well said President Trump
Well said President Trump
Yahweh bless you too
MIGA forever!
Fuck that was fast! lool.
Law enforcement didn't do anything. He called them up and surrendered.
Becuase Trump should have screeched “kill all kikes”?
Boomer here. All of my fellow boomer neighbors in my Rochester Hills, Michigan HOA are voting for Trump. Here is the kicker: so are our children. In fact, last night my based wife, friends, and I had a good chuckle over how Trump is going to demolish these commie democrat candidates over a game of euchre here at my place. Furthermore, everyone in both my country and yacht clubs are voting for Trump. You think these people answer the phone when the commies come calling with their polling questions? Pshaw. Moreover, while I wintered in my Naples, Florida condo, all of the retirees that I spoke with at bbqs, while watching the news, and over games of shuffleboard, pinochle, poker, chess, and checkers were all extremely animated about voting for Donald Trump. I guess there's not much you video game playing slackers can do about it, now, is there? Chances are you will all be too hung over, stoned, or drugged up to even manage to drag your sorry behinds upstairs out of your mom's basements to get into your beater cars and haul yourselves to the polls. As for me and my boomer friends? Yeah, we'll be up at 5 a.m, drinking coffee, chatting over some breakfast before we cast our votes for Trump in the early AM. My kids? I've already drafted an extensive and detailed will with the law firm that handles my affairs, and my children have been instructed that either they vote Trump, or they will each receive merely $1 out of my expansive estate; the rest will go to the NRA after I die. Speaking of which, I recently attended a Friends of the NRA banquet. I won an authentic Henry repeating rifle with NRA engravings via the raffle. I guess it's time for you commies, shills, demoralization trolls, "discord trannies" etc. to face the facts. And the fact of the matter is that Donald J. Trump will win a second term. Big money is betting on the incumbent winning. Maybe some of you looking for UBI, gimmedats, medicare-for-all should do what people like me and your parents did -- get a job.