Any UKIP supporters here? Or ex supporters?

How do you feel about whats going on?

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ive never had faith in politics, its just an illusory show put on for the goy to think they have a say. uncontrolled immigration, a million taxes, and israel cock worship, i dont remember anyone voting for that


Sargon already has a couple of murders committed in the name of Kekistan, and its radically centrist ideology. The media better be careful about further radicalizing his followers.

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agree, but how do we change that, if we can?

National socialism and gas chambers

That "I need someone to trigger the alt rigth,do you have child porn?" was something made by a salty alt rigther,it was a fake screenshot he never said that.

It's peak autism time

I remember you bongs 2 years ago being all doom and gloom and wanted to vote labour because "eh the jews kinda don't like corbyn"

Are you bongs still in that state or has that changed?

How much longer before they start calling the Stepfather LITERALLY HITLER?

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I think their slander laws are actually pretty good. Them taking him out of context like that can get them in big trouble.

utterly baseless lie long since disproven years ago by the video above

Why the fact is the press so intent on destroying Basedgoon?

lol no

I don't like corbyn because he is a commie and islam dick sucker but he hates jews and will fuck our country up and we need that right now

I think we all know why.

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Certainly worrying if true but he is not running for MEP for that, he runs to protect freedom of speech and for Brexit to be delivered, he says. It just sucks that we can never find someone who ticks all the boxes. Either they have a degenerate opinion on stuff like this or shill for Israel.

The entire country needs to be recreated at this point new healthcare, new police etc we're so loony it's pathetic

>Believing a low quality article. Do your own research. He never said any of that

Imagine being THIS MAD that Carl of Swindon would dare to run for office.

nice self own there.

the joos are trying to bring corbyn down. i always hated him though.

That's why I said "if true". I'll watch the video that one of the anons posted above later. But desu the rest of my post stands regarless of the result.

Lmfao doesn't this just prove they are dirty dirty smear merchants?

Looks like sargon is imploding the UKIP. They were going to good as well. still might. Looks like sargon is part of the new word order and he is going to make a show of himself on purpose to turn public opinion against UKIP. I believe they will still do well though. They are better than the islam loving brexit party.

no ones mad burger.

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Based and Sargoy of Mossad pilled

I think the dirty dirty smear merchants are, kek

"Let's not turn this not rape into a not murder" is funnier

He argued that people mature at different rates and young people might have various ages they are ready to handle it. And that a good legal distinction for that are the current age of consent laws. The context was Milo's priest story.

>brexit party, which is headed by farage, loves islam
>kekistan flag


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>haha wow ohhhh myy goodddd have you even read Locke? I just cant, i just cant even

if you mean the jews, yep. im really glad he decided to run politics was never this entertaining

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/ourguy/ sargoy is going to redpill the masses on holohoax

i will fucking kek if he does i hope he does an interview and talks about it

so thats why the media all jumped on him lmao

He is really getting a laugh out of me recently. Sargon is overall doing great since he teamed up with Nick Fuentes against Destiny and that commie shitskin Hassan on Twitch.

exactly, you didnt think it was the rape tweets etc did you? he only started getting shit when the holohoax stuff came up,

I don't think we have an actual law here that plainly says holohoax denial is illegal but we have pic related so that probably covers it

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Was trolling some body and forget to take it off
Nigel is becoming a muzzcuck. It pretty well known to be the case. He's using words like 'intolerance'. He's starting to make a show of himself and sound like an 18 year old green haired dyke with this 'intolerance' shit. Next he'll be defending gays and femenism and shit. Brexit is the main issue though and he's good on that. Just seems like he split the votes either because of ego or because he's an inside job.

what the fuck? since when did sargon become a candidate for UKIP?


it's funny because an MEP has literally no power

yep, hes suffering for us to laugh. what a trooper.

believe it was the end of last ear but as we have general elections soon hes now in the press

this guy actually believes the rule of law is upheld for misfits and fringe people

And Count Dankula is running as well fyi kek
Yeah I feel that Brexit Party taking shots at UKIP doesn't really help Brexit at all.
It would still be a symbolic victory for a right wing darling to get a sit in parlament.

what a fucking sicko

did ukip not have any idea what a dumpster fire sargon is?

based Sargon will save UKIP

Count dankula is too ugly MUH OPTICS

It's a bad time to be doing it for sure. Especially over defending scum enemy muslim filth.

How do I feel? I feel like media is throwing out the kitchen sink in desperation

>NOW X says something new
>here is this out of context quote from years ago we dug up and some literal fake shit
Why does the fake news media want me to support sargoy?

How are things in Ireland are you guys as cucked as we are?

The Stepfather really seems to be scaring the media.

>MSM newspaper article
Oh, I'm sure that isn't completely taken out of context again or anything.

Anybody wonder why Farage is suddenly the poster boy for the media while UKIP are facing smear campaigns across the board?!

Farage already fired some of his staff for talking 'politically incorrect'.
Reese-Mogg (I forget her first name) is on the news whinging about receiving mean tweets.

It's just Conservatives all over again.
He is surrounding himself with posh snobby elites.

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Don't worry he is not winning, not even meme magic will do it. I mean seriously he posted on Twitter the other day some anime tiddies destroying the twin towers with the caption "some people did something", I couldn't help but almost die laughing, I know he loves shitposting and all but common at least hold it to give yourself a chance in the elections, also kinda suprised that Sargon has been getting most of the shit from media and not Dankula, guess Sargon is the biggest threat.

hes way too passive aggressive and flamboyant to get elected, that sky news shit looked like a mess

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Our Step-Fuhrer is a threat to the establishment

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The messages of him asking for child porn where very obviously fake and where shown as such pretty quickly.

>passive aggressive
I wish he had the sense to do that, but he is straight out aggressive and that's not how you persuade anyone

Jewgon of Mossad strikes again!

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yeah i dont disagree that much with what hes saying but he sounds edgy and not media prepared at all

How much do you imagine the chuckle man regrets going to war with the sweetie squad?