I hate my parents for putting me into this hell...

I hate my parents for putting me into this hell. I've approached over 20 women this summer and every fucking one rejected me and treated me like shit. All my fucking life I've been rejected and treated like shit by women.

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Yeah probably because you're a disgusting creep. Post pics of your face so that we can affirm that you are a hideous, useless cunt who is not worth the vagina of any woman.


Not sure what you meant by this. Might explain why nobody takes you seriously and why misery suits you.

I meant that nothing in your dumbass post contradicts anything I said in the OP, retard.

Ah, very good.

So when do you kill yourself?

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To be fair - your parents didn't get to choose you either OP. Of all of your father's sperm that raced to your mother's egg that day - yours was the strongest and fastest. And so here you are. Here I am. Here all of us are.

As for your woman problems, it's obvious that you're at a place here you want love and affection but every time you've tried so far, you've been rejected. So that leads one to ask where you've been searching for the right person. Are you doing this online? At a bar? At school or work?

What type of person are you looking for and what methods are you employing to find them?

On the same note - are you a person that your ideal person would WANT to date? Are you taking care of your health? Are you employed with money to spend on dates and shit? What's your situation like?

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Still same lack of logic. Nothing contradicts anything I said, retard.

furthermore that quote is retarded

Instead of just saying that it lacks logic why not explain to us how those posts are lacking it ?

>parents didn't get to choose you either
total false equivalency and you fucking know it.

>knowing how to communicate with people effectively

It's rather obvious that he's an idiot who fancies himself as smarter than everyone else. That's probably why women find him repulsive.

I already did. Nothing said contradicts anything I said, so it's a waste of words. But the posters think it's some new revelatory information, because they're retarded.

Do you think they sat in front of a screen and said, "Hmm....let's have a male. Let's give him these colored eyes and this type of nose and this color hair and this tall and...."

No. They knew they were having a kid - but they had absolutely NO CHOICE as to what kind of kid they were getting. And then you were born. Just as you had no choice in being born, they had no choice in it being YOU that was born.

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You blamed your parents for this "hell" that you been put through , you did not gave any other reasons for why this rejection streak may happens .
The anons that you said lacked "logic " offered you some reasons as to why you are constantly rejected .
For example , your physical attractiveness , your arrogant nature .

You aren't even asking for advice, you're just posting some Jow Forums bullshit you fucking mong.

I can already tell that the reason women find you repulsive is because you're just an unpleasant person. It's not your parents' fault that you're like this, it's YOURS. Women will hook up with men of strong character regardless of how hideous they are. In fact, some chicks would prefer a man who is worse looking than them so that they don't have to worry about him running off with someone else.

So get the absolute FUCK over yourself and quit acting like it's everyone else's fault that you're an unattractive piece of shit.

I think I know what the problem is

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lower your standards. Maybe you are approaching 9s and 10s and you are just a 4 with no money.

Stop approaching hot girls on the street when you're a subpar creep.

You probably don't have a personality and act like a creep and are an unattractive person all around idk why you are trying to blame women for that.

You can't compare that. He also had no choice in how he looks in terms of genetics. They made a conscious decision to fuck and make him for whatever retarded reason, despite any negative possibility like having a disabled kid or an incel.