powerful, then likely it is just a new synthesis of their envisioned society that supports their role of power over it.

>i hate pol
Then why the fuck are you here glownigger?

>chans get shut down
>some anons sperg out so hard they cut the power lines

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Britbong cuck, the idea of accelerationism is out here now. Banning it and ghosting it's public supporters will only make it stronger. It's like you never heard the story of Christianity's rise in Rome... bring better bait next time rookie.

I shouldn't come here anymore after a happening
This board will be full of "bad optics" and "sloppy job mossad" shills for weeks despite two patriots showing us the way. Peaceful protests and democratic voting is not working and never will. Jesus for fucking once, would you people fight for anything in your life or just die under somebody's boots

>bans accelerationism

o shi-

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We shouldn't ban any free speech on this site you stupid fucking bong