2008: mocking Christians on atheist forums and sharing making fun of Chick Tracts with friends, voted for Obama

>2008: mocking Christians on atheist forums and sharing making fun of Chick Tracts with friends, voted for Obama
>2012: voted for Obama again, lectured people on the internet about how the US should be like the Nordic countries in every way
>2016: voted Jill Stein, defended lolbertarianism on Jow Forums
>2019: complaining about "cultural marxism" on /v/ and /tv/ and siding with Christians against the secular left on almost every issue

How do I stop this? I'm becoming everything I used to hate.

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You stopped being edgy

Similar to me. It's called maturing. Most hit 16 and stay there mentally. Congrats

2008: You were in school and being indoctrinated daily
2012: You were in school and being indoctrinated daily
2016: You har just left school and are fully indoctrinated
2019: Real life has bitch-slapped the indoctrination out of you and now you’re here.

Similar story here. I think I've come to the realization that it's not about a left vs right or atheist vs christian, it's about freedom of speech. In the 90s through late 00s, the evangelical christians were very pro-censorship. Everything had to be censored for Jesus and the children. Now, it's the SJW left that is pro-censorship. We switched sides because the nanny state did.

It's just your natural response to the degradation of society. I was a Liberal up until around 2014, up until then I could count the number of negroes I'd met on one hand, and I Iived in a major city, at that. I then started to notice that there was something different about negroes. They were different from the other Asian and Native minorities that I had known before. Despite the Natives being lazy, They weren't stupid. This revelation led me to research race differences, which eventually led me to Jow Forums. Get used to it, You're here forever.

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Next thing you know, you will become so ignorant and uninformed that you will stop believing in Abiogenesis(the belief that you evovled from a rock).

2020: start reading books and realize all of Jow Forums is full of shit
2021:you're happy with your life because you dont spend all of your time hating brown people

Because you rightfully hated neocons, but misunderstood them as representatives of the right when they truly were not

Either join us, or don't.
There's no fence sitters allowed in what's going to happen soon.

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You obv. weremisguided in your youth, that's it and happens quite often .

You grew up user. Join the club.

Tranny detected.

>have bad opinions for over a decade
nothings changed and its probably not going to user

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jew larping tranny detected

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You're just a contrarian. You don't realize you caused what you hate. Liberal Atheism is culture rot. God bless.

I see nothing wrong with censorship of child porn or cussing. We censor good things. You guys censor Bible verses about the LGBT.

It's me


I voted for Hillary
One of the greatest shames of my life